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Blood & Thunder by Charlie Cochet (5)

Chapter 5


SCRATCH THAT. This wasn’t going to be an interesting night. It was going to be horrifying.

“Oh no.” Sloane tried pushing Cael back out the bar’s entrance, but Rosa and Letty were crowded around him with Hobbs blocking the doorway. “Get out. Everyone out!”

“Why?” Cael stood on his toes, trying to peer around Ash and Sloane.

Damn it, there was no time. “Just get out—go, go, go.” He grabbed Ash’s arm, hissing in his ear. “Threat Level Fuchsia. Fuchsia!”

Ash’s eyes widened and he turned to usher everyone back out. “Shit. Everyone out before—”

“What?” Dex swept past them, God knew how, slowing when he saw what Sloane had been trying so hard to avoid. He turned and threw his arms up with a loud “whoop” in victory, followed by a sing-song, “Karaoke night!”

Ash delivered a punch to Sloane’s arm. “What the fuck, man? You couldn’t have said something sooner?”

“Damn it, Ash.” Sloane rubbed his arm, glaring at his best friend. “I didn’t see the equipment until it was too late.” He returned Ash’s punch to the arm. “You’re the one who wanted to come here.”

“I didn’t know they’d started doing that shit. Now what?”

“Now we get drunk. He’s already checking out the playlist. It’s too late.”

Ash thought about it for a moment. “We could knock him out.”

“That’s your answer to everything isn’t it?” Sloane lowered his voice to mimic Ash’s growl. “Dex is singing in the shower, you want me to knock him out? Dex is eating gummy bears during the briefing, you want me to knock him out? Dex is napping during the assembly, you want me to knock him out?” Sloane shook his head. “How can you knock him out if he’s already out!”

“Chill, man. Don’t get your fucking panties in a bunch. I suggest you skip the beer and go straight to the vodka.” Ash strolled over to the bar and held a finger out to signal one of the barmen. “Also I could have woken him up and then knocked him out. Just saying.”

Sloane chose to ignore his friend, offering a noncommittal grunt when Bradley, the handsome Therian bartender with an armful of tattoos and tight black T-shirt, greeted him with his cheerful smile. Bar Dekatria was a Therian and Human friendly bar that had quickly become a team favorite, especially for Dex. It was less than a fifteen-minute drive from THIRDS HQ. The place was tastefully decorated in a classy retro-style with rich dark woods, dark accents, a black, tufted leather bar, and leather seating, and had a spacious dance floor opposite the bar that Dex always managed to hijack along with his male and female groupies once he’d had a few drinks in him. The guy was a total lightweight when it came to booze.

“What’ll it be, Sloane? Beer? Or my ‘It’s Going to be One of Those Nights’ special?” Bradley leaned on the bar, his eyes sparkling with mischief. By now, Bradley had come to know Sloane and his team pretty well, and he had a bad habit of finding Dex amusing, among other things. The bartender had no sympathy for Sloane whatsoever. Bastard.

Sloane shook his head pitifully. “Karaoke night? Really? How could you do this to me?”

Bradley let out a pleasant laugh. “I’m sorry.”

“No you’re not,” Sloane muttered. “You just want to see him shake his ass.”

“He’s actually a good singer. At least this time he’ll have lyrics to follow when he’s too drunk to remember them. Besides, who doesn’t want to see your boy shake his ass?” Bradley gave him a wink and called out over his shoulder as he walked away. “I’ll get you that special.”

Bradley seemed to have gotten it in his head a few months ago that Sloane and Dex were meant to be together. Little did he know, they already were. Sort of. Sloane tried not to put a name to whatever it was he and Dex shared. All he knew was that for all his griping and grumbling, he liked being with Dex. He liked who he was around him, liked how Dex made him feel, and the sex was damn hot. Things were good between them. That was enough for him.

“Here you go.”

Sloane lifted the tall shot glass with the foggy concoction, a mix Bradley had put together just for him. “Should I be worried you refuse to tell me what’s in this?”

The speakers came on, along with the small stage’s spotlights. Crap. It was starting. He threw back the shot and shook off the sweet, tangy taste before placing it on the bar’s sleek black surface. “Better give me one more,” he wheezed. “And a beer.” A minute later, Bradley returned with his order, and Sloane made quick work of the shot. He thanked Bradley before making his way over to the small cluster of tables his team occupied in front of the stage Dex was walking up to. His partner took the microphone, that cheeky thousand-watt smile aimed at the growing crowd.

