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Ada's Protective Mate by Jo Palmer (3)




Nate leaned forward, one hand planted on Ada’s shoulder to keep her from leaping out of the car and charging off. He may be all for jumping in feet first without checking what dangers awaited, but his mate would not. And in this situation, instincts were telling him to hang back and be cautious for once. An instinct that grated, werewolves charged into the fray, but he didn’t want anything happening to Ada so he took a moment to look around.

There was a lot of commotion outside the building with a fire truck and police cars in attendance and humans milling about behind the barricades firemen were setting up. Ada radiated fear, anger, and determination, her jaw clenched tightly, and she even attempted to jerk out of his firm grip. Nate kept his hand on her shoulder and cut her a look that had the brownie glaring at him even more.

“Want me to park?” Samuel asked.

“Please do.” Nico peered out the front window. “Remain here, I shall listen to some thoughts and discover what is happening.”

“I think that is obvious, vampire. The warlock broke in—”

“Quite possibly, cara, but it is best to be prepared.” Nico glanced over to the backseat. “And not run in where danger may still lurk.” The vamp always subtly made his point.

“Read a few thoughts then come back,” Nate ordered.

With a smile and nod, Nico, ever elegant and regal, stepped out of the car and moved effortlessly through the crowd using his vampire ways to part the sea of human gawkers.

Vampires were hypnotic, ethereal creatures, lulling others into false moods for entertainment or deadly intent. They could turn to vapor, the very air, and move with astounding speed. Agile, cunning, and deadly, they were often mistaken for lazy creatures without depth. A deadly misconception.

Nico and Nate were a potent combination. Both ambitious and ready to conquer whatever came their way, whether it be business or pleasure, they were in sync, companions and brothers in arms. Where Nico breezed in and charmed, Nate rushed around fired up on adrenaline. He would laugh at Nico when the vamp was full of himself, which was often, and Nico knew how to handle Nate’s aggression.

From his position, Nate could see Nico move through the crowd, but he couldn’t see what it was that had brought out emergency services. There was a lot of tension in the car, and Nate had to wonder what was really going on here. There was a faction who was systematically working their way to destroying Galdorcwide secrecy and exposing creature kind to humans. They called themselves Revmiras after the great revolutionary war, the pioneers and patriots with vision. He called them dickheads. Revmirases were of the notion that in the twenty-first century, creatures should be free to mingle and expose themselves, and they were here to begin the next revolution. They felt that humans should not be ruling the world, that creatures were stronger and smarter, and as such, it should be their kind in control.

That would be a disaster. Humans far outnumbered creatures, they had weapons of mass destruction, and ignorance and fear of the unknown might push them into attacking. Creatures were faster, stronger, more skilled at fighting, and they also had weapons and magic. It was better to remain secret to the majority of humans and avoid what would ultimately be a war, for he had no doubt the humans would not take the knowledge of creatures’ existence well.

They hadn’t hundreds of years ago, back in the times when creatures and magic weren’t myth, but real and humans and creatures lived together. Eventually there were clashes fueled by envy, bitterness, injustice, discrimination and power, humans and creatures diverse natures not blending, resulting in fighting that had wiped out so many on both sides.

There would not be a repeat if the Galdorcwide High Council, royals, politicians and most creatures could help it. Acceptance from a small portion of humans was not worth the backlash from the majority. Revmiras were idealistic perhaps, at worst, scheming and cunning. They must know their mission was not a revolution but could turn into a bloodbath, the likes of which no creature or human would want.

Nate felt that some members of the Revmiras were duped into joining the “revolution.” The group had a charismatic leader who promised the freedom of no longer having to hide the fact they were creatures. They were also promised the destruction of the overly rigid structure of Galdorcwide’s High Council and the sometimes harsh punishments. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t see until they were in too deep that the Revmiras were actually all about taking power. They wanted Galdorcwide’s High Council, royals, and sentinels gone, then they’d move in and devastate both the creature and human worlds.

