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Carry and Drag (Open Wounds Book 1) by Michelle Frost (12)



Ollie was terrified. Why had he agreed to this again? Beside him, Niko looked positively green. Dagen turned to look at them as they stepped up onto his mom’s front porch and barked out a little laugh.

“It’s just dinner, guys. Not even fancy dinner. Grilled burgers and Mom’s famous potato salad.”

Stella Rourke’s home was nestled on a cul-de-sac in a quiet subdivision about twenty minutes from the gym. Ollie didn’t think he’d ever been in a neighborhood as nice as this, with its multi-story brick homes and manicured lawns. He felt self-conscious in his scuffed-up boots and white t-shirt. Dagen had told him to wear what he normally did, but now he was wondering if the other man was just being nice. And if Ollie was this nervous, he knew Niko had to feel about a hundred times worse. At least Ollie would know almost everyone there.

“What are you guys doing standing out here?” Vidar called from behind them.

Ollie and Niko both jumped. Dagen turned to scowl at his brother. “We need to get you a freaking bell. And these two needed to take a moment before the plunge.”

“Ah,” Vidar smirked, climbing the stairs and coming to a stop in front of Niko. “Come on, kid. If you’re hanging around, you’ll need to meet everyone.”

Ollie opened his mouth to protest that Niko should stay with them, at least he kind of knew Ollie, but Niko nodded and walked into the house when Vidar held open the door for him.

“You guys coming?” Vidar asked over his shoulder.

“Be there in a minute,” Dagen said, letting the door close behind his brother before he turned to Ollie. “You okay?”

“How bad is it going to be?”

That small smile Dagen seemed to reserve only for him tugged up at the corners of his mouth, and then he was in Ollie’s space, big hands sliding around to drag Ollie in for a kiss. Dagen licked the seam of Ollie’s lips, and Ollie opened for him, tongues brushing together and sending a current of lust through Ollie strong enough to drown everything else. Ollie growled in protest when Dagen started to pull back and did his best to chase him. He never thought he’d curse his six-foot height for being too short.

“That’s not fair,” he huffed, trying to get at Dagen’s lips. The small smile Dagen had had before morphed into a full-blown grin as he lifted his chin evading Ollie’s advances. Ollie narrowed his eyes and planted his hands on Dagen’s shoulders before jumping up and wrapping his legs around Dagen’s waist. The hands on his back darted down to his ass to catch him, and he took full advantage of the surprise leaving the big man’s mouth slack to claim it like he wanted to. Beard hair tickled his chin, and Ollie scratched at it before carding his fingers in the bristly red hair on Dagen’s cheek and lightly setting his nails to skin. Dagen’s eyes slipped closed and a contented hum rumbled up out of his chest.

Ollie smiled. “Oh, you like that huh?”

“I like to see you smile,” Dagen whispered, nipping at Ollie’s lips. “And that too.”

“Are you sure this is going to be okay?” Ollie hesitantly inquired again, searching Dagen’s face.

“This is one thing you don’t have to worry about Ollie. I promise.”

* * *


“Hi, baby,” Stella greeted as soon as Dagen and Ollie stepped out onto the back deck. His mom was a robust lady, full of life and color, but she also had a hard streak, forged from raising four boys practically on her own. Dagen loved her with all his heart. When she reached him, he bent down to pull her into a hug and then let her clasp his face between her hands, so she could look him over.

“Hey, Mom.” Her eyes appraised him for a moment. They were warm as always. The color an exact replica of his own. With a kiss to his forehead, she released him and turned her gaze to Ollie.

Dagen had really meant it when he told Ollie there was nothing to worry about here. Stella was as generous and compassionate a person as Dagen had ever met. She loved fiercely, and where her boys were concerned, she could turn into a mama bear. He also knew that she’d look at Ollie and see what he saw. A beautiful soul that needed the chance to blossom.

“You must be Ollie.”

A last flicker of panic swept across Ollie’s face as Stella stepped forward and lifted her hands to beckon him. “Well, come on, let me have a look at you.”

“Mom…” Dagen started to say but stopped when Ollie bent forward and let her cup his cheeks like she did to everyone she decided was one of her “kids”.

“Oh, honey.” Stella smiled gently at Ollie, and Dagen held his breath. “I’m glad you’re here.” She pressed a kiss to Ollie’s forehead.

“I’m glad to be here, Mrs. Rourke.” There was the slightest tremor in Ollie’s voice, and Dagen reached for his hand, lacing their fingers together and feeling it like a balm to his heart when Ollie gave a gentle squeeze.

