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Daddy Issues by Wyatt, Dani (45)

Chapter Five


LAYING HERE, WATCHING Ace breathe, I can’t remember ever being so happy.  We made love through the night.  He was insatiable.  Much to my surprise, so was I.

Even in my dreams, I wanted him inside me.  I’d slip into a moment of slumber, wrapped tightly in his arms, only to wake with his voice in my ear and his manhood sliding back into my drenched sex.

The sheets are ruined.  They will have to be burned, I think.  I’d heard about female ejaculation and the whole squirting thing, but honestly, I figured it was just a bunch of bunk.

Not.  The.  Case.

In between all the sex, Ace fed me and made me drink bottles of water.  He fucked me and cared for me so passionately, and I am utterly addicted. 

As well, for the first time in longer than I can remember, I’m at peace.  Ace has taken great care of me these years, but there was always this undercurrent of anxiety. The unknown and what could happen next.  I had no one else in the world.  I never felt grounded until now.  It’s as though we’ve closed the final part of the circle and I can’t imagine ever going back. 

Ace is finally sleeping like a dead man, and I can understand why.  When someone says ‘stamina,’ Ace’s face should pop up because I do not think his cock was less than steel-pole hard since the first time he dropped his pants and I saw what I’d been imagining all these years.

I shift a bit under his heavy arm, trying to ease the aching down below.  When I move, Ace’s arms answer by pulling me tighter.  He has not left me untouched unless he went to the kitchen to get me something.  If we are in the room together, he is touching me, and it is so comforting that I can’t imagine being without him. 

This is a night I will remember forever.  I don’t want it to end, but the sun is reminding me that no matter how much I want to freeze this moment in time, life goes on.  I know Ace has one of his meetings today.  He never misses them.  He’s always been quiet and private until our breakthrough last night, but I do wonder where he goes twice a week. 

Occasionally, he’ll mutter that they are meetings and that he has to take care of business.  I don’t know what he has to meet about; I mean, we have everything we need right here, and these are longer than just a quick chat.  Nine in the morning until four-thirty in the afternoon, once a week for the last year, regular as clockwork.  Occasionally on a Saturday night as well, five thirty until ten.  All I know is, if I try to push him on it he clams up, so I’ve learned to just let it go.  I trust him, I really do.  If it were anything I needed to know, he’d tell me.

He’s never shared much about his life before we met.  Or since.  We’ve existed here in our bubble, and most of what we’ve always talked about is me.  I know a little bit about his career as a bomb specialist in the Marine Corp.  I know about the injury to his leg, but not how it happened or why he had to leave.

I never quite grasped that until now.  I would ask Ace questions over the years, but his answers were always surface level.  No detail or depth, and I took it as part of him telling me to keep my distance.

I’ve known for a long time that I loved Ace.  Now that love has been turned up to a level that scares me.  It’s as if what we did last night dipped all my feelings into gasoline and lit them on fire.  This man could crush my soul.

I swallow hard and sigh, wanting so badly to turn to his ear and tell him I love him.  I want to hear him say the words back to me, a thousand times, and I wonder if someday I will believe him completely.

I secretly hope he will not leave me today for his meeting, but I also told Michaela that I would meet her in town at her new apartment.  I even made her WHAT IS HER CRAFTING QUIRK, and I do want to see her and her new place.  Being apart from Ace for the afternoon may be a good thing anyway.  Give us both a chance to breathe and consider before we come back together.  Make sure this all wasn’t just a haze of opportunity or something else.

There is just something inside me, my own insecurity, that stabs doubt into even this perfect night.  How could a man like Ace want and love a girl like me?  What do I have to offer him?  I shake away the doubt as best I can, even as Ace’s arms lockdown and he shifts in his sleep, placing his lips on my neck and kissing me there.

My belly flutters at the thought of all the kisses he placed all over my body last night.  He said he was claiming every inch of me, that I belonged to Daddy now.  He said I was the most beautiful girl in the world and my heart popped at the thought.

The ways he touched me made it seem like he thought at any moment I would disappear.  He was greedy and entitled.  He did things to me I could not have imagined before, let alone anticipated the waves of pleasure and orgasms they would bring.

The morning sun is turning the room from black to gray.  I look around and see some of the demolition we caused in here.  The chair and table in the corner of Ace’s bedroom are tipped over.  At one point he sat down on the chair and then had me come and sit on his lap, facing him, then put himself inside of me and whispered the most deviously dirty Daddy fantasies into my ear. 

I drenched us both with my orgasms, then he picked me up like a doll and bent me over the table, kicking my feet apart and holding my head down by the hair.  The filth that came from his mouth only made me cum harder.  I never thought the word cunt could be so beautiful.

