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Allure (Booklet Dreams Book 1) by C.A. Harms (11)













Grace nudged my shoulder as she sat down on the couch next to me. She crossed her arms over her chest, staring ahead at the television, ignoring the way I was watching her from the side.

“What was that for?”

She shrugged, still looking ahead. “It’s gonna be weird not having you around as much.”

“I’m only moving about thirty feet from the front porch,” I chuckled as I hooked her around the neck and pulled her in closer. “You act like I’m moving to Statesboro or somewhere even farther.”

“Knock it off, knucklehead.” She tried to break free, instantly going for my side and making me squeal like a girl. Did I mention how much I hated being tickled?

“I mean it, you’re always in my business, almost eating my cereal, and putting the empty milk carton back in the fridge.” She grew silent for a few seconds. “Wait, never mind, you moving out might actually be a good thing.”

“I still plan on raiding your cereal and emptying the milk,” I assured her as I leaned back and grabbed the controller. “I’ll still very much be in your business too, so don’t for a second think you’ll pull one over on me.”

“Right.” I caught the tail end of her rolling her eyes. “You’ll be too preoccupied with AJ. I overheard Mom telling Dad about what she walked in on you in the barn a few weeks ago.”

“For your information, smartass, that hasn’t even happened.”

“Whatever, you must think I’m stupid.”

“I’m not joking, Grace.”

I can feel her eyes on me, and I ignored her stare.

“You’re telling me that you and she have not even…” She paused, not finishing the actual question, and I shook my head. “Wow,” she added, almost amazed by the information. “I’m impressed.”

“You make it sound as if I’m some ass that nails one girl after the next.”

“No, it’s just that a rebound generally means a guy goes after that very thing in order to wipe the image of the last girl from his mind.”

“I’m not even gonna go down this road with you, Grace. But let me just say that any guy even thinks of pulling that shit on you, he better move out of the state of Georgia before I get the chance to get ahold of him.” She rolled her eyes again, but I wasn’t even joking the slightest. I didn’t ever want to think of my little sister with any guy; that shit made my head spin and my stomach turn.

“You must really like her,” Grace added, pulling my attention away from my current thoughts.

“I do.” She’d become a huge part of my life in such a short time that at times it even surprised me what things I felt for her.

There was a long pause that settled between us, and I still hadn’t looked at her. I could imagine the shocked look on her face. I knew my family had been hoping for a long time that I would just pick up and move on. Now that it was happening, I think they were all a bit shocked and relieved.

“I like her too,” she added, and then I looked at her. “She seems real nice, Rhett, and the way she looks at you, you can just tell she cares about you too.”

Silence settled over us while I attempted to refocus on the television. I’d noticed everyone around seemed to walk on eggshells in reference to Harley and the news that she was now in a serious relationship with some guy. I’ll admit I hadn’t been completely innocent since Harley and I decided to end our relationship, but those times had never been more than a way to relieve some stress.

But AJ was a pleasant surprise, and yes, she meant more than I ever planned for her to. For the first time, I was able to understand just how Harley had been able to move on with another guy. AJ gave me that hope. She made me laugh, she challenged me, and our time spent together was anything but dull. I loved having her around; everything about it felt right.

“Can I ask you something without you getting mad?” I nodded. I knew where this was going; it was the same place all conversations went whenever AJ was the topic. Same question, only this time coming from a different person. “Would you still like AJ the same if you woke up tomorrow to find Harley standing on our front porch?”

“Yes,” I said without a moment of hesitation. “I’ve told her, I’ve told Mom, hell, I think I’ve told everybody that she isn’t someone to fill some kind of emptiness Harley left. What I don’t understand is why it’s so hard for everyone to accept that I may be over Harley?”

