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Alpha by Madisyn Monroe, Madisyn Ashmore (11)

Chapter 11

You can’t just kidnap me. People are going to realize I’m missing,” I glared at him.

Aidan revved the engine to his truck after pre-heating it to get it warmed up for me. The heat pumping out of the vents was piping hot. I barely even noticed the blistering cold weather outside.

Aidan carefully drove onto the main road outside my apartment complex, and then turned onto the highway. Fresh snow fell around us, covering up our tire tracks. There wasn’t even a trail of where we’d been.

It was almost noon now, and the sun had still barely risen in the sky. In a few hours, it would be dark again. That was winter in Alaska.

“You can at least tell me where you’re taking me.” I gripped Aidan’s arm from the passenger seat as he focused on the road ahead. He was silent, and his face didn’t tell me a damn thing.

We were on the highway headed out of Bond, towards Aidan’s restaurant, The Silver Eclipse Café. I’d driven this road yesterday, but it seemed like a lifetime ago. A few minutes passed, and I saw my jeep by the side of the road, now covered in six inches of snow with a large, fallen branch across the windshield. Not a single human had seen me since then.

I’d be reported as a missing person, another girl lost in the middle of Nowhere, Alaska. Just like Aidan said to me when we first met: it happens every day.

I thought about what people would say when they found out I was missing. Would they look for me? Would they assume I’d frozen to death and they wouldn’t try to look for my body until spring? There was no point digging for a body in the cold, dark tundra.

Oh, how I missed California. What made me ever decide to move up to this frozen iceberg at the edge of the world?

“It’s not that bad,” Aidan smiled.

“What’s not that bad?” I frowned at him. He was partially right. If I was going to be taken hostage by somebody, I was glad it was the sexiest shifter on earth.

“I meant to say, it’s not so bad where I’m taking you. Just think of it like a vacation.”

“A vacation in the middle of nowhere. Sounds amazing,” I said sarcastically.

We drove in silence the rest of the way. The roads were unmarked, with no street signs to guide us. Aidan turned the GPS on his dash away from me, so I couldn’t even see the coordinates. He wanted to keep my location secret from me, but it didn’t even matter. He’d made sure I left my phone at the apartment, so I couldn’t call for help even if I’d wanted to.

Just as the sun started to set, we pulled down a snowy driveway that snaked around a creek. In the distance, I saw a log cabin surrounded by giant pine trees. The lights were off inside, and snow had piled up across the walkway. He parked at the edge of the cabin and cut the engine.

“After you,” he said as he opened my door. He brushed the thick layer of snow off the front stoop and unlocked the cabin’s front door with the key from his leather keychain. I crossed the threshold and was immediately greeted by a fresh, woodsy scent. The cabin was chilly inside, but not freezing.

The main part of the cabin was large; it was mostly one enormous room, with a loft bedroom overhead. A thin, wooden staircase led up to the sleeping space, where a thick mattress rested on a low platform bed. The kitchen off the main room downstairs was bright and airy. It had buttressed wood beams that pointed up to the steep, vaulted ceiling. Skylights let in natural light from overhead. The countertops were made of finely oiled butcher blocks. A long breakfast bar with comfy stools separated the kitchen from the living room of the cabin. I couldn’t help but look around and be amazed by how comfortable and welcoming this place was.

“Would you like anything to drink?”

“Sure. Water would be great.”

Aidan popped open the fridge, and pulled out a pitcher of cold, filtered water. I peeked inside the refrigerator and saw only red meat, dead fish with their heads still intact, butter, and milk. The fish hadn’t even been cleaned yet.

I held my breath and forced back the urge to throw up. Aidan handed me a glass tumbler of ice water, and I took a long gulp.

“Nice place for a hideout,” I said as I peered into the modern living room. The main room had a large stone fireplace on one wall, and high vaulted ceilings in the middle. A large picture window spanned the back wall and looked out over a wide river vista. The scenery was so breathtaking it looked like a mural, except, of course, that it was real.

“Thanks, I’m glad you like it.”

Aidan walked over to the stone fireplace and tossed a few logs inside the hearth. With a flip of a switch, he turned on the igniter, and the logs caught fire, suddenly crackling and warm.