I’m sure anyone that would have been watching would have thought he was abusing me or something, but I loved it so much.  He ran the whole gamut, from the softest sweet kissing and lovemaking to showing me the beast inside of the man.

I want to be the only one that he comes to for all of those parts of him.  It was an honor in a way to think I was there and he felt free to show me all of his facets.  I know I’ll never be the same.  In a way, he’s ruined me for anyone else.  Not that I want anyone else, but after last night it would be truly impossible.

Ace’s breathing changes.  I hear it in my ear and feel his body harden behind me.

His length is pressed into my backside, and I can’t keep myself from wiggling against him a bit.  Quickly, I’ve picked up on some of the power I have, and I revel in testing my abilities.  As I move, I feel him thicken, the stiffness returning, and a rush of heat cascades over me.

One of his hand's moves and slides into my hair, then down to rest around my throat, squeezing gently to steal the fluttering breath from my lungs.

“Good morning, my little lamb.”  He half moans, and it’s still hard to believe that we are here together like this.

“Good morning,” I manage through the soft choking of his fingers.

“How’s my girl?” 

I nod as his lips kiss and lick my neck.  This sense of connection to him is unlike anything I could have imagined.  I know he is my other half, and my future, I just pray he feels the same.

Before I can think my next thought, Ace has me up and flipped over on top of him.

I never imagined how exciting it would be to be manhandled the way he manhandles me.  The strength he has is incredible.  He flips me up and around like I’m nothing more than a doll, and it’s more exciting that it probably should be.  I feel like a possession in his hands.  A beautiful, cherished possession, but a possession still. 

As I look down at Ace, his eyes flash with that fire I saw for the first time last night, and I’m melting.  Without him, in my life, I would have been lost, and with the way things are now between us, if he ever left me, I would be destroyed.  He is my world, he doesn’t know what I don’t think and I’m not sure how much of my devotion I should show him.  I don’t ever want my feelings to be a burden to him, for him to feel obligated to me.  To this.

He raises his hands, and I bring mine to meet them.  He entwines our fingers and pulls me down, kissing my nose first before capturing my mouth.  His tongue slips between my lips as I take note of his erection tapping between my legs.

As we kiss, I gently begin to sway my hips over the hardness, listening to the inflection in his breathing change as I do.  I rub against him, and I love that I can create these reactions.  How long did I go, thinking he didn’t want me like this? 

“Lamb,” he growls into our kiss.  “Get Daddy’s cock inside you.”

His brash order sends a clutch of desire into my core.

“Yes, Daddy,” I seethe as he lets one of my hands go free and I quickly reach down between us.  I can tell from the look in his eyes that this time is going to be rough.  Instead of doing what he says, I bite down into my lower lip and tease him by stopping my movements and making him wait.

“You better do as you’re told, Lamb.  I need you.  You are going to take it like a good girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes.”  I guide his erection inside of me, feeling a bit raw already.  The way he stretches me takes my next breath away. I have to concentrate and relax to fit him in.  My eyes are locked onto him as I feel him beginning to pulse upward, pushing inside.

As my body takes him, Daddy pulls me down hard, the hand that held mine now at the back of my neck, controlling my movements as he thrusts in and out of me. 

“You like when I take what I want, don’t you?”

I nod and gasp as his cock overpowers me.  I am at his mercy, his other hand digging fingers into my hip, holding me steady as he does as he pleases.

“Good girl.”  He rocks me back and forth, matching his greedy strokes.  His mouth is next to my ear, and I want so much to hear what he has to say next.  His words are as intoxicating to me as anything physical he does.  “You know Daddy loves you, don’t you, Lamb?  He has to hurt you a little bit, he has to do these things to you, but he still loves you.  Tell me you know Daddy loves you.”

I struggle to find the words as he tears in and out of my body.  Heat rises in my core, and that tension begins to gather down low.  Automatically, I clench my inner muscles, urging the orgasm forward as I dig my fingernails into his shoulders and arch my body to give me more of what I need.

In my haste to find my own release, I lose focus, and when I am just at the edge Ace halts all movement, leaving me dangling on that sweet spot just before bliss takes over.

I grunt and fight to move myself on him, but his grip is iron clad, and I’m immobilized by his strength.

“Oh no.”  His voice hardens.  “You don’t get to take what you want right now.  Daddy needs you to do as you’re told, and you haven’t told me what I need to hear.  Your pleasure belongs to me, little girl.  Just like the rest of you does now.”

The hand at the back of my neck slips down my spine, and I swallow a moan, shuddering on top of him at the torture of his denial.  Each of my muscles begins to tremble, and I try to remember what it is I need to tell him.