“Hi there,” he said, his voice throaty. The regulars who were already familiar with his antics cheered and applauded. Wherever his team went, Dex seemed to pick up a fan following. Something about the guy fascinated Humans and Therians alike. Sloane was still trying to work out what it was. Especially since the guy was… well, kinda weird. Then again, crazy had a way of attracting crazy.

“For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Agent Dexter J. Daley, but you can call me Dex when I’m not on duty. I am literally, licensed to kill.” He held a hand up to stifle the cheering. “Don’t let that scare you. That’s just the day job. At night, I’m—” Dex grinned wide and wriggled his brows. “—licensed to thrill.”

Sloane covered his face with his hand and groaned. He should have had at least two more of Bradley’s “specials.” Maybe three. No, four. Oh, sweet Jesus, what had he gotten himself into?

“That’s my team. Say hello, team.”

Sloane peeked through his fingers, watching Letty, Rosa, Cael, and Calvin wave enthusiastically, receiving a round of applause and catcalls. Hobbs ducked his head in an attempt to hide behind Calvin, and Ash looked pissed. Nothing new there.

“Yeah, they’re pretty awesome,” Dex added. “Especially that guy there. Agent Keeler. He is the biggest, squishiest teddy bear you’ll ever know.”

Sloane burst out laughing, much to Ash’s annoyance. His friend let out a low growl, his murderous glare on Dex, who smiled wider. “Kidding. He’s an asshole. But, next to him is my partner and Team Leader, Agent Brodie. Say hello, Agent Brodie.”

Although it wasn’t said, it was in Sloane’s expression. I’m going to kill you.

“He’s shy,” Dex said, removing the microphone from its stand. “This one’s for you, partner.”

“Oh, dear God.” He wasn’t…. He wouldn’t…. Sloane sat mortified. The piano started on a power ballad. He would. Sloane groaned when he recognized the song. “Oh God. It’s Journey. He’s going to sing Journey.” Dex owned every Journey album imaginable and was always driving him nuts with those damn songs. He recognized this one. “Faithfully.”

Rosa and Letty swayed with the music, whooping, and waving their arms in time to the ballad. Ash’s glare was deadly. “Really?”

“Leave the guy alone. He’s a good singer, and unlike some grumpy jackasses, he knows how to have fun.” Rosa didn’t bother looking at Ash, whose frown deepened.

“You’re saying I don’t know how to have fun?”

Rosa rolled her eyes. “There are other ways to have fun that don’t involve shooting things.”

“I agree, but you and your girlfriend keep turning me down.”

Cabron,” Rosa muttered under her breath, smiling brightly at Dex who returned her smile with an added a wink.

Ash shook his head, his expression one of disbelief. “I don’t get it, man. How can Butt-Boy have more game with women than me?”

Sloane turned to look at Ash, his expression deadpan. “It’s a mystery.”

“Fuck you and your boy toy.”

That made Sloane laugh. “How are they not falling at your feet? Clearly there’s a conspiracy at work here.”

Ash glowered at him, his bottom lip jutting out tragically. “He’s turning you against me.”

Cael patted his bicep, reassuring him sweetly. “I think you’ve got game.”

“You do?” Ash perked up and flipped Sloane off. “Cael thinks I’ve got game, so you can bite me. Keep it up and you’re getting demoted from BFF to BF.”

Sloane held back a smile and saluted him with his beer. “Duly noted.”

Cael hung his head in shame. “He’s doing the grabbing air thing.”

It wasn’t so much the grabbing air thing that made Sloane cringe as the lyrics harping on about love affairs and strangers falling in love again. Why the hell did Dex have to look at Sloane when he sang? Sloane tried not to fidget in his seat, pretending the lyrics didn’t mean anything, or that Dex’s throaty singing didn’t go straight to his dick. His jeans were starting to get uncomfortable.

“Aw, he’s serenading you,” Ash teased.

Sloane gave him a daggered look. “Fuck off.”

