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Big Stranger's Baby: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance by B. B. Hamel (9)



I shouldn’t be surprised when I get a call from Amelia’s office inviting me up for a meeting. I have a little grin on my face the whole time as I’m escorted to her office.

She’s sitting behind a big oak desk, the sort of thing that big powerful CEOs like to use to impress people. Amelia’s assistant, this older woman with a perpetual frown, closes the door behind me.

“I didn’t expect to see you again so soon,” I admit to her as I walk over and sit down in the chair in front of her desk.

“Well, we have a lot of work to do, don’t we?” She eyes me a little bit and I just grin at her, sitting back with ease.

“What can I do for you, Ms. Evans?”

She rolls her eyes at that. “I was looking over your old contracts all day yesterday.”


“And I think I came up with something that might work.” She slides a stack of papers across the desk and I arch an eyebrow at them.

“That’s not how this usually works, is it?”

She hesitates. “I have no clue, to be honest.”

I laugh softly. I have no clue either, but I like to mess with her, knock her off balance. She looks so fucking sexy in her little work outside, a tight white blouse with a form-fitting black jacket over top. I lean forward and take the papers, skimming over the first few pages while she watches me.

“I think you’ll find it very generous,” she says, a little eagerly.

I glance at her but I don’t say anything. This is supposed to be a negotiation, even though we’re not doing it the official way. Normally, we’d be in a big room with representatives from both sides sitting across from each other. We should never be alone in a room like this together, since I’m pretty sure it breaks some kind of rule, but I’m not sure I care. Rules are meant to be broken.

And I want to break even more rules with Amelia. I can barely concentrate on what I’m reading. I have a general idea of what we’re looking for in a contract, and I know this isn’t going to be enough. As I get deeper and deeper into it, I know this is a slight step up from the old version, but it won’t satisfy everyone.

I finally finish, not bothering with the rest. I drop it back on her desk and she watches me eagerly.

“Well?” she asks.

“It’s not enough.”

Her whole face falls. “Are you serious?”

I sigh and nod. “I’m sorry, Amelia. There are some issues with it.”

“Like what?” She’s getting a little defensive, and I actually have to admit that I like it.

I grin at her. “I don’t think you really thought I was going to accept this, make it easy on you?”

“Of course I did.”

I shake my head. “No, I think you just wanted to get me alone. Show me your big desk.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“You wanted to show off. Try and impress me.” I lean onto her desk. “And I’m very impressed. Almost as much as I was that night.”

She blushes instantly and looks away. She’s trying to be strong, but I can already see how to get at her, make her squirm, and I love it.

“We don’t have to talk about that anymore.”

“I know we don’t, but I love reliving that night. Do you know how many times I’ve thought about your body under my hands, sweating and moaning?”

“How many?” she asks, looking back at me.

“Every night,” I say. “Stroking my hard cock.”

Her mouth drops open but I don’t break her gaze. I’m not even lying about this. It’s the truth. I’ve been thinking about her every night, stroking my big hard cock, imagining what I’d do if I got another chance at that nice, tight little cunt.

“Can’t we try and keep this professional?” she says quickly, looking away and gathering herself.

“No,” I say. “Because you wanted to get me alone in your office. Is that what this is about? You want me to fuck you on this desk?”

She sighs, shaking her head. “Samuel, please.”

I lean back in my chair and shake my head. “Because honestly, this contract wasn’t the reason you called me here.”

She stands up and walks around the desk. I’m surprised as she sits down in the chair next to mine, her whole body turned to me.

“Listen, I’m going to be honest with you. Okay?”

“Okay,” I say, a little off-guard.

“I want this to work. I want to give you everything you want, but I also need to keep the company in mind. If you get too much, the company goes under, and we’re all fucked. Work with me here, Samuel.”

I stare back into her eyes and I believe her. She’s so damn earnest, so fucking beautiful. “You have no real stake in this personally, do you?”

“Not really,” she admits. “If Evans goes under, I can just move back to my old life. My father left me a nice inheritance. I really don’t need any of this.”

I nod slowly. “Okay then. You’re not trying to get rich.”

She laughs softly. “You know, it’s weird, but I think I already am.”

I grin back at her. “Fine. I believe you.”

“So you’ll work with me? Accept this contract?”

“No,” I say, and quickly add, “but I’ll work with you to get something we can both live with.”

She sighs and nods. “Okay. I can accept that.”

She stares into my eyes and I suddenly feel something strange. I know Amelia is a good person, or at least she’s trying to be. I believe that she’s honest and really does want to help my guys get a good contract.

And all of that keeps pulling me toward her. It’s not just the sex, although that was fucking special. If it were just that, I would get over it. I can get pussy any time I fucking want pussy, even if her cunt is special. No, it’s much more than just sex, and I don’t now why.

I lean toward her. “You’re a decent person, you know that, Amelia?”

“Thanks,” she says softly. “I keep thinking about the mine, you know? About all the guys, and their families.”

“That’s why you’ll make a good CEO. You actually care about the people you’re responsible for, not just your bottom line.” I reach out and tip her chin toward me, and I’m surprised that she doesn’t resist when I kiss her.

She kisses me back, full and deep. I love this taste, have been thinking about it so much, and I honestly didn’t think I’d get another chance. I assumed that first night was a fluke, and although there’s something simmering between us, I didn’t think either of us would take it this far.

I don’t know what I’m thinking, getting even more tangled up with her, but I can’t help it. In this moment, I trust her and want her so badly it almost fucking hurts. Kissing her feels so natural, so goddamn good. I didn’t know it could be like this.

She breaks it off suddenly, turning her head away and blushing. I lean back in my chair, grinning like an idiot.

“That was, uh, unexpected,” she says, looking back at me.

“But you don’t seem to be complaining.”

“No. Well.” She stands up quickly. “We have a lot of work to do, right?” She walks back around her desk.

I watch as she sits down, getting herself together. “You’re right. A lot of hard work.”

“Good.” She picks up a pen and take a deep breath. She slides the pen across the desk and meets my gaze. “Should we get to it?”

I meet her gaze and put my hand on top of hers before taking the pen. “Where should we start?”

She smiles at me and I feel my heart beating fast in my chest, excitement filling every inch of my body.