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Cael: Heroes at Heart by Maryann Jordan (4)


Sitting in the living room of Miss Ethel’s house, Cael leaned against the cushions on the sofa, his gaze roaming over the familiar setting. The room was comfortably furnished with a dark green sofa, colorful throw pillows against the back.  The wooden end tables were covered in white, crocheted lace.  A thick rug warmed the center of the wooden floor and two deep cushioned chairs sat facing the sofa, one always used by Miss Ethel, her knitting bag at her feet.  The walls on either side of the fireplace held bookshelves, filled with children’s books.

Her knitting needles clicked continuously but her eyes were on him. Zander sat in the other chair, Rosalie in his lap. Rafe was on one end of the sofa, with Eleanor in his lap, and Asher sat in the middle, next to him. Jaxon and Jayden had brought in dining room chairs for themselves. Zeke made himself comfortable on the floor, his back against Miss Ethel’s chair.

The gathering had listened as he talked about Cindy’s treatment and how Kathy and Tom were doing, each expressing their concerns.

“She’s awfully brave,” he admitted, “but she’s got weeks more treatments to go.”

“If they think they got it all with surgery, why does she have to have chemo?” Jaxon asked.

“I’m not really sure. Honestly, it’s been hard to focus on anything other than Cindy and how she is doing. When the doctors and nurses explain things it’s like I’m hearing it through a tunnel.” He wiped his face with his hands and leaned back, breathing deep.

Eleanor looked at him sympathetically and offered, “I’m not an oncologist, but we were required to learn some things when I was studying to become a nurse. Basically, doctors don’t want to take a chance that they might have missed something. The surgery removed the cancer that they’re sure of, but cancer cells can travel through the lymph system so easily. The chemo, and possible radiation, will help to ensure that they get it all.”

“But isn’t the treatment worse for such a little child than it is for an adult?” Rosalie asked, her eyes full of sorrow.

Eleanor observed the haggard expression on his face that matched those of everyone in the room, before answering what they all were concerned about. “I know it seems that way, but if they feel that it was at stage one, then there’s a really good chance that she can be cancer free.”

Rafe asked, “Stage one?”

“Of the four stages, one is the least severe. It’s where the Lymphoma is at one site, generally nodal, but not in the chest or abdomen.”

The gathering sighed in unison and Cael rubbed his hand over his face again.

“Dear boy, you all have been through so much.” Miss Ethel lay her needles down and continued, “I have already called Kathy and told her that I can sit with them tomorrow. You need to take a break.”

“No. I can’t—”

“You can and you will,” she pronounced. Holding his gaze, her eyes warm on him, she added, “You need to let us help you and, by doing so, you give us the chance to give to your family as well.”

“When was the last time you went out and did something just for you?” Asher asked.

As Cael started to protest, Miss Ethel shook her head. “No, it’s important for you to take care of you. You cannot take care of your family if you’re worn to a frazzle.”

Nodding slowly, he said, “Thank you.” Standing, he offered his goodbyes, hugs given all around. As he was about to head out the door, Rosalie left Zander’s side and moved to him. Lifting on her toes, he bent so she could kiss his cheek. Still close, she whispered, “Go out. Have a drink tonight, Cael.” Grinning, she added, “Go hook up. Have some fun. Take some time just for you.”

Chuckling, he gave her a quick hug and walked to his truck. Driving down the road, he hesitated at the intersection, when his phone vibrated.

After seeing who it was he answered in a rush. “Sis? Is everything alright?”

“Yes and no. Cindy is okay for now but several cases of the flu have hit some of the patients and the hospital is not taking any chances. They aren’t letting in any visitors other than parents and guardians for a few days. Sorry, but you can’t come over until it’s cleared.”

“Fuck, sis. I’m sorry. Miss Ethel was going to come tomorrow.”

“I know. I’m going to call her next. She wanted to bring some food to Tom and me anyway, so I can see her then, she just can’t come up to Cindy.”

Sighing heavily, he said, “Give Cindy a kiss for me and tell her I’ll be there the first day they let me back in.”

Hanging up, he didn’t to go home, but he also did not want to go to Grimm’s. The desire for a drink, somewhere he was not known, had him turning in a different direction, toward the downtown bars.