And admittedly, creatures tended to think they were superior. They were faster, stronger, most were immortal and never became ill. It was inevitable that a creature would seek to take power if Galdorcwide rulers were overthrown.

He had to wonder if this attack on the imp was some type of ruse by the Revmiras’. It didn’t feel right, not fitting with their methods and usual practices of infiltrating human and creature businesses to cause trouble. Lately though, there was a distinct change in the Revmiras approach. Such as one of his brothers in arms, one of his best friends, attacking the sentinels and joining the Revmiras.

As a sentinel, one selected by the High Council of Galdorcwide and given particular rights and duties, he’d seen a lot. But Nate was still shocked, and admittedly, hurt by Myles Byrnes’s disloyalty and betrayal. Now he was suspicious of nearly everything and everyone, and this situation was just damn wrong.

Nate turned to Ada and taking hold of her shoulders, hauled her close. “What is this about? Why would a warlock go after the imp?”

“That is not your business.” Ada snapped. “The agreement was to drive me here, nothing more—”

“You see that crowd out there? The firemen and police? We’re creatures, we have rules—”

“And I am a lawyer, werewolf, as well as a friend to the woman who may have been attacked.” Ada locked gazes with him, determination and defiance in her eyes. “I am well aware of the rules and ways we must abide when outside Galdorcwide, and am in the best position to approach the police for information. Now, let me go, dog.”

“Why would a warlock draw so much attention?” He demanded roughly.

“Because, you hard-headed Neanderthal, Remi rejected him and like most men, the bastard’s ego is—”

He wanted those plump red lips and to stop the chill coming out of them. Sweeping Ada up against him, one hand planted firmly on the back of her neck, the other locking around her waist, Nate covered her mouth with his. He growled with the first taste of his mate.

Despite the chill, she was spewing a moment ago, her mouth was warm, and her plump lips softened beneath his onslaught. She tasted of cherries and brandy, an unusual and heady combination that went straight to his heart and groin, inflaming both. He thrust his tongue deep, lips demanding. He growled again at the feel of her hands on his chest that may have been going to push him away but instead, curled into his shirt, gripping him and pulling Nate closer as long nails scraped.

Her mouth, so soft, met his demands kiss for kiss, driving his need higher and with a quick move, Nate pinned her back against the seat and took her lips like he wanted to take her.

He nibbled and kissed, their tongues tangling, tasting and teasing, playing as he wiped out any thoughts she may have of pushing him away. There was a struggle inside the brownie, her hands tearing at his shirt as they clenched and unclenched, a nail cut him, and Nate hissed, loving the passion that was rising through the ice. He sensed desperation to hold onto anger and distance. He lightened the kiss, becoming a little coaxing, teasing, while smoothing a hand down her slender back.

The struggle ended abruptly, Ada melting, and her hands feverously stroking his chest. The tight hold he had over himself was shredded with a kiss that could easily have blown the back of his head off and make him come in his pants.

Dragging his mouth from hers, the hand on her back now a wolf paw, he kissed his way across her cheek to her ear. He breathed in her scent and growled low as he closed his other hand over her breast, feeling Ada draw in a sharp breath and a tremor shake her beautiful body. He would go insane if he didn’t get this woman very soon.


With that said, he returned to those soft, plump ruby red lips that were now swollen and plundered them, taking and stating his full intent and claim. Against the palm of his hand he felt her hard nipple, and giving a wolfish grin, he gave her one last quick kiss then turned and got out of the car.

“Stay. Make sure she does, vampire, or it will be your heart I tear out if anything happens to her.” Nate closed the car door and released a deep breath. It didn’t help to cool him down.

He strode through the crowd determined to have the imp matter resolved and dealt with quickly so he could take his brownie home and claim her fully. Hopefully she’d be receptive to that now.

Nico raised his fair brows. “I shall have to wipe quite a number of minds.” The vampire’s eyes dropped to the very large swell in the front of Nate’s jeans, a smile curving his sensual lips briefly. “Unfortunately, we did not arrive in time. The imp is gone, her apartment a mess and partly burned.”

