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Club Thrive: Predator by Alison Mello (21)













I sit back on the couch anxiously awaiting news from our lawyer. He went to court to represent Shelly and Ryker today. I have to say it’s been one of the longest days of my life. I’ve spent a lot of time playing with the little guy and snuggling with him on the couch. I’m not sure if it’s because I fear losing time with him to that loser, or it was my way of occupying my time, but I can honestly say work wasn’t cutting it. I feel bad for poor Shelly. She walked out the door this morning a nervous wreck, but she can’t afford to miss any of her clinical time. She has to get so many hours in or it will set her back and she won’t graduate on time.

I’m really hoping to have something to celebrate tonight. “Mikey, can we watch a movie?” Ryker asks when he’s done flipping through the cartoons on TV.

“Sure, little man. Go pick one and I’ll start it.” The second he jumps off the couch to pick a movie my phone rings. I literally jump out of my seat to check it and am thrilled when I see it’s the lawyer. “Hey Jerry, can you give me one minute?”

“Sure,” he responds, sounding happy.

“Ryker, pick a movie so I can get it going. I have to take this call in my office.” He pulls out the Disney movie Cars and hands it to me. I place it into the player and grab my phone. “Sorry, Jerry, just one minute. I have Ryker and I’m getting him settled.”

“No problem. I’m in the car on the way to the office, so take your time.”

I press play on the DVD player and cover him and his bear with a blanket. “Thanks, Mikey.”

“You’re welcome, little man. I’ll be back as soon as I’m done. Come get me if you need anything.” I grab my phone and hurry to my office. “Okay, Jerry, tell me you have some good news.”

“Well, good and bad,” he announces. “The good news is that his motion was postponed until his trial is over. Another woman has come forward and accused him of rape, and now he has to go back to court. He somehow managed to make bail, but the judge would not agree to let him see his child with the charges he has against him.”

“What’s the bad news?”

“He’s livid. He held it together in court so he wouldn’t get into trouble, but I don’t trust this guy. He’s angry, and from what I’ve heard, he’s vicious and vindictive.” He sighs into the phone. “You didn’t hear this from me.”


“I have some friends in high places, and from what I’m told, they have enough to convict him on the rape charges, especially since the victim is willing to testify. The cops have been keeping a close eye on him and it looks like he’s been watching you guys from afar. I have a feeling he was planning to get visitation and then run with Ryker.”

“Fuck,” I whisper into the phone.

“I wouldn’t tell Shelly that much because I could be totally wrong, and I think she should enjoy this victory. Just make sure you guys are watching your backs.”

“Always. Thanks, Jerry. This is good news, and hopefully he will be put away for a long time and we won’t have to worry about him anymore.”

“My fingers are crossed. I’ll be in touch if we have to go to court again.”

“Thanks.” I cut the call and dial Sky.

“Hello, Michael,” Sky answers with laughter.

I growl. “You know I hate that.” I shake my head.

“I know, but it’s fun to mess with you from time to time. What’s up?”

“I just got some good news from the attorney and was hoping to plan a girls’ night for tomorrow night for Shelly to celebrate. Are you down?”

“I’m always down for some fun. I’ll let the nanny know right away and make Logan clear our VIP section.”

I burst into laughter. “Make him clear it?”

She giggles. “Yeah, you know how it is. I’m pretty damn spoiled and my girls and I get what we want.”

I shake my head like she can see me. “You’re lucky that man loves you.”

“Don’t I know it. Besides, he leaves that one free for us most of the time anyway.” I hear the laughter in her voice. She’s talking like she’s in charge and the section is probably already free.

“Thanks, get in touch with the rest of the girls for me? I have to make some arrangements with Slade and Cole.”

“You got it.” She cuts the call and I continue to work on the plans to not only keep my family safe, but do some celebrating. Ryker is going to Brea’s this weekend, so we are good as far as he goes, but I still want someone on their house as well as at the club. As soon as everything is arranged with Slade, I call Brea. She answers with a panic. “Is everything all right?”