* * *

The music blared from the speakers hung in the corners as Cael watched people dancing on the floor near the back of the bar. Not his usual place to visit, he nonetheless enjoyed the anonymity of drinking here, without anyone wondering why he was drowning his worries. He had switched from beer to whiskey, but with his size and the full meal he had at Miss Ethel’s, he was far from officially drunk…more like officially relaxed.

Sitting on a stool at the end of the bar with his back against the wall, he stared over the crowd. The men were wandering around, eyes on the women dancing. The women were plentiful, dressed to impress, more than a few of which were on the prowl. A big man, he drew attention to himself, even sitting.

A few women had approached him for a dance but he preferred to watch for now. He had also turned down several offers to go home with someone, but now wondered why he had. It had been awhile since he had gone home with someone for sex. And he always left after the sex. Spending the night with someone indicated a level of intimacy he had not found yet. Sex for a night, with a stranger, sounds just like what I need.

Standing to stretch his legs he was able to easily observe the crowded room, bodies moving around. A flash of color crossed his vision and he blinked, willing his eyes to focus. Looking down the bar, a woman was standing with her back to him, tall, with a great ass in a tight pair of jeans. Her hair, though, that was what really drew him in. The thick, silky tresses hung down in soft waves to the middle of her back. The length alone would have snagged his attention, but the color enraptured him. The reddish-blonde strands appeared to glisten like copper and gold in the lights of the bar, shimmering with each movement her body made.

His feet propelled him forward of their own volition until he was directly behind her. Now close, he could see that the strands were actually multi-colored…yellow, gold, red, auburn. All combined to give the effect of a magical halo floating around her. Shaking his head in wonder, he peered down at her, seeing that, while she was tall, she was also wearing heels, bringing her head to where it would just tuck under his chin.

Her right hand was resting on the bar, long fingers and perfectly manicured nails tapping in time to the music on the wooden surface. A sudden image of her hands on him caused a jolt to shoot through him and his cock twitched. She was alone, but staring toward the back of the bar. He looked in the direction she was staring but did not see anyone she might be with.

The bartender sat a drink on the bar, making a witty comment, and she threw her head back in laughter, turning just enough that he could view her profile. Porcelain skin with a smattering of light freckles across her classic nose. Her cheeks held a rosy glow and her summer-sky blue eyes were framed with thick lashes, darker than her hair. Lips with a hint of pink gloss captured his gaze and the desire to taste them had his breath leaving his lungs in a rush. Giving his head another shake, he could not remember the last time he had such a visceral reaction to a woman.

Just then she turned to take a drink, lifting the glass to her lips, when she caught sight of him and jolted. Her gaze landed on his massive chest and a gasp left her lips. Her eyes widened as she slowly lifted them, finally leaning her head back a bit in an effort to see his face. Before she had a chance to speak, his lips curled and his face relaxed into a friendly smile.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said, unable to think of another greeting.

Cocking her head to the side, she met his grin with one of her own. “Is that your best pick-up line?”

Chuckling, he shook his head slowly. “Just calling it like I see it and you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. In. My. Life.”

Regina’s mouth opened, but the quick retort died on her lips. She stared at the handsome mountain of a man standing in front of her. At five feet, eight inches, she usually stared men in the eye when wearing heels, but this man made her feel small. He had to be six and a half feet tall and had more muscles than she had ever seen. Eyes roving his body discretely, at first, his wide shoulders and thick arms filled out the navy shirt he wore, the rolled sleeves straining at the seams.

Her gaze traveled down the length of him, blatantly now, taking her time. His waist tapered to trim hips, his jeans fitting perfectly. The crotch was well worn and his thick thighs filled the denim material. His large, heavy boots were the perfect ending to an exquisite masculine package.

Licking her lips, she allowed her eyes to slowly lift, taking him in again. “Wow, you must be a Brobdingnagian.” A sly, secret smile curved her lips as she began to turn away, lifting her drink to her lips and taking a healthy gulp.

Rising to the challenge, he replied, “So you think that Jonathan Swift had me in mind when he wrote Gulliver’s Travels?”

Her eyes widened and her smile broadened. “A well-read man. Now that is sexy,” she purred.

Quoting Gulliver, he said, “‘My hours of leisure I spent in reading the best authors, ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number of books.’”

