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Blue Sky (Blue Devils Book 1) by Alana Albertson (10)


The hot water beaded down my chest as I scrubbed my body. An image overpowered my mind of Paloma in the shower with me.

I tried to push the fantasy of her naked body out of my head, but it wouldn’t budge. I imagined water cascading between her full breasts and down her curves. Turning her around and taking her from behind, grabbing her round ass as I fucked her tight pussy.

Dammit. I was her goddamned boss. I was no better than Sawyer. I couldn’t think of my nanny like that. What the fuck was wrong with me?

It had to be that I was just missing my wife. And that I was horny as fuck. Catherine had had a difficult pregnancy—she was bedridden for most of it, so we had been unable to make love. But that hadn’t bothered me in the least. All I wanted was a healthy baby. I had prayed so much that Sky would be okay, never thinking that in a cruel twist of fate that I would lose my wife instead.

But God had other plans in store.

Something about Paloma intrigued me. I didn’t pity her; it was nothing like that. I admired her. She was so strong. Many people would’ve given up with the lot she had been dealt. Drowned their sorrows in liquor, drugs, or sex. But Paloma seemed so positive and upbeat. I couldn’t believe she had never left this town.

I can show her the world.

My wife had been dead for nine months, and I had finally accepted the fact that she was never coming back. For the last nine months, I had never thought seriously about another woman. But now, everything seemed different. Was I falling for Paloma?

I mean, it had been Catherine’s idea for me to hire a local nanny when I returned. And she had told me in her final words that she loved me and wanted me to be happy.

Even so, I felt guilt. I turned my rage toward myself and took a calming breath.

I toweled off and got dressed. These thoughts were normal. I had no reason to be ashamed. I couldn’t help my desires, but I was in control of my actions. And I was an honorable naval officer. I would not hit on my daughter’s nanny. I wasn’t that guy.

I walked down the hallway, and realized that Paloma was already home. She must’ve come in while I was in the shower. I wished she had joined me. Dammit, there I went again.

Her hair was wavy and wild, and I couldn’t help but think that her hair would look like that after sex. Maybe she had just had sex with her hidden boyfriend.

Stop, dude. You have no right to know about her personal life.

She was sitting on the sofa, and Sky was playing in her Pack n’ Play. Instead of greeting me like Paloma normally did, she remained quiet. As I approached her I noticed that she was looking down at the floor.

Maybe she could sense that I wanted her. I had to stop flirting with her.

“Hey. How are your sisters?”


She still didn’t look up at me. Something was wrong.

“You okay?”

“Yup, just tired. There are leftovers in the fridge if you are hungry.”

Yeah, something was definitely wrong. I didn’t mind at all if she didn’t want to cook for me. I could take care of myself, and her for that matter. But her voice was low, and she had still not looked up at me.

I sat down next to her and a lump grew in my throat when I saw a big, open gash above her forehead.

What the fuck?

My vision clouded. “Paloma, what happened to your face?”

She covered her face more. “Nothing. It was stupid. I tripped walking and fell. There was some glass in the street. I’m fine.”

She was lying to me. But I wasn’t angry. I could tell from her slumped posture and the despondent look on her face that she was embarrassed.

I took her hand and she started crying. Before I could stop myself, I pulled her into my arms.

“Hey, listen. You can tell me anything. I’m not going to be mad, I just want to take care of you. What happened? Did some guy hit you?”

“It was my uncle. He went through my purse and stole my money. When I confronted him, he smashed his tequila bottle over my head.”

Ah fuck. I clenched my fist. I wanted to kill that mother fucker for touching Paloma.

But then a chill came over me. Paloma at least was safe in my house now. Her sisters were with this jerk now.

“Are your sisters still with him now?”

She nodded. “Yes. But don’t worry about them. They will be fine. He’s good to them.”

My chest constricted. Here I thought I was giving this woman the opportunity of the lifetime—and I was—but I didn’t realize that by doing so, I was also putting her and her family in danger. She was the sole caretaker of her sisters, and now her sisters were living with an abuser to care for my daughter.

“He just assaulted you, Paloma.”

“He won’t hurt them. He’s fine except when he drinks.”

“How often does he drink?”

Her voice dropped. “Every night.”

Yup. Nightmare. What had I gotten myself into? I could fire her, so she could go take care of her sister, but she was so great with Sky. And it wasn’t fair to fire her when she had put her sisters in danger to take this job. She needed this job, this opportunity. And I was starting to have feelings for Paloma. She was incredible. And I wasn’t the only one who thought so. Her references had been stellar. Everyone praised how hard working, smart, kind, and determined she was. Her teacher had even told me that she had begged Paloma to accept her college scholarship, but Paloma wouldn’t consider leaving her sisters behind. I respected the hell out of her decision. And I wasn’t sure that I would’ve put off my dreams of being a pilot for my own family.

