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Chosen by Her by Ellie Danes (60)

Chapter Twenty


Just walking in the front doors of Knight Holdings made me feel better. It had been a rough few days. The trauma of the home invasion, as the police were calling it, had hung over me like a heavy fog. It was worse for Ayden. He was beside himself with his father in jail. Bryon Shelton had jumped into action that very night and assured everyone the case was solid, but Ayden was frantic. He felt like at any moment his life could be ripped away from him.

Our attorney arranged for Ayden to visit his father, and they were allowed to speak privately. After that, Ayden calmed down. It seemed his father had finally convinced him that debts were repaid and life needed to go on.

That was just yesterday because when Ayden bounced back, it was with a vengeance. He dove into work with new vigor, and the office came alive again, electrified by their brave and heroic leader. Even on the street in front of our office building, I had heard whispers of Ayden taking on the gangsters trying to cripple Las Vegas.

The thought of it made me smile. I could even appreciate the small but tacky memorial that had been erected for David Rooke. It was a generous touch considering everything he had put the employees and the company through. I stopped to appreciate how much he would have hated the picture they chose, despised the delicate floral arrangement, and grieved the fact that not a single personal note sat on the table.

"You're here! Oh my god, I am so glad to see you! Are you sure you're ready to work? I can route all your calls to your phone and email everything else. Go work on your sofa with your feet up," Darla shrieked as she hugged me tightly.

"Nice to see you too."

"Nah, you're not getting away that easily," Darla dragged me back into another hug. "We could have lost you. We could have lost both of you, and then all of this would have collapsed."

I hugged my friend in return and blinked back tears. "Thanks to Ayden's father none of us are going to collapse."

"I know. Alan told me everything. How terrible. I can't believe they are holding him in jail." Darla took my briefcase and walked me to my office. She shut the door behind her and settled us both in the chairs in front of my desk.

"Let's talk about something else. How about you and Alan?" I asked with a smirk.

Darla blushed and giggled. "He's doing great. It was a concussion despite the fact the big lug kept saying he was fine. I managed to keep him in bed for at least 24 hours like the doctor recommended."

"Lucky dog," I remarked and laughed as Darla swatted at me.

"Speaking of lucky, you have to show me your - ahhh!" she shrieked again and curious eyes appeared through the fish bowl walls. "Oh my god, it is gorgeous! Is that a Tiffany ring?"

"It is. It's called Two Bees," I said with a proud flush. "Ayden has actually started calling me Honey Bee. He says that I'm sweet, but even he's a little scared of my sting."

"Did you really charge the intruder with a fireplace poker?" Darla asked. "I can see it. I think I would unleash holy hell if anyone tried to hurt my Alan."

I threw back my head and laughed out loud at the image of tiny, peppy Darla bringing down whatever monster managed to scratch her darling giant. She grinned and took hold of my hand with both of hers so she could study the ring more intently.

While we were caught up in the glamor of my engagement ring, the door to my office popped open. An eager reporter sprang inside and volleyed questions at me before I could turn around.

"Ms. Bishop is it true that Ayden King has a criminal past and was only recently released from Federal Prison?" he asked in a hurry.

Darla jumped up and grabbed the phone on my desk. "Where are you? The front parking lot? Yes! There's a reporter here. Get up here as quick as you can."

"Alan's on his way?" I asked, ignoring the reporter.

"Reports are surfacing that he has been dealing with the Mertz brothers. Are you aware that they are considered by many to be a resurgence of mob mentality in Las Vegas? How does Mr. King justify making dealings with such criminal businessmen?"

"These are all questions you can simply research yourself. Every answer you are looking for is public knowledge," I said.

The young reporter frowned and tried again. "Well, is it true that Ayden King has a history of violence and a visitor was recently killed inside his home?"

I stood up and was about to deal with the reporter myself when Alan's shadow swept over him. The young man cringed as our personal security guard hefted him up with one arm and dragged him to the front doors. Alan opened the door and tossed the reporter out with such force the poor man lost his footing and toppled to the ground.

Alan turned around and wiped his hands before catching an adoring Darla in his tree trunk arms. The big man's face melted as she peppered it with kisses.

"You alright, Ms. Bishop?" he asked in between smooches.

"Yes, Alan. Glad to see you are as well," I said with a wide smile.

Behind him the elevator doors opened and Ayden stepped out. I gasped as the reporter looked up, but the young man was so frazzled, he did not recognize our notorious leader. All the reporter noted was that a friendly hand leaned down to help him up.

"You alright, kid?" Ayden pulled him easily to his feet. "Here, let me grab the elevator for you. Is this yours?"

The reporter thankfully took the digital recorder that Ayden had retrieved. "Thank you, sir."

Darla stepped into the doorway and called out, "Good morning, Mr. King."

"Good morning, Darla. Did I miss anything?" Ayden asked.

Behind him the young reporter gaped. Alan shut the doors firmly in his face and stood guard.

Ayden wondered at our laughter but shrugged his shoulders. "I expect a full report on everything that happened in my, um, absence. For now, though, I have to apologize, but Ms. Bishop and I have an important meeting."