“Blood wrath!” Nate scowled. “What have the police said?”

“Witnesses heard screams and breaking furniture. They believe a man carried a woman out via the fire escape and down to a parked car behind the building. We must wait until the police and humans have finished their initial investigations, then send in a creature to identify who may have taken the imp.”

“Do you believe a warlock could overpower an imp? To be honest, I’m not sure what to think. Only Revmira dickheads draw attention to themselves like this.”

Nico inclined his head. “I do not believe the Revmiras have a hand in this abduction, fratello. If they were to plot and call attention to themselves, they would choose to take someone close to the High Council, royals, and sentinels. We did not know the imp before today, and she has no connection to any of those I mentioned—”

“My mate’s beloved friend.” Nate, frustrated, ran a hand through his hair, hating to be at a disadvantage.

He worked hard to stay a step ahead, prided himself on reading creatures and humans, knowing business, and taking the lead. Here and now, he was left trailing behind, and instinct was saying there were more shocks just waiting around the corner. Ones he wouldn’t be liking. With the shock of Myles Byrnes joining the Revmiras and a few attacks on the sentinels, himself and Nico included, Nate was out of sorts, edgy and just waiting to dig his claws into something, or someone.

“No one knows this but us. Not even your mate, fratello. You are heated from the first mate contact and taking her upset into yourself. Think for a moment, and you will agree with me. I also heard the chaotic thoughts of your brownie. A warlock has been pestering the imp of late, and Ada wonders why the witch spell she sent her friend to obtain did not work on the creature.”

“So somehow this warlock is unaffected by spells and overpowered an imp.” Nate scowled over these unlikely events.

Si, curious, is it not.”

Witches and warlocks were not immortal like other creatures, nor as powerful or magical as imps, fairies, and immortal sorcerers. They had longevity, living for a few hundred years and could cast spells with the aid of objects, words and whatever trace of magic was around them. So how had a warlock, a less magical creature, managed to fight off a witch spell then overpower Remika Alberts, a magical imp?

A werewolf’s instincts were like precognition to others. They tingled and buzzed, gave insight into situations, heightened his senses and the older he got, the more experienced and skilled. The small flashes or visions he received in certain situations became clearer and more defined. Nate relied on and trusted his instincts, all werewolves did, and right now, he had alarms going off loudly.


“To retrieve the imp, the warlock must be investigated,” Nico stated calmly. “Your brownie is getting out of the car.”

“I’m aware. Come, there is nothing we can do here until the humans are gone.” Turning, Nate strode back to the car and caught Ada’s arm as she went to evade him. “We were too late—”

“Dead?” Ada trembled, any small amount of color she had in her pale cheeks drained away.

“Not that we know, cara. The police believe she was abducted.” Nico used his voice to sooth.

“Ada.” Nate caught her to him and held close, sniffing her sultry scent, a foreign part of him aching for the fear and pain he saw in her beautiful eyes and wanted to pledge himself to eradicating whatever caused her pain. “We will look for the imp and warlock, and when I find him…” He didn’t have to say the rest; it was clear what he would do.

Nico sighed with dramatic flair. “As always, my services are promised without consultation.”

She looked from one to the other, but in the short time he’d known her, there was no snappy, sharp response and no challenge or flash of ice and independence. Instead, the brownie sagged against him and lowered her head as waves of pain rolled off her.

“R-Remi…I should have dealt with the warlock myself…why didn’t I?” She trembled against him. “She’s all I have. I don’t want to lose her—don’t want her hurt.”

Nate growled, hating to see his strong brownie in so much pain and defeated. For this, the warlock was going to suffer tortures he never dreamed possible.

“You’ve got me and Nico, honey. We’ll hunt the imp.” His voice was gruff with suppressed anger and pain for Ada.

