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Commander in Briefs (Commander in Briefs Series Book 1) by Kristy Marie (18)


“Let’s go! Rise and shine, gentlemen!”

I bang on each bedroom door with a vengeance. It’s five a.m. and we promised to help a local organization rebuild a veteran’s home who was injured in the line of duty. He’s wheelchair-bound and his home is no longer conducive to his way of life. His wife is a homemaker, raising their four children, and doesn’t have the means to do the remodel herself. I feel for my fallen brother. Losing both legs and going home, unable to be the man you once were, is rough. If we can alleviate their struggle, even slightly, I will rest easier.

Anniston thought it was a great idea and encouraged me to take all the guys. She’s big on giving back. I’m not saying I’m not, I just don’t like crowds or socialization in general.

After a restful night with the blue pill, I’m alert and energetic, ready to get the morning going. It’s an odd sensation for me but it feels good. Really good, actually. I bang once more on Hayes’ door. He hasn’t made a sound.

“Hayes! Get the fuck up or I’m coming in there!”

Some days I feel like a parent with these guys. I would never admit that to Theo, since he already tells jokes about Ans and me playing house, but most days it really does feel like it.

Hayes is still silent as I fish for my master key. I don’t have time for this shit.

“I’m coming in,” I warn as I slide the key in.

I hear rustling and give it another second. The last thing I want to do is walk in on him playing with his dick. “You’re working my nerves, Sergeant.”

Finally, the door cracks open revealing a wide-eyed Hayes. “Is the Commander up?”

I give him a what-the-fuck-do-you-think look. She and Theo went for a run first thing this morning. I hung back, giving them some space, and used our home gym for my morning workout. “Yeah, what’s the problem?”

“I, uh, have a rash…”

What the fuck? Really? Am I really going to counsel a grown-ass man on safe sex?

“Where’s the rash?” I’m already disgusted thinking about having to ask Anniston for some antibiotics or whatever the fuck clears this shit up. If it can be cleared up. Oh hell, I am not in the mood for this.

“It’s, uh… on my sack, sir.” He at least seems embarrassed. His face is bloodred as he tries hard to hold my scathing look.

“For fuck’s sake. I am not about to take a look at your balls. You’re going to have to man up and face the Commander.”


“No, you aren’t going with us, spreading who knows what. Go see the Commander.” I slam the door in his face, his mouth open in shock. I can’t do this, not today. I have a schedule and I don’t have time to sit here and inspect Hayes’ balls.

“Let’s go, assholes,” I shout as I head down the hallway, my mood tanking by the second.

Mason and Vic round the corner, pulling on their shirts. I promised the association we could get most of the work done today. I need more man power now that Hayes is out of commission.

For a second, I think about asking Theo and then pinch myself for having such a stupid idea. I would rather do double work than ask that asshole for anything. “Where’s Tim?”

Vic and Mason look behind them like Tim will magically appear. “We don’t know, sir.”

Great, just great.

“Commander!” I’m bellowing down the hall, my patience all but gone. I need to get out of here. I’m almost to the kitchen when she appears, maize-colored hair pulled tight into her trademark bun, her tiny shorts riding high on her hips.

“What’s wrong?” She looks me over, concerned. I guess it’s out of character for me to scream for her in broad daylight. Nighttime is a different story.

I shake off my frustration so it won’t project into my words. I don’t want her to think I’m upset with her. “I need help. Hayes has some kind of rash on his junk that you need to look at. I don’t know what it is, but I am not taking a chance and taking him with me.”

Mason and Vic choke out a laugh before masking it. If I wasn’t so pissed myself, I would laugh, too.

“A rash where?” Anniston’s lips are struggling to hold straight. I give her thirty seconds before she’s hysterical.

“His junk, Commander.”

Her chest is starting to shake. “And, how do you know it’s on his junk?”

Oh, for goodness’ sake. Everyone is a fucking comedian around here.

“Commander. This is serious.”

She snorts out a wild laugh and catches herself. With her hand clutching her stomach, she holds the rest of her outburst in. “I’m sorry, Cade. I will handle Hayes’ rash. What’s the other issue?”

Thank you.

“I need more manpower.”

She mulls over my problem for a second, her finger to her mouth, reminding me of Theo. She isn’t biting her nail but it’s close. I wonder if she even realizes she’s doing it.

“What about Lawson,” she wonders, slipping her hand down when she realizes it was in her mouth. “Do you think he’s ready?”

I’m not sure how to answer her. Lawson is stable. I don’t know what his deal is yet, as we haven’t been able to gain his trust enough for him to tell us. Taking him out on an unsupervised outing is risky. Usually, we’re positive about the mental state of the guys before we introduce them into a social situation. Having Lawson in someone’s home could be bad if it goes wrong. But I need another guy…

“I’m not sure,” I return honestly. Lawson could be crazier than shit but I won’t know until I see him in action.

