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Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 9) by Jessie Donovan (25)

Chapter Twenty-Five

Brenna paced the front room of Killian’s secured cottage. In an effort to save time in case Teagan wanted to question Killian, Brenna had requested Teagan to meet her at his place to discuss her future.

While she understood Teagan was the leader, she was still late, and Brenna just wanted to get this conversation over with.

Killian appeared in the doorway between the front room and the dining room. “All pacing does is irritate the hell out of me. Sit down and wait.”

Brenna turned on him. “I thought we established that neither one of us would be giving orders to the other. We only make requests.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Then would you sit down, my lady? Before you wear a fucking hole in my carpet.”

Her dragon growled. Are you sure we can’t wrestle him to the ground and teach him a lesson? He might’ve been stronger before, but he doesn’t have his beast. We will win.


She closed the distance between them. “You should be nicer to me. After all, I’m the reason you aren’t wearing restraints and are out of that jail cell.”

“It may be a bit bigger, but this cottage is still a prison.”

Just as she opened her mouth, someone knocked on the front door. She raised her chin and said, “We’ll discuss this later, unless you’re backing out?”

“No bloody way. You’re probably my best chance at freedom.”

She wanted to ask what the fuck he was talking about, but the knock grew more insistent, so she raced to the door. Opening it, Teagan stood there. Brenna stepped aside. “Come in.”

Brenna half expected Killian to disappear and leave delivering the news to her, but when she and Teagan entered the front room, he sat sprawled in a chair. He gave a mock salute. “Clan leader.”

Brenna watched Teagan’s face closely. Having her brother play the arsehole couldn’t be easy for her.

And yet, Teagan’s expression never changed from neutral. She moved her gaze to Brenna. “What did you need to talk to me about? Should we go somewhere private?”

Brenna’s heart rate kicked up as she moved to stand next to Killian’s chair. She quickly glanced down, and he gave an almost imperceptible nod.

She had to be dreaming. There was no way that the amnesiac, moody version of Killian would encourage her.

Her beast huffed. Forget about him for now. We need Teagan’s permission.

Clearing her throat, Brenna met Teagan’s eyes again. “As you know, the Irish DDA has said all foreigners must leave the clan for the foreseeable future.”

Teagan frowned. “I would reverse it if I could, Brenna, but you know I can’t.”

Her heart beat faster. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “I’m aware. But I found a way to stay.” She motioned toward Killian. “Killian has agreed to mate me.”

Teagan blinked. “What?”

“It’s true, great leader,” Killian drawled. “Brenna is the only reason I haven’t tried to escape yet. If you want me to stay in one place, you’ll let us do the deed.”

Teagan put out a hand. “Wait, did I miss something?”

Brenna answered, “You’ve had a lot on your plate or I would’ve told you sooner. But think about it—I could stay to help you fill in the gaps with the Protectors. And once the Irish DDA eases its restrictions, Killian and I can dissolve the mating. All we have to do is pretend it’s real in the beginning and Killian’s agreed to do that.”

Yes, yes, her dragon said. I still say sex will make it authentic.

Hush for now. This is important.

Teagan looked at Brenna, then Killian, and back. “Let’s say I agree. With a few exceptions, the clan must think it’s a true mating and not a farce. Otherwise, the DDA may sniff around. That could end up getting all of us into trouble. Are you two really going to be able to keep up the ruse? While I trust you, Brenna, I don’t know who Killian is anymore.”

Killian placed a hand on Brenna’s lower back. The heat of his palm raced through her body and ended between her thighs.

Her dragon growled. It’s just a touch. Calm down.

Rubbing slow circles on her back, Killian said, “We can both play our parts.” He looked up at her. “Can’t we, darling?”

She cleared her throat and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Of course we can, love.” She looked back to Teagan. “So? Will you allow it?”

“This could end badly on so many levels.”

Brenna forced herself to walk away from Killian. The loss of his warm hand made her dragon whimper, but she ignored her and closed the distance to Teagan. “Everything will be fine. It’s just a temporary arrangement that benefits everyone. But we can’t do it without your permission. We’ll need you to vouch for us if the DDA questions the mating.”

Teagan searched her gaze. “I owe you for your part in keeping the clan safe the other day. This would fulfill that favor. Do you really want to waste it on this?”

Brenna nodded. “Yes. I’ve never felt as much at home as I have on Glenlough. Not to mention I have much to learn from you and your grandmother. I can’t do any of that if I go home to Stonefire. Besides, I’m young and not interested in finding a real mate for many years to come. So living with him”—she motioned toward Killian—“won’t be a problem. Well, beyond dealing with his behavior.”

To his credit, Killian didn’t make a remark. For whatever reason, he wanted Teagan to agree.

For what seemed like the longest minute of Brenna’s life, she merely stared at Teagan and waited.

