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Caveman Alien's Pride: A SciFi BBW/Alien Fated Mates Romance (Caveman Aliens Book 4) by Calista Skye (13)


- Aurora -

I look into his eyes, astonished.

Impossibly, his blue lasers now have a mildness to them. “Aurora is thinking of difficult things. Sometimes that is necessary.”

His hands feel good on me. Now I'm fully here again, and it's not a bad place to be. “I'm fine. Really.”

“Yes,” he agrees. “Aurora is fine. Still some things are difficult. For all of us.”

I give him a little smile. “Nothing difficult for Trak'zor. Has island where is safe. Wins against Water Big. Fresh water runs under house. Heals easy from injuries.”

He frowns. “This island wasn't safe when I got here. I made it safe. The vrok I defeated because I practice with the sword every day. The water didn't run under the house when I came here. I made it so. The injuries ... are much the same thing. There were many difficulties. There still are.”

“Trak'zor made island good.”

“The island was good. I made it a little better.”

I place a hand on his wrist. “You made it wonderful.”

Three heartbeats go by, and I'm able to hold his powerful gaze. Then the most boyish smile you could ever imagine slowly spreads on his face. He's proud of what he's done with this island, and he has every right to be. I think he likes that I appreciate it.

He reaches out and puts his hand behind my head, then kisses me with such passion and sudden force that it takes my breath away as the lust I've been feeling all morning explodes in me.

I respond to his affections with the same frantic motions, feeling his sharp fangs with my lips and tongue and knowing they won't hurt me. I slide over onto his lap while we're still kissing, then impatiently pull my shirt over my head and with one hand lift the dinosaur skin skirt over my hips, bunching it up at my waist.

And then I'm grinding on him and frantically trying to reach under his loincloth, which is unreasonably difficult in this position, especially when his scent is filling my nose and I can feel the hardness I'm sitting on and I really want it inside me.

Trak'zor places one hand under my butt and lifts me as easily as if I were a rag doll, an impossible feat that makes me feel light and dainty. With his one free hand he calmly loosens his drawstring, and I help him pull the loincloth all the way off. Again I reach greedily to his crotch.

And my eyes widen. That ... feels very interesting. Rock hard, of course. Throbbing and ready and all that. But also ...

I raise my hips and position his hot spear at my now sopping wet entrance, then slide myself down onto it. Just an inch, because damn that's big.

I look into his eyes as I slowly impale myself on him, whimpering in lust and just a little bit of pain. There's a burning sensation as my most female flesh has to adjust to the alien invader.

Trak'zor gets the point and helps hold me up, relieving the stress on my thighs as he fills me up, forcing all of my attention to his eyes and the hot spear inside me. It's right at the limit of being too big for me.

He bottoms out, and I sit there for a moment, feeling fuller than I ever have before. And hotter and wetter and more aroused. I've never been this stretched out. Oh, who am I kidding? He is too big for me. And somehow that makes it better.

I start to raise myself again, but then Trak'zor takes all my weight on his hands and slowly lifts me with his sensational strength. His cock passes back out through me, and the pain gives way to delightful little sparks that shoot straight to my clit.

He lifts me almost all the way off him, and I'm about to protest when he halts and lowers me again, a little faster than the first time.

He spears me again, but now I'm ready for it, I know he'll almost fit and I can let go a little.

My mouth falls open and I'm pretty sure my eyes roll back in my head. I have to examine that cock later. Because it's not a smooth shaft. When it goes in it touches every part of my tunnel and lights them up, like a myriad of brilliant little crystals throughout my pelvis, sparkling and glittering and making me gasp.

He lifts me, and I get the same incredible spectacle in reverse. If you were to make a sex toy which had everything, you'd still not get close to anything like this.

“You crazy,” I pant as he slides almost out of me again and my pussy clenches in protest, desperate to keep him in there.

He lowers me again, faster, and now all the individual little crystals merge to one glowing, infinitely complex rainbow of pleasure.

I lay my arms around Trak'zor's thick neck, relax and just let him handle it all. He obviously knows how, and I'm losing my ability to coordinate my body.

Using his hands under my hips, he calmly fucks me as the heat pools at my very core with each stroke in and out. I could be here forever, just enjoying this and ignoring everything else.

I'm distantly aware that I'm moaning uncontrollably with every stroke, with a voice that's small and thin in gleeful surrender. Just a touch of my clit will push me over the edge now.

And then I feel it. There's something else at my pussy, something hard and insistent, pushing its way up my slit.

Then, it was as I thought. Because of course a man like this doesn't have just one cock. He has two. My eyes fly open all by themselves. Or even ... three?

Then it touches my clit like a hot, soft tongue swirling around it, and at the same time the fact that I'm being fucked by an alien caveman descends on me. My mind and pussy explode at the same time, engulfing me with heat and light, and I lay my head back and scream.

I have no power here. Trak'zor fucks me with his alien spears while the climax shakes me and makes me mewl incoherent nothings into the warm sun.

Then he slows down his thrusting, and I feel his whole body tense up under me as his movements become jerky. His huge cock flexes inside me and seems to swell, and then he grunts loudly as he shoots his boiling hot manly juices, spraying down the core of my sex in hard spurts that I feel all the way through my now electrically sensitive body.

