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Cael: Heroes at Heart by Maryann Jordan (24)


Cael pulled up outside Regina’s townhouse and parked his truck. Turning toward her, he leaned over, kissing her until she breathlessly pulled back.

“Stop,” she protested weakly. “If we keep kissing, I’ll invite you in, we’ll end up in my bed, and you won’t get to work and I’ll get no work done.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

They held each other’s gazes for a moment, lost in each other’s eyes, until finally, blinking, she shook her head. “I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah. I’ll call first. I’m meeting with the attorneys and Terrance today to sign the partnership papers so that next week we can start taking over contracts.”

“Good luck,” she whispered against his lips, capturing them one more time. After a long, wet kiss, she allowed him to get out and assist her down from his truck.

He kissed her head, climbed back in and pulled back out into traffic.

Turning, she opened her door, jumping as a hand rested on her arm. Blinking, she saw Robert standing on her bottom step.

“Oh, you scared me. Have you been waiting long?”

He wasted no time, immediately asking, “Do you know what you’re doing?”

Pulling back, she narrowed her eyes and said, “Seriously? I’m not some sixteen-year old who needs her dad to question her choice of dates.”

“That’s not what I’m doing here, Regina. Come on…think about it. Do you know what you’re doing?”

Shoulders slumping, she said, “Come on in and I’ll put on some coffee and fix some tea.” She led him into the kitchen, where she fixed their drinks before watching him sit down on the stool at the counter. Facing him, she leaned on her elbows, her teacup in her hands.

“I’m just worried, sis. You’ve got a lot going on and you look like you haven’t slept in days.”

Nodding slowly, she said, “I know you’re worried, Robert. And, I know with Dad gone, you feel like it’s up to you to take care of me—”

“If I don’t, who will?” he snapped. Her face fell and he immediately apologized. “Oh, fuck, I’m sorry. That didn’t come out the way I meant.” He reached across the counter and placed his hand over hers. “I want to be here for you. So does Claudia. We’re family and always will be. But, this guy—”

“Cael. His name is Cael.”

“Okay, Cael. Are you seeing him now? The no names and no regrets guy?”

“Yes, but remember, that idea was as much mine as it was his. In fact, to be honest, it was more my idea.”

“So, what’s changed? If it was your idea, why get with him now?”

“Because what we feel is real.” Seeing the doubt in her brother’s eyes, she said, “I didn’t question your motives when you got with Claudia, so why are you questioning mine?”

He pinched his lips and held her gaze until his eyes finally dropped to his cup. “Dammit, Regina. This isn’t the same.”

They remained quiet for a moment, the silence broken only by the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Blinking away tears, she whispered, “I just want something as normal as love. To be loved. Feel love. Is that so wrong?”

He rounded the counter and enveloped her in his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, imagining her father’s arms around her, as another tear fell.

“I just want you happy and healthy and to have everything your heart desires,” he said, mumbling into her hair.

“I know…me too.” Sighing heavily, she said, “But nothing in life is certain.”

“If he’s the guy for you…and you’re sure that the time is right, for all the reasons why it might be wrong…then I’m all for it, sis.” He hesitated before adding, “And I’m sorry I didn’t let you know that he came to see me…I meant to, I really did, but…I was worried for you, too.”

Looking into his face, she read his grimace, knowing that he was worried she’d be angry with him.

“I know he did, he told me, and I understand why you didn’t. I’m not mad at you for that, in fact, I love you for it. You’re a great big brother. And I have no idea if the time is right,” she admitted, pulling away to stare into his eyes. “But I can pray it is.”

Nodding, he kissed her forehead. “That’s all any of us can do, sis.”

* * *

Cael took the loaded picnic basket out of his truck and linked fingers with Regina. Walking toward the lake in the park, he was glad for the warm, sunny autumn day. Glancing to the side as they walked, he saw the wide smile on her face as she scoped out the perfect spot for their picnic. Once decided, she spread the blanket on the ground and sat down looking up expectantly.

Grinning, he plopped down beside her, offering a kiss before setting the basket on the blanket and opening the top. “Gotta admit, I’m famished.”

“Well, good, ‘cause I fixed a lot.” She quickly looked over at him and amended, “Although it’s not fancy. I hope that’s alright?”

“Absolutely,” he assured. “Simple picnic food is perfect.”

She pulled out large sandwiches, made from hoagie rolls and filled with deli-sliced turkey, ham, and roast beef, along with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickles.