My God, when will it end? How long was this damn song? He snuck a peek at the rest of the audience, a good deal of whom were swaying and gazing dreamily at Dex. How the hell did the guy do that? Okay, so maybe he could sing, and he did know how to move. Damn, but he knew how to move. Dex was dressed in his usual black and white Chucks, a pair of scruffy jeans, a gray T-shirt with aviators hanging off the chain from his dog tags, and a black leather jacket. Damn, okay, the guy was fucking sexy. His dirty blond hair was ruffled, his jaw stubbly, he had a smile that was slightly crooked and dopey, and an infectious laugh. He could be as perceptive and sweet as he was frustrating and over the top.

“Hey, Sloane.”

Sloane snapped himself out of it, his gaze shifting warily to Ash. “What?”

“Your gay is showing.”

“Screw you.” He snatched Ash’s beer. “Just for that, this is mine now.” Stupid Ash. Maybe Sloane was spending too much time with Dex and his brother; he was starting to sound like Cael. Ash leaned over, though for what purpose, Sloane had no idea, considering he didn’t bother lowering his voice.

“Admit it, you’d hit that.”

“That’s a stupid question,” Letty pitched in with a snort. “Who wouldn’t hit that?”

Rosa perked up, turning to her friend. “Letty. Fuck, marry, kill.”

This night just got better and better. Onstage, Dex was singing away, playing to the crowd, and now his team was going to start playing the worst game ever. Maybe Sloane could slip away, pretend he was going to the bathroom, and run. He considered it, until Letty offered her choices.

“Too easy. Fuck Sloane, marry Dex, kill Ash,” Letty said.

Sloane’s embarrassment was superseded by Ash’s expression of disbelief. “Wow. Thanks, partner.”

Letty shrugged. “Rosa?”

Rosa took a sip of her beer, considering her choices carefully. “If I was into cock? I’d totally fuck Dex, marry Hobbs, and kill Ash.”

“Seriously?” Ash threw his hands up, and Sloane tried not to laugh. The girls didn’t bother. Poor Hobbs went red in the face to the tips of his ears, and Rosa gave him a wink. For a moment, Sloane thought Hobbs was going to run. Like hell he was. Not without taking Sloane with him.

“Calvin?” Letty asked.

Their blond friend toyed with his beer coaster. “Um….”

Letty gave him a playful slap in the arm. “Come on, Cal, it’s only a game. Besides, you and Hobbs act like an old married couple anyway.”

Calvin scratched his head, looking embarrassed. “Okay, uh, I guess fuck Dex, marry Hobbs, and kill Ash.”

“I hate all of you,” Ash grunted, his beefy arms folded over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. Letty ignored him and moved on.


Hobbs whispered in Calvin’s ear, and Calvin’s face went as red as his partner’s. “Um, same for Hobbs. Fuck Dex, marry me, kill Ash.”

“You too, bro?” Ash shook his head at Hobbs who gave him an apologetic smile and a shrug of his big shoulders. He shifted his chair, so he could hide behind Calvin, but unless Calvin suddenly gained an extra foot and a half in height, that wasn’t going to work. Seeming to realize that, Hobbs let his chin rest on the top of Calvin’s head with a sigh. Calvin was so accustomed to it, he took a sip of his beer as if he didn’t have a tiger Therian twice his size using him for a prop.

When Letty turned to Sloane, he shook his head. “No way. I’m not touching this.”

“Come on, don’t be a wuss. Say it. You’d totally fuck Dex.”

Already have. In the kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom, car, work… “Not touching this.”

With a pout, she moved on. “Fine, Ash?”

Ash scoffed. “I wouldn’t fuck or marry any of you, but I’d have the time of my life killing your asses. All of you. Assholes.”

Beside him, Cael huffed, giving Ash’s bicep a prod. “Hey, what did I do?”

“Not you. Cael’s the only one who gets to survive. The rest of you can kiss my ass.”

“Cael?” Rosa wriggled her brows. “Come on, gatito. Who makes you purr?”

Cael shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his whole face going pink. “I don’t know that I want to—”

“Come on,” Rosa teased.

“Leave him alone.” Ash threw an arm protectively around Cael’s shoulders. “He doesn’t want to play your stupid game.”

“Touchy. Fine, who do you think Dex would choose?”