When Glenlough’s leader finally let out a sigh, hope bloomed in Brenna’s chest. Teagan spoke up again. “Fine. But do it quickly. We’ll use the mating ceremony and ensuing celebration to lift the clan’s spirits. However—” She paused and stared daggers at Killian. “—you must convince the clan this is a true mating. At the first sign of doubt, I’ll dissolve the mating myself and send Brenna back to Stonefire. That will include you trying to run away without her. Understood, Killian?”

Brenna watched Killian’s face. For all that he’d lost his memories and his dragon, he was still bloody good at keeping all emotions from showing. He folded his hands over his stomach before answering, “I’m staying around for now. That’s all I’ll say for the moment.”

Brenna frowned. “Killian.”

He rolled his eyes. “Fine, I promise not to escape in the near future.” He met her gaze. “Is that better, darling?”

“Yes, love.”

The way they used endearments was the equivalent of calling each other bastards.

Her beast hummed. Good. The tension will only make the sex hotter.

I didn’t agree to it yet.

You will.

Teagan clapped her hands. “Then it’s time to put everything into motion. I want this done as soon as possible, just in case the DDA orders all healthy foreign visitors to leave straight away. Here’s what needs to be done.”

As Teagan rattled off a list of orders of what to do, Brenna tried to pay attention. She really did.

But Killian never took his gaze from her face. When he finally gave her body a slow once-over, her dragon spoke up. Yummy. He will be fun to fuck and play with.

He finally met her gaze again, and Brenna stopped breathing at the heat in his eyes.

Bloody hell. A female could get used to that look.

For the millionth time, Brenna hoped she hadn’t gotten in over her head. The mating would be a fake, and she needed to remember that.


Later that evening, Aaron hugged Teagan’s naked body tighter against his chest. It was strange to think he had gained a new home and mate in the same day after thinking he might never find a female to spend his life with.

His dragon spoke up. We will never be alone again. The bad brought us to the good.

Bloody hell, you and your philosophical statements. 

His beast yawned. They come to me after sex. So, get used to it, unless you’re going to keep a separate bedroom from Teagan?


That’s what I thought.

His dragon dozed and Aaron contented himself with listening to Teagan breathing and treasuring her heat against his chest.

However, no matter how much he stroked her back, she didn’t relax against him. He murmured, “Please tell me you still aren’t thinking about Brenna and Killian. That would be weird seeing as we’re both naked and smell of sex.”

Teagan sighed. “No. But I am thinking about how it’s wrong to hide our mating from the clan.”

He placed a finger under her chin and gently forced her to look up at him. “I’m ready to share it with them whenever you are, love. But I’ll leave it to you to best judge your people.”

“They’re your people, too, now, Aaron.” She ran one of her hands back and forth against his chest hair. “Tell me what you think we should do.”

His dragon peeked his head up. I say state she’s ours in the great hall as soon as possible. Too many males have started to look at her in a new light, as if she’s now a delectable treat to devour.

Aaron ignored his beast to answer Teagan. “As much as I want to shout it from the rooftops, I think we first need to quietly ensure there aren’t any other potential traitors or accessories to treason living inside Glenlough. As it is, both Greenpeak and Wildheath are in the midst of a leadership crisis with Orin and Padraig both dead. Too much too soon could cause chaos.”

She sighed. “I was thinking exactly the same thing.”

He kissed her forehead. “We should have a few weeks before the DDA will start checking for any foreigners still on our land. As long as we announce our mating before then, we should be fine. That human female Trevina seemed to like you. Hopefully she’ll give us a warning before more DDA staff visit Glenlough.”

When Teagan remained quiet, Aaron’s dragon snarled. She is still worried and tense. We should fix it. A break will do her good.

Without another word, Aaron rolled until Teagan was under him. He pinned her hands above her head and threaded his fingers through hers. “Teagan.” When she met his gaze, he continued, “I love you and will never ask you to put the clan second. However, you deserve to relax for an hour. And for that hour, I’m going to make you forget about everything but my name. Afterward we can plan our next steps until the wee hours. Deal?”

She smiled. “I might start to regret giving you two hours of every day to do whatever you want, emergency excepting.”

He rocked his hips against hers. “If you ever start to regret it, love, then I’m not doing my job.”

Wrapping a leg around his waist, she whispered, “Then remind me why I hired you for this task.”

With a growl, Aaron took her lips as he pushed his cock inside her. He moved his lower body and Teagan was soon moaning into his mouth and melting into the bed.

Yes, yes, she is ours, always and forever.

Aaron increased his rhythm, and soon Teagan broke their kiss to shout his name. Aaron followed suit and pleasure coursed through his body as he let go.

As they came down, he cuddled her close, content to hold his future in his arms and hope that everything worked out as it should. It’d taken many mistakes for him to find where he truly belonged, but now that he’d found it, he was never letting go.