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Bordering On Love (A James Family Novel Book 3) by Carolyn Lee (9)


What the hell was going on with that guy? One minute they were talking about the case and then next he was flitting around like a humming bird on speed. Now he wanted to make a plan. Like they were partners. Not happening. This girl liked to work alone.

Her phone rang. "Hey, Henry."

"Hey, Nik. You sure you're okay? Your old man'll kill me if he finds out someone was shooting at you."

"I'm a federal agent with the Drug Enforcement Agency. Pretty sure the old man knows there is a certain level of danger with my job."

"Maybe. Or maybe he's living in the land of denial, counting on me to keep you safe."

"Please, Henry. I don't need a babysitter."

"Well, you're getting one. ATF is taking the case. I need you to get back here right away so we can all have a sit down."


"What do you mean, no?" There was quiet anger building in her boss's voice.

"I mean, I put a lot of time into this case. I'm not just handing it over to some other agency because they say so."

"I wasn't asking, Nik. This is an order. Get your ass back here."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"Um, yes. Yes, I can. Because I am your boss!" She could actually hear his fist slam against his metal desk.

"Don't get all worked up, Henry. I'll be there in a little bit."



"Will you be alone or are you planning to bring your new friend with you? You know, the guy you thought was a suspect in your case?"

Nikki rolled her eyes. Not like Henry could see her, it was just a habit when her boss irritated her. "I guess I totally screwed this whole thing up, didn't I? Got the wrong guy and the wrong dope."

Keegan walked back and forth slowly behind his house, hands shoved in his pockets and looking very interested in the foundation—probably just eavesdropping and didn't want her to know.

"It's not like that, Nikki. How could you know? They are an international cartel and a very successful one at that—because they know how to slip under the radar. You found their transfer location. That's half the battle."

"Yeah, well, they are going to change that up right quick. Someone saw us. They know we know. I don't think I should leave here. Someone needs to keep an eye on this place."

"They don't necessarily know you're a fed though. With any luck they just thought you were a nosy neighbor and they scared you off. Either way, I've got Barron and Lewis on the way to sit on it. As soon as they get there, you come back in so we can make a plan to get the bastards."

She let out a long, heavy sigh. "Fine, Henry. If that's an order?"

"Take it as such, Nikki." Without another word, Henry hung up. He didn't need to say anything else. The implication was there in his voice. Get her ass back to headquarters or maybe get a new job.

"Hey, James!" She waved Keegan over. As long as she had to work with the ATF, she might as well bring Keegan in. So much for working alone.

Come on, lady, you know you don't mind having him around.

True but she wasn't about to admit that the incredibly sexy, almost Border Patrol agent did things to her common sense she was seriously trying to ignore.

"What's up?" He sauntered over, completely relaxed. Nothing like the nut job she thought he was ten minutes ago.

"I've gotta go see the boss. ATF is joining us. You up for a little field trip?"

"Always up for anything." He winked and grinned. "ATF, huh? Not exactly where you thought this would end up is it?"

"I'm DEA. Drugs are my thing."

Keegan laughed. "Leaving the guns to the big boys?"

"What the boss says, goes. As soon as our back up gets here to sit on this stuff, we'll go talk to him. See where to go next."

"As long as we're waiting, I'm going to check a couple of things in the house. Got my contractor coming in later and he had a few questions."

Nikki gave the house a once over before returning her attention to Keegan. "What made you want to buy an old place like this anyway? There's so much new construction in Virginia Beach. Have you seen the condos down at the ocean front?"

"My brother's wife used to live down there. They are beautiful. Just not my style."

"No, I suppose not." He definitely didn't have the preppy, businessman style she usually saw down that way. Dressed the way he was, he looked more like he should be on the back of horse than in the standard Lexus or Mercedes she saw down by the water.

"Come on, you want to take a walk through with me?"

Oh, how she really wanted to but she had a building full of evidence that was her responsibility. Nikki glanced back to where the guns were stored, cursing her moral compass and work ethic.

"I better stay here and wait. I don't want to risk them coming back and taking the stuff before back up gets here."