“Comfort. Hold her close and provide comfort.” Nico, much more highly attuned to others needs and emotions, instructed harshly in Nate’s mind. “No one wounds our brownie.”

Nico’s eyes blazed with retribution and reaching out a hand, he captured Ada’s chin and met her eyes. Instantly she was mesmerized, the pain receding and she went limp, Nate wrapping his arms around her. They would hunt down the warlock and retrieve his brownie’s imp friend, if she were still alive.





Gradually she was overcoming the initial shock of Remi’s abduction. Ada refused to even consider the possibility her friend may be dead. She didn’t believe Remi would easily give up, and it was logical to assume that as she wasn’t killed at the apartment, the warlock wanted her alive. Ada paced the large, elegant, and tastefully decorated library in the vampire building where the land dispute meeting had been held earlier today and tried to steady her shaking hands.

Was it such a short time ago that she came here annoyed at the disruption to her day and being dragged into a Galdorcwide mess? It felt a lot longer, considering everything that was happening since and Remi’s disappearance. This brought her to why the werewolf and vampire would assist in helping to find Remi. They didn’t know the imp, wouldn’t feel any particular allegiance or affection toward her, the only reason Ada could think that would even make them consider offering aid.

They were planning to assist her. Suspicion rose sharply. Why? Because of the land dispute? She frowned, still a little dazed from the vampire mesmerizing. No, that was ridiculous; werewolves couldn’t care less about such inconsequential squabbles, and vampires thought they were above anything as trivial as that. Then why?

Of course, werewolves did tend to think creatures, especially females and nonwarriors, to be defenseless and in need of sheltering and protection, which could explain why the assistance was given. But then, they also jumped three-quarters of these women and seduced them, so how protective could they actually be? Ada thought critically.

Her hands shook at recalling what happened between her and Nate in the back of the car, and then when discovering Remi had been abducted. She had let her defenses down in front of the wolf and bloodsucker which was remarkably foolish, despite the situation. She had to stay focused, on track and remember exactly who they were, and what they may start demanding from her.

Ada continued to pace, not sure what to think. For quite a long time she had believed creatures to be difficult, their natures extreme and primal and each particular kind of creature had so many traits that were less than pleasant. But were these beliefs based on truth, or comments thrown about?

She remembered from when she was young how creatures said vamps were callous and shallow, that they didn’t give a shit about taking advantage. That werewolves could be loyal and protective, but they did it to get the spoils of war and wanted to be the leaders. These sort of comments were said about all the different paranormal kinds.

Ada began to wonder if she had been clouded by bad experiences and clung to those types of comments to keep her distance.

No, she couldn’t have been so…blinded by what happened, could she?

There was no time to dwell on that particular thought, not when there were so many others crowding her mind already. The incident in the back of the car was one she was finding impossible to forget, though she was trying very hard to push it to the furthermost recesses of her mind.

Think of Remi.

Nothing like that will happen again, she told herself firmly, a little exasperated that she kept coming back to what she now referred to as the moment of weakness incident. No matter how good the werewolf looked and felt, she couldn’t go there. The hard muscles and contours of his body pressed against her, beneath her hands, but she would not do something as foolish as going to bed with him. It was ludicrous to even think about! Then again, he certainly would be energetic and wild… No! Look at what happened to Remi with all her flirting and finding men attractive. She was attacked and abducted!

Damn, the mere thought of him, the scorching kiss he’d given her in the backseat of the car, sent shivers through her body and seared her blood. The werewolf prince had attributes! If Remi found out, she’d be teasing Ada for a hundred years—but Remi was missing, and spending time with werewolves and vampires was just plain stupid!

Especially for brownies and humans. To other creatures, brownies were disregarded or taken advantage of. That’s why her kind received the reputation of being sneaky, thieves and a tad deceitful. No matter the culture or world, there were at times prejudices, unfortunately. For brownies, getting cast aside, put down, or dismissed too many times led to thinking up ways to pay back and teach some lessons. And brownies did it with snide smiles and back stabbing. Brownies were not seen as powerful creatures as they were not as strong, fast and didn’t have much magic. Ada was beginning to see what she hadn’t all those years ago and didn’t like it. There were changes needed.

