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Aveoth (VLG Book 7) by Laurann Dohner (18)



Aveoth trailed his target. Decker hadn’t shifted yet, he was too busy running. The thickness of the trees impeded him slightly, but Decker avoided smashing into them, despite the high rate of speed at which he dashed through the woods. The trees also kept Aveoth from swooping down to grab him.

From the height he flew, Aveoth viewed a clearing coming up. He got there first, landed, and turned as he shelled his body. He kept his wings out. They were excellent weapons, and he planned to use them. Fray came down next to him, shelling his body as well, a look of delight on the enforcer’s hardening features.

“Mine is sticking close to yours. This is going to be fun. Should we play or just take them out, my lord?”

“Kill the bastards. They stole my mate,” Aveoth hissed. “No mercy.”

“No problem.”

Decker burst through the tree line and spotted them. He skidded to a halt and tried to spin around to flee the way he’d come, but the one in the suit slammed into him from behind. Both went down.

“Ouch,” Fray murmured. “That looked uncomfortable, didn’t it? Think they’ll shift now?”

“Only if they find their backbones and are actually willing to fight,” Aveoth rumbled loudly, making certain his words carried. “They did shoot Chaz.”

Decker snarled, untangling his body from one of the few men who’d stayed loyal to him. “I’ll kill you, Aveoth!”

“I quiver in my boots.”

Fray snorted. “Good one, my lord.”

Aveoth inclined his head. “You may kneel and die a quick death, or you shall bleed first. Your choice, Decker Filmore. Make it now. Your time on this Earth has come to an end. You are sentenced to death for the crimes you’ve committed against the VampLycans, and for stealing my mate.”

Decker appeared shocked. “Your what?”

“Jill became my mate.” Aveoth had to leash his rage. “She went home to pack, and you attacked her guard while I was buying her a human wedding ring. The only reason I offer you a quick death is because you are her blood relation. Kneel, and I shall take your head off with one slice of my blade.”

“That fucking bitch!” Cole hissed.

“Did you just call my lady a bitch?” Fray shook his head in disgust. “You truly are mad, One Who Wears Suits.”

“You know my name!” Cole tore off his jacket, then began to undo the buttons on his shirt. “And I bow to no one. I’ll fight you.”

Decker growled. “No! You swore you wouldn’t kill me, Lord Aveoth!”

“Are you that stupid? You threatened the life of my mate!” Aveoth glared at Decker. “Kneel or fight. You die today.”

 “They’re really going to kill us,” Cole rasped.

Decker reached back and withdrew a gun from his waistband.

“Wow,” Fray sighed. “Just wow. I heard he was a pussy but this is downright sad.”

“It makes sense now why he didn’t try to shift as he ran. He’d have lost the weapon with his clothing.” Aveoth moved suddenly, going left, allowing Decker to witness his speed. He paused about ten feet away from where he’d been. “You can try to shoot me but it’s a useless endeavor.” He shelled his body further.

Decker aimed and fired. Aveoth lunged right then left, avoiding the bullets. He tucked his wings in as he moved, advancing on Decker.

He leapt up, expanded his wings in a heartbeat, and spun.

The edge of his wing struck the VampLycan. The bullets stopped an instant later.

Aveoth dropped to the ground, staring down at Decker Filmore.

Cole stumbled back, crying out in anguish. The strike Aveoth had made wasn’t a killing blow, but Decker’s arm and part of his shoulder had been severed. Aveoth gripped the handle of his sword and unsheathed it, standing over him.

Decker stared up at him, his eyes wide. Agony and shock mixed as his features twisted. Blood rapidly stained the ground.

“I give you mercy, since you are half of the bloodline that gave me my Jill. You were just the bad side.”

Aveoth beheaded him in the blink of an eye.

“No!” Cole screamed and began to shift.

Fray was suddenly beside Aveoth, but he stilled, waiting for the VampLycan to complete his transformation.