I moved towards the fire to warm my hands, and passed by the plush leather sectional couch in the center of the room. A wide-mouthed jar of beef jerky and a deck of cards were situated on top of the pristine glass coffee table. The cabin seemed so normal, just like a regular house. Well, except for the beef jerky assortment on the table.

“This place is actually pretty relaxing,” I sighed. “You know, despite the circumstances.”

“Really?” He raised his brow hopefully.

“Yeah. I’ve been under so much pressure at work. The learning curve to my job is steep. It’s a lot to deal with some days, you know?”

“I know. I’ve got my pressures, too. That’s why I built this place. It’s my spot to escape.”

My jaw dropped. “You built this place?” I looked around at the sweeping, grand architecture, and the tasteful décor. It wasn’t what I expected Aidan’s house to look like. Not by a long-shot.

“Don’t act so surprised. I’m not a complete savage. I know good design, and how to decorate.”

“I guess so,” I laughed. I had to hand it to him; his cabin in the woods was far homier than my sparsely decorated apartment in Bond.

I glanced up at the fireplace mantle and saw the row of black and white photographs, all in shining silver frames.

“Is that your family?” I said, noticing the similarities between the smiling faces of the people in the photographs.

“Some of it,” he nodded. “We’re a big crew, and there’s a lot of love there. A lot of trust between us.”

I closed my eyes. What would it be like to have a close family like that? People you could trust, who you knew always had your back? I hadn’t had that in so long…

I sunk down into the soft, leather sectional and pulled my knees up towards my chin. With the fire crackling and the breathtaking view of the river, this place felt like a private ski lodge tucked into the wilderness.

But I was worried, too. I couldn’t be involved with breaking Chase Reynolds out of jail. I’d sworn an oath to uphold justice. Knowing about the plan and not telling the police meant I was just as guilty as the shifters. Besides, Chase would probably get shot by the guards if he tried to escape.

“So, what happens now?” I asked him.

“We wait.”

“We wait? That’s it?”

I wasn’t good at waiting. As gorgeous as this cabin was, it didn’t even have a television, and my phone was back at my apartment. What the hell were we going to do in the middle of the woods with nothing to entertain us? Oh wait. Nevermind.

My eyes traced along Aidan’s lean body and his perfect, masculine form. I’d never been with someone so primal and tempting. He sent tingles up my spine just by looking at me. And now that I knew he could please me sexually, it made me crave him even more.

It was amazing to me how fully human Aidan was, even though I knew he could shift his body to wolf form at will.

“Have you always known what you are?” I asked timidly.

“A shifter? Yeah, it’s not a big secret when you grow up in the pack. But the change didn’t happen to me until I was older. About twelve or thirteen. Puberty is usually when it hits. I knew it was coming, but I wasn’t prepared for it.”

“How so?” I leaned in closer. My eyes ran along his firm muscles, his beautiful jawline, and his muscular legs. I salivated at the thought of the things I could do to that man with my mouth if I ever got the chance again.

“I couldn’t control it when I shifted at first. It was terrifying. Embarrassing. I wanted to die. It was so painful, and humiliating.”

“Humiliating?” I looked at him. “It seems pretty powerful to me.”

He glanced towards the fire. The flames flickered in his icy blue eyes as he spoke. “I guess in hindsight, I can see that. But at the time, I just wanted to be human.”

“Human?” I paused. “How did you even know what humans were? I always thought shifters were pretty segregated from the human population back then.”

“Just because we didn’t live together doesn’t mean we didn’t know about each other. It looked like a better life,” he said wistfully. “One with more control.”

“The grass is always greener, I guess. I would think being a shifter would have its advantages. Humans seem so weak and fragile by comparison.”

“You don’t seem weak to me,” he said smoothly.

“I have my moments,” I smiled. “Were you always this way?”

He frowned, suddenly looking uncomfortable. Perhaps I’d said the wrong thing.

“What way? You mean a shifter?” He paused a beat. “Yeah, I was born this way. No one turned me, if that’s what you mean.”

I swallowed. “Turned you? Can that…happen?”

“Yes, of course.” He glanced at me suspiciously. “Don’t you wonder why humans are so distrustful of shifters? Humans get turned more often than you would think.”

