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Alpha by Madisyn Monroe, Madisyn Ashmore (7)

Chapter 7


I drew a hot bath and soaked my tired legs in the comforting warmth of the sudsy water. The smell of lavender and sage filled my tiny bathroom. When I first moved to Alaska and I was searching for a place to live, I’d made it a priority to have a bathtub for occasions just like this one. Most of the places for rent in Bond only had small shower stalls, and some only had saunas –no running water at all.

I rubbed the bubbles over my slippery legs, and smoothed bath oil over my body. I couldn’t help but think about Aidan. In one day with him, I’d felt more arousal and passion than I had in years. There was something so manly and irresistible about him. I wondered what it would be like to have him lay his hands on me, and feel his warm breath against my skin.

My whole body tingled as I stretched my legs in the warm, sudsy bath. I folded a towel and laid it behind my neck on the tub’s porcelain edge, so I had something soft to lay my head against. Through the window, I saw the luminescent green and blue streaks of the Northern Lights overhead. For all the downsides of Alaska’s bitterly cold winter, seeing the majesty of nature’s fireworks made it all worthwhile.

I thought about everything that’d happened today. My jeep was still stranded out by the Silver Eclipse Café. I’d have to figure out how to get it in the morning. Maybe I could use it as an excuse to call Aidan. He’d been attracted to me, right? Or had I imagined the intense physical connection we shared? He made me feel so wanted, sexy, and feminine. The way he looked at me was a powerful, undeniable aphrodisiac.

My breasts felt heavy and warm, plumped to extra fullness by the heat of the water. I slid further down into the suds, so that the bubbles covered my erect nipples. My whole body felt alive, and tingled with electric pulses at the thought of Aidan’s touch. He hadn’t been at all what I expected when I headed out of Bond this morning. Never in a million years did I think I’d meet someone like him.

Aidan was so rugged and powerful. He was devastatingly handsome, with refined features and an intense, brooding gaze. When I closed my eyes, I thought about his icy blue eyes, and his muscular, defined body. And his smile. Oh, Lord. His smile was more than I could take. I couldn’t believe a man like that existed, let alone that he was still single.

I scooted down in the bathtub and relaxed. My head fell back and floated idly in the warm bath water. I shook the bottle of shampoo and let the fruity scent envelop my senses as I massaged the sweet liquid into my scalp. So luxurious.

I hadn’t expected Aidan to be so protective of me in front of the council. And what he’d said about how if I were his girl he’d never let me go? I hadn’t had anyone say that to me…ever. Was it just a line he told every girl he met? Maybe, but it didn’t seem like it.

I grabbed the spongy loofa hanging on the spout and glided my silky body wash over its rough surface. I soaped myself, taking care to give attention to every part of my tired body. When I closed my eyes, I imagined Aidan gliding the soap across my slippery skin, his lips wet with desire. The mere thought of him sent my arousal into overdrive. The warmth intensified between my legs, my body already hot for him.

I wrung out a warm, wet washcloth and laid it across my breasts. The heat penetrated my sensitive skin, and aroused my pert nipples. I traced my hands over my curves, imagining Aidan’s hands in place of my own. He’d love every part of me, and adore the few extra pound on my hips and the delicate curve of my stomach.

I squirmed with pleasure, and brought my hand between my heated thighs, where I began to rub gently. The warmth overtook me, and instinctually, I brought my fingertip up to my clit. I pulsed it a few times. Once. Twice. Mmmm. That felt good.

My other hand pinched my nipple, sending an erotic charge through my core. My breath quickened as my fingers massaged my clit harder. One finger slipped inside and wetted itself, then rode back up to my pleasure point. I was so wet, slick, and ready for him. I’d felt this way since the moment he’d hoisted me onto his back on our way to the Lodge. As soon as my thighs gripped his torso, I imagined how he’d feel between my thighs, burrowing himself deeply inside me.

I pushed down further into the tub and turned the jets on high. The bubbles spurted out forcefully and massaged my tender, sensitive skin. I lifted my hips into the jet streams and rotated them pleasurably into the strong, forceful current.

When I closed my eyes, I imagined Aidan’s face next to mine. His soft, firm lips pressed against my skin. How his mouth would feel between my legs. I bit my lip and curled my toes against the edge of the tub. My body slipped down further into the water until just my eyes and nose peeked out over the top. My hands glided up to my breasts and kneaded the plumpness in slow circles.

Aidan. Oh God. His hard rod had been so wide and firm when it pressed against my leg earlier tonight. What would he feel like when he pushed deep inside me, stretching me to the edge of my comfort, and spilled out of my seams?

