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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (30)

Jensen ran the property. He stuck to the path and saw his dad in front of him. He ran to catch up and fell in step with him.

“I didn’t know you jogged.”

Brandon stopped and leaned over. “Don’t tell your dad. I can barely make it three miles.”

“Aw, Dad, you’re trying to do something he likes, huh?”

“I’m trying to stay in shape, although it doesn’t matter what I do, you guys will always be taller than me and bigger.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Brandon straightened and looked up at his son. “God, you got tall. I can’t believe you’re so grown up.”

“I missed you.”

Brandon cupped his son’s face. “What’s wrong, honey? You look sad somehow.”

Jensen looked at his Dad. “It’s Hunter. He has a boyfriend.”

Brandon blinked. “I didn’t know he was gay.”

“Neither did I. I’m his best friend, Dad. And do you know how I found out? He left the mic on after we were done on the webcam one day and I heard everything…” Jensen choked out.

“Oh baby, I’m sorry.” Brandon hugged him.

“How could he not tell me?”

“Well, I see you here with Max. I don’t think you guys were playing cards last night, so it seems to me you’re keeping your own secrets.”

Jensen sighed. “You’re right. I was going to tell Hunter at some point. I don’t know what this is, though. I like Max, a lot. It’s just that — ”

“You love Hunter.”

“Why do I even bother opening my mouth?”

“I’ve watched you and Hunter for a long time, Jensen. He has feelings for you too.”

“You think so?”

“Yep. Your dad agrees. So does Roman.” Brandon took his hand. “Now carry me back to the house.”


Nikolai was up and already running this morning. It was about forty degrees out and he was running shirtless. The sweat was pouring down his chest. He had to get some of his energy out. His plan had worked perfectly last night, with Colin thinking he was drunk. He had tricked Colin into admitting that he wanted him.

It wasn’t enough, though. He knew he wasn’t ready to do what he wanted with Colin. He’d never had a boyfriend, and Colin was older; he would expect things that Nik hadn’t done. He was going to have make sure Colin wanted him and only him, thus the bare chested running.

He noticed his Pops outside working out on the punching bag. “Feel like sparring, old man?”

Vince arched a brow. He stretched his arms out, flexing his muscles. “Old man?”

Nikolai bounced up and down, cracking his neck from side to side. “Yep.”



Colin had almost dropped his coffee cup. His jaw dropped as he watched Nikolai. No one had noticed him yet, thank God.

Vince and Nikolai circled each other, Vince with his sly smile and Nikolai with a look of concentration on his face. Nik was watching every little movement from his father. If he had been anyone else, he would never walk away from a fight with him. His father was notoriously vicious.

By now most of them were on the deck watching Vince and Nikolai. Andrei was sipping his cup of coffee, smiling at his son. Nikolai was the same height as his father now, and although not as muscular, he was pretty big. Nikolai smiled. His father’s fingers were twitching and he knew at any second…

Vince hit Nikolai full force, knocking him the ground on his back. Nik braced himself and pushed him off with his foot. He did a back handspring, landing back on his feet with his arms out.


“How old is Nikolai?” Cameron’s jaw dropped.

“He’s a couple weeks older than us,” Evan answered. “He was born prematurely.”

“No shit?” Max looked at him. “Damn, he looks just like his father.”

“I know,” Colin sighed.

Jensen teased. “Hmm. Colin has feelings for young Markov.”

“Shut up.” Colin pushed him.


Nikolai barely missed his father’s fist hitting his jaw. He backed up and did a roundhouse kick. Vince caught his foot, flipping him over. Nikolai landed crouched on the balls of his feet, arms out, fingers in the snow.

“Shit.” Max’s jaw dropped. “He’s like a ninja.”

“He trains every day with his father,” Andrei told them. “He is almost as good. No one will ever beat Vince.”

“Yeah, I’m not trying.” Jensen laughed.

“I may not beat him in the ring, but I can still beat him at the range. I’ll settle for that,” Justin said firmly.

Vince threw Nikolai a fighting stick. Nik flipped it in his fingers, whipping it back and forth, flipping it from hand to hand. They circled each other and Vince swung. Nikolai jumped, the stick going under his feet.

The sound of wood smacking wood reverberated through the valley. Vince twisted his body, smacking Nikolai in the back, and turned in time to miss Nikolai’s stick to the side of his head.

“Damn.” Cameron watched them, fascinated.


Vince put the stick in front of him, bowing slightly. “Well done.”

“You too, Pops. Someday I’ll beat you.” Nikolai winked.

“You mind explaining last night?” Vince asked his son quietly.

“What?” Nikolai tried to look innocent.

“You can drink a bottle of vodka and be fine.” Vince narrowed his eyes, still keeping his voice down.

“Well, thanks for not ratting me out. It was an experiment,” his son whispered

“Hmmmm. Did it work?” Vince raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, yeah.” Nik winked at Colin and called out, “Who’s next?”

Max watched Nikolai stretching his arms out. “Yeah, not me.”

“Awwww, are you scared?” Jensen laughed. “I’ll take you, Nik.”