“Damn, Red. These look good,” he said, taking a bite.

She added potato chips, deviled eggs, and fruit salad to the fare and they sat quietly as they ate, both watching the ducks on the lake.

After finishing the pieces of cherry pie she included, he leaned back, his upper body resting on his arms bent behind him, and she snuggled up next to him.

“You still feel like one of those ducks?” he asked, merriment in his voice.

Her quietness surprised him and just as he was about to question her further, she replied softly, “Yeah. I think perhaps I’m more like the ducks now than I’ve ever been. Calm on the surface but paddling like crazy underneath.”

Something about her words concerned him, but as she twisted around, her body lying half on his, her beautiful face turned up toward his, all other thoughts flew from his mind and he said the only thing left. “I love you.”

The air grew still around them, as though the world had stopped on its axis, as he waited for her response.

Regina’s breath caught in her throat as she stared into Cael’s eyes, shining with the truth of his confession. Her lips curved ever so slightly as she replied, “I love you, too.”

He rolled in a swift movement, putting her underneath his massive body, his weight held on his forearms planted on the blanket. Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her…light and sweet, the taste of wine and cherries intoxicating.

She wrapped her arms around his back, holding him tight. She loved the feeling of his body surrounding hers…as though nothing bad could ever touch me if he were near.

Lifting his head, Cael rolled off to the side while trying to keep his cock from straining his jeans, aware of their public surrounding. This moment was too important to be reduced to a sexual feeling. He brushed Regina’s lips again with his, murmuring, “I love you, Regina. Now and always.”

“Always is a long time,” she said, her eyes searching his.

“And that’s how long my love will last.”

Nodding slowly, Regina kissed Cael in return, wedding vows ringing in her ears. Until death do we part.

* * *

Cael and Terrance walked out of the attorney’s office with Terrance’s uncle, and stood on the street, shaking hands.

“Boys, for many years I loved doing home restorations, but it does me good to be able to start my retirement knowing my customers will keep getting the same service that I provided.”

With hugs, he walked to his truck and drove away leaving Cael and Terrance smiling at each other.

“Well, all right, partner,” Terrance said. “Looks like we’ll start next week on the Martin’s house over on Calhoun Street.”

With a grin, Cael walked away, his heart light, anxious to call Regina. Just as he pulled out his phone, he had another idea. Instead of calling her, he placed a few other calls first.

* * *

Walking up to the house with the sweet front porch and neat yard, Regina squeezed Cael’s hand in nervousness. “I can’t believe you’re taking me to meet Miss Ethel so soon.”

“No time like the present,” he replied. Stopping, he tugged on her hand slightly and she turned to look up into his face. “Listen, I need to let you know something else.”

Before he could finish, they heard the screen door open and she looked up to see a tall, thin older woman step onto the porch, her white hair pulled back into a bun and her grey eyes peering at them through wire-rimmed glasses. A wide smile was on her face as she held her arms out wide.

“Welcome, child. Welcome.”

Cael hurried up the stairs, escorting her up with him, introducing her to Miss Ethel. As he bent to hug his foster mom, Regina held back a smile at seeing her Titan surrounding the older woman completely, his body engulfing her in the hug. Letting her go, he stepped back to allow the women a chance to embrace.

Miss Ethel pulled her into a hug as well, her hand patting her back as she said, “My dear, I’ve been longing to meet you.”

Stepping back, but with her hands still firmly in Miss Ethel’s grip, she replied, “Thank you, Miss Ethel. I’m very honored to meet you as well.”

“Come in, come in. There’s a bit of a chill in the wind today.”

As they walked into the house she looked around in unabashed curiosity, longing to see where Cael had spent most of his childhood years. The living room was homey, furnished with a dark green sofa and colorful throw pillows against the back.  A rug covered the center of the wooden floor and two, deep cushioned chairs sat facing the sofa.  The wall surrounding the fireplace held built-in bookshelves. She could easily imagine Cael sitting there as a child reading to his heart’s content.

When she caught sight of the mantle over the fireplace, it grabbed her complete attention and her feet automatically took her there. Framed photographs of little boys laughing with their arms around each other, from childhood to teenage years, filled the space. She was able to pick out Cael easily, with his height and light-colored hair. A smile spread across her face as she stared into his friendly one.

Suddenly aware of a presence next to her, she startled as Miss Ethel appeared, perusing the photographs as well.