“Relax. Everything is fine. I wanted to let you know that when we drop Ryker off tomorrow, Cole will be there to watch over your place. Eli isn’t thrilled with how things went in court today, but his loss is our victory, and Sky and the girls are going to Club Thrive with Shelly to celebrate. I have Slade going with them and Cole will be with you guys.”

“Sounds good. She could use a night out. She works so hard, and with all this stress, it’s a good way for her to let go a little.” She sounds sad.

“I agree. We’ll be there around six with Ryker and Cole. Is that cool?” I ask.

She agrees and I cut the call.

I need to go check on him. He’s such a good kid…he hasn’t peeked in here once since I left to come into my office. I look at the clock and note Shelly will be home soon. When I take a seat next to him, he instantly switches positions to snuggle into my side and it makes me smile. Man, I love this kid, and would do anything to see him happy, and though it’s great to be holding him, I can’t stop thinking about Shelly and what she must be going through, so I decide to shoot her a text.


Mikey: It’s good news. I’ll fill you in when you get home.


Shelly: Thank you. Leaving here shortly.


Mikey: See you soon.


I need to preheat the oven and get the stuffed roasted chicken I have in the fridge going. I look down to see Ryker’s eyes are droopy, but it’s too late in the day for him to sleep. I want him to go to bed early so I can have some quality time with Shelly. “Hey, bud. I have to get dinner going. Do you want to help?” There really isn’t much to do, but he needs to wake up. He nods his head. “Okay, come preheat the oven for me.” I pick him up and carry him to the kitchen. He pushes the buttons on the oven and a yawn escapes him. “What do you say we give you a bath now, so after dinner you can lay down in your room with a movie? Then if you want to sleep, you can.” He nods again. “Okay, go pick some clean pajamas and I’ll get the tub going.” I put him down and he runs off. This poor kid hasn’t been sleeping too well, and I’m hoping when I give him and Shelly the good news, they’ll both be happy and sleep a little better. Ryker comes into the bathroom with his brand new Lego pajamas and a clean pair of Paw Patrol underwear. He puts them on the counter and takes off his dirty clothes, placing them into the laundry basket and then climbs into the tub.

“You all right, little man?”

He nods. “Sleepy.”

“Okay, well, let’s get you washed and you’ll feel better.” I grab the cup that Shelly leaves in here for washing his hair and get busy wetting it. He puts his head back and I run water through his adorable curls. I make quick work of shampooing his hair, and then give him the washcloth with soap on it for him to do his body. Shelly has started to teach him to make sure he gets all his parts. It’s actually cute because she rambles off the part she wants him to wash and he does it. “Legs,” I tell him. He stands and washes his legs. I continue on until his entire body is clean, and then I give him his bath toys to play with. “I’ll be right back.” I run to the kitchen, put the chicken in the oven, and then hurry back to make sure I don’t leave him alone too long. He’s a good boy, but I get nervous when it comes to small kids and water.

We hear Shelly come walking through the door. “I’m in the bathroom with Ryker.” She comes in to find Ryker still in the tub and me on the floor. His fingers are pruned because I’ve let him play far longer than she usually does, but we were having fun and it was a great distraction to keep him up.

“Well, it looks like you two are having a good time.”

“We are,” Ryker announces, continuing to play.

“Wow, check out those wrinkled fingers. I think it’s time we get out.”

He pouts. “Do I have to?”

“Yes, because I have some news to share with you and Mommy.”

“Okay.” He stands, pressing the drain on the tub to let the water out. I grab the hooded towel that he loves, wrap him all up in it, and pick him up out of the tub.

“Shelly, why don’t you get comfortable, and when you’re done, I’ll tell you both the news.” She literally runs off to our room to change out of her clothes. “I think Mommy is excited to hear the news.”

“Me too,” he giggles.

