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Brother's Keeper I: Declan by Stephanie St. Klaire (15)

A LITTLE CHEATING went a long way. At least as far as Lydia was concerned. Cutting through an open space between two sand dunes, she chose a shortcut, rather than running clear down to the bluff that sat between their house and the beach, then going up and over. She went all flat land in an effort to win because those bluffs were steep and kicked her ass.

Running up the steps to the rear deck, she turned to see him crest the bluff, nearly on his way down. She only had a few minutes to pull off her surprise. It was all she needed, and it was going to be totally worth it.

While shopping together the day before in the next town over, at their favorite big box store that had a little bit of everything, she put a plan together. She excused herself and said she would meet him at the car, to which he didn’t argue because he really didn’t want to know what she needed to buy…in private.

Step one, let him think it’s something super girly and intimate like tampons. He won’t question a thing. Step two, swing the oversized bag around with a smile on your face so he thinks you’re embarrassed because he thinks that you think he knows it’s tampons, and you’re ready for a storm. Step three, run with it because it isn’t tampons, but it is something that might make him just as squeamish because it’s…girly.

Quickly grabbing the items she had stowed under her bed the day before, and two bottled waters on her way back outside, she had just enough time to sit and make it look like she’d been there for hours. He couldn’t see her, sitting as she was. She was just high enough, and the railing gave her a nice cover. She could see him, though, between the rails, looking over his shoulder every few seconds. He was looking for her to come over the bluff.

Step four, pull off the perfect con by cheating so he’s not only surprised to see you already made it back, but also knock that ego down a notch because he thinks you’re now faster than him. Then, show him what you really bought.

“Oh, there you are. I was starting to wonder if I needed to go find you when I didn’t see you behind me.” He was out of breath and covered in sweat, not a bad look on him.

With her legs stretched out in front of her, perched on the railing that surrounded the upper deck, she tossed him a water. “Nah, I’ve been here for, oh, I dunno…at least ten, twenty minutes.”

“Ten or Twenty minutes? How the hell did you beat me by that much?” He looked at his watch as shock and bewilderment told her exactly what was going on in his head.

Pulling her legs from their place on the railing, and turning in her seat, she tossed a thumb over her shoulder, directing his view to the far side of the deck. “Give or take. I guess I’m just getting really strong – and fast. I had enough time to grab waters and have a seat. Oh, and set those babies up.”

Following her gesture, he noticed two long mats, one blue, one pink, set up next to each other. “Are those…yoga mats?”

“Yep! My turn to teach you something – yoga!” Bolting to her feet, her hands went to her hips, and she wore a proud smile. She pulled it off. He was surprised. It was still unclear if it was a good surprise though.

He chuckled. “Huh. Yoga mats. Is that what put that shit-eating grin on your face at the store yesterday? I thought you were buying…well…other stuff.”

“I know what you were thinking; that was the plan. I wanted to surprise you. So, are you surprised?” she said, clapping her hands in excitement.

Rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, he answered, “I’m…something alright. I don’t know if yoga is really my thing.”

“Drink up, and catch your breath. You’re work out has only just begun, O’Reilly.”

“Oh, really? Pretty sure I can handle a few down with the dogs and sun salutes,” he guffawed.

Melodramatic eyeroll delivered, she corrected his failed attempt at yoga lingo. “You mean downward dog and sun salutation. Okay, tough guy. Let’s see how you survive yoga, Lydee style. I mean Pearla Gray.”

With their first yoga session behind them and post work out shower done, Lydia spent time resting and reflecting. She couldn’t help the budding feelings she was having for Declan and had to remind herself that this was just business and that a relationship would be inappropriate. Technically, she was still married, even if there was nothing that resembled love in her heart for her husband, only disgust and anger.

It didn’t help that Declan was looking at her differently – in a way that made her skin tingle and once dormant libido burn. Even though he was more open with her, she knew he was still very guarded, and he was just making the best of a bad situation. It was odd, though. There were days she forgot that they were on the run. That there was a psychopath out there, possibly looking for her at that very moment.

