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Ada's Protective Mate by Jo Palmer (13)




“So the bastard cleared out the cave and left me hanging there,” Remi explained at the safe house. The imp had demolished a large lasagna, a chicken pie, a plate of fettuccini, and a steak. Now she was onto desserts.

Nate was impressed by her appetite. “Do you have any idea who this person is he says should have been in the cage?”

“The woman? No idea. I did hear she was way ancient and could defeat him in a battle of magic. The woman partner, who I think has some sort of hold over him, that’s why he tolerates her, said she’d help get this mystery person Grydern’s after, but only if he helps her.”

“Helps her do what?” Ace asked.

“No idea, they never said—oh.” She frowned. “She did say something about mates, and kill or take the mate power.” She shrugged and demolished a piece of cheesecake in two bites.

Scowling, Nate had a feeling the woman partner, whoever she may be, wanted Severo’s mate power, either to use or be destroyed. And Grydern definitely wanted to take it. Shit, they were all going to have to be extremely cautious if the psycho black sorcerer really had somehow managed to replicate the power bowl.

But who was this female Grydern was after? More magically powerful…that did lead to a couple of contenders, but you throw ancient in the mix, and that had Nate immediately narrowing in on one creature. It did make sense in one way and had him thinking of the spirit from the tablet. From the look on the faces of those here, they were also speculating.

“That’s enough questions.” Ada was hovering over the imp like a mother with her cub. It warmed Nate’s heart. He’d had flashes of insight into her softer, caring nature but never presumed to think she could be a protective mama wolf. “Remi’s been through hell; she needs to get her strength back. More triple chocolate mud cake, honey?”

“Oh yeah, definitely!” Remi grabbed the plate Ada was holding and demolished the cake. “Can I just suggest the chef add more chocolate?”

“Imps and their chocolate.” Divij appeared. “We are glad you are safe, imp Remika Alberts. After you have rested and been seen to by a healer, we will require a full run down of your time with Grydern.”

“Gosh, didn’t I just go over all of it?” Remi fluttered her lashes. “Any more cake?”

“Of course!” Ada frowned. “Where is Nico?”

“Recovering. He was attacked by a group of enthusiastic Revmiras while searching Las Vegas for the imp.” Div sat beside Nate. “He is safe and comfortable. Damage minimal.”

Nate was furious, waves of rage rolling off him. “Were the Revmiras caught?”

“No. Blaine, myself, Chase, and Lucio were busy protecting ourselves and Nico. They are becoming very crafty in the way they attack. It is alarming.”

“Come on, Remi, let’s get you cleaned up so the healer can check you over.” Ada smiled at Nate. “Thank you. I will always trust your word.”

He jolted, vibrating on the seat. A werewolf’s word was his or her honor; for Ada to proclaim she would always trust his was giving him sacred trust, an honor beyond belief. But even more, the look in those beautiful eyes tied up his stomach and made him want to pounce.

He’d noticed this morning, and at dinner last night, the brownie was far more receptive toward him. Did this mean she was feeling more than attraction? Was she, maybe, possibly, warming to him in more than physical ways? Damn, he wanted that. He wanted her, all of her. Attention, liking, caring, respect, lust, and mostly, love. He wanted her to know him fully, to think of him. The thought thrilled him.

“I must return. Ace, come.” Dare stood.

“Me? Why?” Ace peered up at his brother curiously.

“Jaac has run off, we should at least look for our youngest brother.”

“Ah, shit, that little fairy of mischief.” Ace and Dare disappeared.

“Are you remaining?” Div asked Ruine.

“Werewolves are searching for the annoyance; they don’t need me, and the fairy brothers must rest after how much magic and energy they used retrieving the imp.”

“They used a lot of energy and magic in that cavern. Why did Nico keep himself blocked, Div?” Nate picked up a hotdog the imp hadn’t eaten.

“Lucio said Nico felt he could deal with the situation, and your hunt was more important.”

“That vamp has an overrated opinion of his fighting prowess,” Nate growled, running a hand through his dark hair and messing it more. “Where is he?”

“At the vampire vortex.” Divij shrugged. “I feel Nico’s parents and Lucio have told him off enough. Whose idea was it to separate? We do not separate during these times of unrest. I have said this several times now, and every sentinel does not comply. I must take this to the council, and I am starting to think all creatures should remain in groups or return to Galdorcwide.”

