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Daddy Duke: Royally Screwed: Book 3 by Faye, Madison (26)

Chapter 10


“What the fuck were you thinking?”

The front door to Nolan’s house slammed shut behind him. I whirled on him and Max, anger roaring through me as I narrowed my eyes at them. What I was feeling was…well, I wasn’t quite sure what it was. A mix of embarrassment, and adrenaline, and maybe a little anger that they’d barged in on my life like that. Or maybe it was excitement that they had.

Kenzie and I had been quiet in the backseat of Max’s Land Rover as they drove her home first.

“Call me,” she’d mouthed as she got out of the car.

And now we were back at the house, just the three of us. I didn’t know where he was, but Garret’s car was gone from the driveway.

“The fuck were you thinking, Cora?” Nolan growled, his face livid and his muscles bunched and straining as he stepped towards me.

“You’re not the boss of me,” I spat back.

Sass. I guess that was my go-to response, to sass him back. I wasn’t even that angry, it was just the swirling mess of emotions and feelings roaring through my head came out like that I guess.

“The fuck I’m not,” he shot back, his eyes narrowing as he stepped right into me, looking down into my eyes. “You’re in my house, Cora. Do you know how much shit I’m risking with that?”

“Yeah?” I hissed. “Well no one asked you to!”

He glanced back at a stern-faced Max before he turned back and narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you drunk?”

“Fuck you.”

Nolan bristled, this crackling energy almost radiating out of him.

“Do not push me, Cora,” he grated out.

“Oh please,” I sneered right back, all the confusing emotions, and the adrenaline from what had happened earlier, and the blazing thoughts of how the man in front of me had rocked my world the other night rushing out at once. “You’re not my dad, you know.”

“Yeah? Well maybe you fuckin’ need a daddy!” he roared back.

“Oh like you?” I smiled sweetly at him, my whole body trembling with energy and my skin prickling as I looked him right in the eye. “You wanna be my daddy, is that it?”

God, I didn’t know where all the piss and vinegar was coming from, but I couldn’t stop it.

“You need to settle the fuck down, Cora,” Max growled, cutting in.

“And you need to stay out of my social life!”

Max’s brow furrowed and his jaw tightened. “Fucking social life? That what you call those two fuck-heads trying to drag you upstairs?”

“I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself,” I spat at him.

“No, you’re temptation on a fucking stick is what you are,” he muttered. My skin tingled at his words, my pulse skipping a beat as our eyes locked.

“How did you even know where I was?”

“You weren’t here, and Nolan heard about that party. We took a drive by and got lucky.”

Lucky? Messing with my life is lucky?”

“Oh, real nice,” Max spat back. “So stopping you from getting assaulted is messing with you, huh?”

“What were you, jealous, Max?” I hissed, the full brat-mode coming out before I could even begin to rein it in.

Max’s jaw tightened, but he kept it shut.

“That it? You jealous of some frat boy getting to put his hands on me?”

“That’s enough, Cora,” Nolan growled.

Max narrowed his eyes at me. “I don’t need to explain myself to you, you ungrateful—”

“Just because you put your hands on me, doesn’t mean you can—”

My lips snapped shut, my brows going high as I clamped a hand over my mouth. Too late, though. The words were out there.

Oh shit.

Nolan whirled on Max, his eyes blazing as his jaw trembled.

“You fucking did what to her?!” he roared, his teeth flashing. But Max didn’t flinch, and didn’t back down at all.

“It was an accident.”

Nolan barked out a brittle laugh. “Did you trip?”

“Fuck you,” Max growled. “How’s the view from that ivory tower, asshole?”

I watched the two gorgeous, big, dominant men face off — in a sense fighting over me — and felt a shiver of heat tease through my body. I’d never felt this before, and I’d definitely never had two men arguing about me like that.

…And it was way hot, if we’re being honest.

“The fuck do you care what happened? She’s an adult, Nolan, and she’s not my student.”

Nolan’s jaw clenched tight, his eyes blazing.

“Oh, right, that’s right, you already slept with her.”

Nolan’s eyes darted to me, and I shrunk away.

“So, you want to pretend I’m the bad guy here? At least I’m not fucking my students, dick!”

Nolan snapped, grabbing Max by the collar and shoving him back. Max growled, yanking Nolan’s hands off of him and jabbing a finger at his chest.

“You better watch yourself, you self-righteous—”

“I’m out of here.”

The whole “two guys fighting over me” thing was turning quickly from sexy to full out fight, and I knew that was my cue to leave. Two guys pushing egos around when it came to me was one thing. Two best friends actually fighting over me was another. I turned to head upstairs, when Nolan’s firm voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Oh, I’m not done with you.”

I shivered, heat pulsing through me and teasing between my legs. I took a shaky breath before turning around and facing them.