“All my boys are so handsome,” she stated, matter-of-factly. “All good. All smart. All loved.”

Regina turned to her, saying, “I think a lot of their goodness can be attributed to you, Miss Ethel. Cael has told me so much about you.”

“Oh, my dear,” Miss Ethel said, turning to peer closely into her eyes, “I think all of us have the capacity to love those around us. And to give of ourselves to those less fortunate.” Her eyes drifted to Regina’s short hair and without making a fuss, she said, “Thank you.”

Shrugging, her gaze unable to leave the knowing eyes staring at her, as though she knew all her secrets, Regina replied in a whisper, “It was only hair.”

Leaning forward, Miss Ethel continued to hold her gaze for a moment before whispering back, “I think we both know it was a lot more than just hair for a little girl.”

Her breath caught in her throat, overwhelmed with the scrutiny—and accuracy with which she was being viewed. Heat suffused her cheeks, causing a trickle of sweat to bead on her forehead. Before she had a chance to speak, Miss Ethel added, “Just remember, dear child, you will reap what you sow.”

In a startling change of demeanor, Miss Ethel suddenly cried out, “Oh, my roast. Y’all come into the kitchen and, Cael, pull the roast out for me.” Miss Ethel led the way toward the kitchen with Cael in tow, Regina following more slowly.

Entering the kitchen, she stood back and watched Cael pull out a huge roast from the oven. Turning, she glanced at the table in the dining room, seeing it filled with plates.

“Cael?” she said, softly, gaining his attention.

He caught the direction of her gaze, but before he had a chance to reply, they heard the roar of motorcycles coming to a halt on the street outside the house. Walking toward the front door, she observed two SUVs parking nearby. Her mouth opened, but any words were drowned out as a pickup came down the road as well.

“Sorry, babe,” he said, coming up next to her and taking in her bewildered expression as she stared at the various people all starting to walk toward them. “I thought I’d have time to tell you that the whole gang is coming over.” She shifted her gaze to his, still no words coming. “Honest to God, Red, they’re dying to meet you.”

Inhaling a deep breath, she nodded, lifting her hand to her hair. He recognized the self-conscious motion and stilled her hand as he bent to place a sweet kiss on her lips. “I’ve got you, baby.”

Before she had a chance to respond, they were engulfed in introductions and hugs. For a moment, she was blinded by the hot-guy overload. She tried to keep the names straight, but immediately had the twins confused. She was glad to see two women approaching, as well, meeting Rosalie, who was with Zander, and Eleanor, with Rafe. Asher rounded out the group.

As everyone swept into the house, Cael made sure to keep her tucked close. Bending, he whispered, “Are you okay? I swear, if this is too much, we can leave.”

She cocked her eyebrow at him and he rushed, “In my mind, we had time to talk to Miss Ethel first and the others would arrive a few at a time.” Looking at the loud, noisy gathering making their way toward the kitchen, he said, “I saw this happening so differently.”

A giggle erupted from her lips at his blank expression and she lifted on her toes and stopped him with a kiss. “I find most things go differently than we think.”

Adjusted to the change of events, they followed everyone into the kitchen, where the others had brought the vegetables, salads, breads, and desserts. They soon settled around the large table, with the addition of a smaller table added to the end, that miraculously held them all.

After a few minutes of chatter, Asher turned to Cael. “How’s Cindy?”

“She’s doing okay, so far. She’ll finish chemo this next week and they hope she can go home soon.”

Regina smiled at Cael as he talked about his niece, then glanced around the table noting several pairs of eyes on her short hair. She felt her smile wobble as her hand reached up to finger through the back.


She jerked her eyes up, seeing Cael’s concerned expression, and her smile strengthened. Gazing out at the others, she said with a smile, “It’s okay.”

Smiles greeted her in return and the conversation returned to its boisterous level. She observed the easy camaraderie among the men and the way Rosalie and Eleanor blended in just as seamlessly. At first she thought it was just the sight that was warming her, but suddenly the room felt too hot and a slight dizziness hit her. As Miss Ethel pushed her chair back, announcing dessert, Regina hopped up, glad for the excuse to escape the overcrowded room for a moment. “I’ll help.”

Moving around the chairs, she began to panic as the dizziness increased. Her vision grew black and she reached her hands out to grab the wall, but they only managed to break her fall as she passed out onto the floor. The last thing she heard was Cael’s voice, breaking through the cacophony of other voices, yelling, “Babe? Babe!”




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