“Say it,” he grunts and a flash of red light skims across my vision as his hand comes down in a harsh smack on the side of my behind.  “Tell me what I want to hear.  Tell Daddy you know he loves you, even when he hurts you.”

Another blinding strike and I draw in a harsh breath before I find the words.

“I know you love me, Daddy.”  Tears gather in my eyes as he brings down two more smacks on top of the same spot.  Each one stinging more and more.  “I know you love me, even when it hurts me.” 

The next thing I know, I’m up and over again.  Ace never loses our connection, but now he is on top of me, towering above me, gripping each ankle and placing it on his solid shoulders.  He locks his arms on either side of me and then begins to thrust into my very core, so deep I can feel it in my heart.

“I do love you.  Never forget that.  You just have no fucking idea how much.”  A flash of something in his face races my heart.  I see danger there, but not the kind that scares me, more the kind that I hope he unleashes on no one on my behalf. 

His body overpowers mine in this position.  Even if I wanted to get away, I would have no chance.  He truly can do what he wants to me, and that thought has me clenching around him, pleading with my body to let me have what I’ve come so quickly to need. 

To crave.

“You’re going to cum for me when I say.  Not a moment before,” he orders, speeding his strokes as he pushes in and out, in and out, reminding me that my body is still not used to this. 

To him. 

“Yes, Daddy.”  The heat and the throbbing from where he reddened my ass only adds to the need that clutches at my core.

“Good little lamb.”  The words are sweet, but the delivery is harsh, just like the way he’s fucking me.  “From now on, you’ll wear my cum whenever I say.  If we go out, I’ll want it running down your legs to remind you who you are.  Panties, no panties...all up to me now.”

He plows into me with every word, knocking the breath out of me, so all I can do is nod and reach out to grab onto the backs of his upper arms, clinging on for dear life lest he drives me straight through the bed.

“You want that, don’t you?  You want Daddy making you filthy.  Knowing that part of you is only for me.  No one will know all the things I’ll do to you.  I will use you, Lamb.  For my pleasure, just like now.”  He slams into me so hard my eyes roll back.  “Right now, this isn’t about you.  It’s me taking what belongs to me and you doing as you are told.”

The tight grip of his hands circling my ankles brings me back for a moment.  He pulls my legs off his shoulders, spreading me until my hip sockets ache as he looks down and watches what he’s doing to me.

“Ouch,” I whimper.  “Daddy, that hurts me.”

“I know, baby.  Sometimes you will have to suffer.”  He brings my foot to his mouth and sucks my toes into the warmth.  Then a flash of pain as his teeth clamp down and my body seizes at the mixture of sensations.  I’m choking back the next scream when he relents, rubbing my feet tenderly now and whispering, “Just like that.” 

His eyes are mad.  He’s changed.  A primal beast has risen, and I am becoming afraid, but it does nothing to stop the lust that is building. 

“I need to cum.”  Tears roll out from the corners of my eyes and, as he looks to my face, an evil smile curls his full lips at the sight. 

“Don’t you dare.”  As he says it, he shifts my body beneath him in a way that has his erection hitting a spot inside of me, a spot that has me writhing and biting my cheek just to hold myself back.  I wonder for a split second if somehow he’s been given a manual to all the hotspots in my body because I can’t see any other way he can know me so intimately so soon.  Yet he does.  “Don’t you dare,” he says again with a devilish twinkle in his eyes.  “When I say.  How I say. For as long as I say.  And all your orgasms are mine, I’ll tell you when. Got it?”

“Sorry,” I mumble.  And I am.  I’m surprised at how much I never want to disappoint this man.  How I want to give him everything he wants from me and be his everything, the way he is to me.  Even through the pain, I’ve never felt more wanted.  More loved.  More protected.

“Now, you want to give me what I want?”  He thickens inside of me, tearing at my fresh body in this position.  He rests my calves back on his shoulders and lowers his body to blanket mine, never missing a stroke.


His eyes are boring into mine, and the slick slapping of our bodies is the only sound outside of my raging heartbeat booming in my ears. 

Another slight shift of his body and my mouth falls open.  The pressure on my clit, the way he’s stroking inside of me, it’s driving me to the brink of madness.  More tears slip out of my eyes, and I’m utterly his. 

“That’s my girl.  Give yourself to me.  And cum.  Now.  You are my precious lamb.  Daddy’s special girl.”

I lock up, and my body lets go.  I dig my fingernails into his arms and arch into each thrust as I feel his thick, warm release fill me, sending me into another round of flooding orgasm.

I shift myself, wanting to take all of him.  To keep him inside of me until the end of time.