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Brash Company (Company Men #4) by Crystal Perkins (22)

Chapter 20


As I wait for Sully to get home, I reflect on the conversation I had with Youssef. I didn’t expect the imam to pull me aside, but I’m glad he did. I was honest with him, and it felt good to tell someone what I was feeling, especially because I no longer feel petty about my concerns.

“What do you see as the biggest obstacle to your happiness with Sully?

“Before today, I would’ve said there were two. My parents just apologized for not standing up for him, so that’s off the table now.”

“I’m happy to hear that, but what is left on that metaphorical table?”

“His complete separation of me and his faith. I’m not going to convert, but putting us on separate days, in separate mental boxes, isn’t going to work. I know he does it in part to protect me, as some of the men and women have been openly hostile to me, but we can’t last this way. The religious services yes, but lunches at work, and dinners out, shouldn’t always be separate.”

“I agree. I cautioned him against this plan when he talked to me about it, but he thought it was the only way.”

“I was a horrible bi—person to him, while he was trying to prove his love.”

“You were not kind, but he was also not kind to you. It’s time to move past that.”

“I’m trying.”

“As for the people he is surrounding himself with, I’m not comfortable with how radical a few of the men are. The women, well they see Sully as a ‘good catch’ as you say. They are jealous of you, but do not let them run you off.”

“Oh, I won’t. I love him too much for that.”

“Good. Now, you must talk to him. Sooner, rather than later.”

“I’m scared. I know he loves me, but I don’t know how he’ll react.”

“I don’t, either, but it must be done.”

The door opening brings me back to the here and now, and I take a deep breath, knowing I need to talk to Sully. He looks troubled as he walks in, and drops onto the couch next to me. We reach for each other at the same time, holding hands.

“What is wrong, Beckham? Imam wouldn’t tell me what you spoke about.”

“We can’t keep living like this.”

“Like what? What have I done?”

“There is no reason for us to have lunch together on only certain days. Friday, yes, because you go to mosque, but not every other day.”

“You want to have lunch every day? I can do that. I’ll tell my friends I can only eat with them on Friday.”

He looks resigned, and a little sad, and that’s definitely not what I want. “No. I want us all to eat together.”

“That is not a good idea.”

“I can handle a few of them being rude, if that’s what you’re worried about. But, I can’t handle you putting me in a separate mental box from the rest of your life.”

“You wish to keep me all to yourself.”

“No, that’s not it. I want to be included in all of your life. That doesn’t mean you can’t go out with your friends on your own sometimes, or even have a guys night every week.”

“Imam told me what I was planning wouldn’t work, but I chose not to believe him. Matt also cautioned me to not let my faith define who I am, but I have. I thought I was doing the right thing. Making everyone happy.”

“You can’t make everyone happy. Or anyone. You yourself told me happiness is up to the person, and not anyone else.”

He moves his hand to my cheek, and I lean into it. “You are the only one who’s happiness determines how I live and breathe. If this is what you want, it is what we will do.”

“It can’t be just because I want it,” I say pulling away, and walking over to the kitchen in frustration. “I’m not going to force you into something you don’t want, and have you resent me for it. You can’t keep living for everyone else, because you’re losing yourself. You did it with your old friends, and now you’re doing it with your new friends as well. And me. You said you’d do this for me, but it needs to be for you too.”

He comes to me, and pulls me into his arms, lifting my chin so I’m looking him in the eye. “You are not forcing me, because I know you’re right. About all you’re telling me. It is for me as well. We must be immersed in each other’s lives if we are going to be together forever.”

“I love that you did this to show me how much you care about me. I do. I was being unreasonable, and you did the only thing you could think of. I know that.”

“But, it is time to take things to the next level.”


“I don’t want to have a specific guys night, because I may want to take you to an event, or concert, or something. I shouldn’t have completely stopped going out to eat with them, but I was so worried about fucking up dates with you again.”

I roll my eyes. “I doubt you could fuck up as badly as you did for those two weeks. If you forget me once a month, I’ll be okay with it.”

“I won’t.”

“Then use the damn calendar app on your phone,” I tell him with a laugh.

“I hate the app,” he says, wrinkling his nose. “But, I hate disappointing you more.”