She decided long ago to live as though human and have little contact with creatures, excluding a few less annoying family members and Remi. To tangle herself up now caused too many problems, making her consider what Remi said long ago.

Ada was prejudiced and had a massive chip on her shoulder.

At the time she of course denied the allegation, but she did think about what her friend said. Eventually Ada agreed to, well, having a tiny, justifiable, chip. It was her nature to work hard; she enjoyed achieving what she set out to do and had a strong drive and determination. Yet there were inbred prejudices and grievances against other creatures that were difficult to move past. She lived and worked among humans, she had limited contact with her own kind and other creatures except for Remi, but she was a brownie and nature was hard to change. And incidents in the past had only added to the prejudice and resentment.

None of this analyzing creatures and herself helped in finding her friend. Nor did pacing the elegantly decorated library. She needed to get out of here and begin searching. A thought struck her. The werewolf had not offered assistance in finding Remi. And there certainly had not been any type of agreement reached, like what was expected of her, or payment. No, they said they would search for Remi and the warlock; they gave their words, their honor, to find her friend.

How puzzling, Ada mused and immediately wondered how best to use them. Of course she would use them! They were Galdorcwide royalty, and if she was not mistaken, Galdorcwide sentinels with a lot of power and resources at their disposal.

Nico appeared out of the dark shadows in a far corner of the room. His turquoise eyes were luminous in the semi light and emphasized by his fair complexion and icy blonde hair. He drifted away from her to the door of the library, making no noise, every movement fluid and graceful. If she allowed herself, she would find the vamp fascinating, but being mesmerized was a big reminder of what the damned creatures could do with their hypnotic ways, and it now kept her more alert.

Vampires you had to watch. They could turn into the very air around you, become unseen vapor; they levitated, and the nails on their fingers turned to long, deadly weapons. This one, with the silent elegance and graceful movements, rippled with power. He was charming, intelligent, sexy as sin, and deadly. Had it all going for him, she thought cynically.

Tears filled her eyes. Fates damnation, Remi was always right. Ada was prejudiced, and the chip on her shoulder was possibly a little bigger than she had thought. Taking a deep breath, she forced the tears away. This was not the time for crying. It certainly wouldn’t help find Remi and bring her home.

If Remi wasn’t found, then Ada would cry all she damn well wanted. She’d never seen crying as a weakness. Tears came from emotions, and there was certainly nothing wrong with that. Ada sighed at her own chaotic thoughts.

They needed to get working on finding Remi and the warlock, and since Nate and Nico volunteered to search, all the better. Ada looked around for her handbag and the light coat she’d grabbed on the way out of her apartment earlier tonight as the door to the library swung open. Nate looped into the room.

At that moment she realized something very important. For the past twenty minutes, though still in a mild daze from being mesmerized, she was alone with the vampire prince. And he had not touched her or spoken, but he stayed in the shadows where she didn’t sense his presence or see him.

Why? To monitor her thoughts? That didn’t seem right, not when he could so very easily penetrate any blocks she may erect in her mind. Not that there would be any blocks while under a vampire thrall. So what had been the point? She disregarded the vamp remaining out of concern for her, dismissing the idea as illogical and fanciful. She meant nothing to any of them. They may keep an eye on her, an outsider on one of their properties, but that would be all.

Nate raised a hand and rested it on the curve of Prince Nico’s shoulder where it joined his neck, surprising Ada. Affection from a werewolf? The rough creatures rarely displayed affection except for a bit of jovial back-slapping which always, from her recollection, led to rough housing and rugby. She never understood why.

Hmm, he’d been right. Ada tapped a long nail to her bottom lip, studying the pair. She needed to brush up on her research, for watching their body language and the silent communication that passed between the two big creatures, they were much closer than her research told her.