Her refusal to chase her dreams to take care of her sisters doomed her to stay in this barren town.

And now, to take this job, I had forced her to leave them in a dire situation.

This was a new year. My old life died with my wife. Catherine hadn’t wanted me to wallow in my grief, but to instead help others less fortunate. It didn’t seem right to have Paloma’s sisters suffer so she could work for me. Especially since I was living in a four-bedroom, two-bath home paid for by the government.

I couldn’t believe what I was about to say.

“I’m not sure this is going to work out. I don’t want your sisters to have to stay in an unsafe situation.

Her bottom lip quivered. “Oh, please, Beck. They will be fine. Please don’t fire me. I really need this job. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. They are my problem, not yours. They won’t interfere with my work or my care for your daughter.”

Dammit. I had definitely not said that right.

“I’m not firing you. But I have a big place here, and I’ll be working most of the day. Your sisters are welcome to stay here.”

Her eyes bulged. For a second, I thought she would immediately accept my offer, but she shook her head. “No. That won’t be necessary. They are fine at my uncle’s. I’m sorry I bothered you with my problems. I should get Sky ready for bed.”

Had anyone ever done anything nice for this girl? “Sky is fine right now. Look, I insist. You can’t focus on my baby if you are worried about your sisters.”

She met my eyes and didn’t look away. “Nope. It’s out of the question. I don’t need your help.”

I was enjoying her little defiant streak. I loved that she wanted to earn everything herself. But I had received favors in my life that had helped me achieve my goals. And I was going to give her one.

“Then, I rescind my job offer. If your sisters don’t stay here, you can’t work here. You will be too distracted to concentrate. That’s my offer. Take it or leave it.” There, that ought to do it.

Her mouth slackened. “Wait, what? Are you sure? You really want them to stay here? Are you kidding me?”

“Yes, I’m serious. It’s only for seven more weeks until I go back to Pensacola. It will be nice to have some laughter around here.”

Tears welled in Paloma’s eyes. “¡Ay, Dios mió! I can’t believe this. This is the best day ever. I promise they will behave. And they love babies. We will keep this house clean, and we will be quiet. You won’t even know we are here.”

“I’m going to call Declan to come over and watch Sky and we can go get your sisters.

“Beck, you truly are an angel. I can’t thank you enough.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. I fought the urge to kiss her back.

Ten minutes later Declan showed up. I quickly debriefed him about Sky, who was still asleep.

“We will be back in an hour. Call if you need anything.”

The second we left base, I was struck at once by the poverty around me. I had noticed it last year, but it had seemed less heartbreaking. But now, with Paloma by my side, the barren landscape was painfully in focus. There were so many empty businesses with boarded up windows and chained off buildings littered with graffiti. An elderly man pushed a cart of food down the road and a young woman clutching a baby begged on a corner. It was around seven at night and the wind had kicked up the despair with the dust.

“Turn here. It’s that one there.”

I turned to an apartment building which looked more like a prison than a home. Was this where her uncle lived? Where her sisters were staying? And she walked here every night? Hell, I didn’t even want to park my SUV out here. I’d even considered packing my gun.

She opened the door. “I’ll go and grab them.”

“I’m going with you.” 

She shook her head. “No, that’s fine. I won’t be long.”

“Paloma, he hit you over the head with a liquor bottle. I’m going in.”

We walked up the stairs and Paloma pushed the door open.

Her sisters were cuddled up on the lumpy sofa, but her uncle wasn’t in the room.

“Beck, meet my sisters, Mónica is the older one and Ana María is the younger one. Girls, this is Beck. Gather your things. You are going to stay with us.”

Ana María’s eyes opened wide and Mónica’s mouth gaped open.

“En serio?”

“Yes, I’m serious. Come on, let’s go.”

I heard a door open and some middle-aged man walked over to me, his face red and his eyes blood shot. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?”

I didn’t want to fight with him, though he deserved to be punched in the face. But I didn’t want the girls to see any more violence or this loser to press assault charges on me. I just wanted to get out of this house as soon as possible. “I’m Paloma's boss.

Her sisters stared at me. Ana María’s hair was braided, and she had big brown eyes and a sad smile. Mónica was wearing a tight shirt and shorts.

I knelt down to Ana María. “Do you girls want to go to McDonalds?”

“Yes!” Ana María jumped up and down. 

Her uncle walked up to me and the stench of the liquor on his breath made me recoil. “The girls are my family. They stay here.”

“Yeah, well I’m going to take them with me. Looks like you got your hands full here. Is that weed I smell?”

“Yeah. What’s it to you? It’s California. It’s legal.”