“You think this is going unpunished?”

“What, going to a party and having a drink, or kissing Max?”

“Both,” he growled fiercely, making me gasp.

I curled my lip. “So what are you going to do, dad. Ground me? Take away my phone privileges? Spank me?”

“Don’t think I won’t,” he grumbled lowly, his eyes fiercely burning into me, making me shiver. Slowly, Kenzie’s words about being with two men, and having both of them want her like they did came teasing back through my mind. I blushed fiercely as the filthy but toe-curlingly sexy thoughts of two men taking me, and fighting over me, and dominating me together melted through my head.

My eyes darted between the two gorgeous, big, powerful men, and I could feel heat blooming between my legs.

“Keep pushing me, Cora,” Nolan said tersely. “And watch me.”

“This isn’t class, professor,” I shot back. “You can’t punish me.”

“No, Cora, this isn’t class,” he purred quietly. “But this is my house, and you’re under my roof, and you’re goddamn right I'll punish you.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“I would, that’s for damn sure,” Max growled.

I gasped, shivering as they both moved towards me, eyes blazing and hands clenched at their sides, looking like they wanted to devour me.

I swallowed thickly, that damn sass of mine coming right back out.

“A couple of old guys like you? I doubt it.”

The two of them froze, but suddenly, Nolan snapped.

That’s it.”

I gasped as his hands grabbed me tight around the waist, but when he effortlessly lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder, I shrieked.

“Let go of me! Are you kidding me!”

I writhed against his muscled, hard shoulder, kicking and batting at his firm body. But it was useless, of course.

Nolan strode into the living room, marching right over to the couch and sitting down. He pulled me from his shoulder, but before I could even open my mouth, he pulled me right across his knees.

My pulse sizzled.

“In this house, young lady,” he growled, his big hands keeping me pinned across his knees. “You’re going to learn to respect my fucking rules.”

One of his hands grabbed me by both wrists in one hand, the other rested on the small of my back. I squirmed against him, feeling my pulse race and my skin tingle.

…Feeling the heat pool between my legs, soaking my panties.

My face burned.

“You want to test me in my own house, huh?” Nolan growled lowly. His hand slid down from my back, and when I felt it move over my ass, I gasped quietly, shivering against him.

“You want to see what happens when I go out on a fucking limb and you decide to throw it back in my face?”

His hand slid right over the curve of my ass, making me tremble and making my breath catch. He slid down the back of one thigh, until suddenly, his fingers found the hem of the skirt I’d worn out that night.

No way. No fucking way is he going to—

He grabbed the skirt, and before I could even blink, he’d yanked it right up over my ass. I gasped, squirming against him harder and feeling my face burn hot as hell as he pulled the skirt up to my waist, exposing my ass and my panties. Of course, I’d worn a thong that night — this black lacy thing that pulled tight between the cheeks of my ass.

“Going out to parties dressed like this, Cora? Trying to act grown up around boys like that?

“I— I wasn’t—”

Nolan’s hand came down with a smack, the heat of it stinging across my ass and sending a jolt through my body. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped.

“Did you just fucking spank me?!”

“You’re getting ten,” Nolan growled fiercely, his hands holding me tight with the one on my ass just laying across where he’d just spanked. “And I want to hear you count them.”

“You can’t just—”


I moaned this time. Moaned. The feel of his hand against my skin like that sent heat blazing through me, making my whole body tingle and ache for more.

“Count them,” he purred.

Two!” I gasped.

Nolan made a tsking sound with his teeth. “No, we’re starting at one. And every time you interrupted like a bad girl, or don’t count, we start over. Understood?”

I nodded, panting and feeling the raw, forbidden heat shiver through me. I glanced down at the floor to see Max’s feet moving closer, and my face burned even hotter knowing it was both of them looking at me across Nolan’s knee like that with my skirt pulled up and my ass in the air.

“Start from one.”

Nolan’s hand came down across my tingling ass, and I whimpered.


He groaned, and when I felt the thick, throb against my tummy as I pressed against his lap, I moaned.



Three and four came across both cheeks, making me cry out in shock and pleasure as the filthiness of it all burned through me.

“Max,” Nolan growled, stopping with one hand teasing over my bare skin. “Now you.”

There was a silence in the room, and I could hear a low growl coming from Max’s throat.

“Fuck, man.”

“Cora,” Nolan growled. “Max here is going to show you what a bad little girl you’ve been too. You think we’re a couple of old guys, huh? Old enough to be your dad? Well tonight, you’re going to get what you asked for.”

His hand came down with a smack on my blushing ass, and I moaned.


“Tonight, sweetheart,” Nolan purred right into my ear. “You get two daddies.”

His hand slid off of my ass, moving back to the small of my back.

Spank her, Max,” he growled. “She wants to act like a brat, she’s going to get punished like one.”