“I’d see that being received well,” Ruine said.

“I understand why, Your Grace, but I do not believe it is practical.” Ada returned with a tray of drinks, Nate jumping up to assist her but being shooed back to his seat. “You should shower and let the healers check you over. Who knows what radical magic Grydern and his partner left in that cavern.”

“That is a concern.” Div agreed. “Yes, you are right, Counselor Ada.” He sighed. “Impractical.”

“Counselor?” Ruine queried.

“What?” Nate sprung forward.

“While you were retrieving Remi, I accepted an official position with the Galdorcwide Council as a lawyer.” Ada poured them each a coffee. “Later we will discuss the changes the council and Galdorcwide require, Your Grace.”

“Of course, make an appointment with my assistant, and please, address me as Divij.”

Ada inclined her head then smiled at Nate. “Remika is praising you, and Prince Ruine. She would also like to acquire your telephone number.” Ada glanced at the demon and rolled her eyes. “Prince Ace she is now cautious of, and his brother she is just enthralled by.” She smiled over this, a rather scary smile actually. Brownies were always scheming. Her attention fixed on Nate. “You must have been burned by the bars.”

Nate shrugged. “I’m healing.”

“Grydern knew the sentinels were close to locating his hideaway and must have had another setup. We are not going to find him easily, I fear.” Divij mused.

“Nope, but we’ll hunt him down.”

“We should return to Galdorcwide. I need to interrogate the imp and search the cave myself—”

“Speak delicately to the tortured imp,” Ada interjected.

Div, not used to being interrupted, frowned, then sighed as though put upon and nodded, casting a mild glare at Nate.

“Of course. I wasn’t informed which area of the council you would be working for and representing, Counselor Ada.”

“I petitioned for a position of Counselor for the poor, seen-as-lesser-creatures brownies, Your Grace. I will represent and defend them in every area and seek to improve conditions for them overall, including their inclusion on the council and in higher industry.” She dipped a cookie into her coffee.

Nate tried not to groan. He foresaw trouble ahead.

“I also was offered the position of council lawyer which I accepted, on the defending side,” she continued.

He winced. Oh man, talk about conflict of interest. She smiled at him, and Nate’s worries blew away with the wind.

“Go have your wounds seen to, werewolf. We should return to Galdorcwide to check on Nico,” his brownie ordered with soft sternness.

Stunned, and warmed, he didn’t protest. Some healing lotions might help sooth some of the burns his natural healing was having difficulty with. He also wouldn’t mind a few moments to deal with his anger over Nico’s ambush and his arousal over his brownie mate showing such an interest in him. Yeah, it was because he’d retrieved her imp friend, but he was glowing and basking in her attention. There wasn’t anything wrong with being seen in a good light, it may highlight his other good attributes and awaken some inkling of affection, other than temporary lust. And there had been a few nice things said to him by his brownie before this, so he was beginning to feel some confidence she liked him.

After a shower the healers lotioned him up, and the group was soon headed through the portal back to Galdorcwide and his errant vampire who needed a good telling off.




Glancing at her phone, then at the odd-shaped building in front of them, Penny frowned and checked the mailbox.

Yep, this was definitely the right address.

“Is it tilting?” Ruine, the big hunky demon, shifted his head to the side, studying the slanting building.

“It’s sinking into the ground.” Chase seemed pained just looking at the dilapidated old building with its sagging front deck, missing roof tiles, and fallen-down fence.

The building’s appearance didn’t bother Ruine; he was always up for war, mayhem, and fighting and never minded getting dirty and wrecking things. As a blacksmith and carpenter, he liked fixing things and using his hands. But the place obviously gave Chase hives. He was right this minute scratching his forearm. For cousins, the demons were worlds apart, yet extremely close.

Chase liked everything to be straight down the line, problems dealt with. This in front of them made his teeth hurt from clenching his jaw. Penny tried not to smirk and nudged a fence post. It crumbled to the ground kicking up dirt onto their shoes. Chase’s dark blue eyes flashed. Oops. Demons weren’t known for their easy-going, friendly, forgiving natures. Nope. Revenge, mayhem, a damn good time, and deal making, that's what got them off. Weird, lusty, hunky, fantasy-inspiring creatures.