“Oh?” I rocked back on my heels. “I guess I’m new to this. We don’t have shifters where I come from.”

“Not that you know of,” he arched his brow. “I’m sure you’ve met many shifters and didn’t realize it. Now you’d be able to spot one. Once you know what to look for, it’s easy.”

“Oh yeah,” I smiled. “The broad muscular physique and the sparkling silver-blue eyes are a dead giveaway.”

“Go on,” he laughed. “I like to hear you compliment me.”

“You would,” I said as I rubbed his arm, shocked at the sudden familiarity I had with him.

It was silent between us for a moment. His hot breath felt so good against my neck as I nuzzled his arm. Just as I started to drift my gaze, he ran his finger along my jawline and guided my chin up towards him. He kissed my hair softly and whispered.

“I think you’re doing a really great thing for Chase. The other shifters might not understand it, but I do. “

“You believe in what I’m doing?” I smiled, relieved I had someone on my side.

“I do. Those guys want to break Chase out of jail, and that’s not going to make humans trust shifters. The world is growing smaller now with cellphones, and the internet. Hell, Bond used to be a dot on the map and now it’s growing into a real, thriving city. I think the faster we make peace with our human brothers and sisters, the better off we’ll all be.”

I smiled. “Is that’s what we were doing? Making peace?”

“Something like that,” he said as he rubbed my knee. I pushed into him, already feeling his hardness against my thigh.

I traced my fingers along his strong bicep, outlining the curve of his muscle with my silky touch.

“Thank you for opening up to me,” I said tentatively.

“I like talking to you. It’s nice to have someone to listen to me,” he purred in my ear. He traced his hands down my hips as his fingers slowly massaged my tender muscles. “Do I scare you? I know shifters are scary to some humans.”

I ran my fingers through his inky black hair and kissed him gently between his piercing blue eyes.

“You don’t scare me now. I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

His eyes danced over my body seductively. There was nothing more enticing than the way Aidan looked at me. I raked my fingers along his back muscles, and bit his earlobe, nibbling the tender flesh gently in my teeth.

“From now on, I’ll tell you everything,” he whispered.

As I laid my head on his shoulder, the warmth returned to my face.

“You’d better say that. You practically kidnapped me,” I ribbed him.

“What can I do to make it up to you?”  His tongue danced across my lips, and he tenderly sucked their pink flesh. He spread my thighs gently over his legs, until I was wrapped tightly around his core.

In one clean move, he slid the blouse from my shoulders and kissed the soft part of my chest. His hands ran over my black lace bra and unhooked the metal clasp. The bra tumbled onto the floor, leaving me completely exposed to Aidan and his powerful touch.

I gasped sharply as he ran his tongue along my breast, savoring my nipple as he rolled it in his mouth. I yearned to feel him inside me, but he held back. My breath quickened as his strong hands massaged my thighs, already slick and ready for him. He pressed into me, his masterful fingers increasing my arousal with every touch.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he growled.

His finger pushed into me, parting my folds around his smooth hand. I was already close to climax from his manly touch. I pushed towards the orgasm, wanting it so badly I could taste it. He licked his lips, and pressed his forehead against mine. I felt so open, and vulnerable in his embrace. I rocked my hips towards him, ready for everything he had to give me.

He slid down, his face now pressed between my trembling thighs. His shoulders buoyed me up; his tongue danced at the entrance to my quivering body. I lowered my hips rhythmically, enticing him deeper inside me. He retreated, his tongue playing games with my hungry body. Every time I pursued his touch, his mouth reminded me that he was in control.

“Trust me, Olivia,” he breathed. A seductive smile crossed his lips. His eyes were wide with mischief. I loved how he played with me, how he savored every touch of my skin.

I exhaled and pushed my hips closer to his greedy mouth. I wanted him completely: not his tongue, not his fingers. I wanted every inch of his impressive manhood.

“I want to feel you inside me. All of you,” I whispered. I tugged from under his shoulders, trying to push his head up towards mine. He resisted, plunging his lips more deeply into my folds.

“Oh God,” I mouthed.

He smiled and then circled my clit with his tongue, edging me to the brink of orgasm. I rocked my head back, enjoying every flick of pleasure cresting over my body in waves.