Ash got that look in his eyes and Sloane groaned. He fortified himself by downing half his beer in one gulp. Dex was on his third song. Something about being wanted dead or alive. The part about being a cowboy had Sloane picturing Dex in nothing but torn jeans and a cowboy hat. He didn’t know what was worse, what was happening on stage or at their table. His choices were watching Dex and possibly getting an erection, or listening to his team argue over who they’d imaginary fuck, all of which led back to Dex. He was far too sober for any of this.

“Easy,” Ash said, far too happy for his own good. “He’d clearly kill me, and he’s already Sloane’s wife, so there you go. Two for one right there.”

Sloane finished the rest of his beer and pinned Ash with a glare. “And you wonder why everyone wants to kill you.”

Ash shrugged. “What? It’s the truth. You want proof?”

Dex finished singing and the crowd erupted into cheers. When he got to their table, he pointed to Sloane’s empty beer bottle. “Want me to get you another one?”

“While you’re at it,” Ash said sweetly, “why don’t you fetch him a snack and when you’re done, bend over. Hubby’s had a long day and needs to unwind.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I bet a ‘bite me’ is in order.” Dex snatched up Sloane’s empty bottle and stormed off. Sloane shook his head at Ash in disbelief.

“Why do you have to be such an asshole?”

“Aw, isn’t that sweet? Defending his honor. Want me to tell him? It might get you a blow job at the very least.”

Dex came back, handed Sloane a beer, and took a seat next to him. “So what’s going on? I take it Ash’s pleasantness stems from something besides life in general.”

Rosa chuckled, her gaze checking out the waitress in the tight black jeans. “He’s pissed because everyone wants to kill him.”

“How is that different from any other day?” Dex asked, following Rosa’s line of sight before arching an eyebrow at her. She gave him a guilty smile and answered his question.

“We were playing fuck, marry, kill. It was pretty unanimous we would fuck you and kill Ash.”

Dex put a hand to his heart. “Aw, you guys. That’s so sweet. I’m honored you’d all choose me as the one to bang.”

“So, how about you, Dex?” Rosa asked, leaning in keenly, followed by Letty. Everyone’s attention was on Dex, and Sloane told himself if there was ever a time to run, now would be it. He looked over his shoulder and waved a hand to get Bradley’s attention. Soon as he had it, he made the universal sign for “shot” then held up three fingers. Bradley laughed, and with a nod, walked off to make him his order. While he waited for his shots, Sloane took a swig of his beer.

“Easy,” Dex said. “I’d fuck Sloane.”

Sloane nearly choked on his beer. He snatched up a napkin to wipe the dribble from his chin. Smooth. That wasn’t obvious at all.

“Don’t worry, I’d be gentle,” Dex purred, patting Sloane on the back and oblivious to Sloane’s glare.

“As for marry. I’d marry Ash.”

Sloane and Ash sounded off like a couple of echoes. “What?”

“Explain,” Rosa demanded.

“See, you all should have put more thought into your answers. I’d marry Ash, make him fall in love with me, convince him to take out a million dollar life insurance policy then I’d kill him. Bam! I’m rich and free to keep banging Sloane.” The table burst into laughter and Dex wriggled his brows at Sloane. Dex leaned over to take his hand. “Will you wait for me, darling? We can start new lives down in Rio de Janeiro. I’ll become a card shark, and you can be my sexy cabana boy.”

Sloane couldn’t help his laugh. “You’re such an ass.”

“An ass with a million dollars. It’ll be painful, but I’m willing to do this. For us.” Dex gave him a wink, and Sloane felt him squeeze his fingers before releasing them. For a split second, Sloane wished he hadn’t let go. Dex took a deep breath, straightened, and met Ash’s gaze.

“Ash, you’re looking… less murderous today.”

“Fuck you.”

“See that,” Dex said, slapping a hand against the table in victory. “I’ve already got him wanting to fuck me. We’re half way there. Rio de Janeiro, here I come.” He reached into his back pocket, pulled out his wallet, and took out a ten-dollar bill. With a wink, he slid it over to Sloane. “Here you go, baby. Buy yourself something nice that’ll set off your tan.”

Sloane snatched up the bill and stuffed it in his jacket pocket.

Dex blinked at him. “You’re not going to give me my money back, are you?”


“Damn, I should have thought that through.”

Cael shook his head at his brother. “Dude, how much money have you lost to Sloane for the sake of your jokes?”

Dex looked to Sloane for an answer that Sloane cheerfully provided. “In the last month? Enough to pay my next cable bill.”