The building, which once may have been a charming little two story cottage, was on the outskirts of a tiny little town near a lovely deserted beach miles from the nearest anything. It was like life stood still and was forgotten, leaving whatever was here to crumble and wither away.

It gave Penny the creeps.

Hopefully this address didn’t pan out like the last four. There had been a glorious balcony apartment in Paris, a villa in Istanbul, a mansion in Hawthorne, England, that was basically just rubble, a small, neat little house in Montreal and now this. A derelict, crumbling old cottage along the coastline of New South Wales, Australia. An amazingly beautiful spot, sure, but the cottage made everything feel…desolate.

The wind changed, and both Chase and Ruine drew in sharply. Demon senses were always attuned and alert.

“Umm?” Penny opened the mailbox, wincing as it crashed to the ground and broke apart. “Oops. Can you fix that, Ruine?”

“Not worth it. Got some glue or immortal magic?” The demon’s gorgeous black hair, silky straight, fell to his shoulders as he turned slowly in a circle. “Sense we’re being watched. Not sure where from.”

Interesting, Penny mused, wondering why anyone would be watching, and how good the person or creature must be to slip mostly under big hunky Ruine’s radar. She twirled a finger at the mailbox, frowning as it joined back together completely wrong. Strange, just like the sinking house. She could sense something very elusive. It was like…an illusion?

“Mail.” She slipped an envelope out and held it up. “Ms. Perry Twinkle…that’s a joke, right?”

Chase smiled, blowing her mind a moment. Ah, how she lusted after the demon. Assigned to speak to the fairy who may have originally owned the crystal covered in bad fairy juju that werewolf Nate had found in Las Vegas had a few added benefits.

One of course was running down information. She adored information, loved gathering it, gaining it, spreading it! Two, Ruine had elected to come along. He was curious about the connection to the crystal with Grydern, and as Chase was concerned about them being out of Galdo with Grydern and Revmiras running amuck, he came along also to ensure their safety. She could look after herself of course, but she wasn’t a nitwit!

Grydern and the Revmiras were miseries and dangerous, and this way she got to spend her time with two incredibly hunky, lusty demons! What more could a girl want! Information, gossip, and drooling over the demon cousins. Umm, fantasies.

And lastly, she got to meet—well, she might get to meet if this address or the last two on their list, panned out—the extremely elusive ancient fairy, who was going by the name Perry this decade. She was the most ancient of fairies, and possibly any creature. She was certainly much older than the Fairy Queen, Giselle, and the other royals of Galdo, and older than the wise council members and the grizzly demon who loitered in the demon caves behind the big hulking black demon castle.

Demons required an image overhaul. Perhaps she could suggest this to Div and see if he could diplomatically put the idea to Chase. As it was, the demons were making their own problems by not updating and being just a smidge hip. They needed to let go of the old fable of demons being dark and sinister, it was far too cliché.

Penny was certain the demon castle would look very trendy rendered and painted shades of slate gray and white. And some flowers wouldn’t hurt, or a tree or two in the barren gardens. All that black dirt was rather off-putting.

The fairy though had Penny curious. She had heard about the creature once or twice, no one ever saw her except a few of the fairies when she went into a type of hibernation, sometimes for a decade or two, and more recently, centuries. She returned to Galdo, and the fairies watched over the ancient on in a special location no one spoke of, and as soon as she awoke, the fairy left. That had been a year ago, and in this time she had supposedly moved seven times, had not returned to Galdo, and had ignored a number of invitations from the Fairy Queen and others.

No one would actually reprimand this ancient being. She was elusive and so awesomely powerful no would dare.

“Supposedly,” Chase said.

“Have either of you met her?” Penny asked curiously.

“Seen her at a distance.” Ruine sniffed the air, still keeping a watch out.

“No. Let’s do this.”

“She’s here, isn’t she?” Penny asked a little excitedly. This fairy was a bit of a legend among creatures.

“Some creature is; we shall soon discover who.” Chase nudged the gate open, it falling off its hinges and dropping into an overgrown shrub. He frowned at it a moment. “Fairies are nature lovers. They have an absurd amount of gardens, all well tended. Their residences are all overstuffed and full of art and shimmer. I have doubts this residence belongs to the one we seek.”

“Absurd?” Penny grinned. “I take that to mean demons couldn’t care less about gardens.”

“A waste of time.” Ruine trampled bushes and wildflowers behind her.