“I’m aware. But you shouldn’t be smoking around young kids. Come on girls, let’s go.”

Paloma gathered the girls’ clothes. I grabbed their bags and we went to my SUV. Her shoulders slumped, and she looked almost embarrassed.

Mónica stood next to me. “I can’t believe you are going to let us stay with you. Is it true there is a pool on base?”

A pained expression crossed Paloma’s face. She turned to me. “I’m sorry. They are just excited. They don’t know how to swim.”

Ah, fuck. I had no idea how much the little things I took for granted would mean the world to these girls.

Once we got into the SUV, I turned to them. “Yup, there sure is. And there are even swim lessons. Would you girls like to learn?”

Ana María’s eyes became wide. “Are you serious? Did you hear that Mónica? We can take swim lessons!”

A wave of satisfaction took over me. “Yes. I can sign you girls up. After we eat, we can go to Target and buy swimsuits.”

Paloma placed her hand on my arm. “Stop. That’s not necessary. We don’t want to owe you anything.”

“You don’t owe me a thing. Let’s go shopping. Seriously, it’s on me. No strings attached.”

“I can’t accept any gifts.”

Man, she was tough. “You represent me on base. I don’t have anything for the girls’ room. Please, it would make me happy.”

She shrugged. “I guess.”

I felt bad that I was making her uncomfortable.

Mónica squealed. “Lo, can I get bikini?”

“No, you can not. You are only fourteen. You can pick out something modest.” She placed her hand on my knee and a jolt went to my cock. “You really don’t have to do all of this. I can never repay you. Actually, you can take it out of my salary.”

I loved how humble she was and that she didn’t want anything for free. “It’s really my pleasure. I know I told you in the interview I didn’t want to hang out with you, but honestly I’ve been so depressed since my wife died. It will be good to have you all around and keep me distracted.”

She squeezed my leg. “If you need to talk, I’m a good listener.”

Maybe I did need to talk. I had refused to talk to a grief counselor, and I never really opened up to my buddies.

We hit the drive-thru and the girls had Happy Meals, I ordered a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, and Paloma had a Filet-O-Fish. We stuffed our faces and then I turned into the shopping mall and parked in front of Target. When we exited from the SUV, Mónica whispered something into Paloma’s ear which caused Paloma to blush.

I grabbed a red shopping cart, and they followed me into the store.

“Okay, ladies. So, seriously, let’s get whatever you need. Clothes, some stuff for your bedroom, toys, school supplies. Don’t be shy, it’s on me.”

Paloma whispered in my ear. “Seriously, I don’t feel comfortable with this. Maybe just a few things.”

I grabbed her hand, caressing her soft skin. “I want to. Please don’t mention it again. And grab another cart.”

“Okay, I’ll make it up to you.”

I wanted to ask how, but I shut my mouth. I wasn’t offering to buy her stuff, expecting any sexual favors. Quite the opposite. No matter how hot I thought she was, I refused to get involved with her. It wasn’t ethical, and I was a man of morals.

We zoomed around the store and the girls picked out clothes, swimsuits, bedspreads, and some toys. I picked up some supplies for Sky. Then I looked into the cart and noticed that Paloma hadn’t picked anything for herself.

“Hey. I’m serious. Buy some new clothes. Whatever you need. Do you have a swimsuit? Maybe you can take Sky to the pool. I think there is a baby class.” Hell, I knew there was a Mommy and Me class. Catherine and I had looked into it.

“Okay.” She walked over to the rack and picked out a black bikini. Heat flooded my cock as I imagined her body covered in that thin fabric barely covering her huge tits, her wide hips, her tiny waist, and that incredible ass. I’d definitely have to go to the pool with her, to make sure some dickhead like Sawyer didn’t hit on her.

I wanted to get home to Sky. We made a final pass to the grocery section and Paloma paused over the spices, but then walked away.

“Get whatever you need. If anything, you are saving me money by cooking.”

“I was just looking at the saffron. I’ve always wanted some, but it’s super expensive. I don’t need it.”

“If you make me paella, you can buy it. I had some in Spain and it was incredible.” In Spain. On my honeymoon.

“It’s twenty-two dollars. A waste of money.”

I grabbed the little bottle. “Not if you make me paella. Okay, let’s go.”

I paid, and we walked out of the store. Pride filled my chest when I looked at their happy faces. The girls giggled in the back seat when talked about how much they couldn’t wait to see their room. After suffering through all my grief, giving someone else joy made my heart leap.

Paloma made another quick stop at a grocery store, and then we went back to base.

As I pulled up to my house, I couldn’t help but notice how at ease I felt around Paloma and her sisters. They were under the assumption that I was helping them out, but in reality, they were saving me.




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