Anniston sighs. “I could ask Theo.”

I’m shaking my head before she can get his name out fully. “That’s okay, we can manage.”

She chuckles and clasps my shoulder. “Take Lawson with you. I’m sure he’ll be fine. But call me if you have any problems.”

I nod, a knot forming in my stomach. “Okay.”

“Good. Tim’s been in the truck for the past half hour. Go, before he dies out there in the heat.” She places a sweet kiss on my cheek and heads for the stairs, taking two at a time before she shouts, “Connor Hayes! Let me look at your balls!”

Finally, I breakdown and laugh. This is my crazy life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sweat drips down my back as I hammer the last nail into the new wheelchair ramp for Doug, our fellow Marine. The community here is tight, all the neighbors are out on their porches or here, helping us. We’re almost finished; we only lack a ramp on the back deck. I’m not sure we’ll finish today but it’s enough that he can come home to be with his family.

“Major, do you want me to start cleaning up?” Mason is drenched, his shirt coming off hours ago in this ninety-five-degree weather.

He and the guys have drawn quite the fans. They’ve not had to ask twice for a glass of water, that’s for sure. Women came out of the woodwork to offer up beverages, amongst other things. Other things that put a smile on these guys’ faces all fucking day.

They now want to volunteer all the time. Figures. It’s not like I didn’t get the welcome committee, I did. I shut it down before any of my admirers could bat an eyelash. I’m not looking for a quick fuck or a girlfriend, so they were just wasting my time and theirs.

I take a look around before answering Mason. Most of the volunteers are taking a break or packing in their things, heading home for the evening.

“Yeah, go ahead and start rounding up the guys. I’ll let the foreman know.”

With a nod, Mason jogs off to the others. I gather my tools and head around the back of the house where tents are set up. The foreman is a local contractor who initialized this project and managed to get everything donated for the family.

If you had told me six months ago that civilians cared about their military, I would’ve laughed in your face and called you a liar, but now, after seeing this community come together for a fallen brother… I am a believer that there is good in this world.

Meeting Anniston was my first proof of that, but I didn’t know more existed. I thought she was the only one. An angel sent just for me…

I round the corner, scanning for someone to ask where I can drop these tools.

“Thanks for volunteering, Major Jameson.” Randy, the foreman, peeks out from behind the water cooler. “We really appreciate you and your men offering assistance. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”

“No problem. We’re honored to do it.”

He moves around from the cooler, chugging his water. I envisioned Randy as a big, bearded man—something like a lumberjack. So this hundred-fifty-pound gentleman really threw me when I met him this morning. He has to be in his late sixties. I thought for sure he would stroll through, bark orders and then leave. But nope, he barked orders, picked up a hammer and put my guys and me to shame in the work he cranked out.

“I wanted to tell you we are headed home for the day but will be happy to return tomorrow, should you need us.”

“Absolutely. Six a.m.?”

Ugh. I was hoping for at least seven but it is scorching hot, in the middle of summer, so I guess it’s best we get most of the work done in the early morning hours.

“We’ll be here.”

We shake hands and I quickly finish cleaning up the rest of my mess. I haven’t seen the guys yet, otherwise I would be making those assholes grab some of these scrap pieces of wood and help me pile them neatly beside an old oak.

By the time I’m done, the sun is starting to set and I’m starving. I hope it’s Commander’s turn to cook. I don’t think I can take another shitty meal after a long ass day like today. I know it’s good for the guys to learn how to cook so they’re self-sufficient but damn…

“Major!” Vic is running down the sidewalk, his eyes full of fear. “We have a problem. We can’t find Lawson.” He’s winded as he tries to hurry out the words. Like that’s going to make it better or something.

My stomach clenches as the thought of having to tell Anniston that I lost Lawson makes me want to heave right here in the bushes. Fuck! I knew I shouldn’t have brought him. I knew it was too soon.

“What do you mean, you can’t find him?” I’m on the move, my eyes scouring the subdivision for any sign of the long-haired blond. “Where’re the others?”

“Mason told us to split up and look for him.”

Thank fuck Mason has some sense.

“Good. When was the last time anyone saw him?” I’m jogging down the sidewalk, focused, Vic right behind me.

“We were working on the ramp, sir, about an hour ago.”

That is absolutely no help, as it’s the last time I saw him. We round a bend and Mason comes into view, a worried look plastered on his face.

“Any luck?” I shout from my position, not giving a shit if we are disturbing the peace of this quiet neighborhood.

Mason shakes his head.

Fuck! This cannot be happening. Anniston is going to lose it.

“What do we do, Major?”

I don’t answer Vic right away. I have no idea what to say.