He felt good. Too good. I bit my lip with the edge of my teeth. I was on fire for him, my lust brought to the brink of insanity. My hands raked over my sensitive skin, and caressed the curves of my rounded body. I couldn’t get enough of that sweet, tingling feeling washing over me.

I slid my hands down between my slick thighs. The soft pads of my fingertips searched for the wet opening, and I dipped my middle finger inside up to the knuckle. My palm brushed my clit and pulsed it gently with a quick, rhythmic touch. My hips bucked against the stream of jets, as I pushed my finger deeper inside me.

My breath quickened, and my core shook. I pushed my feet against the side of the tub to hold my body steadily in place. The fingers of my other hand slid between my legs, and slipped inside my entrance. I quivered as my palm rubbed against my sensitive clit. My fingers massaged it erotically in a circular rhythm, building my frustration to a fever pitch.

My breath came in shallow bursts, my whole body a mass of trembling, electric nerve endings. I focused on that sensation, and let the pleasure wash over me.

My orgasm reared up inside my core, and my mind went numb, overtaken by sheer instinct, as my hips pushed hard against my palm. In one euphoric gasp, I released, the tension spiraling from my body in charged bursts. I cried out and rode the crest of my orgasm, and then I felt another swell up behind it.

Oh God.

My whole body shook, coming again with uncontrollable urgency as my hands grasped the slippery sides of the porcelain tub. My head rocked back into the warm water, so secure and comforting, as I spiraled back down to earth. I closed my eyes, my throat raw and dry as I exhaled a deep breath.

Just then, I heard something snap outside the bathroom window. I startled. Could it be someone watching me? No, it couldn’t be. It must have just been the trees rustling, and the arctic wind howling outside my frosted window pane.

I toweled myself off, taking care to gently pat the beads of water from my tender skin. I retreated to my bedroom and stretched out lazily on the mattress, feeling completely satisfied for the first time in ages. I was almost asleep when I heard something creak downstairs.

An intruder? No, it couldn’t be…could it? Panic rose inside my body, and I began to shake with terror.

I snuck behind the bed and crouched down low, so I was hidden behind the thick mattress.

I reached for my phone and hovered my finger over the buttons to call 911. Was I being paranoid? It was probably just the wind again.

I waited a moment and listened for any strange noises. Everything was silent downstairs. Not even a creak. I exhaled and climbed back up on my bed, feeling sheepish I’d been so skittish over nothing.

I slid under my down-filled covers and tried to forget about the sounds I’d heard. I inhaled the scent of lavender and sage, the aroma still thick in the air from my bath, and tried to regain my peaceful calmness.

All was quiet, until a moment later when I heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs. Whatever it was, it wasn’t human. Oh, God. What the hell was it?

A hulking man with fur on his face and sharp white teeth emerged at the top of the stairs. He smelled putrid and rotten. He grunted loudly and cracked his knuckles as he sniffed at the carpeted stairwell landing.

My heart leapt into my chest. My fingers tried to punch in the digits for 911, but I was shaking too badly to dial. I dropped the phone on the mattress and started to hyperventilate. I was so petrified, I couldn’t even scream.

This was it. The end of my life. There was no way I’d survive an attack by this monster.

I closed my eyes to prepare for my impending death. I never imagined my life would end this way.

Just then, I heard a snarl, and a snap behind the beast. I opened my eyes and saw Aidan rear up behind the monster. He had a long dagger in his right hand, and his face was stony with anger. He focused on the creature, never taking it out of his sight.

The half-grizzly man rounded the corner and snarled in my direction before he lunged towards me. I screamed, my voice finally finding volume, and cowered against the headboard of my king-sized bed. Before the grizzly shifter made contact, Aidan sunk the dagger deep into the creature’s flank. The bear-man swiveled around and attacked Aidan, slashing his face with his sharp, razor claws.

Crimson red blood spilled onto my white bedspread and all along the thick, shag carpet of my bedroom. Aidan hunched his muscular body and his features turned wolf-like. When the grizzly lunged forward one more time, Aidan was ready with the dagger. He sunk it deep into the beast’s fur-covered chest. The creature let out a painful yelp as he crashed heavily to the floor.

“Aidan. Oh no. Aidan. Are you okay?” I screamed and jumped up to my knees, momentarily forgetting I was still completely nude from the bath.

How had Aidan known to come to my rescue? I gripped the edge of the headboard, my face hot and the tears flowing freely now. I didn’t want to look at the creature’s body, or anywhere else for that matter. I shut my eyes tightly; after a moment, I felt Aidan’s fingertips trace a path along my jawline. He’d transformed back into the handsome man I knew, all traces of the wolf beneath his skin were gone.