"I doubt they will return before nightfall. We would hear their truck if they did. But it's okay. I understand. I'd probably do the same thing."

Nikki watched as he walked away, resisting the urge to follow. Her brain knew she had to stay and do her job but her body was hoping she would simply ignore the logical part of her. Keegan was such an anomaly. When she ran into him on the beach, he looked like he belonged on the sand. Now, out here in the country, she couldn't imagine him anywhere else. The sudden need to see the place he would soon call home overwhelmed her. Her feet began to move without direction from her brain. Before she knew it, she stood at the foot of the porch steps wondering what the master bedroom looked like.

The door in front of her was massive and imposing. As intricate as the design was, it had to have been hand carved with a forged iron knob and placket. The key hole was designed to fit a skeleton key so there was a good chance it was original to the house. Her stupid body betrayed her even more by climbing the stairs and turning that impressive knob. She stepped inside and gasped at the small entry way. Under the layers of dust and grime and neglect, beautiful woodwork begged for love and attention. The foyer split off on both sides to living space that boasted huge, hand hewn ceiling beams and wide floor planks. The blacksmith forged nails with square heads rather than round were hammered into the floor boards at surprisingly exact intervals. Above her head footsteps sounded. Nikki followed the flow of the space to a narrow staircase and began her ascent to the second story.

As she reached the landing, Keegan stepped out of one of the rooms nearly running into her. Nikki startled, losing her balance and started to topple backward toward the stairs but Keegan grabbed her and pulled her to him. Wrapping his arms around her, he chuckled. "We really have to stop meeting like this."

Nikki laughed too. "I know, right?"

"So, you decided come inside after all?" Keegan asked, not letting loose of his hold on her. She didn’t mind that one bit, even though she knew she should.

"My curiosity got the best of me, I suppose."

"I'm glad." There was an intensity in his eyes as looked down at her that made Nikki's body hum. Was he going to kiss her? This was the twenty first century, she should just kiss him.

No! No kissing!

Why not? Keegan's eyes seemed to be asking the same question as he slowly lowered his head toward hers. Nikki ran her tongue lightly across her lips to moisten the suddenly dry surface. With their mouths just a whisper of space apart, Keegan sighed and said, "I think we may have a problem."

Oh, they had several problems but none of them mattered at the moment.

"Yeah? What kind of problem?" Nikki asked. The only problem she could see is the fact that she could barely breathe at the moment.

"A vehicle just pulled in the driveway."

Damn. Now that was a problem. The last thing she needed was to be caught making out with Keegan in front of her team. She would never live it down. Nikki took a step back, disengaging herself from Keegan's embrace. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she nodded. "I'll go meet them while you finish up in here."

"Do they always have such impeccable timing?" Keegan asked, sounding a little annoyed which made her smile.

"Like a bad rash. Always showing up when you least want them to." She turned and bounded down the steps, laughing the whole way at the surprised look on Keegan's face.

"I'll be right there!" he called after her as she stepped out of the front door.

"Hey, guys!" Nikki waved to the two men getting out of the well-worn agency owned Ford Crown Victoria.

"Hear you got shot, Nik." Jeff Barron said as he walked toward her.

"Not me. My new Impala"

"Aw, man, that sucks." Mark Lewis, the other agent said as he inspected the damage to her vehicle that sat parked in the drive next to Keegan's truck.

"Yeah, it really does."

"I'm just glad it wasn't my brand new truck there." Keegan stepped onto the stoop and turned to lock the front door. She was right, it was an actual skeleton key he used. "I just drove her off the lot two days ago."

Jeff was walking around the black Ford F-250 and letting out a long, low whistle. "This here is one pretty sweet looking vehicle."

"Thanks, man. Traded in my BMW for it," Keegan replied, his hand outstretched.

Jeff shook his hand and nodded toward the truck. "It must be pretty crazy going from a Beamer to a beauty like that. Name's Jeff Barron. This here is my partner Mark Lewis."

"Definitely an adjustment but I like it. Nice to meet you both." He shook hands with Mark before turning his attention back to Nikki. "So, you're here to keep an eye on things?"