“Because you held out for years, Rhett.” I turned toward my sister and was surprised to find her so outspoken. Grace was generally so laid back and almost oblivious to the things going on around her. She kept to herself on most days. Yet there she was, giving me the third degree instead of the other way around. “You messed around with girls, I know, but it was never more than that. Part of you held out for the chance that Harley would somehow find her way back and the two of you could just pick back up where you left off. You just have to understand that AJ may be fearful because she’s seen those things too. She may be scared to give you her heart because she fears you may not be about to give her the same in return.”

I knew how she felt; I’d seen it in her eyes so many times.

“I know if the shoe was on the other foot and it was me dating a guy—”

“You aren’t dating any guy.”

She pushed against my shoulder and laughed. “Will you stop? I’m just saying think about it. Think about the way she must feel whenever you’re together, wondering if you’re thinking of Harley instead of her.”

“She doesn’t think that,” I said, but I couldn’t be sure. Grace had my mind racing with memories of each time AJ and I were alone, or even out with friends.

“She is a sweet girl, Rhett,” Grace adds. “I really like her, just be mindful of the worries I’m sure she has.”

“Okay, and I really like her too.” And I did.

“Good.” Grace settled back onto the couch once again, feeling satisfied with our conversation, yet there I sat feeling as if I had a lump in my chest. One that made it hard to breathe.




I lead AJ up the same flight of stairs toward the area above the barn. The only difference was there was a door. It’d been almost nine weeks since AJ and I started seeing one another, and each day I found just one more thing I loved about her. She had to be the most caring, considerate person I’d ever met. That’s saying a lot, considering the family I belonged to.

AJ had not only made her way into my heart but also into the hearts of my family. It was amazing how whenever something took place I’d never get the opportunity to invite her because someone within my crazy ass family already had. They all had gone right past me and moved on to calling her themselves. And I loved it.

“Smells like fresh stain.” I looked over to find her inhale deeply as her eyes closed, taking it all in. “Is it weird that I love that smell?” she asked just as she reopened her eyes and locked them on mine. “It reminds me of my grandad and all the years he’d spend in his shed building shelves and benches. Before he passed, I used to go out there with him and watch him for hours.”

“That’s not crazy at all,” I assured her. “I need to take you to Uncle Colt’s shop, though, you’d love that place.”

I moved aside and allowed her to step past me so she could get a better look at the place and everything that had been done.

I couldn’t help but smile as I observed the amazement in her eyes. She blinked a few times, almost like she was seeing something she couldn’t quite believe. Stepping up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her middle and linked my fingers together, bringing them to rest on her stomach. Instantly, her body rested against mine, and that sense of peace washed over me as it had been lately every single time I held her or kissed her.

“It’s hard to believe that we’re in the same place we were only a few weeks ago,” AJ whispered, her head moving from side to side as she took it all in.

“I know.”

The bedroom, the kitchen, everything had been all framed out. All the walls were painted, and the trim that would soon be put up lay along the saw horses, their stain still tacky. “I took your advice and made everything open but the bedroom and bathroom.”

“You should make how you want it.” She lay her head back against my chest, turning enough to look up at me. “You’re the one that has to wake up here every morning.”

“Who knows? You may wake up here too, from time to time.”

“Are you inviting me for future sleepovers?” Her brow arched as she pursed her lips.

I leaned in without a second thought and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Sleepovers,” I whispered, moving lower to brush my lips over hers, “or more.”

I didn’t give her a moment to register anything. I didn’t want to see the questioning in her eyes; it was always there. “Do you know how many nights I’ve thought about what it would be like sleeping with you tucked in at my side? How many mornings I’ve woken up wishing you were there next to me?” AJ started to worry her lower lip, and my conversation with Grace flashed in my mind. “Us curled beneath the covers, warm and happy.” I kissed the corner of her mouth.

“I know you still question this.” She didn’t have to answer; I already knew it was true.

She tucked her chin, trying to look away, but I cupped her face with my palm and forced her to look at me once more. “I can see it every single time I say something to you about our future. Every time I say something sweet, I know in your mind you’re wondering if I really mean it. This is me telling you that I do, AJ. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t. I’m not that guy, the one that plays games. Every word I’ve said to you, they’re all true.”