There was a silence, and I could feel Nolan’s hands on my wrists and my back. I could also feel the blood rushing through my veins, and every single filthy, sordid fantasy I’d never dared to dive into rushing through my head at once.

And then suddenly, I heard Max groan, and it was like the dam was breaking. His hand came down with sharp slap against my ass, making me cry out. My whole body trembled, knowing both big, older men were taking turns spanking me, with my tiny little thong leaving little to the imagination.


Max’s hand came down again, and I moaned deeply, feeling wet heat absolutely soaking through my panties.


I could feel Nolan’s thick, rock hard cock throbbing against me through his pants and as I squirmed against his lap, I could feel it pulse against me. My breath came hard and labored, and when Max’s hand came down on my ass again, I whimpered with raw need.

Holy shit, I wanted them. Both of them. Together, one at a time, whatever. I’d never felt anything so fucking real or so achingly hot before, and it felt like it was going to explode right through me.

Eight!” I whimpered.

Nolan growled, his hand sliding down to grip my ass firmly in his hand before he brought it down on my stinging cheeks.

Nine,” I moaned, and when Max groaned loudly and brought his hand down across my other cheek, I swear the wet heat dripping into my panties was about to start soaking through to Nolan’s knee.


Both men’s hands stayed on my ass, firm fingers gripping warm skin as they both growled hungrily. One hand slid down the cleft of my ass, making me gasp as the fingers teased right over my asshole. The same fingers hooked under the thin, soaked gusset of my thong, and slowly, he started to tug them down. I whimpered, raising my hips and letting him pull them lower. I moaned, feeling the sticky panties clinging to my slick pussy lips before pulling away. He brought them down to my knees, leaving there before sliding back up the inside of one leg.

I could feel Nolan’s big cock throbbing against my belly, and when I felt Max pull close to me, and felt the huge bulge in his pants brush against my ass, I shivered in pleasure.

The hand slid higher up my thigh, and when he moved it right between my legs and cupped my pussy, I moaned loudly.

So fucking wet,” Nolan growled, his fingers teasingly stroking up and down my bare lips. I could feel him drawing my slickness up and down my slit, brushing his fingers over my aching clit and making me jump against him.

“It seems this dirty little girl likes getting her naughty ass spanked by her daddies.”


The word was like a lightning bolt through me, making me gasp out loud and sending heat searing through me. It was so fucking wrong and so dirty, and all I wanted was for him to say it again.

Nolan’s hands moved to my ass, gripping it tight and spreading me wide. I felt my face burn, knowing both men could see all of me, and could see how insanely wet my glistening little pussy was.

“Touch her, Max,” Nolan growled lowly. “Feel how fucking wet this bad girl’s little pussy is.”

Max’s hand slid between my legs, and when his fingers brushed over my clit, I cried out. One of Nolan’s hands stayed on my ass, spreading me for his friend. But the other slid up to cup my jaw, pulling me up and turning me to look right into his eyes.

“You want to be a bad girl, Cora?” he breathed, his lips inches from mine. I moaned quietly, panting for air as his eyes locked with mine and as Max’s fingers started to slide inside of me.

“Well then you’re going to be our bad girl.”

His lips crushed to mine, and I hungrily opened my mouth for the kiss. My pulse spiked, and my whole world spun on its axis as one of the gorgeous, huge, older men kissed me hungrily and gripped my ass tight, while the other eased two fingers deep inside of my pussy.

I kissed him hungrily, moaning into his mouth as Max’s fingers stroked in and out of my slippery pussy. Both their hands grabbed me tight, and both of them moved right against me until I could feel both of their hard cocks pulsing against me through their pants.

I gasped as they suddenly pulled me from Nolan’s lap, pulling me onto the couch sitting between them. I whimpered, my pulse beating like a drum in my ear as I kissed Nolan and felt both men’s hands pull my legs apart, my panties still tangled at my knees.

Bad little girl,” Nolan purred into my lips, his hand sliding up to stroke my eager pussy.

“You going to punish me?”

I swallowed, biting my lip as I looked him right in the eye.

“You going to punish me, daddy?”

Nolan groaned before his mouth crushed to mine again, his fingers curling in and out of me. Slowly, he pulled back, a hungry look in his eyes.

“Kiss him,” he growled, nodding past me to Max. I panted, my chest heaving as I slowly turned and locked eyes with the blond-haired, blue-eyed, gorgeous football star, who was looking at me like he wanted to devour me whole.

Kiss him,” Nolan rasped into my ear, his fingers stroking my pussy. “Bad girls need a daddy to keep them in line,” he whispered fiercely, his fingers driving me wild. Max moved closer, one hand gripping my thigh and the other one sliding up to cup my breast through my t-shirt.

“But it looks like this little bad girl is going to need two.”




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