"Yeah," Jeff replied. "Nikki here is always getting into some mess she needs us to bail her out of."

Nikki punched him on the upper arm. "Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure I'm the one always bailing your ass out."

"Language, Nik." Mark covered his ears with his palms. "Virgin ears over here."

"Ha! Right. Don't let me offend your sensibilities. I'm sure they don't cuss on those porn sites you like to check out."

"Geez! Get a guy below the belt why don't you? It's not porn, it's a matchmaking website. We don't all have your luck getting dates. Some of us need a little scientific help finding love."

Did the whole agency know about her ex? "Go to hell, Lewis."

"So, you've tried that internet dating stuff? My mother keeps trying to get me to sign up on one."

"Your mother?" Jeff asked, laughing. "She pack your lunch and wash your shorts too?"

Keegan grinned. "If I let her, she would. Ma's got an issue with getting old. She wants her kids married and well into the baby making business before she can die happy."

"Thank God my mother gave up on me years ago." Mark said. "She knows it’s a lost cause. With the hours I keep, it's hard to meet a decent woman."

"You're just not looking in the right places," Jeff said.

"Just because you have been married since you were what? Twelve? That doesn’t make you an expert on love," Mark fired back.

"Jeff married his high school sweetheart and Mark is jealous as hell," Nikki explained to Keegan.

"I am not! I just don't think he is in a position to judge the rest of us poor saps."

Nikki's phone buzzed. "Henry says I need to get my ass back there now."

"Henry wouldn't know patience if they sat in his lap," Mark said.

"Please, he probably has had Patience in his lap down at the club." Jeff laughed.

"Our boss is a lonely old man. He likes to look for love in all the wrong places," Mark said by way of explanation to Keegan.

"Is this what I have to look forward to? Maybe my mother is on to something."

Nikki tried to imagine Keegan in a strip club but the neatly dressed, proper man standing next to her in his too new Levi's and the expensive looking black sweater just didn't fit that scene.

"Try the online dating before you get desperate. It's not so bad. I get laid a lot."

"Okay, Lewis! That is way too much information!" Nikki fake vomited before getting serious. "The building with the guns is through there. Follow that path and it will lead you right to it. There is a dirt road leading to it from the side road over there. That's how the truck got in and out. Let me know immediately if there is any more action. After we get with Henry and iron things out with ATF I will let you know where we go from here."

"Yes, ma'am," Jeff shot her a mock salute.

"How about you?" Mark asked Keegan. "You hanging with us since this is your land?"

Before he could answer, Nikki jumped in. "I'm taking him with me—"

"I bet you are!" Jeff elbowed her in the ribs.

"Shut up, Barron. Henry asked to meet him. Keegan is Border Patrol. Boss thinks they might be brought in any way since the guns came in through the port."

"Actually, I am not officially Border Patrol until next week. I'm still nosey as hell though."

Mark and Jeff laughed and clapped him on the back. Keegan joined them but Nikki just gave them all her best glare until they paid attention to her again.

"You two, go. Guard the stuff and try to stay off the hook up sites, Lewis."

"Damn, Nik, don't you ever cut a guy a break?"

"Go." She pointed in the direction of the barn. Mark stuck out his tongue at her before following his partner to the path.

"Super mature, Lewis."

"I aim to please, Nik. You ought to try it some time." He disappeared in to the trees and overgrown grass.

She turned to Keegan. "You want to follow me?"

He shrugged. "Sure. I suppose I ought to take my truck this time even though riding with you would likely be a whole lot more exciting."

As he winked at her, Nikki wondered what exactly he meant by that but decided against falling into the trap. "Fine. But try to keep up."

Nikki jumped into her Impala and was pulling out of the drive before Keegan had even gotten into his truck. She caught his eye in the rearview mirror as the tires spun against the dirt. He had a peculiar expression she couldn't quite place but she dismissed it quickly, pressing her gas pedal to the floor board and shooting down the road. A few seconds later she sat at a red light when the heavy rumble of a diesel engine sounded through the missing back window. Keegan was grinning at her from the vehicle behind her.

He had caught up quick. Nikki could appreciate a man that could keep up with her.