Aveoth sheathed his sword before gripping Decker’s head by his hair, keeping it at arm’s length to avoid getting blood on his boots.

He glanced at his enforcer. “Do you have this?”

“Yes, my lord. I’ll kill him swiftly and dispose of the bodies.”

“Pick up my Jill and take her to my quarters when you’re done. Don’t take long. You’re her protection duty. I’ll see you at the cliffs soon. I have a stop to make first.” Aveoth took flight.

He glanced at what was left of Decker Filmore. He wanted to return to Jill, but it was important that the VampLycans know Decker wouldn’t be a problem anymore. Fray would swiftly reach his mate and keep her safe. The idea of another man carrying her during flight wasn’t welcome, but he trusted the twin brothers without question. They were loyal. So was Kelzeb. He knew his best friend would see to her safety as well, as soon as he’d killed the VampLycan he’d gone after.

He landed in front of the neat cabin with the wide porch. It didn’t take long for the front door to fly open, and then the clan leader strode outside.

Velder came to an abrupt halt at the top of the stairs, his gaze going from Aveoth to what he held in his hand. He slowed his pace as he came down the steps and approached.

“Lord Aveoth.”


Aveoth hated the formality of their conversations. It made his chest ache just a tiny bit. He noticed the reaction every time he faced the man.

“You caught him.” Velder glanced at what remained of the former clan leader. “We owe you a debt.”

Aveoth bent and set the head down, then straightened. He wiped his hands on his pants, despite the lack of blood on his fingers. They just felt dirty for having touched someone so vile. “Think nothing of it, and there is no repayment needed. It was best for all of us if Decker wasn’t alive. I’m just grateful you were home. I must return to the cliffs.” He paused. “I have a mate.”

Surprise flashed across Velder’s face. “Congratulations. I hadn’t heard.”

“You’re the first to know outside of my clan.” He looked down at the head. “At least, the first who’s still alive.”

He glanced around the area. None of the clan approached and few were within sight. They had privacy. He met Velder’s gaze again. “I’d appreciate if you kept that news between us for a little longer. It’s very new, and some of Lorn’s clan might have issues with me over killing Decker. I don’t even want them thinking about doing her harm. Not that they could touch her, but I’ve dealt with enough shitheads lately.”

“I’d never betray a trust.”

“Not even to your mate or sons?”

Velder shook his head. “My word is solid, and you have good reason to keep the news of your mate within your clan. I love my family, but I’m a leader as well. I can draw the line and hold it. They understand. I made sure of it, so their feelings were never hurt if I had to keep any secrets. I’m happy you found a mate, Lord Aveoth.”

That ache expanded. “Your sons are lucky to have a father who cares for them so much.”

The blue of Velder’s eyes softened. “I’m sure your father loved you as well, even if he didn’t show it.” Then he glanced away, clearing his throat. “I apologize. That was out of line. I shouldn’t have said that. It was an unforgivable assumption on my part.”

“You’re incorrect. Abotorus was as harsh a father as he was a leader,” Aveoth divulged. “I don’t believe he knew how to love anyone.”

Velder’s mouth opened, then closed.

“Say what you planned to. There’s no need to hold back. I won’t take offense.”

“It’s nothing. Thank you for dealing with Decker, Lord Aveoth. It is deeply appreciated.”

“You may call me Aveoth. We’re alone. Set aside the fact that we’re from two different clans. We shall just be two men right now having a conversation.”

Velder’s body relaxed. “Aveoth…” He hesitated. “I would like to speak to you about something concerning our clans. Would that be too bold?”

“What is it?”

“It gets tiresome, worrying about the future. Will we continue to be allies? I’ll speak freely and just spit it out. We no longer have full-blooded Lycans to offer as mates for your men. It’s our concern that you will want us out of this territory.” He glanced down at the head. “Decker kept the fear of war in our hearts for a long time.” He gazed into Aveoth’s eyes. “We wish for peace to remain. This is our home, and we like having you as neighbors. I wish our clans were bonded better. Is there any way to make that possible?”