Max watched Jensen’s shirt come off before he jumped over the deck railing. Nik was already ready when Jensen plowed into him. They hit the ground and the wrestling started. Both of them got good shots in. Jensen had Nikolai in a headlock and he was flipped over, landing on his back with a grunt. Nikolai was on top of him, with the lethal hit ready.

“Gotcha.” Nikolai winked.

“I need more training. I’m rusty.”

“Well.” Nik got up and put his hand out. “I got all day.”

“I’ll be joining in then.” Evan moved off the deck.

Andrei stripped his shirt, smiling. “Good. I will fight you, Evan.”

Evan put his hand out. “Come on, Uncle Andrei.”

Cameron watched Evan and his uncle fight. There was a reason Andrei Panchenko was notorious. He was ruthless and lethal. And brilliant. Vince was sparring with Justin. Dimitri staggered when Chris jumped on his back, laughing.

“I got you!” Chris kissed his neck.

Dimitri flipped him over into his arms, holding him. “I have got you.”

Chris kissed him. “You always did.”

Cameron laughed at Max sipping his coffee. “Didn’t want to join in?”

“Did you?” Max motioned to the fighting going on.

“I mean, I can hold my own, but damn.” Cameron watched Evan slide under Andrei, sidestepping a punch to the gut.

“I’m just getting my caffeine fix before I join in,” Colin said.

“You too?” Max looked at him.

“Oh yeah. We’ve all been trained.” Colin put down his empty cup and took off his shirt off.

He jumped the railing and joined the group. Nikolai watched him with his head tilted. Colin stretched his arms out, flexing his pectoral muscles. He may not be as big as Nik, but he was spry.

The first hit missed him by inches, and Colin did a back spring, landing a few feet from Nik. He stretched his fingers out, cracking his knuckles. They circled each other again and Colin watched his body language. Nik was just like his dad — you could never tell what he was going to do until it was too late.

Nik’s fingers were moving, studying Colin. He watched every little movement, his eyes trained on his. In seconds Nik had taken his feet out from underneath him. He hit the ground on his back with Nik was poised over him.

Colin looked at him with slight irritation. He wasn’t even out of breath.

“You okay?” Nikolai helped him up.

“I’m okay.” Colin stood, shaking his head clear. “You’ve been busy.”

“Yep. I train with my Pops every day in the morning and after school. I’ll never —” Nikolai closed his mouth and looked away.

“Hey.” Colin took his face in his hands. “You’ll never be vulnerable again. That’s it, isn’t it?”

Colin always understood him. He knew him better than anyone.


“Someone would have to have a death wish to try and take you now, Nik.” Colin took his hand.

“Yeah? Well, no one better ever fuck with you, either.”

Colin hugged him. Nikolai pulled him close, loving the feel of Colin in his arms.


Vince watched his son with Colin. They were in love. They always had been. Vince knew what had happened last night now. He smiled. His son was just like him.

“They will be together soon, I think,” Andrei said quietly.

“I think Nik’s working on it.”

“Was that what happened last night?” Andrei asked. “I know him. He can outdrink me.”

“I think he can outdrink anyone.” Vince laughed loud.

One of Andrei’s main security men, Ivan, called out to all the kids. “Breakfast!”

“Oh, thank God. I’m starving.” Evan smiled.

Cameron watched him trot back up on deck and checked his head. The wound had closed up and was healing nicely.

“I’m fine.” Evan rolled his eyes.

“Just checking. You got knocked around a lot out there.”

“I told you I get thrown around a lot.”

“I see that now.”

They ate breakfast and took another trip to the range. Jensen took his father’s famous shot again, nailing it the first time. Justin hugged him tightly. He had never been so proud to be a father. His own father had abandoned him as soon as he had found out he was gay.

Jensen was one of the best things to ever happen to him. Brandon had been the first. They met and fell in love when Josh’s molester had gotten out of prison. Justin had grabbed Brandon before Dominic had gotten him, but it didn’t matter. Dominic was destined to be with Mason, as it turned out.

Brandon stood next to him and the three of them hugged and laughed. Max felt a twinge as he watched. They were truly a close family. His own family was completely different. They tolerated each other.

Max walked over and took Jensen’s hand. Brandon was watching Max with his son. The kid was good-looking, and it was no wonder his son had a crush on him, but that’s all it was. Brandon knew that as well as he knew the sun would rise and the sky was blue. Jensen was in love with Hunter, and that would never change, no matter who he dated.

Nikolai came out dressed all in black with his gun belt on, and Colin almost passed out. For crying out loud, he had a constant hard-on around him. He watched as he and Vince looked over the map. Colin turned toward Evan and arched a brow.

“A hunt?” Evan whispered.

Colin nodded. He wasn’t sure if they were hunting an animal or each other. That made him chuckle and Nikolai looked up just then. Oh, for fuck’s sake.

“So, who’s up for some fun?” Vince asked.

“Depends.” Colin crossed his arms.

“Our dog has gotten out of the property line.” Nikolai chuckled. “If they find him, they will shoot him.”

“How big is the property?” Max wasn’t too sure he wanted to go roaming around the woods in Russia.

“Well, quite a few miles, but we have an idea where he is,” Andrei answered.

