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April Fool by Joy Wood (52)

Chapter 55


Henry Rider meant nothing to April, yet she felt every inch of his pain. Seeing the way he was willing to expose his father had stirred up unexpected feelings. She wasn’t a sentimental person at all, but he had had the ability to make her gut twist. Maybe it was the mother-child connection. He’d lost his mum and her heart constricted for him. She remembered the pain only too well.

Her thoughts drifted towards her own son, Noah. She had to compartmentalise him into being her sister’s child. It did her no good at all thinking he belonged to her. Dreams of them living a life together had to be stifled. She’d given him away and had to live with that decision.

She pressed Chloe’s name on her phone.

Adele’s beautiful voice blared out as Chloe answered. “Hi, sis. How you doing?”

“I’m okay, just busy with work. How’s things your end?”

“Brilliant. Hey, you know I told you Gavin was applying to Children in Need to see if we could get some help,” she didn’t wait for April to answer, “well, they’ve put us in touch with an organisation, and guess what? We’ve got a donation of ten thousand pounds. We heard on Wednesday and I’m still doing a happy dance.”

“That’s fantastic. Gosh that must put the total somewhere near fifty thousand.”

“It does, just over actually. So we’re halfway there. Can you believe it?”

“It’s amazing, Chlo. You and Gav have worked so hard, I’m really proud of you.”

“You’ve given us plenty towards it though. It’s not all us.”

“Not as much as I’d like, but that’s going to change soon. I’m almost done here.”

“Good, especially if it means seeing more of you. Noah will love it.”

“Aw, bless him. I do miss him.”

“When we eventually get to the States for the op, I’m hoping you can come and visit us there, the only thing is though, you might have to pay your own fare. I’m not sure how much we would be able to take out of the fund for family visits.”

“I could do that, it won’t be a problem. We’ll see about visiting. If not, then maybe we can all have a holiday together somewhere warm after his surgery?”

“That would be amazing. It wouldn’t have to cost a fortune, we could go to Spain or somewhere like that. Maybe in a villa with a pool, I bet that would be great for Noah’s physio.”

“Sounds brilliant, we’ll sort something out. Not long now and I’ll be finished on this job. Oh, before I forget, Chlo, remember, if anyone was to contact you, you don’t know anything about me. You haven’t seen me for years.”

“I know, I know. You’ve told me the drill hundreds of times.”

“I just wanted to make sure.”

“Well nobody’s asked yet, and I won’t let you down if they do.”

“That’s great. Anyway, the reason I rang is to tell you I’m going away.”


“In the next couple of days.”

“Where you going?”

“I can’t say, but at least this time I can keep in touch.”

“How long are you away for?”

“Not sure, yet.”

Chloe sighed out loud, “Do you know, I hope you do actually give this business up. I understand the police force is your life, but all this cloak and dagger stuff is really getting ridiculous.”

“And that’s why I am giving it up. Don’t be cross, I’ll keep in touch this time I promise. Put Noah on for a minute before I go so I can say cheerio.”

“I’ll be furious if I don’t hear from you like last time,” Chloe warned.

“I’ll text you regularly, I promise, Mother.”

“You’d better. Right hang on a sec,” she heard Chloe shout for Noah, “here he is. Please take care of yourself.”

“I will. Love you to the moon and back.”

“You too.”

A child like voice came on and her heart twitched as his tiny voice said hello.

“Is that the best nephew in the world?”

Noah giggled. “It’s me, it’s Noah.”

“I know it is sweetheart, I’d recognise your voice anywhere. What have you been doing?”

“I’m doing a picture for Daddy. He’s at work.”

“That’s nice, he’ll like that.”

“I want to go out but it’s raining so Mummy said I have to stay in.”

“Not to worry, it’ll brighten up later, then you can go out. If you’ve got your crayons out, maybe you could do me a picture, too.”

“Yeah, I can do you one.”

“Can you? I’d love one with lots of colours.”

“Do you like dogs?”

“I love dogs.”

“I can draw a dog at the seaside.”

“That would be a lovely picture to have. I could put it on my wall.”

“When will you come for it?”

“Soon. You save it for me, put it somewhere safe. Can you do that?”

“I can put it on my board with a magnet.”

“That would be brilliant. You do that.”

“Shall I write my name on it?”

“Oh, yes please. Right, I’ve got to go to work, my darling, and I’ll be going away for a while. Can you be a really good boy for your mummy until I see you again?”

“How many sleeps?” She knew he meant how long until he saw her again.

“Quite a few, sweetheart. Perhaps too many to count, but I’ll see you as soon as I can. Give your mummy a big kiss and a hug from me, would you?”


Tears pricked her eyes. She loved him so much.

“Good boy. I’m going to blow you a big kiss too. Can you catch it down the phone?”

He giggled.

She made kissing noises down the phone. “Bye, bye sweetie, love you very much.”

A little voice replied, “Bye bye.”

She cut the call and swallowed the lump in her throat at the image of him sat at the table with all the bright crayons, colouring a picture for her. Even if he could go outside to play, he couldn’t run around like children his age. He had to be content with his walking frame for his mobility. But that was about to change.

She was close to making sure her little boy walked again.

The success of the following day depended on it.