“You’re safe now,” he whispered.

“I don’t understand. What just happened?” I wiped the tears from my eyes. “How did you know I needed you?”

Aidan’s eyes met mine, but he couldn’t hold my gaze. He looked down at the floor, ashamed of something. I held his hand gently in mine, and smoothed my finger along the deep grooves of his palm.

“It’s okay. You can tell me. You saved my life.”

He shook his head. “No, not here. I can’t. This…” He looked down at the bear shifter, now lifeless on my carpet. The bear shifter had transfigured completely into his animal form. His thick, matted brown fur was tinged with blood and his black, glassy eyes stared back at me.

“Of course, I understand…”

I covered my body with my bed quilt and led Aidan to the bathroom across the hall. I closed the bedroom door tightly behind me as we left. Yes, there was a dead grizzly bear in the middle of my bedroom. I’d have to deal with it, but now wasn’t the time. I’d seen some gruesome cases in my Shifter Law class, but it was a lot different when it happened in front of you, in your own home. I couldn’t stop shaking.

“Shhh. I’ve got you,” he said as he steadied my hand.

“No, I’m okay. Or, at least I will be okay. Just give me a minute.”

I braced myself against the shower door and took a few deep breaths. The gash on Aidan’s face was still bleeding. If I focused on taking care of that, I could forget what’d just happened. I could be strong for him.

I ran a clean washcloth under the sink faucet, and wrung it out before placing it gently across his wound. The red, angry marks marring his cheek had already started to heal, as if by magic.

“It’s my fault he came after you.”

“How is that possible?”

“Shifters can track a scent from miles away. I knew he was coming for you because he smelled your scent on me. That vile creature wanted you dead…all because of me.”

“No, that doesn’t make sense. Why would he do that?”

“Jameson and I confronted him earlier in his trailer. Jameson thought he was the one who killed Charlotte Smith.”

“What? I don’t understand. Why…”

“Jameson heard him saying some messed up stuff awhile back and put two and two together.”

“Can you prove it?”

“No, unfortunately not. We didn’t have time to search his trailer.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I wish you’d told me earlier…”

“I honestly didn’t know. Look, I don’t know if he’s the one who killed Charlotte Smith. He was a rogue, a loner, the type of shifter who hates humans. Guys like that go crazy, and they have to be put down. Like I said earlier, we take care of our own.”

“Does this happen a lot?” My eyes widened. “I never hear about it on the news.”

“It happens often enough that we have a system in place to deal with it,” he said darkly. “Shifters have secrets, ones that we don’t tell humans. That’s why the council said we’d take care of Chase Reynolds. Better us killing him swiftly than putting him through that human circus just to reach the same end. He’s dead either way.”

“That human circus? Is that what you call a court of law? I’ve pledged my life to upholding the truth and finding justice. For you to make a mockery…”

He cut me off.

“Calm down, Olivia. I know you have your ways. And we have ours. That’s all I was saying.”

“Oh,” I said quietly. I pulled the quilt tighter around my body and huddled under its warmth. I wanted to get dressed, but Aidan was standing right there and it felt awkward asking him to leave when he’d just saved my life.

I searched Aidan’s face for a hint of remorse. He’d just killed someone. How could he stand there and act like it was no big deal?

“So, in your world, you just take matters into your own hands and kill whoever you think is guilty? That’s terrible.”

“Oh really?” he bit out. “The last time I checked, even in your human world, defending the life of another is encouraged. That shifter would have killed you. You know that, right?”

“I do,” I said quietly. “But what sort of accountability is there? You just came in here and killed him. How do you make sure that it’s the right person? Our legal system has checks and balances to keep people safe.”

“I never said it was a perfect system,” he said. “Shifters are undocumented. You know that. They disappear. We like our freedom, but it comes with costs, too. For every exchange of safety, there is a loss of freedom. We take our chances, and when things go south, we handle them ourselves. It’s not your place to judge.”

“I’m not judging you. I’m trying to understand.” I adjusted the quilt and rustled my hair, still wet from the bath.

“You smell so good,” he said abruptly, then stammered. “Wait, did I just say that aloud?”

“You did,” I laughed. I was grateful he’d broken the tension.

“Wow,” he exhaled. “I can still smell the bubble bath on your skin. That’s all I meant.”

We both froze at the same time as a guilty look swept across his face. How did he know I’d taken a bubble bath? He must have seen….

“You saw me. In the bathtub?” I blushed. “You…were watching?”

“Guilty as charged,” he smirked.

My face flushed with heat. He’d seen me…Oh my, I couldn’t even say it. I should’ve been mad, but all his confession did was make me want him that much more.




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