“We’ve disappointed and hurt each other. We’ll probably do it again sometimes, but we’ll own it, and apologize when it happens.”

“I want to add in some sexual favors, but that didn’t work out so well for me.”

“Because, you weren’t owning it—or apologizing; you were just fucking me.”

“Just so I’m clear on this. If I own up to my mistakes, and apologize, I can then offer orgasms?”


“I fucked up, Beckham, and I am sorry.”

I smile at him. “Apology accepted.”

“Good. Now, I’d like to offer my services in the shower. Washing, licking, sucking, and maybe some biting.”

“How can I possibly refuse all of that?”

“I’m hoping you can’t.”

I laugh as he swoops me up in his arms, and takes me to the shower. He walks us right in, and turns the water on. Before he even starts kissing me, and peeling off my wet clothes, I already know this is going to be the best shower I’ve ever had.

* * *


Beckham and I are going fully public today. She’s right about us eating together every day, with my friends, or without. Sitting with her three days a week makes it look like we’re just co-workers, hanging out. Especially because we haven’t held hands—or kissed—in front of everyone.

We hold hands as we walk inside the building, and up to our floor. Everyone’s already in Matt’s office for the weekly meeting, and you can hear a pin drop when we step inside. Brad is the first to recover.

“This is new.”

“No, it’s not,” Matt says, with a smile.

I smile back, placing my arm around Beckham’s back, and kissing her temple, as we settle next to each other on one of the couches. “It’s just time for us to let everyone know.”

The meeting is a weird combination of tension, and ridiculousness. Val glares at Beckham, Bev smiles at us, Hannah looks like she wants to commit murder, Alma looks unaffected, and Brad tries to crack jokes. I’m happy we told everyone we’re together, but even happier when it’s all over, and head out to work.

Hannah sends me on six latte runs, four wild goose chases to the mail room, and three trips to the cafeteria for snacks. The cafeteria delivers lunch, but they don’t bring snacks every hour, and I never have before either. I’m obviously being punished, but I don’t care. I’ll run around all day and night if it means I can tell the world I belong to Beckham.

Lunch isn’t much better. I texted Omar about the new plan, and he saved two seats for us. Ahmet and Yasin don’t speak to either of us, but that’s their problem, and not mine. Muska and Lian look at us with disgust, and again, I don’t care. We’re going to be together, no matter who chooses not to accept us.

Halfway through the meal, Hannah summons me, saying it’s an emergency. I’m not supposed to be bothered on lunch, but she promises to let me take the rest of my time later today, if I help her now.

“I’ll see you upstairs,” I tell Beckham, kissing her before I go.

When I arrive on our floor, Hannah is waiting for me. “Let’s go into the small conference room.”

“Okay.” She looks frazzled, so I follow her, even as Bev raises an eyebrow when we walk past her. I just shrug, and mouth “no clue” at her.

Once inside the room, Hannah locks the door, and turns to me, pushing herself into my personal space. “My breasts are bigger than hers.”

Not going there. I try to move away, but she places her hands on my chest, and pushes her pelvis into mine. I hold my hands up, because there’s no way I’m touching her, even to push her away. I know something she doesn’t.

“I need to you to step away from me, Hannah. You know I have a girlfriend, and I’m not interested in you like this.”

She reaches down to stroke me through my pants, and I wince. “I want this. In my mouth, inside of me. Anywhere you want to put it. You let me have it, and I’ll make sure Matt finds you a job here when your internship is over.”



“He said no,” Matt says, entering the room. Thank Allah. For a moment there, I thought I was wrong about this space being monitored.

She steps away, but she’s still delusional. “Matt, I’m afraid you’ve found us out. Beckham is just his pretend girlfriend.”

“Hannah, you’ve worked here long enough to realize I have all public spaces in this building monitored. I saw, and heard, everything.”

“You must have misunderstood.”

“I did not. Security is on the way up to walk you down once you’ve cleared out your desk.”

“I’ll sue you.”

“Go ahead, and try.”

She storms out, and Matt turns to me, as I sigh in relief. “That was intense. I knew you or someone else would come, but I didn’t know how long it was going to take.”

“Were you ever going to come to me? You had to have known Ainsley’s team saw, and heard it all. The touches, the brushing against you, the innuendo.”