“Fair enough, though you could always hire a gardener to maintain them. As it is, everyone says the demon castle is a bit…never mind.” She flashed a fake chagrined look as both demons’ eyes narrowed on her. Chase gave her the motion to continue what she was saying. “Nothing, forget it.”

“What does everyone say?” Chase murmured, an edge to his voice.

“That the demon grounds must be as barren as they look. Other creatures say demons just don’t know how to make things grow, only trample.” She smiled benignly. This was just sooo easy!

Ruine smirked. “I like trampling.”

“Of course you do, hon. And you are wonderful at it.” He was wonderful at so many things. Intimidation, fighting, demon dealing, stomping, crushing, partying, practical jokes, being a blacksmith, looking lusty and sultry and very touchable—sheesh. Penny shook herself. She needed to get laid.

“Work with us on pretending to be our sister, darlin’.” Ruine gave a wink.

“Sorry, slipped for a moment there.”

“There is a grain of truth in among the coercion you spoke.” Chase glanced at the front three steps of the house. He looked reluctant to walk any further but was resigned to having to do so. “Ruine, have Glitterbug arrange for gardeners immediately. Demon soils are just as fertile as any creatures!”

Damn men had a need to prove their prowess and fertility. Made them an easy target when trying to convince them to your way of thinking. Maybe she was a better immortal negotiator than she previously thought. Div would be so proud, she thought happily.

Making it to the front door without the steps falling apart and floorboards snapping on the deck, Penny gingerly followed Chase to the front door with Ruine behind her. He was still keeping watch around the house and toward where he had motioned someone was watching them.

This place was a crumbling shack. A dive! Fairies enjoyed luxuries, creature comforts, cities, lots of activity and others around. It made no sense the ancient fairy, Perry would be here.

Still, with that look of reluctance, Chase knocked on the door. Immediately, surprising them all, it was flung open.

They all stood in shock, none of them moving. Ruine even forgot to keep surveillance and Penny didn’t feel her phone vibrating in the pocket of her hip new jeans. Instead, they all stood staring at the person now standing in front of them.

That was until she rushed out past them and flew down the steps to a tiny spot of grass on the front lawn. They all turned as the most exquisite creature any of them had ever beheld, deposited something so foul smelling it watered their eyes, onto the ground.

“Gracious pleasures!” The petite, exquisite fairy said in a soft voice that had the most peculiar accent, a mix of new English, old English, and a foreign country somewhere long past forgotten. “I shall remember never to mix those three ingredients again!” She turned and smiled up at them, still standing on the porch. “Hello creatures of Galdorcwide, I welcome you.”

A very old Galdo greeting. Chase recovered first, bowing courteously.

“Good day, madam. We are hoping to locate fairy Perry… Twinkle.” He smoothly covered his grimace with a devilishly attractive smile. “I am Chasen Diablo of the demons.”

The fairy beamed up at them all. Penny swore she literally sparkled in the fading sunlight, a scattering of gold dust covering pale skin, and long sandy blonde hair curled down her back. She was petite, five foot two or three, very slender with delicate, exquisite features. With all that fairness it was a striking contrast that her eyes were a very dark chocolate brown. Warm liquid chocolate.

“The eldest demon prince. What a lovely pleasure. I am Perry…Twinkle? Is this the new name given to me? I had no recollection of what the vampire allocated. Quite strange, truly, I think the creature may have been a touch bedazzled, though why I cannot fathom. I certainly did not touch him. Please, do come inside.” She breezed past them into the house, flashing an enchanting smile that had them trailing after her demurely. “I took up residence just two days ago…or was it four? Time slides by without my knowledge these days. Do come in.”

Dazed by the flitting fairy, Penny and the demon cousins followed her into the ramshackle cottage. Penny held back a wince at the dust and mess in a small sitting room, continuing on through a doorway into a bigger room. There they all looked around with interest.

Every surface was covered by some type of machine and container, the room full of tables and equipment. Lush plants grew out of containers, the windows were open letting a fresh breeze through, and there was absolutely no dust anywhere. Obviously this is where the fairy spent her time.

The fairy herself was not what Penny was expecting, nor, she thought, had Chasen. Ruine said he had seen her from a distance yet seemed bemused and enchanted. She was an exquisite little creature who looked to be very young but by all accounts was the oldest creature alive. She flitted about, seeming to forget them instantly as she gently touched plant after plant and inspected machines.

