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Axel: (A Gritty Bad Boy MC Romance) (The Lost Breed MC Book 2) by Ali Parker, Weston Parker (34)

Chapter 4


Two Weeks Later



It seemed impossible to find any joy in getting out of the bed in the mornings. Two weeks on probation duty, and I wanted to turn in my badge and find a different way to make my mark on humanity. Surely there were organizations that I'd worked with in the sex crimes area that needed someone like me. Someone who was fearless and willing to go into the darkest places to bring young girls and women out of the bowels of hell.

I fixed myself a cup of coffee and padded around the kitchen while it cooled. A new group of delinquents would be mine later that day.

"Oh joy," I mumbled and leaned over, pressing my forearms to the cabinet. I blew on my coffee and tried not to think about how good it would feel to put Tanner King out of his misery. It'd been a long time since I had to use my gun, but I wouldn't hesitate next time I saw him. He'd ruined more lives and desecrated more women than any of the villains I knew of.

I picked up my cup and walked to the kitchen table where I had files laid out and my laptop set up. Captain had been good enough to let me make the transition to this new division at home instead of at the station. It was probably better for all of us seeing that I kept losing my shit every time I turned around.

This new job wasn't me. Not in the slightest.

Babysitting fucked up dope heads that flipped off society and their parents weren't exactly my cup of tea.

"Or coffee," I mumbled and opened my laptop to find a new file for review. Most of the kids I had to deal with were following their probation just fine, keeping themselves in line and hoping to get out from under the stern eye of the law.

"But this little fucker." I reached up and pressed the screen, opening the file. "Jason Moretti. What a piece of work."

After reading through his profile a couple of times, I flipped over to his family information. It was always so damn interesting to see who was raising the little shits. Usually their grandmothers, as if life should have allowed such a travesty.

Not only were most of these women dealing with losing their own kids in some manner, but now they were being taxed by their grandkids and their horrible choices. It hurt my heart, but then again, most things did.

My phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts. "Markum."

"Danielle. It's your father."

I sat back and smiled. "Dad. How are you?"

"I'd be better if you were in one of these pews in front of me." He cleared his throat. "Is there a reason you're not at church again this week?"

"Yeah. I'm hiding from a bad guy right now, dad. I'm not sure Jesus would appreciate me bringing him and his guns into the middle of your beautiful church."

"I think you underestimate the power of God to protect you."

"Right." I stood and let a breath go that I didn't know I was holding. "Seth was here today. He was looking for you."

"What?" I moved to the window just above my kitchen sink and reached up to jerk it open. It felt incredibly stuffy all of a sudden. "Why didn't he just call?"

"He was hoping to catch you. I think you need to pay him a visit. He has some paperwork he needs signed."

"I'm not interested in giving him all of our assets. He's not playing fair because he has the money to bend me over."

"Danielle. Jeez." The disgust in my father's voice was palatable. It always was. "You have to finish this. You can't just leave the man hanging. Sign the papers and move on."

I closed my eyes and tried to hold back the scream building in my chest. "Okay. Thanks for calling dad. Enjoy your afternoon." I dropped the call before he could say another word. There was once a time not too far in the past that we'd been close and taken care of each other.

Everything changed the day my sister's body was found. It destroyed both of us.

I walked back to the table and sat down. My hand shook as I clicked through the rest of Jason's file and tried to block the memories of me and Seth making love. Of us walking in the park and buying a puppy and sharing a life. A life he'd destroyed with his infidelities. I wasn't adventurous enough. So, he found someone who was.

The bastard just forget that his ring meant more than a financial commitment.

"I hate you," I whispered roughly as I moved through Jason's file. I wasn't talking to the kid, but to Seth, or maybe even to myself. I stopped on the information about Jason's guardian. It wasn't an older woman, but a blistering hot bad boy.

"Shit." I leaned forward and let my eyes run across the man's face. Deep blue eyes framed by long black eyelashes looked back at me. The depths of them forcing me to lean in. High cheekbones, a Sicilian structured nose, full pink lips and a thick black beard that was cut close to his face. My nipples hardened and I grew warm as lust swelled in my stomach.

My eyes moved down to his thick neck and the tanned, flawless skin there. I wanted to see under his tight black shirt. He was ripped no doubt. The swell of muscle was more than obvious.

"Wow." I leaned back and sucked my bottom lip into my mouth. "Maybe I need to pay Mister-" I leaned forward again to search for his name. "Mister Johnny Moretti a visit."

A knock at my door surprised me.

Fear raced through the center of my chest, and I bolted up and jogged to the bedroom. After grabbing my gun, I walked to the door and slid the gun into the back of my pants. I'd been trained to survive in any situation, but that didn't make me any more willing to run toward danger than any other woman on the planet.

"Who's there?" I leaned forward and tried to make out the face on the other side through my peephole. Useless.

"It's me, Dani. Seth. I need to talk to you for a minute."

I groaned and opened the door. "What do you want? Make it quick."

"Can I come in?" He stood at the door wearing his Sunday best. The thick file in his left hand let me know pretty quickly what he wanted.

Without giving him a second glance, I turned and walked to the kitchen. "Do whatever you want. That fits your style best."

My heart ached in my chest. The life I thought was mine was a faded memory, and all I had to show for it was a career that I had to fight for every inch of the way. No family. No kids. No house on the hill. No fucking dog.

"I'm sorry to come over without calling."

I turned to face him and extended my hand. "Give me that and get out. I'll read it when I have time and then I'll sign if it's fair."

He tilted his head a little to the side and lifted his eyebrow. "You won't read it. I know you. Just sign the papers and let’s be done with this."

"Am I getting on Cindy's nerves?" I took the packet from him and walked around him back into the dining room. "Or is it Candy? Randy? Mandy? Sandy?"

"It's Cynthia, and you know it." He followed me.

I breathed in the scent of his cologne and tried not to let my emotions get the best of me. He was the only man I'd been with, and the only one I wanted to be with. But I wasn't enough. He'd turned me in for a slut from the bar he met on a business trip. And now she lived in my house and slept in my bed. I bet she petted my damn dog too.

"Nope. I don't know. Nor do I care." I sat down at the table and glanced up at Johnny again. I couldn't help but wonder what his story was. Had life dealt him a shitty hand, or was he a taker like Seth? Everyone walking around on the streets in their business suits were just one deal away from being homeless. All the happy couples at the park were one mistake away from being single, alone, destroyed.

"Just sign the papers, Dani."

"I will." I glanced up at him and forced a facade of indifference on my face. "I'll get them to you by the middle of the week."

"Promise?" His expression softened a little.

So many questions pressed against the back of my front teeth as I clenched my jaw. Was she worth it? Did she make him happy? Was he really the boy that took me to prom and promised to be mine forever when we were just in fifth grade?

Where did that guy go? Did he leave first, or had my sister’s death changed me to the point of pushing him away?

Was it my fault?

"Yes." I nodded and turned back to the packet of papers as my eyes filled with tears.


"Go. Please." I lifted my hand as he reached for me. Fuck me if my voice didn't break. "Get out."

"I'm sorry that-"

"Get! Out!" I screamed from deep inside my chest as my body clenched. He had too much power over me, but he wouldn't for much longer. I turned my attention to Johnny Moretti's picture and reached up to wipe at my eyes. I'd find a way to break Seth's spell.

Even if it meant falling for the wrong guy for a little while.

Relationships never lasted too long anyway.

At least not in my world.