She straightened and smoothed her still immaculate hair. They did not have time for this. Remi was out there at the mercy of a warlock. The first thing that needed to be done was to call the witch she sent Remi to for the spell to stop the warlock from stalking her. The witch would have a lot more information on the warlock, Remi practically none as she met him only once for a few moments in a bar.

“Go feed,” Nate told the vampire.

“I wait. The brownie has just given us a place to begin the search.”

Fates and Destiny! Vampires and their hearing of thoughts were more irritating than a guilt trip from her Nana!

Oh, what did it matter! Aside from being incredibly rude, which she already found them to be, they’d said they would search for Remi, and Ada was going to ensure they kept their words. The sooner they got started, the sooner they would hopefully find her friend. Then she would continue with her plans of tearing the werewolves down in court over their land thievery.

“Right.” Nate’s dark brows rose. “A guilt trip? I didn’t think that was possible with a brownie—”

“I do not like my thoughts invaded, vampire.” Ada, locating her bag and coat on a chair, snatched them up and marched toward the door of the library. “The land dispute will have to wait. I sent Remi to a witch a week ago for a spell to ward the warlock off. The witch will know the name of this creature.” Ada looked up at the werewolf. “This does not mean I withdraw from the land dispute or will tolerate any tricks.”

“I haven’t suggested you withdraw; in fact, we can discuss the case while searching for your imp friend. The witch’s name?”

The werewolf was cocky, which surprisingly didn’t bother her as much as it should.

“Sandra Lipton. She is part of the witch coven in New Jersey. I defended her in a case a few months ago, and she owed me a favor.” More than one favor. The witch was forever getting into some trouble or other. “I have the witch’s address at home. I’ll go and phone it through to you. In the meantime, send some of your creatures out to find Remi and the warlock. What’s your number?” She took out her iPhone and held it at the ready. When neither responded, she glanced up inquiringly. “Well?”

The vamp was smiling in a very amused fashion, if not annoyingly indulgent, while the werewolf took a step to the side. He raised a foot and kicked the library door shut with the heel of his sneaker. Then he crossed big arms over that muscular chest she remembered the feel of him beneath her hands, how heat had risen between them, firing her up with desire and need.

Sweet destiny, it had been a long time since she’d had sex with anyone. In fact, she barely recalled the event! But she knew no one had, or would, ever set her alight with the passion this werewolf could. It was one of the reasons she wished to avoid him so much. The problem was, she was drawn to him as though seeking heat and warmth, and a repeat of the amazing moment of weakness incident was quite unlike her. At the same time, because of the responses and reaction he stirred, Ada wanted to battle him and win, scoring as many points as she could in the process.

Bloody hell. Nothing was ever simple when dealing with creatures, and she seemed to be losing her normal cool, detached distance, or she was becoming as contrary as a fairy. Neither was a pleasing thought.

“Lady, do I look like the type who takes orders?” He growled deeply, glowering at her.

Ada looked him overly chillingly, annoyed now by thinking about their shared kiss and the way she was still responding. She needed to regain her equilibrium and the best way to do that was with attitude.

“Though you are dressed better than during this afternoon's meeting, yes, I’m sure you take orders.”

“My wolf, you do dress badly on occasion.” The vamp cast turquoise eyes over the werewolf. “I try, believe me, cara, but he tends to lose his clothes—”

“Nico.” The werewolf sighed heavily. “You need to feed. Go. Cousin Colby and your vamps will remain with you.”

Regardless of the heavy sigh softening his tone, what the werewolf said was a command, and it was the first time she’d seen the vampire bristle. With a hiss and flash of long, thick fangs -deadly, lethal fangs—Nico went to jerk away, but Nate stopped him.

Impatient to get on track with the search for Remi, she at first missed something pass between the two men.

All that training to not show surprise was apparently worth shit. Her jaw fell open, and she gaped. But the shock was nothing compared to the sudden, crushing pain in the vicinity of her chest. And that just got her annoyed.





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