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Be My Princess: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Lauren Wood (13)




I was getting shameless now. This was the second time I had sought her out in as many weeks as it had been since I met her. Was this what Keenan had told me about? Now all I could think about was Stacy and now I was here, right where I wanted to be. I should have been confident, as I was every time before, but with Stacy I didn’t have the same assurance that I had with other women. I had to stop myself from wondering if she was sent into my life to wreck it. Stacy had come in with a soft whisper, but now she was a roaring storm that took over everything.

“Do you want something to drink?”

“I thought you didn’t drink?”

“I don’t really. Once and a while I will have some sake with my dinner, especially if it is some kind of Asian food. It’s really strong to me, so I don’t need that much at all.”

I agreed to her plan. She instructed me to pour us a couple of small glasses full while she got dinner going. I wasn’t used to being put to work and I felt almost clumsy. How long had it been since I had poured my own drinks? I can’t say for certain, but I knew that it had been too long. I had lost something along the way with all of the money that I had. Somehow I had forgotten how to do some of the more basic things. I didn’t particularly like the reminder of that, at all.

“Do you need me to do something else?”

“What else do you know how to do in the kitchen?”

I thought for a minute and I have to say that I didn’t like how hard such a simple question turned out to be. There was just something about the way she looked at me as well, even if I did know anything else to say to impress her, every time she smiled at me like I was hopeless, my brain turned a little foggy. I wasn’t running with all of my engines, another side effect that I had learned to live with since meeting Stacy for the first time.

“Not much, but I am a quick study.”

Stacy wasn’t convinced. She finally gave me the duty of cutting the lettuce for the salad. I didn’t think that it would be that hard, but I wasn’t even halfway through the small task when I had cut my finger and had to stop everything. The only good thing that came from my impromptu cooking lesson was the fact that Stacy was determined to fix me up.

“Just don’t move Chris. I have to clean it out.”

I was taking a drink of the sake I’d poured and I had to say that I was more than a little tipsy. Stacy was right, this stuff was strong and my body wasn’t used to the rice liquor.

“It will be fine Stacy. You don’t have to do anything.”

She moved in behind me and held my hand under the cold water. I didn’t even feel the cool water on my finger, all I could feel was the woman behind me, pressing against me in a way that drove me crazy. Her large breasts jiggled against my back, smashing against me as she held my hand under the faucet. I never wanted to move, but soon Stacy turned the water off and told me to take a seat.

Stacy came back with a first aid kit from her bathroom.

“It’s not that bad, really.”

“Well you don’t need stitches or anything like that, but it wouldn’t hurt to cover it so you don’t bleed out all over the apartment, don’t you think?”

I suppose so. I took another drink of the clear fire water and she finally took the glass from me. “I think you have had enough Chris.”

“I’ve heard that before.’

“I bet you have. Maybe Ronald is right. You really need to think about not drinking. This can’t be healthy for you.”

“Why do you care?”

“Because I do.”

“Then why do you ignore my advances?”

“I am not ready for those kinds of advances. Did you ever think of that?”

“What do we have to, date officially or something? What do you want?”

She looked at me like she didn’t know what I was talking about, but I had to wonder how could she not?

“What do you mean Chris?”

“I mean what do you want from me Stacy? Everyone wants something.”

“I don’t want anything from you Chris. I just want to fix your hand so that you will feel better. It doesn’t help that you are thinning out your blood with all of that alcohol.”

“I’ll be fine. I have drunk way more than this at one time.”

“I am sure you have.”

My hand was bandaged before I knew it and she had me sit on the couch to settle down. I think she was afraid I was going to fall, though I wasn’t as bad off as she thought I was. I was just a little tired.

“I am going to make you some dinner Chris. You just sit there while I make some coffee.”

I thanked her, but I don’t remember much after that. I hadn’t slept in days and I don’t know if it was a combination of finally seeing her and the relief that came with it, or the sake, but I don’t remember much past that.