“I’ve been trying to prove myself. I thought I could handle it.”

“Sexual harassment is not something you—or any of my employees—ever need to ‘handle’. I’d think you’d know that about me.”

“I do. I was just embarrassed,” I admit. “She’s a hot woman, so why did I feel uncomfortable with her attention?”

“Because you’re in love with someone else. Just because someone’s hot, or a woman, doesn’t mean what they’re doing is right. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Logically, I know that.”

“But, it’s been ingrained in our male psyche that women aren’t harassers. I get it, and I guess it’s time for some new training tactics, because I want it to be clear.”

“Thanks for saving me.”


We hug it out, and walk out of the conference room. I’m not sure I ever want to go in there again. His phone rings, and he picks it up as we head down the hall.

“Fuck! We’ll be right there. Hold them in one of the Security rooms, because I need some time with them.”

“What’s up?”

“That was Reina. Your ‘friends’ went after Beckham.”

What the hell? “Is she okay?”

“She’s shaken up, but physically okay. Nev and Darcy got there before they could do anything more than try to intimidate her.”

“I need a few minutes alone with them.”

“I know. I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do, but I’m going to turn off the cameras, and join you.” He speaks into the phone again. “We’re on our way down.”

* * *


When Muska and Lian asked if they could talk to me alone, I texted Alma and told her I’d be a few minutes late. I know they don’t like me, but for Sully, I can get along with them, and hear them out. Only, it’s not just them in the office they bring me to.

Ahmet and Yasin are in the room too. I turn back to the door, but the women are standing in front of it. I’m scrappy, so I could probably take them, or at least get myself out, but I can’t take on two men as well.

“What’s going on?”

“You’re going to break up with Sully again,” Ahmet tells me.

“No, I’m not.”

“You know nothing of our culture, our beliefs. You want an Arab dick, and I can supply you with several men who will be happy to service you.”

“I know your religion is about kindness, service, and acceptance. None of which I am seeing from you right now. You insult the man you call your friend by saying he is just a dick for me to use.”

“He is just infatuated with you. Your blonde hair, and blue eyes. Your open legs,” Muska tells me.

“No. He loves me, and I love him.”

“You will convert,” Yasin states.

“No. I will be myself, and believe what I believe. Just as he will.”

“You selfish whore,” Lian says, advancing on me.

I hold my ground, because I am not going to show these four any fear. Hell yes, I’m afraid, but that’s only for me and God to know. I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this room, but then the door is bursting open, knocking Muska over.

“Oops, did I hurt you?” Darcy asks with a smile. Muska is her husband, Brayden’s, assistant and there’s no love lost between the two of them.

“You have no right to come into my office like this!” Ahmet yells.

Nev looks happy, as she addresses him. “Oh, but we do, Ahmet. You are a disgrace to both my brother and our faith. And, as of right now, none of you are employed by C&C. You’ll be escorted downstairs.”

“Downstairs? Not out of the building?” I see fear on Yasin’s face.

“Not yet. I believe Sully and Matt will want to speak to you and Ahmet privately. Darcy and I will be doing the same with Muska and Lian.”

Theo, Nate, Aiden, and Jake all arrive, with each pair flanking one of the men as we head downstairs. Nev and Darcy have a hand on the women, who are crying. I’m shaking a little, because I don’t know what would’ve happened if they hadn’t come for me.

Jyn, who is the second in command of Security, tells me to have a seat, once we get to her area. I catch a glimpse of Sully as the door opens to let the men in, but I don’t dwell on it. He’s going to do what he thinks is right, and then he’s going to go to Youssef.

Five minutes later, the door opens, and Sully and Matt walk out. Matt has a bruise forming on his chin, while Sully has a bloody nose, and a black eye. Their dress shirts are covered in blood, most of which is not their own, and their knuckles are split open.

“Sully!” I run to him, and hover my hands over his wounds, not wanting to hurt him.

He takes my hands in his, and kisses them. “It had to be done, Helo. No one who calls themselves my friend, tries to hurt you.”

“I know, but now you’ll go to Imam, and pray with him.”

“I should be with you.”

“I’m fine. Go, Habibi, and do what you must.”

“I love you so much.”

“And I love you.”