“Seriously?” Ash gaped at him then turned his attention to Dex, leaning forward. “So, if I go along with your stupid jokes, will you pay my cable bill?”


“What the hell?”

Dex shrugged. “He’s my partner. And he’s pretty.”

Everyone laughed, and Bradley appeared beside Sloane with the three shots. “Perfect timing. Thank you so much.” Sloane handed Bradley a ten-dollar tip.

“Wait a second….” Dex waited for Bradley to leave before smacking Sloane in the arm. “That was my ten-dollar bill.”

“No, it was mine,” Sloane corrected. “You gave it to me to buy myself something nice, remember? I did. I bought myself alcohol.” He downed the first shot, cringing as the foggy liquid burned down his throat.

“What the hell’s in that?” Dex asked, eyeing the mysterious brew warily. “And how come he made it up just for you?”

Was that jealousy Sloane heard slip into Dex’s tone? He had to admit, it gave him a tingly feeling, or maybe that was whatever Bradley slipped into his shot. He moved one of the small glasses in front of Dex. “I have no idea what’s in it. He won’t tell me. Give it a try.”

Ash took the shot glass and moved it away from Dex. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, bro. He’s already had a beer. Add a shot like that to the mix, and he’ll probably end up with alcohol poisoning.”

“Fuck you, Simba.” Dex snatched up the shot and threw it back. Sloane let out a groan. His partner had played right into Ash’s hands. Dex wheezed and coughed. “Jeeesus! What the….” He pounded on his chest, his voice hoarse. “What is that shit? Acid? It’s burning a hole in my fucking throat! Oh my God, it burns!”

Ash laughed and waved at Bradley, putting up three fingers. “Next round’s on me, Dex.”

While Dex wheezed and Rosa patted his back, Sloane leaned over to grab his friend’s arm. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Just buying my teammate a drink.” The evil in Ash’s eyes annoyed Sloane. No one knew Ash better than he did.

“Bullshit. You’re trying to get him shitfaced.”

“I hate to break it to you, but your boy’s already well on his way to being shitfaced. With whatever the hell was in there, I give him twenty minutes before he’s doing something extraordinarily stupid, and I’m going to be around when he does it.”

Bradley arrived with the shots, and with a “thank you,” Ash took one for himself before pushing the other two in front of Dex. “Time to man up, Daley.”

“Ash,” Sloane warned.

Rosa turned to Letty. “Let’s go dance before they start whipping them out to see whose is bigger.”

“I’m coming with you,” Cael said, jumping to his feet. “I don’t want to be here for whatever chaos is about to ensue.” He joined Rosa and Letty, following them to the dance floor where the DJ was getting ready. The lights dimmed, the dance floor lit up, and the music started thumping.

Dex settled back in his seat, his arms folded over his chest. “I don’t have to prove myself to you.”

With a wicked grin, Ash shifted his gaze to Sloane. “What’s it like having a blond partner? Do you have to remind him which end of the gun the bullets come out of?”

Calvin looked on unimpressed. “A blond joke? Really? That’s pretty sad, even for you, Ash.”

“You two still here?” Ash waved a hand in dismissal at Calvin. “Why don’t you and your toy tiger go play pirates or something? Leave the drinking to the big boys. And Dex.”

Hobbs vacated his seat so quickly, his chair toppled over. He took a step toward Ash, only to have Calvin put a hand to his chest. “Forget it, Ethan. You know he’s just being his usual dickhead self. Come on.” Calvin straightened Hobbs’s chair and ushered his partner toward the bar.

“I don’t know whether to be comforted or disturbed that you’re as much of a dick to the rest of your team as you are to me.” Dex gave a snort of disgust. “Look at you. Your biceps have biceps. What’s your problem, Ash? You’ve been an asshole since I joined. Or is that part of your charming personality?”

Ash shrugged, looking unfazed. “I don’t have to have a reason to dislike you. I just do.”

“At least I have a reason,” Dex muttered. Sloane felt Dex’s leg slip in behind his, rubbing against it. He took another sip of his beer. What he wouldn’t give to be somewhere dark and quiet where he could strip Dex, push him onto his knees, and make him beg for it.

“And what’s that?” Ash asked, throwing back one of the shots in front of them.

“You’re an asshole,” Dex replied. The “duh” was implied in his tone.