I hang onto his neck while my pussy twitches uncontrollably around him and I ride out the ecstasy and the aftershocks. It takes me a good while.

“You crazy,” I repeat when I've calmed down enough to trust my voice, still clinging to him. “Much crazy Trak'zor with much big spear.”

“Much crazy Aurora,” he counters and kneads my butt. “Sit on warrior, steal his juice with irresistible slit.”

“I not notice warrior man resist. Maybe is much weak warrior man?”

I yelp as he lifts me clear off of his lap and high into the air while he's still sitting down. He brings my crotch to his mouth and places a light kiss right on my now very sensitive clit.

“Yes, much weak after woman steal juices. But warrior is kind, no will hurt woman. May even let her steal juices more times if woman very good.”

He gently sets me down again, and there's an amused glint in his eye.

I lightly slap his shoulder. “You not mock Aurora speech! Or Aurora speak English only. Trak'zor not like, much confused when must learn English to speak Aurora. Also, Aurora not good teacher, teach wrong on purpose for amuse. We clear?

He puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me gently. “Viklir.”

Because of course he's smart enough to hear from my tone of voice what would be the right reply. In an alien language. This caveman should not be underestimated.

I stand up and stretch, pulling my skirt back down and putting my top back on.

Okay. So now I've fucked my kidnapper.

I guess I should stop thinking of him in those terms. He did kind of abduct me. But is it really abduction when you're taken to a better place than you were before? And it's not like I've told him about the girls and the cave. He probably thinks I have no home.

“Aurora go to water. Trak'zor watch, Water Big not eat?”

He sheaths his sword and puts his loincloth back on. One part of me wants to pull it right off again for another ride, but my whole crotch is so sensitive and sore now that it's probably not a great idea.

We go back to his fishing spot, and I dig up a couple of pale pink worms on the way there.

I hook one wriggling worm onto the little thorn. Not so long ago, it would have caused me all kinds of agony to do that to an innocent being. Now, I still feel it, but on this planet, some things just have to get done, and I don't hesitate. I toss a length of the “fishing line” into the water.

The line slowly sinks down in the depths, while the hook floats on the surface..

“Some kind of sinker would probably be useful,” I mumble to myself. I pull the whole thing back up and find a little rock to tie to the end.

Then I try again, and now the hook goes down with the sinker. I wrap the other end of the line around my fingers.

“Now wait,” I explain to Trak'zor, like I'm a leading fishing expert. “Next time will make long pole. For get thin rope much far from shore. Is maybe not fish this close- yow!”

The line suddenly tightens hard around my hand and cuts into the flesh. Trak'zor's hand shoots out and grabs the line, relieving the pressure.

Shit, that was such a hard pull, I'm sure I must have caught that monster from yesterday. I bravely take three quick steps away from the water, leaving Trak'zor to hold the line. Well, he's much stronger than me. And he has a sword.

He starts pulling the line in, having no trouble with it. Then there's a silvery sheen under the surface, and he pulls ashore a fish only about a foot long. It sprattles wildly before he takes one end and slaps the other onto a rock, killing it.

I walk back. “Strong Trak'zor. Fish pulls hard.”

“Very spirited fish,” he agrees. “It will make a fine dinner for us.”

I squat and take the hook out of the fish's mouth, avoiding the sharp teeth in there.

I grin happily at Trak'zor. “Now see how good thing for catch fish is? Can now catch much fish, as much we want.”

He nods. “It's a good first try. But it will never work again.”

I put another worm onto the hook. “Trak'zor just see.”

This time I'm ready for the pull, so I don't need his help when another fish bites just seconds after I throw the line in. And a minute later, there are two silvery fish on the rocks.

I look up at Trak'zor. “Nice catch fish?”

He studies my little thorn-hook. “It's very effective. Much better than the harpoon. And it works in broad daylight. Aurora is also making this island better.”

I think that's about the highest praise he can give, and I'm filled with a warmth and pride that I haven't felt for years.

“Now Trak'zor not need go across bridge to get food. Can fish mostly.”

He nods thoughtfully. “That's less dangerous, certainly.”

I look up at the sun, enjoying the warmth from it and smiling. It feels good to be useful and to contribute to this island. And I have another idea.

I carry the fish up to the house, borrow a longer knife from Trak'zor and let him show me how to gut them. Then he wraps some of the filets in leaves and places them in the food store.

We wash our hands in the little creek that's constantly running with water from the spring, and then we cook one fish for lunch.

I munch on the crunchy, perfectly grilled filet, sip the clean water and feel more at peace than I have since the Plood abducted us. For the first time I'm fed, well rested and safe. And newly fucked.

Which reminds me. He Worshipped me, and I promised myself to do something nice for him, too. Luckily, that fits exactly with what I want to do right now.

I casually reach under Trak'zor's loincloth and feel around under it, as he immediately starts to stiffen between my fingers. And yes, there are some extra appendages there.

“Lift.” I grab the hem of his loincloth and pull it up around his waist, and he lifts his hips.

Then I lean down into his lap and take him into my mouth.