Her smile morphed into a full-blown grin as she finished the quote, “And when I was ashore, in observing the manners and dispositions of the people, as well as learning their language; wherein I had a great facility, by the strength of my memory.” 

“Damn, Red. A witty, smart, and gorgeous woman. Talk about sexy.”

Tapping her finger on her chin, she declared, “I think I’ll call you Titan. That’s easier than Brobdingnagian. You’re definitely more than just a giant…you’re more of a mythical warrior.”

Shifting his stance closer, causing her to lift her chin higher to keep her eyes on him, he replied, “Maybe I should call you Lili—”

“Hey, I’m not a Liliputian, as you can clearly see,” she retorted as her hand made a swoop down her body. “I’m hardly short…well, unless standing next to a Titan.”

At her invitation, Cael’s gaze traveled slowly down the front of her, gloriously displayed for his perusal. Firm breasts filled out her green sweater. Her trim waist led to the soft curves of her hips, showcased in tight jeans. Her feet, encased in open-toed heels, gave evidence to red-painted toenails. Entirely understated sexy, he reached out his hand to her shoulder to brush her hair back, his fingers feeling a spark underneath their tips at the first touch.

“I think I’ll stick to Red.”

Regina sucked in a shuddering breath, unable to remember the last time she was so affected by a man’s presence. “Titan and Red. I like that.”

“Nicknames only?” Cael asked, noting the flash of hardness that cooled her green eyes.

“Yes…for whatever is happening tonight…nicknames only. No names and no regrets.”

“A woman after my own heart.”

She shook her head slowly, the coolness in her eyes replaced with a hint of pain. “No…I’m not after anyone’s heart.”

Sliding his hand down her arm until it came to her hand, he lifted it while glancing at her ring finger. No engagement or wedding ring. No indentation where one might have been.

Interpreting his perusal, she said, “Not married. Not engaged. Just a free woman out enjoying herself at a bar. Some drinks. Some dancing. And if I happen to meet someone interesting, I’m free to do what I want.”

“Just Red?”

“That’s me…just Red.”

“So, tell me something about Just Red. What else do you like to read other than Gulliver’s Travels?”

“Would you believe me if I said I love historical novels?” Seeing his eyes widen, Regina said, “Honest to God, I love anything about the Elizabethan period.”

“Britain…sixteenth century?”

“Oh, my, a man who knows his history. Now you really are sexy!” she laughed.

“My preference is before that…War of the Roses.”

She stared at him, before swinging her gaze around, her eyes narrowing as she searched the area.

Cocking his head to the side, he asked, “What are you looking for?”

“A hidden camera.”


Her smile widened as she brought her gaze back to his. “This must be some kind of hidden reality show, because there’s no way a random guy meets me and likes the same obscure things I do!”

Cael threw his head back in laughter, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. “Damn, Red. You are too good to be true.”

Taking her empty glass from her, he sat it on the bar and linked his fingers with hers, feeling both warmth and strength. Stepping around her, he drew her with him, toward the dance floor.

Regina followed willingly, her hand firmly in his, allowing him to lead. A strange sense of rightness passed over her. What the hell…I’ve got nothing to lose. Once they were immersed in the crowd, he swung her around and she landed flush against his chest. One of his large hands spanned the small of her back, holding her close, his fingertips barely touching the top of her ass. The hand that was linked with hers was pressed to their fronts, close to his heart.

The music caused their feet to move and just before Cael thought he might drown in her eyes, he swung her out and then, as she came back, he stepped behind her, the feel of her ass against his crotch sweet torture. She laughed, grinding herself against him, the power in her moves heady. Hands in the air, she gyrated to the beat, clearly loving the feel of his body moving in time with hers.

“You’ve got the moves, Red,” he whispered in her ear, just loud enough for her to hear over the music.

Twisting her head around, she grinned up at him. “Aww, Titan. I’m just getting started.” Whipping around, she faced him, her hands on his shoulders. The strength of his muscles underneath her fingertips caused her to dig them in slightly, testing just how firm they were. He was easily the largest man she had ever been this close to, but she felt nothing but safe with him. Biting her lip, she wondered how far she was willing to go tonight.

“Glad to hear it, Red, cause this night’s gonna blow your mind.”