When I woke up, it was dark and my eyes adjusted to the room. It took my mind a minute to remind me where I was and why I was there. I groaned out loud to realize that I had done it again. Maybe Ronald was right…

Making my way to the back bedroom that I knew was where Stacy was, I saw that she was sleeping under the covers. I wanted to sleep with her, so I got in bed next to her. I wasn’t going to do anything, but if nothing else I was going to blame it on the liquor in the morning. I felt horrible, but my body had long since metabolized the alcohol. I had passed out from exhaustion more than anything else.

Now I was able to lie next to Stacy. It wasn’t at all what I wanted, not by a long shot, but as she had said before, she was not ready for what I wanted. How long could I wait though? It felt like things were moving at a snail pace.

I went to bed thinking about the woman lying next to me. She moved about several times before settling against me like she was coming to me for warmth. It was one moment that I didn’t want to ravage her because I felt a feeling of protection run through me. I wanted her to be safe in my arms, not just underneath me for our beneficial pleasure.


“What are you doing in here?”

Her voice woke me up. The tone of it threw me off. I didn’t know what to say. I was in her bed and Stacy was holding the sheet up against her like she was naked underneath. Her shoulders were bare and I started to realize that maybe she was naked. I had been lying next to her with not a stitch on and done nothing? This may have been the first time for that, ever.

“Sorry, I think I came in here last night. I was kind of out of it.”

“Yes you were. For a man that drinks, you really can’t handle sake.”

I grinned at her. “For someone that doesn’t drink, you seem to be doing a lot better than I am.”

Stacy looked worried and I didn’t like that look on her face. I certainly didn’t like her looking at me like that. It was as if she pitied me. What did I have to be pitied for? My life was perfect.

“I kind of worry about you, Chris. The last couple of times that I have seen you, you have been in this condition. Is this normal for you?”

Normal? I don’t even know what normal is anymore. She had me so damn twisted up I was starting to think that I would never know what normal was and if I did, it would be defined in two different ways. The normal before Stacy and the normal after, yet I didn’t know if there was going to be a normal after her.

“I wouldn’t say normal. The last couple of weeks haven’t been too normal for me.”

Stacy wrapped the sheet around herself, but it did little to nothing to cover up things that I started to notice. Her rosy red tip was seen through the thin fabric of the sheet and I could see where the nipple pressed out because it was so hard. I liked to think that it was because of me, yet I knew that it could have been the air conditioner that kicked on instead. I could think what I wanted though, couldn’t I?

The curve of her hip was pronounced, which helped me to imagine what I had seen before. Stacy was still chewing her bottom lip nervously. “It hasn’t been too normal for me either. You, this, certainly isn’t normal for me.”

“I would hope not.”

“What are you doing Chris? I mean, why do you keep showing up everywhere I am?”

“I want you Stacy and I am not going to take no for an answer. I will wear you down eventually if I have to.”

“That is your strategy, whittle me down?”

The way she said it made me laugh. “Well I don’t like how that sounds, but yeah if that is what I have to do. I want this to work Stacy.”

“It doesn’t seem very effective. I had the impression that you were a lady’s man. Is that what you always do?”

“No, this is not my usual style. Most of the time I have women begging for it in just a few minutes. You are different and don’t seem to be affected by me.”

“I wouldn’t say that I am not affected by you Chris. I think you know that isn’t true.”

“Yeah but you are not ready for this yet, are you?”

I have pulled her to me and she had to make a choice to hold the sheet up or to push me away. She kept her modesty intact, but that meant that I was able to pull her hard to my chest and kiss her. It wasn’t a long one and I didn’t linger. I just wanted to show her what it was I was waiting for. From her surprised reaction she was closer than she had been a week or two before. She could call it bad strategy or not, but it was working, even if it was far too slow for my taste. At least we were moving in the right direction.

“Well, are you Stacy?”

It took a minute for her eyes to open and I swear they were more purple than ever before.

“No, I didn’t think that you were.”

“What do you want from me Chris?”

It was a simple question, but it was so much more than that. She wanted an answer to a question that I hadn’t even asked myself yet. How was I supposed to answer? I don’t know what I wanted, at this point it was unclear, but I didn’t want to leave anything out.

“I want everything Stacy.”