They had become so settled, and comfortable in their day to day that she was almost content. She just missed her son – having him there would have made it perfect. That and Declan reciprocating her feelings.

Laughter overcame her when she thought about how awkward Declan had been at yoga. He tried; she’d give him that, but big burly men just weren’t entirely graceful. And they fell a lot. Hard. When they were done for the day, he was limping and mumbling something about soaking in a hot bath.

Ready to get on with her day, she went to meet him on the back deck as they always did this time of day. It was their favorite spot. Both could just sit there for hours, with hardly a word between them, and be content. It wasn’t like before when the silence was out of anger or annoyance. It was just them, enjoying the company – their silence speaking volumes.

When she saw that his bedroom door was already open, she figured he beat her to the back. He usually did. What she wasn’t expecting was finding him there with a big pleased smile plastered across his face. Her eyes glassed over, filling with tears. Declan stood next to the only thing to make her day better than it already was. Her art easel. Her canvases. Her paints.

“You surprised me, so it’s my turn to surprise you. My surprise is less painful, just want to point that out,” he said while rubbing out his shoulder.

“Yoga? Painful? Real tough guy, huh?” A tear made its way down her cheek when she dragged her hand down the blank canvas. “What should I paint?”

When she didn’t answer his question, his voice took on a hint of nerves. She seemed happy, but tears could go either way. “So…you like it? Surprised?”

She leapt into his arms, completely overjoyed by the gesture. He held her back, lifting her off the ground, pulling her in, and she melted. When he slowly put her back on her feet, she titled her head back to look at him, nearly nose to nose, locked in each other’s stare.

The earth quaked beneath their feet, a certain heat between them intensifying. Who needed fireworks when the seductive tension that stood between them could make the earth shake from the undeniable spark coursing through them. Eyes heavy from the sensual desire building, he leaned in for a kiss but missed his shot when the earth quaked once again. This time from a military jet flying over, interrupting their moment.

Laughter consumed them both at the timing of it all. Desire quickly turned awkward, the moment a bust. She rested her forehead against his hard chest, trying to calm the tingle that made her squeeze her legs just a little tighter.

“I just don’t understand where you get these things so quickly. We’re always together. Smoothie makers out of nowhere, all of our ID’s as soon as we need them, now all of my art stuff? I mean it’s been months; I figured it was just…gone. If my old make-up shows up…” She looked up at him, their eyes locked once again.

“We’re never alone – there is always help nearby – even just to grab stuff. It just takes some a little longer to get here. A big art easel and stack of supplies is a little more to deal with than a couple of ID’s.”

“Oh, you said you needed a clean out at the last place…I guess I know what that means now,” she figured, to which he nodded. “Your team?”

“Better – my brothers. My team doesn’t use these safe houses. They are only used by my family. We have a high-end security firm. We do personal security and protection, corporate work, cyber, you name it. Our cousins work with us too, from time to time, though unofficially.”

“So outside of your normal work, this is what you do? Is it like a really intense hobby or something?” she asked earnestly.

He laughed at her choice of words. “Yes. I always worked with my brothers on the side. Esteban was actually my last case before I retire and go work full time at Brother’s Keeper Security with the boys. Things kind of got off track. Look, I don’t always know who I can trust from the agency. Anyone can be bought and blackmailed. So, I rely on family.”

“The men from our first night…running?”

“My brothers,” he said, unsure why in that moment he felt like telling her everything when only the night before, he kept it guarded. What was so different about today?

“So, I know who all of them are and didn’t even know it?” Now she was curious. Figuring out who they were could help her figure out the rest of the mystery that was Declan.

“You’ve indirectly met them all, yes. I knew there was a leak somewhere in the agency that I worked for because a couple of undercovers from other branches disappeared after working for Esteban, and he seemed to be a step ahead on several attempted busts. So, when you came into the picture, I knew I couldn’t trust the agency, not for a while anyway. My team is tight. I’m not worried about them, but the less they know, the less the agency knows. With extra lives on the line now, I called on Brother’s Keeper to take over.”

