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All for You (Sweetbriar Cove Book 2) by Melody Grace (28)


Brooke slipped through the crowd, and exited into the cool twilight breeze. The bar was set down an alleyway, right on the waterfront, and she took a moment to breathe in the salty tang. She still felt flushed, her heartbeat racing from that odd encounter at the bar, and she couldn’t help but think of Riley’s brazen invitation – and the suggestion gleaming in his eyes.

What would it be like to say yes?

Brooke shook her head. Going home with a complete stranger was madness – and the last thing she needed in her life right now. She’d uprooted her life and moved cross-country to leave all her romantic drama behind, not dive headfirst into something new.

She heard the door swing open behind her, and a rush of music and laughter coming from inside.

“Having second thoughts?”

She recognized the voice before she even turned. It was Riley again, just stepping outside.

“Are you following me?” Brooke narrowed her eyes.

“Nope, just heading out for the night.” He held up his hands in innocence. “I’ve got plans, remember?”

“Right.” Brooke relaxed. “Gluten-free dessert.”

He chuckled. “You don’t approve.”

“It’s none of my business.” Brooke shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant even as her pulse kicked, having him near again. “You can eat whatever you like.”

The words were out before she realized just how dirty they could be. Riley grinned wider. Brooke flushed. “You know what I mean!”

“Oh, I do.”

She bet he did.

Brooke looked away. “I’m just going…” she gestured towards the street, her face still burning. He nodded, but for some reason, she didn’t take a single step.

What was it about this guy that kept drawing her in? He was just another handsome player, she knew his type, but still, he was igniting something in her bloodstream that Brooke had almost forgotten how it felt.

Hot and restless, wanting more.

“It’s OK, you know.” Almost as if he was reading her mind, the man took a step closer.

“What is?” Brooke asked, her heart beating faster as he approached.

“That you want me.”

She tried to snort and roll her eyes, but Brooke knew she wasn’t fooling anyone. Especially not the man who was now standing just inches away, close enough for her to feel the heat from his body, and see the wicked heat in his gaze.

“It’s not rational,” he said softly, his voice a low, sexy drawl. “There’s no pro/con list, or reasons why. It’s elemental. Just simple chemistry in the end.”

“You’re saying we have no control?” Brooke managed to reply, even as her own grip on it felt very far away – and getting further with every second.

“Sure we do,” he replied, his lips curving in a tempting grin. “But why do you want control so bad? You know what your body needs. Don’t you want to know how it would feel to just… give in?”

Brooke shivered. Even though she knew it was just another line from a guy who’d probably told it to a million girls before, she couldn’t help the way her pulse kicked at his seductive words – or the surge of heat that flooded through her as he reached out and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek.

His touch burned through her, and Brooke felt every nerve in her body spark to life again.

God, she wanted him.

The realization made her stomach twist with shame. She knew how dangerous this desire could be. She should have learned her lesson by now, but still, here she was, ready to make the same mistakes all over again.

Leaping first, head-long into passion, not thinking she would ever hit the ground.

“I should go,” she said, but still, her feet didn’t move.

“OK,” he replied, his gaze not wavering.

“Right.” Brooke swallowed. She’d thought his eyes were blue, but out here in the shadows, they were more a flinty grey. Watching her, unwavering, like he could see the struggle whirling in her mind.

Riley took another step closer. Now he was touching her; his torso just barely grazing hers, hot and solid. Brooke felt herself sway closer, drawn by some invisible force. She hated to admit it, but he was right.

This didn’t make any sense, but God, it felt like the most natural thing in the world for him to close the distance between them, take her face in his hands, and kiss her like she’d been wanting ever since the moment she first laid eyes on him across that crowded bar.

Hot, and slow, and achingly sensual. He teased her lips, easing them open as his tongue roved deeper, sliding into her mouth. The sensation shuddered through her, a jolt of desire that set her blood on alight.

Damn, this man could kiss.

In an instant, Brooke gave up the fight. There was no use pretending she didn’t want this too, not with her heart racing in her chest, and desire snaking through every inch of her, a sweet ache clawing between her thighs.

One kiss, she told herself. One kiss, and then she’d stay away from temptation. She’d learned her lesson.

What harm could one little kiss do?


Will Brooke give in to temptation? Find out in