Ash opened his mouth to answer, when a soft gasp got their attention. Sloane tilted his head up, puzzled by the slender, good-looking guy with dark hair, a rich tan, and big hazel eyes standing beside their table, staring at Dex.

“Oh my God. Dex?”

Dex stared right back. “Lou?”

The name hit Sloane like a punch to the gut. It took everything he had to school his expression and appear mildly interested, instead of his initial thought of what the fuck? This was just perfect. What the hell was Dex’s ex-boyfriend doing here? Sloane watched Lou round the table, his too-tight designer shirt and equally tight designer slacks accentuating his sinewy frame and tight ass. His heart-shaped face lit up when he looked Dex over, his wide smile exposing perfectly straight, bright white teeth. Sloane disliked him even more than he previously had. Ash arched an eyebrow at Sloane, who gave him a pointed look. There was no telling what would come out of Ash’s mouth, and things were awkward enough already.

“Wow, look at you,” Lou gushed. “You look amazing. Must be all the training they’ve got you doing.”

Seriously? The ole “have you been working out” chestnut? Was that still in circulation? Did guys go for that? Dex patted his stomach, his cheeks flushed. Apparently they did. Or it could be his idiot partner.

“Thanks. Yeah, it’s pretty intense,” Dex replied, looking embarrassed. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m not normally down this side of town, but we landed a big client and wanted to celebrate. One of the staff kept raving about this place. Something about some cute guy who’s always singing here and….” Lou’s eyes went wide and his hand flew dramatically to his lips. “Oh, hell. He’s talking about you, isn’t he?”

“Um….” Dex cleared his throat. “I’m sure I’m not the only guy to sing in here, with or without a Karaoke machine.”

“Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed. I should have known, especially when he mentioned the eighties songs.” Lou giggled and Sloane gritted his teeth. Under the table, Ash kicked him, and Sloane’s glare was enough to get his friend to back off.

Dex cringed. “Yeah, okay, he was probably talking about me.”

“This is so awkward. I’m probably the last person you wanted to see in here. I’ll grab my friends and go.” Lou turned, when to Sloane’s surprise, Dex caught his arm.

“Hey, listen, it’s cool. You and your friends have fun. It’s no big deal.”

It was Sloane’s turn to clear his throat, and he held back his aggravation at Dex’s startled expression, as if he’d forgotten he wasn’t alone.

“Shit, sorry. Lou, this is my partner at the THIRDS, Sloane Brodie, and my teammate Ash Keeler. Guys, this is Louis Huerta.”

“The guy who dumped you after you got beat up by your cop buddies, right?” Ash said pleasantly, a big grin stretching across his face.

With a heavy sigh, Dex turned his attention back to Lou. “Ignore him. He only has one setting—asshole.”

Lou looked nervously from Ash to Sloane, offering a tentative smile. “It’s nice to meet you.” He shifted his gaze to Dex. “You think we can talk a sec?”

“Okay.” Dex excused himself and followed Lou over to a small standing table toward the end of the room, away from the dance floor where it was conveniently atmospheric, with most of the lighting coming from the amber wall sconces and the candle in the center of the table.

“Well, well. Look who came crawling back,” Ash drawled.

Sloane decided he was definitely too sober for this evening. “What are you talking about?” Did he want to know?

Ash leaned forward, nodding toward the corner of the room where Lou and Dex were chatting. “Come on, man. Look at him. He can’t keep his hands off Dex.”

Sloane discreetly followed Ash’s gaze and frowned at Lou playing with Dex’s dog tags. He was obviously flirting. His hand went to Dex’s bicep, giving it a squeeze. Dex said something and Lou laughed, slapping Dex playfully on his side, making Dex wriggle. His partner was ticklish under his arms and down his ribs. Clearly, Lou was aware of the fact as well. It struck him then how Lou had more intimate knowledge of Dex than Sloane did. The thought brought a sour taste to his mouth.

“He might have bailed when the shit hit the fan, but Dex is a THIRDS agent now. His pretty-boy face has been all over the news since he joined. Love him or loathe him, he knows how to work the room and play to the crowd. Why do you think Lieutenant Sparks keeps loaning him out to the Community Relations Department? He’s got the PR agents practically wetting themselves.”