“Tea making.” Ruine murmured, sniffing the air. “I recall this, it was the best tea I ever had and could no longer get, the maker going into hibernation.”

“Yes, Mother covets the fairy’s tea. Not the best set up for making such a delicacy.” Chase stepped forward. “Fairy Perry, could I offer the services of my demons and a building for your tea making venture. I assure you, my demons will be at your beck and call, we will provide all you require.”

With how very ancient this fairy was, Penny was more than a little surprised to find her living in such dismal surroundings, attempting to make reportedly the best tea in the world out of pots and a few plants. Wouldn’t the fairies be taking care of their own legend? And after all this time wouldn’t she have enough monies and assets in reserve to choose to live and support herself to an extremely high standard.

So many questions, and yet more to ask and find out from the fairy. Penny was just dying to quiz the exquisite creature on everything she’d seen and learned, on her experiences and her power, for the delicate little thing practically oozed fairy flair and power, barely containing it.

Now she deemed to smile brightly at Chase. “So generous, demon prince, thank you.” She glanced about. “Dismal, yes, but I had a momentary thought to attempt something new this rising, so I came here to begin…is the term, ‘from scratch’?” She waved a hand carelessly. “Is it not profoundly unique? I thought to turn it beautiful, but alas am finding difficulty after difficulty.” She shrugged and waved a hand, gold rimmed fragile teacups appearing on a tray with a gold teapot. “Tea?”

They all accepted. Chase began to demon deal without the fairy having to do anything but accept and be provided all she needed. Penny quickly learned Perry was impressively brilliant at not answering direct questions and could redirect the conversation with ditsy, lovely chatter and babble. Ruine looked ruined, dazedly watching the fairy, Chase was clearly charmed, and Penny marveled at how even she, who could appreciate charm, loveliness, and beauty, was falling for the ancient one.

“You have a crystal on you, Prince Ruine. Would you care for me to cleanse the badness?”

Chase had introduced Penny and Ruine properly when they sat down for tea in the dusty, horrible sitting room, but no one had mentioned the crystal. It was concealed in a special container so as not to affect anything or anyone with its evil, negative magic. Ruine removed it from the pouch then the container and held it out.

“Are you sure you want to touch this, Perry?” Ruine could be protective sometimes, was in an old demons nature.

She smiled a dazzlingly, sweet smile and took the crystal. She didn’t seem alarmed in the least by the contact and after a half second it was cleansed, its original beauty shining brightly.

“Amazing.” Penny leaned forward in her seat to study the gem. “Research performed at the museum in Galdo after a recent break-in leads to the belief the crystal belonged to you. Do you remember it, Perry?”

“I feel its essence.” She looked to be far away, recalling something that for a very brief moment showed sadness and dismay, even pain. The look vanished, and she was tranquil once more. “The crystal was mine once, no longer. It has a new mistress now.” She motioned for Penny to hold her hands out then placed the crystal in her palms. “The imp Remika Alberts. A gift and a guide.”

“How do you know of Remika Alberts?” Chase asked intently.

Perry sat straight and perfect in her dusty chair, not concerned by Chase’s tone. “I heard from an acquaintance of her misadventure. More tea?”

“Thank you, no. Perry, how is it the crystal came to be in the museum if it were yours?”

“It was misplaced. I travel so much I honestly may have lost most items I have had over the centuries.” There was a loud pop from the other room, Perry excusing herself to investigate. Ruine went with her, probably to protect.

“Chase, she has evaded and not answered most of our questions, yet I do not feel like she is lying, just—”

“Leaving out truths.” Chase nodded. “I felt it too. Right now I don’t know what to make of it, of her, but I have an uneasy feeling.”

“She is far from evil, in fact, she is probably a bit detached. Is it the curse, do you think?”

“Undoubtedly. They say the ancient fairy does not feel love, so there may be repercussions in other emotions because of this.”

Fairy Perry was cursed never to love, never to be touched. Those that fell for her were cursed not to have love returned and were sent crazy from it. Penny had read in an ancient scripture of one such occurrence when Perry lived in Galdo for a time. The story told how a creature was driven to insanity after falling in love with her. The ancient fairy was careless with feelings, and the creature ended up tearing half the city apart and could barely be contained by the sentinels. They were unable to destroy the love-struck creature for some reason. Penny hadn’t read all the scripture, so she didn’t know how man was stopped.