"No problem, Mr. King," Darla called as she winked at me.

I let Ayden take my arm and wrap it through his own. He marched me down the hallway to his office as I wondered, "What important meeting? Am I really that far off schedule?"

"I didn't put it on the schedule, but it is very important," Ayden said. He opened his office door for me and then closed it behind him.

I turned right into his warm and demanding kiss. "People can see us," I hissed against his lips.

"Sorry. I don't care. I'm not losing one single opportunity to kiss you," Ayden said. Then he swore as the phone interrupted us. "How do you pick up the second line again?"

Ayden poked at the phone and admitted he was not up to speed on the office technology yet. I watched him fumble a moment more before I reached over and punched the button for him. "Don't worry, you'll learn in time."

"Thank god I've got time," Ayden said with a grateful smile.

He turned from me and held up a finger as the caller jumped right into business. I only heard Ayden's half of the conversation, but I gleaned that it was Bryon Shelton. It was good news though Ayden downplayed it. He then asked me to put the phone on speaker so we could all talk.

"Hello, Bryon," I called out.

"Hello, Autumn, and don't worry, this time it is good news," our attorney said. "I've just been informed that Adair and Sal Mertz have been arrested. The evidence that Jace provided was very compelling, and it turns out there are many companies complaining of being strong-armed and threatened into bad deals."

"They didn't skip town?" Ayden asked. "Please tell me they don't have some shark of a lawyer that will get them off tomorrow."

"They do, but he is currently in court. Turns out the FBI also froze the Mertz brothers' assets, and they won't be able to pay any lawyer," Shelton said in a pleased tone.

"That is wonderful news, thank you Bryon!" I said. He hung up the phone, and Ayden and I grinned at each other. "Are you seeing the other side yet? I swear we have almost made it through."

Ayden glanced down at his watch and his smile changed.

"I'll see you when you get back. Good luck," I said and opened his office door.

"Would you like to come along? I'd love your company," he said.

I felt his hand reach for my wrist, and I turned and fell into his arms. "I would love to."

* * * * *

"Time to go, sir?" Alan asked as we walked to the front doors.

"Please don't call me that, Alan. Yes, we're ready to go," Ayden said.

Alan had been brought on full time as both our personal security guard and our driver. I had told Ayden about all the times that Alan had beat me and my driver to our destination. The driver now worked driving the nightclub V. I. P.s, and Alan was with us full time.

Darla was extremely pleased by the change. She straightened Alan's tie and reached way up on her tippy toes to kiss him good-bye. "See you in a bit, sweetie pie."

I swear that Alan blushed as he waved goodbye and walked with us out to the elevators. The reporter was gone, but Alan cleared his throat. "I'm afraid there are probably more reporters downstairs. You've become big news."

Ayden shook his head. "It has to have blown over by now. Plus the police stopped the story about the intruder, ah, dying in our living room."

Microphones and recorders were shoved in Ayden's face as soon as the elevator doors were opened. The security guards at the front desk apologized profusely as they tried to escort the reporters out of the lobby.

"Mr. King! Mr. King! Is it true the Mertz brothers have been arrested?"

"Heads down, no comments and walk straight out the door," Alan said. He stepped in front and moved like a plow through a light snow.

The reporters jumped to the side as Alan moved through, and Ayden and I walked closely in his wake. The questions came from every side as Ayden slipped on a pair of dark sunglasses and wrapped an arm tightly around me.

"What do you say to reports that you took down the Mertz brothers? How did you topple their criminal organization?"

"Do you agree the Mertz brothers tried to put a stranglehold on Las Vegas real estate? Would you say their business practices really harken back to the mobster beginnings of our town?

The young reporter who had managed to slip upstairs earlier reappeared. "Is it true that you and Ms. Bishop are romantically involved? Is that an engagement ring on her finger?"

Cameras appeared everywhere, and I ducked my head against Ayden's shoulder as the flashes blinded me. He shielded my face with his hand and swept me along behind Alan. We burst out of the lobby and Alan went to work clearing reporters from the limousine door as if they were flies.

Once we scooted inside and the door was shut, the sound of the crowd died down to a soft murmur. The limousine had soundproof walls, tinted windows, and bulletproof plating under its sleek exterior. We sat back and breathed in the peace as Alan easily made his way around to the driver's side. Reporters cleared out of his way. He started the car and pulled away from the car, smoothly missing those reporters that darted in front of us.

"We might have company on the drive," Alan said over the speaker.

"Drive down the Strip," Ayden said, "that should slow them down." He leaned his wavy black hair against the tan leather of the limousine and sighed. "What in the hell was all of that?"

"That is what it is like to be a hero," I told him and patted his hand. "Your story is emerging as the scrappy underdog that stood up to the giant, evil conglomerate. Not only that, but you brought justice to Jace Knight."

"People will believe anything these days," Ayden mumbled.

I laughed. "Especially if it’s the truth." I scooted closer to him across the soft leather seats. "I know one thing for certain, you are my hero."