“None of that. Call me Stella.” She looked between them with a smile, then pointed across the deck to a table laden with food. “You help yourself to anything you’d like. Dagen, after dinner would you mind helping me move a couple stones in the garden?”

“Sure, Mom.”

All of them had spent a lot of time helping their mom get her yard in order when she’d first moved in. Dagen felt a sense of pride, looking around the well-kept yard and back to the rose garden his mother so loved.

A six-foot tall privacy fence surrounded the space, making it feel like a sanctuary. The deck attached to the house was built for entertaining, with a large outdoor table surrounded by chairs covered by vibrant cushions.

As the sun set, Dagen knew soft path lights and sconces would come to life, illuminating their gathering as darkness fell. He’d spent so many evenings here, enjoying good food and the company of his family, but standing there with his hand in Ollie’s was the most at home he’d ever felt.

* * *


Sitting back with a full belly, Ollie sighed. He shouldn’t have been worried. It was strange to find himself among a group of people and feeling completely at ease, but he was discovering quickly that he liked it. He especially liked that, while everyone greeted and included him, they didn’t push. Settling further into the cushion of his chair, Ollie let the various conversations wash over him.

Niko was in the chair to his left, talking to Kayla, and Ollie smiled at the little jar of homemade bruise salve sitting in front of him. Apparently, Stella had taken one look at his face and pulled him into the house for the first application. Ollie shifted, feeling the last remnants of his own bruises, and thought he should thank her for making it.

Dagen’s hand shifted where it was resting on Ollie’s leg under the table, and he grinned to himself again. Speaking to his brother Magnus, Dagen appeared relaxed in the warm glow emanating from several sconces attached to the back of the house.

Glancing around at everyone gathered, a thought occurred to Ollie, and in the next lull in Dagen’s conversation, he asked, “Where’s Rory?”

Two sets of hazel eyes turned to him, only Magnus’s looked pained. “That’s my fault. R… He and I trade off months and this one is mine.”

“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t mean—”

“No need to apologize,” Magnus interrupted with a small smile, and after a pregnant pause added, “You’ve got to make this one,” he elbowed Dagen, “bring you by the club sometime. We’ve got dancers and drink specials every night.”

“Sounds like fun,” Ollie answered just before a whoop sounded from down in the yard. Craning his neck for a look, Ollie spotted two blond heads locked in a wrestling match in the middle of an open grassy area. “Is that…?”

“Yes,” Dagen and Magnus sighed at the same time, then broke into a laugh. Magnus hopped out of his seat and went to either intervene in the scuffle between his other two brothers or join in. Ollie wasn’t sure. It obviously wasn’t a real fight, just brothers playing, and Ollie wondered at what it must have been like when they were children if it was this bad as adults.

“Were they always like this?” he asked Dagen, who was watching Vidar and Harbor roll in the grass, each trying to pin the other.

“Worse. They’ve mellowed with age, but they were always the fighters of the group.”

“You never wanted to? Fight, I mean… like Harbor does.”

Dagen looked thoughtful then smirked. “No. Vidar has done his share too, and I’ve trained with them, but I’ve always been more of a lover.” He lowered his voice and cut his eyes over to Ollie, a sexy smirk on his lips.

Ollie couldn’t keep his lips from lifting in answer or his fingers from brushing over Dagen’s. “No complaints here.”

* * *


Dagen was burning up. Watching Ollie here with his family, seeing him smile and seem so at ease, was the strongest aphrodisiac Dagen had ever had. Once his moron brothers had worked their little wrestling match out of their system, Dagen took Ollie by the hand and led him to the back of the yard and into his mom’s rose garden. Green leaves had sprouted again on the thick bushes now that spring was upon them and soon every section, divided by stone paths, would be filled with riotous color.

He moved the new stones into their places along the path as his mother had asked. Then he pulled Ollie all the way to the back—behind the tallest and thickest of the plants in the shadows beyond the path lights—and pressed him up against the fence.

“Someone is going to see us,” Ollie whispered against his mouth after Dagen kissed him deeply.

“No, they won’t. It’s dark and we’re hidden back here.” He bit along Ollie’s jaw and down his throat, pulling a moan from his lover, and he chuckled against Ollie’s skin. “But if you keep that up, they’ll hear us for sure.” Dagen could barely hear voices from the deck, as far back as they were, and they truly were hidden from sight. A cool breeze caused the wind chimes hanging in one of the trees to sing, and even without open blooms, the scent of roses swirled around them. “I want you,” Dagen breathed, hands sliding down to the waist of Ollie’s jeans. “Want to taste you.”