“Don’t make me beg, Aidan. I need you inside me now.”

He paused, and his eyes locked with mine. Something about what I’d said amused him, and his lips curved into a subtle smile.

He raked his fingers across my thighs and gripped my buttocks. My body tensed, and every nerve ending sparked alive at his touch. I scooted my body down until my legs wrapped around his waist. I gripped his core tightly between my thighs, and squeezed him with gentle pressure.

Our lips met in a hungry, passionate kiss. His tongue danced along my mouth; the fresh taste of mint and his primal scent took hold of me. I shivered in his embrace. His mouth nibbled seductively down my jaw and towards the soft crevice of my neck.

“I want you, Aidan. Please,” I gasped.

“Are you begging me?” He smiled wickedly.

I glared at him, my eyes fiery hot and ready to play dirty. I gripped the zipper of his pants, and teased it down. His pants slacked around his thighs loosely; I pushed them until the fabric slipped from his legs and onto the floor. His boxers felt hot to my touch as I wrested them from his body; his hard, stone column pulsed against my open palm as I gripped him tightly. I licked my lips in hunger. I wanted everything he had to give me.

His hips, so powerful, thrusted towards me as I let go of him. He rocked into me, pushing deeply inside me in one powerful move.

“Oh God,” I choked, overtaken by his immense manhood. I wanted him with untamed ferocity. Everything about Aidan sent me the heights of euphoria, and I still wanted more. I grasped him tightly in between my quivering thighs and rode up and down the full length of his massive rod.

My lips traced the soft edge of his earlobe, as my orgasm swelled inside me. He pushed harder, to the end of my depths, until he hit the end of me. I winced at the painful ecstasy, and how different he felt than any man I’d ever been with before.

I pushed back, unable to stop the orgasm that sped through me. He crashed into me again, his cock stroking me from the inside, caressing every sensitive nerve inside my aroused body. I called out, unable to contain myself, as my orgasm increased to a mind-blowing fervor.


He rasped something I couldn’t hear, as I met his drive with my own powerful intensity. I felt sexy and strong in his masculine hold. I rode him, and circled my hips around his deliciously hardened cock. He raked his nails down my back until they rested on my exposed buttock, and dug in to my tender flesh.

“Mmmmm…” His lips danced over my neck, his tongue tracing a line to my bare breast.

His impressive cock massaged me from the inside while his mouth sent me to heaven with its tantalizing, erotic exploration.

He locked my hips to his, and took my body completely under his control. My hair whipped around me and lashed against my bare back. I moaned, unable to contain my pleasure. I was his captive with no means of escape.

“It’s too much.” I cried out as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wanted to satisfy Aidan the way he’d satisfied me. I wanted to feel him explode inside me, but every time he got to the edge of his orgasm, he slowed his pace.

“I can make you come all night. We have time,” he whispered.

He gently wiped the tears from my hot cheeks. He was in one moment primal and wild, and the next a sensitive gentleman.

A moment stretched to eternity before he grabbed my bare buttocks and thrust himself deeply inside me once more. My core clenched around him, driven by instinct and my insane level of desire. He trained his gaze on me as he plunged deeper, sending us both to the edge of a mutual climax.

“You’re so hot,” he whispered as he caught my earlobe in his teeth.

My head rocked to the side and was held in place by his strong hands. My body was so close to the edge of orgasm, I didn’t think I could contain myself for another moment. His lips sealed with mine in a gentle kiss that relaxed me as he caressed the tendrils of my sweat-soaked hair. With that tender touch, I was finally ready to release.

My orgasm rocketed through my body, unable to be tamed or stopped. I pushed against Aidan with wild abandon, my muscles contracting around his stone rod until he winced in pleasure.

“Don’t stop. Aidan, oh God.”

His incredible cock pulsed inside me, as I rode it through his long, delicious climax. He pounded against me, pushing towards the orgasm he craved. His gaze was primal and pure, a manly lust that overtook him as he pressed his forehead against mine.

He pushed deep inside me one last time until he came hotly inside my quivering sex. His warmth enveloped me, sending waves of euphoria through my tender core. I twitched in soft spasms as my body relaxed in his arms. If this was what being kidnapped meant, there was nowhere else I’d rather be.




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