“She was cursed twice, wasn’t she?” Penny was making notes on her phone.

“I’m not sure of the true story, Penny, only that to break the curse, or curses, her true name must be spoken. And that knowledge was lost millennia ago. And no, she cannot reveal her true name for the consequences are death.”

“She’ll die? Can a curse truly kill?”

“This one is capable. The bad part—”

“Being killed for saying your own name isn’t bad? Sheesh, this doesn’t sound good.”

Chase gave his cute lopsided smile. “Ancient times and their curses are never filled with the happy jollies.”

“Happy jollies, I like it.”

“Cheeky. There is a clause. When the fairy and her soul mate connect souls, the mate has forty-eight hours to say her name, or she will perish. And slowly over that forty-eight hours, she will suffer growing pain until she either dies or her name is spoken.”

Penny felt creeped out. In fact, she realized, she’d been feeling creeped out ever since arriving here. As an immortal who knew all about magic and curses, and having now met Perry the fairy, she came to the logical conclusion. A part of the curse was to drive others away from the ancient creature, instead of being drawn to her like they would naturally be.

“That’s a nasty curse. Either someone really hated her, or she did something really horrific.”

“A jealous imp and powerful magic. Only Perry would know the reasons fully.” Chase stood as Perry rejoined them. “Your machines are fine?”

“Yes, thank you, just a little malfunction. The wiring in this house is abysmal, so I must keep using magic to override any irregularities. More tea?” Perry placed a silk pouch on the table, a few very old coins sliding out.

Immediately, Penny recognized the coins, though these did not hold dirty, horrible dark magic.

“Thank you, yes.” Chase accepted the tea.

Ruine nudged his cup closer, the small, delicate little thing looking ridiculous against his big hand. Perry obligingly poured him another cup of the delicious brew.

“Perry, these coins. Are they very rare?”

The fairy’s eyes met Penny’s over the rim of her teacup. The knowledge and shadows there were enthralling.

“Extremely. I only have this small pouch of them. I heard that there are none left in the museum. I brought them out to give to you to return to Galdo along with the others to place in the museum.” She smiled serenely. “Jaac did not have time after I cleansed the last coin he found in the museum. He has an important task to attend to and minimal time to do it in.”

They all stared at Perry, bewildered, a little stunned. Chase carefully placed his teacup on the saucer.

“Would, perchance, Jaac have been to visit you in the past few hours?”

“Yes,” Perry said brightly. “Such a fun young fairy, though very serious. He was so concerned about the dark magic on the old coin and what it meant. It was very bad fairy magic.” She frowned over this for the briefest moment then her face cleared and she smiled. “Like the crystal did, though they both had a different purpose. Fruit?” With a wave of her hand, a large platter of delicious fruit appeared.

They all ignored it, still reeling from the knowledge that the youngest fairy prince had been here with a bad fairy magic ancient coin. And if Penny wasn’t mistaken, the dazzling ancient fairy had just subtly, purposely, informed them of this, in a rather ditzy way.

“Devil take the boy,” Ruine grunted. “I’m guessing you didn’t ask where the brat was going, Perry?”

“Oh, he murmured something about saving souls and love and took some tea.” She beamed a smile. “I think you will find he is doing something very good.”

“Ah, except he isn’t allowed in the Outside by himself and with the Revmiras running around, it’s too dangerous,” Chase said quietly. “Perry, can you tell us where Jaac went?”

“Umm, he did not inform me, dear…I am sorry, I forget how young ones have to be taken care of. I can look for him if you wish?”

“Not necessary,” Chase assured.

“I saw the coin for a split second at the announcement of the Revmiras problems in Galdo in Jaac’s possession. Because of what was happening with Remika, I completely forgot about it.” Penny said quietly to Chase and Ruine.

And now of course she felt bad about it as she may have been able to prevent Jaac from running wild on the Outside and placing himself in terrible danger. She turned to Perry who was calmly snacking on a slice of melon.

“The coin belonged to you?”

“No, I felt no connection to it. It once belonged to the Montello royal family. It was the first coin ever produced. I believe that many centuries later it was given as a gift to Giselle’s betrothed.” She shrugged, dark eyes losing their spark and becoming a little vague. “Please, do try some fruit.”