“Brother’s Keeper?” As if his top-secret life wasn’t already confusing, he just added an entirely new layer of what the fuck. “This sounds like…like a movie or something. So Trin and Jax?”

He laughed. “Oh, it’s all real. Brother’s Keeper is my personal team – my brothers. Dace and Wylie are the two guys that went with Trinity and Jax and got them settled. They still look over them too; they all do. My cousins brought the cars we all left New York in and took care of the cars we arrived in. They were already in New York on another case, so they watched Trinity too while everyone else was en route.”

“Wait, twins, opposites? Spike and Ken doll?”

He laughed at her reference, capturing their differences perfectly. She remembered them. “Yep, spike and Ken – also known as – Luke and Liam. Luke is ex-military and handles a lot of our tactical stuff. Liam is ex-brainiac and handles all of our IT and cyber stuff…he’s a…uh…hacker.”

“Okay, so Dace and Wylie went with Trin…” She searched her memory, trying to remember faces and details from the night they ran, months ago. “Oh! Tattoos, there was a guy with tattoos and like piercings!”

“That’s Dace. He’s the rebel of the group but loyal as they come.”

“Then that leaves Wylie. The really…giant guy? That’s the baby of the group? He smiles a lot!” she said, recollecting the things that stood out that night. Sending her sister and son with a big tattooed guy who looked like a bouncer in a rowdy biker bar and the big beasty guy who kept smiling in the middle of a crisis didn’t feel like a great idea at the time.

“You got it. Wylie is the youngest of the bothers – and the biggest. The mama’s boy,” he said, referring to how he referenced him the night before to close any gaps for her.

“Yeah, well, you’re all like…huge. And kinda scary. And you do crazy stuff for a living. Poor mom.”

“We aren’t scary; we’re just…big,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. “We’ve got each other’s backs, always. I don’t trust anyone, but them, with anything.” He was impressed with how much she remembered and how quickly she put it all together.

She jumped at a memory that came flooding back, peaking her curiosity now that she had some O’Reilly insight. “Wait. The people in New York. I remember your brothers there. Your cousins – they dealt with the car swaps and they cleaned out Trin’s apartment. Two guys and a girl. What’s their story?”

“Oh. You won’t believe me if I tell you,” he said, realizing just how much they did sound like something right out of an action-packed film.

“At this point, Declan O’Reilly, I’d believe just about anything. Need I remind you, I was, or am, or…whatever, married to an International criminal who’s some kind of crazy cartel warlord guy?”

“Good point. All three are O’Reillys. Ronan and Ryker are also twins – they just don’t look like it but most definitely act like it. Very much the opposite of Liam and Luke who look it but don’t act it. The girl is their sister, my cousin, Sheridan.”

“They work for Brother’s Keeper too then?” she asked.

“No. That’s the part you won’t believe. They’re bounty hunters, but not like those you see on T.V., who come after you because you don’t show up for court when you’re busted for pot. They go after the world’s biggest and worst criminals. We work together a lot and help each other out.”

“You’re right; I don’t really believe you. There’s no way Sheridan is an O’Reilly,” she laughed. “She is tiny and beautiful, and you boys are all…not tiny. What do you all eat to make you so…big?” She enjoyed hearing about his family – the whole story. There was so much passion running through that family. No wonder they were close and worked so well together and did the job that they did like it was nothing more than delivering pizza.

“Hey,” he said, still holding her in his embrace, “There’s a festival in town tonight. A big town-sized crab boil – there’s a table the length of a city block covered in…well…crab boil stuff. Go with me.”

“Hmmm, changing the subject. Interesting,” she teased. “So, like a…date?”

“Well, uh, no, not a date. More like…” He wasn’t sure how to answer. A date implied dating, and they couldn’t cross that bridge. “You deserve a night out. Some fun.”

She nodded her head assuredly and replied, “Let’s have some fun then.”