“Well, okay then. We better get you dressed.” He quickly puts on his clothes and I run a brush through his hair. As soon as I’m done he bee lines it for the couch. He likes to sit in the middle when it’s the three of us.

I take a seat next to him, and when Shelly takes her seat on the other side, she says, “Okay, we’re all here.”

“Well, I spoke to Jerry today and he said the case has been postponed because of another trial.” Shelly looks thrilled and Ryker looks confused, which I expected. “Ryker, that means you don’t have to see your dad anytime soon.”

A huge grin spreads across his face. He jumps into my lap and squeezes me tight. “Thank you, Mikey.”

“Awww, you’re welcome, little man. We all know you don’t want to see him and we understand why. Your mom and I will do everything we can to make sure you never have to see him again.” I rub my hands up and down his little back.

“I love you, Mikey. I want you to be my daddy.”

My eyes instantly well with tears and my throat tightens. I can’t even speak. “I know, little man. I know.” I whisper past the huge lump in my throat. “I love you too.” When I look over I see Shelly wiping the tears from her eyes. I lean in to Ryker’s ear, “I think Mommy needs a hug too.”

He walks across the couch to his mom, and when he sees her crying, he says, “Don’t cry, Mommy. I love you too.” His voice so innocent.

“I know, buddy. Mommy is crying because I’m so happy.” He leaps at her and wraps her in a huge hug.

“Now, who wants more news?”

“There’s more?” Shelly asks.

I nod. “Ryker, how would you like to spend tomorrow night at Auntie Brea’s house?”

His eyes light up. “Yay!” he shouts excitedly. Shelly already knew that part, but we were surprising him with it. We didn’t want him to drive us crazy all week asking if it was time to go to her house yet.

“Good, because Mommy has a girls’ night planned with her friends at Club Thrive, so we need you to be a good boy.”

“Really?” Shelly asks. I smile and nod.

“Sky is setting everything up and I confirmed everything with your sister this afternoon.”

“Oh, you are a good man. I may have to reward you this evening.” She gives me a devilish grin.

I wiggle my brows. “I was hoping you would say that.”

“Hence bathing Ryker and getting him into PJs.” She giggles.

“Well, that was because he was tired and I didn’t want him to doze off at five, but it works for that too.” The timer on the oven beeps, telling me our dinner should be done.






“Dinner was delicious.” I rub my belly, full from the big meal Mikey made.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Mikey says, grabbing our three plates and stacking them up. “Why don’t you get Ryker into bed and I’ll get everything put away.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I say as Ryker lets out his third yawn since we sat down to dinner. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go wash your hands and face.” He climbs down from his seat and follows me to the bathroom. It only takes but a minute to get him cleaned up and his teeth brushed. As soon as he’s done, I get him settled into bed with a Disney movie. I kiss him goodnight, turn down the light, and shut his door. His eyes are already droopy because he hasn’t been sleeping well. He either wakes in the middle of the night from a nightmare or gets up really really early, and after a while that wears on even a five year old.

When I get to the kitchen, Mikey is loading everything into the dishwasher. “Do you need any help?” She comes up behind me and wraps her hands around my waist.

“No, I’m almost done,” he tells me as I plant small kisses all over his back. I slip my hands over his hips, reaching for his cock. I’m hungry for him and I don’t know how much longer I can wait. “What are you doing?” He shuts off the faucet. I scrape my teeth over his muscle.

“I’m hungry.” I begin tugging his shirt from his pants, slowly running my fingers over his bumpy six pack abs. They are the biggest turn on. “I love this right here.” I glide my hands across the top of his V. He spins around, his mouth crashing into mine. He grabs my hair and pulls slightly, changing the angle and deepening the kiss.

He pulls away and growls, “Bedroom now!”

I slowly run my tongue over my lips. “I love it when you take charge.”