What we need is more people, to scour the town thoroughly. I only know two other people here and the thought of calling one makes me want to gouge out my eyes with the nails in my pocket. But I’m desperate. Anything to distract me from what I’m about to do. Call Theo.

“I need to make a call.” I dial his number in a fog. My hands feel like someone else’s as I bring the phone to my ear, pacing, my eyes searching the streets for Lawson.

He answers on the fifth ring. “What?”

Yeah, I can’t do this. This may be the worst idea I have ever had in the history of ideas.

“What, Jameson?” His tone is clipped as he barks out his asshole greeting once again.

I almost hang up. The four of us can find him. Maybe we can ask the neighbors for help. They seem like good people.

I groan, frustrated with the position I’ve put myself in. I should have watched Lawson more closely.

“Cade, typically one speaks when they call someone.”

I hate him. I really do.

“I need your help.” There, I said it. I’m prepared for the smartass comment in return.

“Yes, we know that. I’ve told Ans on several occasions I would pay to get you the help you need. You’re welcome.” His voice is smug.

I grit my teeth to stay neutral. I need his help. I can’t afford to piss him off and lose my only resource. But fuck if I don’t want to.

“Lawson is missing. I need you and Hayes to come help look for him.”

“Who’s Lawson?” A crunching noise echoes in the receiver. Is he fucking eating something right now?

“Theo!” My patience is gone but I try to reign in my fury.

He chuckles, crunching some more. “Alright, fine. I’ll help you find the stray.”

One…two…three…deep breath…four. “I need you to bring Hayes, too. Don’t tell Commander where you’re going.”

His deep belly laugh reverberates through the phone. “You are so fucked, Jameson. I’m going to enjoy watching her kick your ass.”

I’ve learned the hard way that as long as you keep fighting back he will get nastier and nastier so I end the conversation gruffly, barking an order into the receiver. “Meet me at the corner of Briar Street.”

He smacks in the phone, taking his time to answer me. “Done. But you owe me.” With that, he hangs up.

What a fucking prick.

Theo and Hayes arrive thirty minutes later. Me, Mason, and Vic have scoured the neighborhood and come up with nothing. I’m exhausted and hungry but I am not leaving without Lawson. I feel like such a failure already and I can’t imagine showing up at home, empty-handed.

“Alright, Cade. Let’s get this shit show underway. I have things to do. Commanders to fuck.”

My hands clench into fists thinking about him fucking Commander. I want to hit him, just once. Is that too much to ask?

Ignoring his dig, I look to the guys. “Split up. We’re going to expand our search to the next neighborhood over a few blocks. Check the cars, houses, anywhere he might be hiding out.”

Theo holds up a finger to stop me. “What if he doesn’t want to be found? Have you ever thought about that?”

I have. And that’s something I don’t want to think again. Sometimes, guys like us just want to be left alone to die or waste away. I’d like to think Lawson doesn’t feel that way but we did find him face down, a needle hanging from his vein. I didn’t want to help him at the time. I didn’t want to escort him to the hospital. But Anniston… she was fucking insistent. We carried him to the ER, where he was detoxed and bandaged up.

Anniston spent a couple hours talking to him, encouraging him to come back with us when he was released. I told her it wasn’t a good idea. Addicts are different from your run-of-the-mill homeless. I was afraid his dealer or friends would come for him, see what Anniston has and steal from her.

Or worse…hurt her.

She waved me off, saying he was different. That she saw hope in his eyes. And then she made me swear not to tell Theo how we found him.

Maybe it’s better this way. Maybe he ran off looking for his next fix and I can tell Anniston that he was a lost cause, that he wasn’t ready to turn his life around. There will always be others, ones who want help.

I look at Theo. “Anniston will want closure either way.”

I turn on my heel, refusing to answer any further questions. I need to think. When I was homeless, I would seek out shelter in low traffic areas. I didn’t want to be seen, to be whispered about. Scaring children was not my thing.

I head to the south entrance of the subdivision as the guys disappear, spreading out in different directions. I peek through the windows of the cars parked on the street, praying no one calls the cops and reports me for scoping the area. Lawson isn’t anywhere to be found. Wherever he went, it isn’t here.

I’m almost ready to call it quits when screams and a loud banging erupt from behind me. Startled, I scan for the source of the screaming. The side door to a small blue house on the corner is thrown open and out runs Lawson, hauling ass, jumping over the front bushes as he goes.

Please tell me he didn’t just rob the place.

I break into a run, attempting to intercept him. I’m not sure what’s going on but he’s not escaping without an explanation.

“Lieutenant!” I shout, running behind him. My body screams in pain from the hours of manual labor I’ve put in, but I catch up easily, fighting through the discomfort. Snagging Lawson’s arm, he pulls to a halt. His eyes are wide with… excitement? It’s hard to tell as he tries to pull free of my grasp.