Laughing again, she slid her hands around his neck and pressed in tighter to his front. On cue, the music changed to a slow melody and their bodies reacted accordingly. His arms tightened around her trim frame and she rested her head on his shoulder. As the lights glistened and the music cocooned them, the rest of the crowd faded away.

With her sweet body next to his, Cael found his breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding. Something was happening and he had no idea what it was. She’s just a woman. Just like any other woman I’ve picked up in a bar. Regardless what his mind argued, his arms reacted, pulling her even closer.

She felt the pressure of his arms around her and lifted her head. Her quip died on her lips as she stared at the intense expression on his face. Without thinking, one hand slid up to cup his strong cheek and her thumb caressed his full lips.

Cael growled, slamming his lips onto hers, capturing her mouth in a firm kiss, long and wet. She reacted immediately, opening her mouth to allow his probing tongue access. Taking her invitation, he plunged his tongue inside her warmth, searching out each crevice as the sensations shot straight to his cock. There was a groan, but for all he could tell it could have come from either of them.

God, this man can kiss. Breathless, she still did not come up for air, not caring if she died right there in his arms.

Their heads moved back and forth as their noses bumped, both trying to dominate the kiss. She cupped the back of his head, fingertips sliding through his short, light red hair, angling him the way she wanted. His day-old stubble abraded her skin but she welcomed the slight sting. Not used to making out with a stranger—or anyone—in the middle of a bar, she nonetheless was unable to back away, even if his hand had not been clamped to the middle of her back, holding her close.

After a minute, she felt lightheaded from the heat but, whether it was from the crowd or the partner, she was not sure. “Think I need a break,” she gasped, hoping he would not be disappointed.

His eyes registered concern and he immediately led her to a table in the corner where the music was less loud. Signaling to a server, he turned to her and asked, “Water?” Obtaining her nod, he gave the order to the woman who came by. Settling next to her, his eyes still pinned on her, he said, “You okay, Red?”

Blushing, she swiped her hand over her forehead and nodded. “Sorry, I just felt really hot all of a sudden.”

The server brought the water and she drank greedily. She caught his worried expression and assured, “I’m fine, honestly.” Shoulder bumping him, she said, “I just needed to get out of the crowd.”

His gaze dropped to her mouth as her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. Seeing where his attention had moved to, and knowing he was now cautious, she leaned in, making the first move, desperate for his kiss again.

Cael wrapped his arm around her back, pulling her in close once more. He had wondered if the power of the first kiss was a fluke, brought on by the music and full body contact. But with the feel of her body next to his again, he once more became lost in her taste. His hand slid through her thick, silken hair, fingers tangling in the tresses. He could not remember the last time he had been so enthralled with a woman’s hair and his mind flamed with the desire to see it curtained around them when she was naked, on top, riding him.

Regina melted into his arms, tangling her hands in his hair before sliding them over his shoulders. The play of muscles under his shirt captured her attention and the desire to run her fingers over his naked body flamed her imagination. She wanted this kiss, this man, more than anything. Well, almost more than anything. Now wasn’t the time for that though, so she cast the thought to the recesses of her mind. I want this…this night, just for me.

As though he could hear her thoughts, the good ones not the bad, he dragged his lips from hers. His ragged breathing matched hers and he no longer seemed to care if he did not represent the suave man-about-town, rather appearing more like a hungry man being presented with a feast. And she was all in for that.

Looking into her hooded eyes, all Cael wanted was one night to forget about anything else but her body with his. One night just to forget my worries.

“Red…” he started, his rough voice unfamiliar to his ears.

“Yes,” she replied to his unanswered question. Seeing his eyes narrow in uncertainty, she swallowed deeply before continuing. “Yes. I want you. Tonight. All of you.”

Nodding, he took her hand and they stood but, instead of heading out, they remained completely still, gazes locked, while the crowd moved around them. Sucking in a shaky breath, she pleaded, “Please, Titan. I’ll beg if I have to.”

A smile curved his lips as he leaned in, whispering in her ear, “You’ll never have to beg me, darlin’.” Straightening, he linked his fingers with hers and said, “Come on, Red.”

He moved swiftly and she willingly followed. It might be unwise to allow a stranger to pull her along, but the gentle touch of his hand felt so right. Tired of playing it safe, she threw caution to the wind and allowed him to lead her into the cool, dark night.




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