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Bordering On Love (A James Family Novel Book 3) by Carolyn Lee (19)


The borrowed bed was every bit as luxurious as she thought it would be and then some. Every inch of her body ached but as she lay there listening to the sound of water running in the next room. What she really wanted to do was get up and go join Keegan in that shower but this was his mother's house and she would respect that. Despite all the blatant hints Keegan had thrown her way or how badly she wanted to recreate their earlier shower scene. She was tired but her mind wouldn't stop running through the events of the day. Her little swim in the ocean had definitely been unexpected as had Keegan pinning her up against the bathroom tiles. How the hell was she supposed to sleep with so much unfinished business?

Apparently, her brain had no trouble with the sleep thing after all as the next thing she knew someone was sitting on the edge of her bed softly calling her name. Nikki stayed hidden under the pillow she had pulled over her head and grumbled.

"Go away."

She heard laughter as her body was shook gently. "Wake up, Nikki. Ma's got breakfast going. This is not a meal you are going to want to miss."

"It's too early."

"I thought you might need some persuading."

Oh, she liked the sound of that. Nikki rolled on to her back but left the pillow over her face. "Yeah? What do you have in mind?"

The next thing she knew, the covers were on the floor and Keegan was on the bed jumping up and down like it were a trampoline. "Are you up yet? Are you awake?"

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" Nikki tried to roll out of the way. Instead she rolled into Keegan's legs and sending him into an awkward sprawl across her body with his face buried in her armpit.

"Success!" Keegan called out as he rolled himself over so he was stretched along the length of the bed next to Nikki.

"It's tough to resist such strong powers of persuasion." Nikki reached over and slid her fingers along the line of Keegan's jaw. "You haven't shaved in a couple of days."

He shook his head. "I usually don't when I'm not working. Maybe once a week or so."

"I like it."

"Hey, you two coming out to eat or what?" Nikki looked at the door and saw a tall, blond man with the same blue eyes and strong facial structure as Keegan.

Keegan jumped from the bed and met the other man with one of those manly half hugs where they both pat each other on the back. "Logan! It’s been way too long, man."

"I know what you mean. Time moves quickly when there is a baby involved."

"How's Angie doing anyway?"

"Why don't you come out and ask her yourself? She's already eating for two at the breakfast table. I love that she is so happy being pregnant."

"Can’t wait to be a dad?"

"I’m ready. I'm going to do a hell of a lot better job than my old man did too."

"Was there ever any question?"

Logan looked past Keegan and caught her eye. "Who's your friend, Kee?"

"Nikki, this is my cousin Logan. You are currently lounging in his bed."

She ignored the flaming heat burning the skin of her face and waved to Logan. "It's nice to meet you."

"My mother says you are with the DEA. I thought this was a gun case. Will's here. He was just telling us all about it."

"It is now but it started out as a drug thing. I'd been working a case for a couple of months thinking it was heroin and cocaine that were being trafficked but it turned out to be something much more valuable."

"Boys! Breakfast! Nikki too!" Clara called from somewhere in the house. The smell of bacon had begun to permeate the bedroom.

"Coming!" Logan and Keegan called back simultaneously.

"I'll meet the two of you out there. Don't take too long or you know Ma will come in here with the bucket of ice water." Logan disappeared through the door.

Nikki sat up and hung her feet over the side of the bed, grateful she had slept in actual pajamas and not her usual nothing. "I just want to wash up quick."

Keegan nodded toward the bathroom. "Go ahead, I'll wait for you."

Nikki grabbed some jeans and an emerald green sweater on her way to the bathroom. "I promise to be quick. Wouldn't want you to miss your share of salt and cholesterol."