“I will never allow my clan to attack VampLycans. This is your home, as well as ours. We will live in peace for as long as I live and rule. That’s a promise.”

Velder didn’t try to hide his surprised grin. “This is the best news I’ve heard since my mate informed she was pregnant with my sons. Perhaps we could hold a few social functions together? I could hug you right now!”

He imagined Velder actually embracing him, and tensed slightly.

Velder noticed. “I’d never dare insult you that way. It’s just a saying. VampLycans sometimes hug.”

“You felt joy when your mate was pregnant with both of your sons?”

“Of course. You’ll know that same exhilaration when your mate becomes pregnant, once you decide to have children. They are a blessing. I feel thankful every day for Drantos and Kraven.”

Aveoth glanced around again, and felt certain they were out of hearing of anyone else. “I hope to become a father one day.”

“You’ll be a great one. It’s terrifying. I won’t lie.” Velder chuckled. “Babies are so small. They get stronger and bigger too fast, but the bond grows as well. I’m very close to my sons.”

“I killed Lord Abotorus.” He regretted mentioning that the second the words were out.

Velder lifted his hand as if he planned to touch Aveoth, hesitated, then let it drop. “He was a harsh man, as you said. I’ll be honest. I was kind of glad when we got the news that you’d taken over your clan. Your father had threatened to make us leave with the full-blooded Lycans once they’d decided to start over somewhere else. We held no more use as far as he was concerned, since Gargoyles refuse to mate with anyone tainted with Vampire blood. That’s how he put it. I feared for a few years that you’d feel the same, but you let it be and you’ve kept the peace. Thank you. My sons believed you didn’t hold the same opinion of us. They grieved when you stopped meeting with them.”

“You knew we spent time together?”

“I encouraged it.”

“To strengthen our clan bonds?”

Velder shook his head. “There was no motive on my part. I was aware your father could never find out. He probably would have punished you. At least that’s what my sons believed. You were their friend, and that’s why I was happy to let them spend time with you.”

Aveoth stared deeply into Velder’s eyes, seeing only sincerity. A sharp pain jabbed in the middle of his chest. The VampLycan was a good man. He’d always suspected it, but now he knew with certainty.

“They would welcome your friendship again. We all would.”

Aveoth wished he could spend time with Drantos and Kraven once more. Those days had been some of happiest in his youth. “I can’t allow myself to become too close to your family.”

“I don’t understand?”

A war waged inside Aveoth, a longing so deep that had always remained, no matter how hard he’d try to keep it buried. Jill had changed him. He took a deep breath and blew it out. “Would you do anything to protect the lives of your sons, Velder?”


“That’s why.”

“Your clan would want to kill Drantos and Kraven?”

Now was the moment, if ever there was one. Aveoth stepped closer, invading the other man’s personal space. Velder held his ground and didn’t back off. His body even remained relaxed. It was a sign of trust between them.

“The clan will see me dead if they ever discover Lord Abotorus wasn’t truly my father. He hosted my mother while she carried me inside her womb, unaware that she was already pregnant when they mated. It magnified her Gargoyle traits, so I was born with strong GarLycan blood. She never wished to mate with that cold bastard, but her family forced her to. However…she took a VampLycan lover just days before she was sent to Abotorus. And no one must ever know, or I die. They would never allow me to lead my clan.”

Velder’s eyes widened, and he paled.

“I stopped spending time with my half-brothers once I learned the truth, to keep us all safe. My clan will never attack yours…Father.”

Tears welled in Velder’s blue eyes, and he clasped Aveoth’s arm. “I didn’t know.”

“You were never meant to. This truth remains between us.”

The tears spilled down Velder’s cheeks as he studied every inch of Aveoth’s face. “You’re my son? Your mother…she was the one who spent time with me in my hunting cabin, then disappeared.” Emotion choked his voice.