She closed her eyes and nodded.

“So, wood floor or carpet?” I laughed when she opened her eyes and crinkled her nose in the cutest damn way. “Things were getting too heavy,” I said with a shrug, and she laughed.

Pulling away, I watched as she moved toward the center of the room and turned in a circle looking over the space. “Wood flooring in all the rooms but the bedroom, a big area rug where you decide to put your couch.”

“Where would you put the couch?” I already knew where. She’d said it a few times before, and I’d listened. When she looked back over her shoulder toward the window, I chuckled. “In front of the windows.” Her smile widened as she tucked her hands into her back pockets and nodded.

“You have the perfect view of the moonlight and the sunlight beaming off the water. Who wouldn’t want to see that every day?”

I began to walk toward her, and I instantly felt my chest clench when she puckered her lips, giving me that sultry look of hers. She was going to be the death of me, and I swore she had absolutely no clue the effects she had on me.

“I was thinking about asking this really pretty girl to go out with me tonight.” I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her body into my own. “Got any advice to offer? Because I really, really like this girl.”

“Really like?”

“No,” I corrected, “really, really like.”

“Oh, sorry,” she said with a laugh. “But my advice would be to kiss her first.” I arched my brow in question and she continued, “Kisses are always a great way to start anything, especially kisses from you.”

“Thanks for that advice,” I said, moving in closer. I watched her eyes grow hooded as I cupped the back of her neck and tugged her hair just enough to make her tilt her head backward. “Like this?” I asked just as my lips pressed against hers, and a slow, sensual kiss was shared, one that I hoped expressed just how much being with her meant to me. The moment her tongue slid along my lower lip, I began backing her toward the wall to our right. When her body was firmly pressed between the wall and my chest, I reached down and hooked one of her legs behind her knee, lifting it so that I could press into her a little harder.

She did this to me; it was getting harder to control my urges for her and the closeness I craved. The effects she had on me were uncontrollable. She was right, kisses were the key, only it was her kisses that made me weak, not the other way around. “You make it so hard to control myself.”

“What if I don’t want you to control yourself?” I practically growled at her words, grinding my erection against her, loving the way she panted within our kiss. “I don’t want to wait anymore. I just want to feel.”

“Me too.” More than anything I wanted her.

She pulled back, placing her hands on my chest and pushed back enough that she could look up at me. “Not here.” She looked over my shoulder toward the door. “The last thing I need is for your mom to find us here again, like this.”

I gripped her ass in my hand and pulled her in tighter to my body, pushing forward, making her moan as her head rested back against the wall behind her. “You mean like this?”

“Yes,” she panted. “We can’t.”

“We can,” I assured her as I kissed along her neck. “She’s not gonna come up here.”

AJ turned her head to the side, opening up the side of her neck and allowing me more space to roam. As I trailed my tongue over the pulse point in her neck, her leg tightened around my waist. “Besides,” I whispered against her throat, “I locked the door, and no one else has a key yet but me.”

Allowing my hand to sneak beneath her shirt at her hip, I began sliding my palm over her silky skin and instantly felt the chills cover her body. “We can go out if you’d rather, I’m fine with that. Or we could—”

“Stay here.” Her fingers slid through my hair as she gripped tightly on the ends. The bite of the pull on my hair triggered a deeper need inside me. “Definitely stay here.” I could hear in her voice the same hunger I felt.

“I like that choice.” I lifted her, and her legs wrapped around my waist, holding herself securely to me as I began walking toward the area near the windows. The sunset was casting a yellowish-orange glow off the lake, giving the entire space an almost sepia appearance.

“Are you sure about this?”

She nodded her head, still gripping my hair with her fingers tightly. “Positive.” She looked back at the view behind her. “I can’t think of a time or place that is more perfect than this.”

I had to agree. This was perfect in so many ways.