He bends over, scooping me up. He puts me over his shoulder and carries me to the bedroom. Sliding me down the front of his body causes my tunic top to ride up. He grabs it and lifts it over my head. “Strip those leggings and get on the bed,” he demands. I tear them from my body, thong and all, tossing them across the room. Climbing on the bed with my ass in the air to give him the perfect view, I lie myself down in the middle, and by the time I’m done, he’s not only drooling, but ridding himself of all his clothing.

“Is someone being a cock tease?” he asks, his breath caressing my lips as he gently rubs his nose over mine.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I respond coyly.

“Oh yeah, well. I got something for that ass.” He slips two fingers inside my soaked pussy, curling them to ensure he hits that special spot. The spot he knows drives me insane and will quickly bring me to a quivering mess. My lids instantly droop as I enjoy the pleasure he’s providing me. I bite my lip, on the brink of pure ecstasy when he stops. Using his lubed fingers, he pokes at my ass, causing me to flinch and tighten up. “Relax, baby. I won’t hurt you.”

“I know, but…” my words trail off as he continues poking at my tight opening. “I’ve never done that before.”

He gives me a devilish grin. “There’s a first time for everything.” He chuckles at the look of fear on my face. “Don’t worry, baby, you won’t be ready tonight, but I would love to claim this ass at some point.” He grinds his thick cock into my hip. “Tonight I simply want to savor this beautiful body.” His lips crash down on mine, my fingers pull at his thick dark hair, but he doesn’t relent. Our tongues are battling for control and he’s not giving it up. He licks up my jaw to my ear, and then kisses his way down my neck to my nipple, sucking it into his mouth before he pays the other equal attention. Wasting no more time, he seats himself at my sex and begins lapping up the evidence of my arousal. I’m soaked and he’s drinking it up like a dehydrated man in a desert while I grind my hips to find my release. “Be still, woman,” he says with a devilish grin, looking up at me from between my legs. He licks at me slowly, never breaking eye contact. I close my eyes and whine in frustration. The second I stop moving my hips, he attacks my clit, sucking it hard and rolling his tongue over it. It takes me seconds to find that delicious release I was looking for. My legs begin to shake and I bite my lip, almost drawing blood as I try to hold back my screams.

“Fuck, Mikey,” I pant as he continues his assault while I ride out an intense orgasm.

He licks his lips savoring every last drop of my release. “Flip over baby.” I love when he takes me from behind and he knows it. He slips his cock into my warm, wet pussy, and then pulls my hips backward so I’m sitting on his lap. He begins nibbling at my neck as he thrusts his hips forward, slamming his cock inside me.

“Mikey, this feels amazing.” I roll my head back onto his shoulder, enjoying the ride until he pushes me back down onto the bed. He grabs my hips to the point of bruising and begins giving it to me in the punishing rhythm I love.

“Come on, baby.” I can hear the want in his voice, and it’s enough to send me over. My pussy clamps down on his cock, sending him over the edge with me. He buries himself inside me one last time, emptying every drop deep inside my pussy.

I’m completely spent when I collapse on the bed. I don’t care that I’m a mess and I gave him no warning that was deliciously exhausting. He rolls off the bed, kisses me on the head, and says, “I’ll be right back.” He comes back a few minutes later with his teeth brushed and a warm wash cloth. He gently cleans me up and then gets rid of the dirty cloth before climbing into bed.

He wraps his arm around me and says, “Do you want to have another baby?”

I roll over to look at him. “I would love to. I agree with you it should be after I finish school, and in all honesty, I’d like to be married before I go down that road again. Ya know, do it right.”

He chuckles. “I get it and I agree. I wouldn’t dream of getting you pregnant without making you permanently mine first.” He kisses me. “But I love you and I’m glad you’re on board with having another kid. Not only do I think it’s good for Ryker to have a sibling, but I’d like a child of my own. I will forever treat Ryker like mine, don’t get me wrong, but it would be nice to have someone to carry on my name.”

“I understand and I’m with you. I love you and I definitely want to give you a baby of your own.”

He kisses me again. “I love you too.” He pulls me close and holds me tight as I fall asleep.





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