Aveoth gripped him back. “It would have been a death sentence for my mother and I, had she told Abotorus I wasn’t his after she realized the truth shortly after my birth. It will forever be, since the clan would see us dead for the lie we’ve lived all this time. No one must ever know. Do you understand? I can’t promise a new lord would wish to protect our alliance. The older generations look down on VampLycans.”

“You have to tell Drantos and Kraven.”

“I can’t. You can’t. Don’t make me regret this day, Father. It’s too dangerous a secret. It was selfish of me to share it but I’ve held it deep inside since I learned the truth. Abotorus never learned that I wasn’t his, but he planned to kill everyone with Lycan blood in the clan. That included all mates and younglings. Even his own. We were all flawed to him because we had emotions.”

“You’re perfect,” Velder rasped. “You’re my son.”

Aveoth had to look away, and he backed up, releasing Velder and making sure he let go too. He cleared his throat, and then held his gaze again. “Is this secret safe?”

“Yes. I wouldn’t do anything to put you in jeopardy.” Velder blinked back more tears and smiled. “I have another son.” That happiness quickly faded. “I wish I’d known. I would have…” His voice trailed off.

“Don’t go there. You found your true mate and had two sons you love. Lord Abotorus would have had my mother and you hunted down and executed if she’d fled from the promise her parents made for her betrothal. It kept both of you alive. And now I have two brothers. They are good men who I like, and as lord of my clan, I can keep them safe. This worked out the way it was meant to, and I’m grateful for it.”

“That’s why you let them have Dusti and Bat without a fight.”

“Yes. I’d never kill my brothers.”

“Now you found your own mate. Is she a Gargoyle? I have a hundred questions. I want to know everything about you.”

“She’s the daughter of one of Decker’s sons. It’s a long story, but I’ll talk to you again soon. We’ll meet in secret, if you wish. I’d like to get to know you better as well.”

“I would love that. Anytime. Anywhere.” Velder suddenly paled. “Shit! She’s a VampLycan?”

“Half. Her mother was human.”

Velder’s mouth firmed into a tight line. “Your clan refuses to mate our women. Will they challenge you for leadership?”

“It’s already been dealt with, and my clan is aware of what she is. It will be fine. I need to go now. My mate has been traumatized.” He jerked his thumb at Decker’s head. “The bastard kidnapped her when she went to pick up her things from her apartment, and I haven’t checked her over yet to see if he harmed her in any way. She seemed okay, but I need to get to her.”

“Of course.”

“We should hold a gathering so our clans can mingle. My Jill might like to meet her cousins your sons mated.”

“I’d like that. If you ever have any problems with your clan accepting your mate, or anything else, you have my full support, and that of every other VampLycan clan. Your disposal of Decker would be reason enough for them to stand at your side. We’re here for you, whatever you need.”

“I appreciate that offer, though I have trusted friends and enforcers in my clan. We can hold my reign. I chose them well.”

“Do they know the truth about you?”

“That you are my father? Only one. Kelzeb. We’ve been friends since the beginning of our lives. I must go. Jill is waiting for me at the cliffs. I’ll arrange for us to meet soon.”

“I look forward to it.” Velder stepped forward and clasped his hand with both of his. “I’m glad you’re my son, even if I can’t tell anyone.”

A lump formed in Aveoth’s throat, and he had to swallow hard. “I’m glad to be your son.”

Velder let him go. “Come back soon. I want to get to know you better.”

“I will. Please share the news of Decker’s death with the other clans. Let them know he won’t ever bother them again.”

“With pleasure.”

Aveoth expanded his wings, getting ready to take flight. Then he paused. “Do you happen to have a box inside your home that I may have? I need it for my mate. She likes to tease me, and it’s time I returned her humor.”

The request seemed to surprise Velder. “Um, I’m sure there’s something. Come inside.”




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