“Careful, Ash. Those are starting to sound like compliments.” Sloane couldn’t help his smile. It was rare moments like this one when Sloane wondered if deep down, Ash didn’t hate Dex as much as he said he did. His best friend was frustratingly hard to read at the best of times, much less when he was purposefully keeping something from Sloane.

“Fuck off. I’m just saying, Dex is in a whole new league and some people are bound to take notice, including those from his old life.”

“And you’re telling me this because?”

Ash shrugged, averting his gaze. “You’ve stopped moping. For the most part. I think you’re mopey by nature. I’d hate for something or someone to come along and mess your shit up again.”

“I don’t fully understand what you’re trying to tell me, and it’s probably best I don’t.” Worse than Ash being a dick, was Ash being concerned. It happened so rarely, that when it did, Sloane didn’t know what to do with it.

“I’m saying, he’s your friend, and he’s helped you. He’s good for you.”

“So you keep telling me. Are you saying I should stop him from hooking up with someone, and the possibility of being in a happy relationship because he’s good for me? Is that what you’re saying?”

Ash blinked at him, looking truly confused. “Well, yeah.”

“You are… astounding.”

“I know.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

“Tough shit, that’s how I’m taking it.” Ash looked over his shoulder, a deep scowl coming onto his face. “That shitbag.”


“Some jackass is coming onto Cael and doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of the words ‘fuck off.’ Sometimes Cael’s too polite. How come he can rip a guy to shreds when it concerns his brother, but when it’s about him, he’s so damned nice about it.”

“Cael’s a nice guy,” Sloane replied with a shrug. “Besides, he can take care of himself.”

“It’s not him I worry about. That guy’s got ‘sleaze’ written all over his face.”

Sloane leaned to peer around Ash. His friend was right. The guy crowding Cael was definitely a creep. No matter how many times, Cael pulled away, the guy kept getting all up in his personal space.

“Excuse me.” Ash got up and Sloane hoped his friend wasn’t about to get them kicked out. When it came to Cael, Ash had little control. It wouldn’t be the first time Ash had gotten into a brawl over Cael, despite Cael’s protests that he didn’t need rescuing. Sloane could sympathize with the younger Therian, but it was hard stopping a train once it was going full speed with no brakes.

Sloane found himself on his lonesome at their table. He discreetly sneaked another peek over at Dex, his heart hammering as he watched Lou dance with Dex. To Dex’s credit, the guy looked uncomfortable, and he seemed to be trying to talk to Lou, who of course was distracted by other things, like Dex’s lips. Lou reached out to cup Dex’s cheek, and Sloane got out of his seat. He’d had enough fun for one night.

“Fuck this.” He’d just about made it to the door, when someone grabbed his arm.

“Hey!” Dex pulled him past the coatracks, through a door on the right, and they ended up in an empty hallway with a set of stairs leading down to the basement and at the far end, a supply closet. “What the hell, man? I turn around and you’re leaving without me?”

Sloane shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “I’m sure you could have found a ride. Lou’s probably dying to give you a lift home.” He knew he sounded like a jerk, but he couldn’t help it. He was pissed off. Whether at himself or Dex, he wasn’t sure.

“Whatever you’re thinking, stop it. We were only talking.”

And flirting, and dancing, and touching. This was stupid. What’s more, this wasn’t like him at all. He’d never had bouts of jealousy where Gabe had been concerned. Maybe because he’d never worried Gabe would leave him. Gabe had also never fraternized with any of his ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends. The idea that Dex would so easily dismiss what he’d been through with Lou, and let the guy waltz back into his life, aggravated Sloane. “How can you act like nothing’s happened? He dumped your ass when you needed him most, and now he shows up out of nowhere, flirts with you, and you accept it like you’re old friends?”

“Like I said, we were talking. Why are you pissed off with me? You’re the one who was going to bail on me.”

Sloane could see Dex growing angry with him, and he really couldn’t understand why. What the hell did Dex have to be angry about? Sloane wasn’t the one with his ex’s hands all over him. He leaned a shoulder against the wood paneling and shrugged. “I figured if you wanted to give Lou another chance, who am I to stop you.”

“Oh, fuck you.” Dex shook his head, his face growing red. Before Sloane had a chance to ask Dex what he was getting so pissy about, Dex met his eyes, his gaze intense. “Is that it? That’s all it would take for you to walk away? You don’t bother asking me what that was about, or what’s going on, just ‘hey, have a nice life with your ex.’ You dick.”

