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Cave Man's Captive by Juliana Conners (200)




Christmas dinner was beautiful. The party the night before had been epic and I was glad Darren had thrown it. It was wonderful to meet his friends. But, now it was great to have Christmas dinner with just our family.

The table was draped in red, green, and gold. There was so much food on the table, there was barely any room for our plates.  But, it was wonderful sitting there with my whole family, which in my mind included Bryant, and Darren’s mom, and my mom and brothers, all of whom were there with us as they deserved to be.

This is how life was meant to be lived, I thought.

I could feel my mother’s eyes staring at me from across the table. She looked so happy, like she was realizing a dream that she’d held for a very long time.

I stood up to speak. I felt it was my turn to give a toast, and I was planning to let my mom and Darren and Bryant know how much I loved them.  And to thank them for all they had done for me.

But, before a word could leave my lips, I felt something pop and water started trickling from between my legs.

Everyone stopped and turned, staring at me.

“You okay?” asked Darren, a look of worry starting to show on his face.

“My water just broke,” I said.

“Sure did,” my mother added, as if there was any doubt.

We rushed to our cars and headed to the hospital. My mother told Darren to go on without her and that she would follow with a bag of my things.

Soon after getting to the hospital, the doctor told me that he hoped I was ready, because this baby was on its way out.

“This little one is determined to be a Christmas baby,” were his exact words.

“We’re definitely ready,” I told him.

They didn’t even have time to give me an epidural before the baby was out, while I screamed and writhed in pain. Darren was holding my hand the whole time, until the baby’s head appeared and he proclaimed, “The baby has red hair! Just like you!”

“Just get it out of me!” I screamed, fearful of how it would feel for the baby to actually come through.

But, aside from a burning sensation that left almost as quickly as it had come, that was the easiest part. Suddenly, loud crying could be heard and I immediately started crying tears of joy.

“Would you like to cut the cord?” the doctor asked Darren, as he placed the baby on my chest.

I looked down at the head full of red hair, already in love, before I realized almost too late that I didn’t even know gender the baby was. Not that it really mattered. I would still be just as in love.

“What is it?” I asked, kissing the top of the baby’s head as Darren cut the cord.

“It’s a boy,” the doctor answered. “A Christmas boy.”

“Oh, my God,” I answered, happily. “A boy!”

“What should we name him?” asked Darren. We hadn’t discussed names much because we’d agreed it was bad luck. But, I already knew what I wanted.

“George.  For my dad,” I said. 

The baby’s tiny hand closed in a fist around my finger when I said it. 

“George,” Darren answered. “I like that.”

We smiled at each other. 

Then he added, “You know, I really thought it might be a girl. I’m glad he’s a boy. I love him no matter who he is. But, I also thought, hmmm, maybe we’d have a girl.”

“We’ll just have to have another one,” I said, and laughed.

“We sure will,” Darren agreed. “I like the name George. It sounds very royal.”

“Yes. My mother will be happy,” I said. “Of the fact that he’s here, and that he’s named George. And my dad would be so proud.”

As if on cue, my mom pushed open the door of the hospital room. She’d never been known for her tact. Darren’s mom was following her, and Bryant squeezed in ahead of both of them.

“It’s a boy,” Darren announced, proudly.

“A grandson!” My mother proclaimed. “Your brothers will be so happy. I took them home to finish opening up the rest of their Christmas presents because I didn’t realize this would be so quick. But, I’ll bring them over here to visit soon.”

“A brother,” Darren’s  mom said to Bryant, in a sing song voice.

“Yay! A brother! Can I see my baby brother yet?” came Bryant’s high-pitched squeal from around the corner.

“Sure!  Come on in, buddy,” I called from the bed. 

He ran over and peeked up at the baby I held in my arms. 

“Yay!” said Bryant again, clapping and jumping up and down. “I have a new baby brother!  And he gets to come live with us at our house!”

“I’m glad you’re so happy about this news,” Darren said, looking relieved. I knew he’d been anxious that Bryant would be jealous. “We’re excited to expand our family. And, on that note, there’s something I was planning to do today, before little George here stole my thunder.”

“What?” I asked him, looking into his serious green eyes.

By looking over at my mother’s eyes, which lit up with happiness, I had a good feeling of what was to come. I just couldn’t believe it.

Darren got down on his knee right there on the cold hospital room floor, and held up a tiny blue box. He opened the lid, revealing a large, shiny diamond ring.

“Hope, you’ve made me the happiest man ever. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

“Yes!” I exclaimed, reaching over to hug him, then saying, “Ow,” as my rib cage twisted a bit. I was still in fragile condition from giving birth.

“Are you okay?” Darren asked.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I continued, not letting a little injury get me down. “Yes, I’m okay, and yes, I’ll marry you, and yes, this is great. I’d be so happy to be your wife.”

“Daddy’s going to marry Hope,” Darren explained to Bryant.

He bent down to kiss me, and then kissed Bryant and then little George, right on the top of his head. He was bobbing around looking for my boob, so I decided to try to nurse him.

“Hooray!” exclaimed Bryant, jumping up and down and clapping his hands. “This is the best day of my life!”

His excitement was contagious. Darren’s mother and my own both started clapping along with Bryant. And I could agree with him on that. 

A new baby. And an engagement to Darren. On Christmas. This definitely was the best day of my life.


Can’t get enough Darren and Hope? and receive an to Mountain Man’s Baby.