Ollie gasped. “Oh god, why would you say that? I’m going to have to walk out of here hard now.”

Dagen’s smile turned wicked. “Not if I can help it.” Then he sank to his knees, lifting Ollie’s shirt enough to press open mouthed kisses across his lower stomach. He paused and looked up to meet Ollie’s gaze. “Can I?”

Ollie was trembling in his grasp, but he licked his lips and nodded. It was all Dagen needed. Flicking open the button and lowering the zipper, he wasted no time getting a hand around Ollie’s length. A bead of pre-cum pooled at the slit and Dagen licked it, teasing, before taking Ollie all the way into his mouth.

A muffled groan sounded above him, and he looked up to see Ollie had his head thrown back and both hands covering his mouth. With a hum, Dagen swallowed him down, nose brushing the coarse, dark hair at the base of Ollie’s cock.

He set a relentless pace, careful to keep sounds to a minimum, and it didn’t take long before Ollie was gripping his hair and doubled over with the force of his release. Dagen sucked down every drop, entirely pleased with himself and painfully hard, but happy to simply rise to his feet and fasten Ollie’s jeans.

“You look so smug,” Ollie panted before pulling him in for a kiss. “If I wasn’t completely come-drunk I might take offense.”

“Shouldn’t I be happy that I can bring you pleasure?” Dagen dragged his nose up Ollie’s throat, and he shivered.

“Hmmm,” Ollie hummed and dropped his hand to cup Dagen through his pants. “I’d be happy to return the favor.”

Dagen almost said “fuck it” and let him, but they’d been risky enough. He leaned in close, lips brushing Ollie’s ear, and whispered, “I’d rather come with you inside me.”

Groaning, Ollie wormed out from between Dagen and the fence. Dagen was confused for a moment, until Ollie grabbed his hand and tugged. “You can’t say that shit to me and then just stand there. Come on, we need to get Niko and say goodbye to everyone.”

* * *


In the end, they stayed another hour, talking and laughing. When they emerged from the garden, it seemed no one had even noticed they were missing, save Magnus, who shot Ollie a wink. Ollie knew his cheeks must have been tomato red, but Dagen only laughed and brushed a kiss to his flushed skin, which somehow made it all seem okay.

The drive home was comfortably quiet, Niko asleep in the back seat, and when Dagen pulled the truck up at the back of the gym beside the stairs to their apartment, Ollie thought that maybe everything was going to turn out alright after all. He would deal with his issues. Maybe find a counselor. Or a group. He knew there were other people like him, Niko was proof enough of that, who’d been turned away by family to find themselves alone and in bad situations. He got through that and now he could get through this.

“Hey,” Dagen said quietly and clasped their hands together before Ollie had the chance to reach for his door handle. “Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

Ollie met his warm gaze with a smile. “Thanks for inviting me… and blowing me in the rose bushes.”

“I knew it!” Niko declared sleepily from the back seat before sitting up and rubbing his unbruised eye.

“Oh god,” Ollie groaned as Dagen laughed.

“I should have gone home with Magnus,” Niko grumbled with a shake of his head. Dagen and Ollie both looked back at him with raised brows. “Not like that!” he protested quickly. “He just offered me his spare room, but I thought it would be better to stay here tonight since I’m supposed to start work in the morning.”

Ollie pushed open the truck door as he asked, “How do you feel about being Kayla’s apprentice?”

“I’m excited,” Niko answered, hopping down from the cab of the truck.

Dagen met them at the foot of the stairs, letting them go ahead of him. “There’s no one better to teach you about running a smooth business. I don’t know that Vidar would be able to keep the shop or the gym running as well as they do, without Kayla.”

“She really is great,” Ollie agreed, digging his keys out of his pocket. “And I’ll be happy to show you some stuff too, if you want.”

Niko turned to him with wide eyes. “Really?”

“Sure.” Ollie unlocked the door and pushed it open, stepping into the apartment. “Having a diverse portfolio is always a good thing. I’d be happy to help in whatever way I can.”

“Thanks, Ollie,” Niko said, walking around him and farther into the living room.

“No problem.” Ollie turned back to the doorway to ask Dagen if he needed to eat again before they went to bed, only to find Dagen frozen in place just inside the door with a gun pointed at his head.




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