“You’re the one acting like he’s back in your life. Like it’s no big deal. You even stopped him from leaving,” Sloane spat back. Why was he allowing this ridiculous situation to get under his skin?

“What did you expect me to do? Punch him? Tell him to fuck off?”

Sloane ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on himself. “I don’t know. I didn’t know what to think.” This was all so new to him. He kept telling himself not to get so close, despite knowing it was too late.

“That’s why there’s this thing called communication, Sloane. Let me demonstrate. ‘Sloane, does what we have mean so little to you that you would walk away just like that?’ Now you answer.”

Sloane gave Dex a warning look. “Don’t patronize me.”

“You’re right. I apologize. I’m pissed off and that foggy shit Bradley made is getting to me. Now answer the question.”

“I fucked up, okay?” What else did Dex want from him? It seemed like lately all Sloane did was either apologize to Dex or explain himself. He didn’t like it.

“Try again.”

“Fuck off.” Sloane crossed his arms over his chest. Maybe he was being childish and defensive, but he didn’t appreciate Dex’s tone. He appreciated the fact that Dex was right even less. Dex stepped up to him and gently moved Sloane’s arms away from his chest. Sloane allowed it, watching Dex intently as he closed the distance between them, his pale blue eyes pleading.


Sloane was contemplating another evasive answer, but studying Dex’s expression, his slightly parted lips, and handsome face, he couldn’t do it. “No, it doesn’t mean that little to me.” He could feel his anger melting away. Dex had a point, and Sloane wasn’t so egotistical he couldn’t admit when he was wrong. “I got upset and didn’t think things through. I figured an offer at a real relationship with someone you cared about would tempt you. I wouldn’t blame you.”

Dex’s brows drew together. His expression filled with anger and what Sloane suspected was hurt, before he moved away. “You’re such a dick. My God, are you taking lessons from Ash?”

The unexpected hostility stunned Sloane. “What did I do now?” He watched Dex pace around before his partner finally stopped, his shoulders slumping. He seemed to deflate, and Sloane felt shitty for bringing that look onto Dex’s face.

“Next time, talk to me, please. If I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t be. Or do you think I’m biding my time with you until something better comes along?”

“I don’t think that. I fucked up.” Sloane pulled Dex into his arms, aware of the slight hesitation. If he kept this up, one of these days Dex was going to be the one walking away. He didn’t like how the thought made him feel. He wrapped his arms tightly around Dex and kissed his temple, inhaling Dex’s scent. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. Dex’s arms circled his waist and gave him a squeeze.

Knowing their teammates were busy and most likely didn’t know where they were, Sloane took a chance, stealing a kiss. It started slow, Dex’s mouth tasting sweet from the shots, his lips soft and sending a rush of blood down to Sloane’s groin, but it quickly turned heated. Sloane slipped his hand under Dex’s T-shirt, his fingers stroking smooth skin over hard muscle. He dug his fingers into Dex’s ass, reveling in the low moan Dex let out against his lips, loving the shiver that Sloane could feel go through his partner. He reminded himself he was responsible for that. His thoughts went to Dex writhing underneath him, the way he stole Dex’s breath, left him speechless, in a sweaty, panting mess. His mouth demanded more from Dex, and he pulled Dex hard against him, his erection rubbing against Dex’s.

“Dex? Is everything—Oh wow.”

Sloane pulled away with a start, his breath heavy and his eyes wide at Lou standing there, his mouth hanging open. Shit.

“Shit.” Dex thrust a finger at Sloane. “You, don’t you dare disappear on me. I’ll handle this.” He took Lou’s arm and led him outside, leaving Sloane standing there with nothing but the muffled sounds coming from the dance floor and the taste of Dex on his lips. Fuck. He rubbed his hands over his face as he considered his next course of action. Okay, he was the Team Leader of a tactical team operating under the military branch of the United States government. He could handle one ex-boyfriend.

Sloane went over his options. Not that he didn’t trust Dex to handle the situation. After careful consideration, he came up with two choices—threaten Lou into silence, or use this situation to his advantage. The first one sounded fun, but the latter was the smarter choice. He’d give Dex a few minutes, then he was going in. One way or another, their secret had to remain that.




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