“I don’t think you should call him a dog,” Colin corrected.

“Well, Lelantos has been known to wander off, being a wolf and all.” Nikolai shrugged.

“You named a wolf Lelantos?” Cameron shook his head. “How appropriate.”

“He came to us as a puppy. Hunters have been trying to take a shot at him whenever he crosses too far.” Vince growled.

Max scrunched his forehead. “Lelantos, Titan of Greek mythology, god of air… oh… and stalking prey. I get it.”

“I’m glad the school is teaching you something.” Andrei patted his shoulder. “Are we ready?”

“Yep.” Colin pulled on his jacket.

They all spread out within miles of each other, Colin with Nikolai. They crossed the mountains and followed a stream. Nikolai pulled out his map and looked at his GPS. Colin looked up and around before taking his canteen out.

“You okay?”

“Yep.” Colin took a sip and checked out the darkening sky. “It’s going to get dark soon, huh?”

“Yes, we need to move.”

Another half hour had them even further out, and Colin pushed some bushes aside. There was a group of men around a fire and Colin suspected this was the end of the Markov property — or they had squatters. One of them men looked up and Colin pulled the branches back and turned around. Nik… was gone.

There was a low growl to his right and Colin tried to see through the thick brush. The next thing he knew, Lelantos was on top of him.

“Hey, boy.” Colin rubbed his fur.

“There he is!”

Colin looked up to see the group of men with guns trained on Lelantos. He got up and threaded his fingers in his fur. “Hey, um, we have him now. Sorry about that.”

“He’s going to make a great trade,” one of them said.

“You’re not touching him.”

“We can kill him… then you. No one will find you up here.”

Colin narrowed his eyes as Lelantos let out a low growl, his teeth bared. One moved toward Colin and then Nikolai was flying down on them from above. He hit one, and he went down with a loud cry; Nikolai was poised over the next one.

“Wanna be next, asshole?” Nik growled in his ear. “How dare you come on my property, try to kill my friend, and my damn dog.”

“That’s not a dog.”

“You wanna split hairs? I found you dead… such a shame.” Nikolai tightened his grip around his neck.

Colin could see Nik had a knife held to his lower back. He pushed it in slightly and the guy’s eyes went wide.

“Okay, okay!”

“Nik, let him go,” Vince said calmly as he walked up.

“Oh, shit.”

“That’s usually the reaction I get. Get the fuck off my property. It is still mine, even out here.”

Andrei showed up right behind him, and Lelantos went over to him, wagging his tail. “You have been a bad boy.” Andrei crouched down, petting him.

“Oh, fuck.” The three men were backing up now. “We meant no disrespect.”

“You tried to kill my nephew.” Andrei stood. “What kind of punishment do you think that would afford you?”

“Leave. Now.” Vince narrowed his eyes.

“Are you okay?” Nikolai asked Colin.

“I’m fine.” Colin nodded. “Jesus, Nik. Stealthy.”

“I saw them before you did. I had a feeling.”

Vince radioed the rest of the group, letting them know they had found the wolf and were on their way back. They headed down the mountain and Lelantos was ahead, keeping close to Andrei and Vince.

“He’s so cute.” Colin shook his head.

“He was protecting you,” Nik said.

“He got huge.” Lelantos looked about one-hundred-fifty pounds. He was solid black with green eyes.

Nikolai took Colin’s hand as they walked. They threaded their fingers together.

“Thanks for saving me back there.”

“I’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt you, Colin.” Nikolai squeezed his hand.

Colin knew that look in Nik’s eyes. He was serious. “I know.”

Jensen waited for them to come back. The first thing he saw was black fur. Max’s eyes went wide and he started backing up. Jensen grabbed his hand.

“Not a good idea. Stand your ground.”

Max watched the black fur bounding at him, the green eyes prominent on the backdrop of white snow. Lelantos jumped on Jensen, knocking him on his ass. He licked his face and Jensen laughed, grabbing him by the neck.

“Ugh, you need a breath mint!”

“Oh, I gotta take a picture of this.” Cameron and Evan were walking up.

Lelantos’ head came up, smelling Evan. He got off Jensen and ran for Evan. Evan laughed and ran away. He got knocked down and Lelantos was licking his head while he stood on his back.

“Damn, you weigh a ton!” Evan laughed.

There was a loud whistle and Lelantos looked up to see Nikolai with his arms out. He plowed into him, knocking Nikolai down. “I think he ate too many rabbits.”

Brandon pouted. “He ate George?”

“You have been a vewy bad wolf.” Justin chuckled.

Cameron was shaking his head. “Why am I not surprised? The head of the Russian mob has a wolf as a pet.”

“Oh, he’s no pet.” Vince corrected. “He doesn’t like that word. He roams free, kills his own meals, once in a great while he eats what we give him, and he stretches out in front of the fireplace. Other than that he sets the rules.”

“So he’s like you, Uncle Vince,” Evan pointed out.

Vince nodded and Andrei chuckled. “Yes, but Vince is potty trained.”

Vince laughed loud, picking up Andrei and kissing him hard. “I’ll sleep at the end of your bed any time.”