“Been a pleasure, fairy Perry.” Ruine stood up. “I’ll scout around outside.”

When he left, Perry flashed a small, off with the pixies smile somewhat in his direction. Still bemused, in awe and dazzled by the fairy, Penny felt she had missed some important details. There was something that the fairy said that was telling her to go back to their conversation and try to figure it out.

The woman was dazzling and appeared so much younger than Penny. All creatures when reaching their twenties stopped aging physically. Penny looked forever twenty-five, whereas Perry only twenty at the most.

“You were able to remove the evil magic from the crystal with great ease, Perry. I have only ever seen Dareios of the fairies able to accomplish such a feat. Is it your talent? Or are you as incredibly powerful as they say?”

“Dareios is undeniably immensely powerful.” Perry murmured distractedly. “I dare say he may be nearly to my strength now…” Perry seemed surprised she had said that and with a smile and a shrug, tinkled a laugh. “Gracious, I rarely think of magical prowess.”

“But you are the most powerful, you are an ancient. Perhaps you were always this strong?” Chase queried.

Perry nodded. “Oh yes, always.”

Penny loved the openness. Fairies had no modesty about their beauty, what they liked and magic.

“Is that why you were cursed?” Possibly rude to blurt out such a question, but the fairy wasn’t put off by blunt questions, and Penny was just desperate to have the scoop. No one had ever been able to tell her the exact reason, and if she found out, she would have one of the best pieces of information ever.

“No dear, merely part the reason for it,” Perry said calmly, as though not bothered by a pesky curse. “As is one of my magical skills. We all have certain things we are talented at, something a little different, unique or more powerful. A few fairies are capable of giving emotions with touch… Gracious fairy wings, I do believe Queen Giselle’s sister-in-law, Tasmin, has a certain level of the skill.”

“I wasn’t aware.” Chase paused in selecting a piece of fruit, frowning. He did so like to be up on everything, great for his position of sentinel and royal demon.

Perry gave him a beaming smile. “Fairies are happy creatures; we have little need to give emotions to one another usually.”

“Perry, the problems we are having with the Revmiras pose a great threat to yourself. They will want you on their side, considering you spend all your time on the Outside. If they cannot persuade you to their way of thinking, they may try to use you against us in other, not so pleasant ways.” Chase brought the conversation back to one of the important reasons they had come in search of Perry.

She pouted and waved a hand dismissively. “I am of no interest or importance. I will be very pleased to give you all some tea to take home though.”

“Who do you think put the bad juju on your crystal and the coin?” Penny asked, ignoring that Perry may have been politely directing them to leave.

“It is old magic.” She said absently. “As in, placed a long time ago. I really know not.”

Chase recoiled just a little. Perry had lied. And she was hopeless at it. Seeming to guess this, she sighed then smiled and sipped her tea.

Penny laughed, unable to help herself. “I very much wish to ask you more questions, Perry. May I visit you again? Do you plan to stay here? Galdo is probably better for your tea making business.”

Perry paused, the teacup not reaching her mouth. “Oh no, I cannot possibly stay here! I find I am useless at beginning from scratch. Do come again though, visitors are so much fun.”

Chase concluded it was time to go after stressing the importance of Perry returning to Galdo as soon as possible. When he said he would inform Queen Giselle and the council, she pouted but did not comment.

At the door Perry rose, hovering above the ground, face serene and at ease.

“Thank you for your concern, but I will remain here and see to my own safety. As for the items, I know not how they will lead you to capture Grydern and the desolate one. I must apologize, but I have another appointment. Please, do visit again soon! Bye!”

With that the door closed, and they were left standing to look at a weathered, buckled door.

“We were dismissed very nicely. I sort of feel all warm and gooey.” Penny grinned, hopping down the stairs. “I think that was one of the strangest meetings I have ever been to.”

“Yes, it was…unusual. I do not recall mentioning the items had anything to do with Grydern. And who, the devil take it, is the desolate one?” Chase growled low. “We obviously know nothing.”

Penny stopped hopping down the overgrown, broken cobbled path. She turned and looked back at Chase who remained standing on the porch, body still, eyes flashing.

“What does that mean?” She felt creeped out again. It wasn’t a feeling she enjoyed.

“Secrets, immortal, powerful ones.”





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