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer as he shook his head. "I seem to recall that you are quite capable of defending yourself. In fact, you saved me."

"I did not!"

"You stepped between me and a loaded gun, Autumn. No one has ever done anything that heroic for me." He tipped my chin to his face and kissed me gently. "Or idiotic. I still have nightmares about it, but I'm amazed by you."

"You do turn me into an amazing idiot," I murmured against his lips. Then I pressed closer into the kiss.

My tongue trailed along his lower lip, and he groaned softly. The hand on my chin dropped to wrap around my waist and pull me almost onto his lap. Ayden panted as I opened and explored and drove him wild with my tongue. He fell back against the seat and gave into me. Having the power to bring my tough talking, rock-hard, heroic leader to the hazy brink of lust was intoxicating.

"We better slow down," I whispered against his lips and then pulled back.

Ayden groaned. "No, no we don't. I told Alan to take Vegas Boulevard. We've got plenty of time."

I remembered and peeked out the tinted windows. The tall columns of Caesar's Palace swept by and I bit my lip. I loved Las Vegas. I had been born there and raised and had loved every moment of it. Now that I thought about it, though, almost every moment Ayden had spent there was tainted by struggle, loss, or sorrow. What if now that all the obstacles were clearing from his path, he wanted to venture farther out into the world?

"What are you worrying about, Honey Bee?" Ayden asked. He coaxed me back against his side.

"Have you thought about where you want to be? I mean now that things are smoothing out, there is no reason you have to stay in Las Vegas full time."

He chuckled. "There is one very good reason I have for staying here permanently." He held up my hand and showed me the glittering engagement ring. "Sorry, darling, but you're going to be stuck with me. Wherever you are, I want to be."

"So if I want to stay in Las Vegas, you'll be alright with that?" I looked deep into his laser blue eyes.

"There is no place I would rather be except maybe there," Ayden nodded out the window. The dancing fountains of the Bellagio burst into the sky and then dropped leaving rainbows in the mist.

I grinned and laced my fingers through his. "Remember our night there?"

"How could I forget my first night in a penthouse suite?"

"All I remember is how much I wanted you. You were so intimidating, but I was drawn to you. I spent a lot of that night wide awake with you on my mind," I confessed.

Ayden sat up and looked at me. "Really? So did I. I hardly slept a wink, but tried to blame it on the overabundance of luxury."

"A flimsy excuse."

"I know," Ayden laughed. "I just did not want to admit how badly I wanted you. I was trying to be a gentleman."

"Well," I pressed my thigh against his, "I think we should reserve the penthouse again soon, and this time make sure we have the night we both wanted so, so badly."

He gave a shudder of pleasure at my purring before he shook his head and changed the subject. "Are you happy with your wedding ring? I realize a girl born and raised in Vegas might be wanting a Harry Winston diamond."

"I love my ring, my bees." I held it up protectively.

Ayden smiled and fiddled with the ring sending rainbows all over the roof of the limousine. "Have you given any thought to what kind of wedding you want?"

The air whooshed out of my lungs, and I struggled to catch it back. It was really happening. I was going to marry Ayden King. "Ah, um, I thought about it a lot when I was in junior high," I joked.

"A big white wedding with an enormous dress and mountains of flowers?" he asked.

"No. No horse-drawn carriages either. I do want a church wedding, though," I ventured a glance at his face.

His jaw flexed. "I don't know about that. It might be a little depressing. Your side will be jammed pack with all your friends, and there won't be a single soul on my side unless Alan and Darla take pity on me. Why don't we just elope? I hear there are even drive-through wedding chapels here in Vegas."

"No, no thanks," I quipped. "Though I'm sure we'll figure something out. I mean just look at the window and pick a fantastic venue."

Ayden looked out over my shoulder and was blinded by the impressive glass front rise of the Mandarin Oriental. "Done," he said.

I laughed and swatted his knee.

We drove the rest of the way in comfortable quiet as Alan easily lost the rest of the reporters. It was not until he had turned down a side street that Ayden began to tense up. The street changed to a long road shrouded by tall gates and fences topped with barbed wire. We were coming to a hard place for Ayden to face, and I sat up to give him room.

He took my hand and laced his fingers through mine then squeezed. Ayden did not need to be there, but he had insisted. He was determined to face it no matter how uncomfortable it made him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked quietly.

"I have to."

Alan pulled the limousine to a stop next to a towering, thick metal door. It was so huge that within it was another regular sized door. Ayden got out of the limousine, shut the door behind him, and blew me a kiss through the tinted window. Then he leaned on the side and faced the smaller door and waited.

Long, slow minutes later, a light came on and a buzzer sounded. There was a loud metallic click and the smaller door swung open. A guard looked at Ayden, nodded, and then checked the area. Once he stepped back inside, he announced something I could not hear and the door was left open.

Joseph King stepped through the door and stopped, stunned. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you got released today, and I figured you might need a ride," Ayden smiled and gestured to the long, sleek limousine.




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