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Claiming His Fate: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Scarlet Mountan Pack Book 4) by Aspen Grey (19)


I was sitting outside with Martin when the foxes returned. They hadn’t sent any word, and when I smelled them coming back through the trees I almost couldn’t believe it.

“No way,” I said out loud, getting to my feet and looking toward the tree line.

“What is it?” Martin said, but stopped as he caught the scent too. He grinned at me and called over his shoulder. “Osana!”

Red and Kitchi had been gone much longer than expected. They’d gone out for a simple hunt, but had run into some other foxes on the other side of the mountain. Red had let Tate know he was going to be back later than expected, but I guess he’d figured showing up and surprising everyone would be a fun way to return.

Osana stepped out onto the porch beside me as the evening light fell, and looked at us both. “What is it?”

“Smell that?” Martin said with a grin. Osana frowned, lifted her nose to the wind, inhaled, then almost fell over.


She gasped as Red and Kitchi darted out of the woods, their crimson coats sparkling as the slanted evening light hit them.

Red shifted first, a proud smile on his face. He was tall, with strawberry blond curls. The foxes were always…prettier than the wolves.

Kitchi shifted next. He was always stern, stoic, almost unfriendly and laconic in his speech, but even he had a tenderness beneath his normally stony visage.

“Boys!” Osana squealed with delight, throwing her arms into the air and racing across the back lawn toward the other members of her pack. Martin and I chuckled as they embraced. There was something funny about seeing a grown woman hugging two completely nude adult men.

“If those boys were straight like me,” Martin chuckled. “This little greeting would be a great opening scene to a porno.”

I chuckled as the three embraced and greeted one another, then slowly made my way across the lawn to meet them.

“Kitchi!” I said, extending a hand. He shook it firmly, and I realized just how much I’d missed the guy. He was a warrior, a real warrior, and brought a different dynamic to the lodge. The place was safer with him here.

“Seth,” he nodded. “How are you?”

“All right,” I nodded back. “You guys finally made it back.”

“Slight diversion,” he replied. “Another fox pack on the other side of the mountain.”


“Yes. Potential allies in the future.”

“Seth!” Red roared, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. “It is good to see you!”

“You too, Red!” I smiled.

“I trust you’ve been well?” He asked. Red always spoke like an old-fashioned king or someone out of a fantasy novel.

“Very well, thanks,” I told him.

We made our way toward the house as Tate came out the back door. Kyle was with him and they both perked up at the sight of the foxes returning.

“Kitchi!” Kyle laughed, racing over to the group. Hugs for everyone as the foxes were welcomed back to the pack. The foxes headed inside for a quick change, then returned to join the rest of us on the back porch. Osana brought tea for everyone.

“So, did Seth tell you about his major life change?” Tate asked. The foxes’ ears perked up and I felt myself start to blush as they looked at me.

“I – met my fated,” I told them softly.

“Congratulations!” Red said enthusiastically.

“Well done,” Kitchi said with a look on his face that was almost a smile.

“Thanks, guys,” I said softly. It was impossible for me to hide my emotions when I thought about Harry, and I probably looked like a silly lovesick puppy.

“How did you two meet?” Red asked me.

“At the mill,” I told him, not sure of how much detail I should go into at this point.

“Harry, his omega, was being held by a terrible alpha named Kade,” Tate told them. “Seth rescued him.”

“Lot of that going on around here,” Kitchi said with a frown. Tate nodded and squeezed Kyle’s hand.

“Anyway, enough about me,” I said, doing my best to lighten the mood. “Tell us about your fox friends!”

“They reside on the far side of the mountain,” Red told us. “A small group, but growing.”

“We picked their scent up and tracked them,” Kitchi went on. “Luckily our first meet was peaceful.”

Even with shifters of the same species, battles over territory were quite common. In order to maintain distance from the humans, and live in freedom, private living spaces were a hot commodity, and pack leaders weren’t always that interested in sharing.

“They’re relatively private,” Red continued. “Away from town. But close to a gas station with lots of traffic.”

“Place stinks,” Kitchi growled. “So many trucks.”

“Wait, what!?” I gasped. “What do you mean – trucks?”

“The gas station. Absolutely filled with them.”

I felt Tate’s eyes on me, and looked at him. We were both thinking the same thing.

“Kitchi,” I said slowly and deliberately. “Did you smell any shifters down there? At the gas station? Any wolves?”

Kitchi nodded. “A pack. A few alphas. Tons of omegas.”

My eyes narrowed.

Could it be? Was it Kade?

“What is it?” he asked me.

“I know you guys just got back,” I said. “But are you ready to go out again?”