“Hurry, Major. He’s coming.”

I stand firm, not allowing Lawson to move me from the scene. If he robbed the place, then he’s about to give all that shit back. I am not going to be an accomplice to a crime.

“What did you do?”

He looks at me then at a man charging from the doorway, a small redhead hot on his heels.

“It’s not what it looks like.” He’s pleading for me to run but I can’t.

I can’t allow him to rob these people.

Lawson tries to shake free once more. “Please, sir. Please, run.”

I eye the man charging at us with unbridled rage. I can be calm. I can handle this situation.

The older gentleman approaches. I push Lawson behind me and hold my hands up in surrender. “Sir. What’s the problem?”

He grits his tooth, and I say tooth loosely since several are missing in the front. “Get out of my way. I have no beef with you. Yet.”

I nod, trying to buy us some time. “I realize that, sir. I’m sure we can handle this civilly.”

The redhead finally catches up. She’s out of breath and barefoot.

Ah, shit. Did Lawson fuck this dude’s girl?

I look back and cut him a look. The guilty expression on his face is all I need. He fucked her.

“Get out of my way, boy!” The man yells at me and charges.

Wild-eyed, the redhead screams, “No! Run, Lawson!”

The man turns, grabbing the girl. He shakes her, hard. “Get your whoring ass back to the house!”

Lawson pushes against me trying to get to her. The man has absolutely no self-preservation. “I got this, Laws,” I mumble, then say louder to the angry gentleman, “look, we don’t have to call any names. I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation for all of this.”

He points a meaty finger at Lawson. “He fucked my wife!”

The redhead starts to cry. Lawson is agitated, attempting to step around me but I block him with my body. I need to handle this situation now before it spirals out of control.

“I’m really sorry. I can’t change what happened but I can assure you that it won’t happen again.” I try to smile to diffuse the situation but it only serves to anger him more. Lawson scoffs behind me and the guy loses it.

He charges me and takes both me and Lawson to the ground. “I’m going to fucking kill you!”

I’m dodging blow after blow, trying to stay in between Lawson and this crazy man. He lands a punch to my ribs. It stings but luckily it doesn’t break anything. I try to flip over and take control but this fucker is strong.

“We can talk about this.” I try to deflect, but a punch to my mouth stops any further talk. I’m struggling, Lawson is caught under me, trying to push me off so he can get at this prick. Before he can the guy screams, clutching his side. He rolls off me, moaning in pain. I look up and see that it’s the angel of shit himself. Theo.

He’s standing there holding a bat with a scowl on his face. I can’t decide if I’m happy to see him or pissed off that he had to save me. When he catches me looking, he flashes me an arrogant smile. I’m definitely pissed he had to intervene.

“Okay, now. Fun’s over. Only I get to punch Cade.”

I roll my eyes, pulling myself into a seated position. Lawson springs up and tries to reach for the woman who still hasn’t stopped crying.

Theo points the bat at Lawson’s chest. “Sit down, playboy.” He looks to the redhead next. “Sweetheart, why don’t you grab Grandpa and hustle it back to the house.”

The girl stops crying long enough to glare at Theo. “You, bast—”

Theo holds the bat up, cutting her off. “Now, now, that’s no way to say thank you.” He takes a step closer, crowding her. “Don’t be a bitch. Take Gramps back to the house, maybe give him a little head for having to chase your ass down the block.”

Lawson is at Theo’s back before I can grab him. “Don’t fucking talk to her like that!”

Theo turns slowly, a sneer on his face. Without warning, he swings the bat, knocking Lawson to the ground. Then Theo’s on the ground, fisting Lawson’s shirt, coming nose to nose. “If you ever pull some shit like this again, I will let the fucker kill you. Got it?”

Lawson nods solemnly.

“Now, get up!” He slams Lawson back onto the ground before turning to look at me.

I’m frozen. I’ve never seen Theo like this.

“Get him and let’s go. I’m in no mood to lie to Anniston about why your face is messed up. You’re on your own with explaining it to her.”

I nod, helping Lawson to his feet. The chick sniffles as we leave but helps her husband up, leading him to their house.

Theo has tucked the bat and without another word, heads to his car.

“Hey, Theo!”

He turns with an annoyed look.

“Thanks.” He really saved my ass today.

“I didn’t do it for you.”

Of course not. He did it for her. At the moment, I’m grateful for whatever reason. Lawson steps up beside me watching as Theo and Hayes drive away, rubbing at his ribs.

“I hope you have a really good explanation for this,” I bite, glancing down at the blooming welt on my arm from the cheap shot Gramps got off.

Clearing his throat, his lips pulled down in a frown, Lawson nods. “You’re right, we need to talk.”

I’ve got a sinking feeling shit’s about to get real.





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