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Daddy Issues by Wyatt, Dani (37)

Chapter Five



I NEVER HAD A FAMILY. Not really. I grew up in foster care after my mother gave me up for adoption when I was just an infant. I thank her for that. From the little I know, my life could have been infinitely worse if she hadn’t made the decision to let me go. So, for that, a woman I don’t remember, I give thanks every day. My life is what it is, and I am who I am because of all the good and bad that has formed me over the years. I can’t blame anyone in my life for the pain, and at the same time, not credit them for all the joy. Fair is fair.

There were adoptive parents, but after a year, I guess they got fed up with me too. One foster family after another tried to use me to milk the system, let me run wild. Nobody cared all that much when I fucked up then spent a couple years in prison.

It wasn’t until probation that I met the first person who actually cared what happened to me. Levi was a good guy, one of the best. As my mentor, he set me straight. The reason I started my Count On program to try to give back in his memory. One person at the right time in your life can make all the difference.

But I never had a family.

Until now. And, yes, two people can make a family. I know that now, down into the very marrow of my bones.

And since I met Lexi, an obsessive need to be a father has begun to consume me.  I see it in every moment.  Lexi round with me.  Her body ample and showing the world to whom she belongs. Visions of us lying in bed with a baby snuggled between us light up my soul.

The sun drifts through the partially closed shades, throwing light and shadows across the room. My work is completed for now. I’m still dressed in my suit from the early morning two-hour Skype call I had with the board of directors. When I finally got them to agree to the handover timeframe and my new appointee, it was nearly ten in the morning. I’d only grabbed a couple hours of sleep through the night, but now I’m as awake as I’ve ever been.

But that’s all behind me. All that exists for me now is her.

“You will do as you’re told, won’t you, Lexi?” I twist a bit of her hair in my fingers, watching her eyes search my face. “You liked Daddy’s rules. I could see it in your eyes last night.”

Her nod is all I need. I’ve never been so proud. To know she’s mine is my greatest achievement, and I will do everything in my power to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

Our lives.

She is my family.

During our dinner last night, we talked about family. She told me about her parents. The tragic car accident that left her an orphan. I gave her some of my background. Our mutual understanding of the unique life of being a child part of the care system here in this country. More and more, we find things that bring us together. Things that would be so hard for anyone else to understand.

I told her how I found my birth mother briefly. Then that I had reconnected with my sister. Every part of her life she shared with me, I tried to balance with something equal about myself. A giving of our history to each other. We have so much to catch up on, but still, nothing feels missing.

“Good girl.” I’ve also never been so goddamned hard.

She’s done exactly as I asked, every step of the way, and her compliance is more of an aphrodisiac than most people would ever understand. She’s put on the clothes I left next to her on the bed as she slept. She’s followed the instructions I left in my note to the letter. Her respect for my commands is ramping up my already fevered desire.

On the nightstand, I see the plate with remnants of the breakfast I left for her in the warming oven in the kitchen. Such a good girl doing as she was told.

I’ve never been a man of God, but I swear there are hymns beginning to play in my head because I’m as close to heaven as I’ve ever been.

She’s wearing the pink nightgown. It’s cotton with white lace trim. Tiny roses dance in generous bouquets over the sheer fabric, her nipples pushing through, hard and ready, waiting for my mouth.

But what’s got my head really spinning is the white ruffled panties. I can only see the vague outline of them, waiting for me under the nightgown, but in my imagination, I see every detail. They’ve been my fantasy since the moment I saw her. The many ways that I want her are beyond any sensible measure, and now, knowing she understands what this is between us, only makes it more beautiful.

More right.

Not wrong.

It could never be wrong anymore.

Before, I was so terrified she would think me vile. Indecent. But it’s just another sign we are one another’s destiny. She is the one woman born to belong to me, and no matter what happens, there will never be another.

Not for me.

Not ever.

She is more than mine.

She is bound to me.

And I to her.

And now is the moment to show her just how our life will be from now on. Nothing held back. No more fear. Just us, who we will be, what we will share.

“You’ve followed Daddy’s instructions so well. I’m so proud of you, princess. You look perfect.”

The same smile that curves her lips tightens my balls. My cum belongs to her, and I’m more than ready to fill her with every inch of me.

“Thank you. It feels a little funny.” She looks down at the outfit I’ve picked for her. Her hands fret with the lace trim around the neckline as her cheeks and chest stain pink with her uncertainty.

“Does your pussy feel funny too, Babygirl?”

Her eyes dart to mine. At first, filled with surprise, then twinkling, darkening. She shifts a bit on her bare feet, her knees rubbing together, and I imagine how wet I hope she is right now. For me.

She pinches her lips together and observes me from beneath her lashes.

I run my tongue over my teeth, admiring her discomfort. I watch her hands drop from her neckline, feel them settle against my forearm before running down to my hand. I love the feel of her as she touches me. The knowledge that she needs me.

“You need to answer me when I ask you a question, baby. Don’t just stare. Daddy doesn’t like to ask twice. Does your pussy feel funny? My pussy.”

I bring my hand down, and both of her hands grasp on to me. I step sideways, pulling her behind me toward the bed. My room has never looked more perfect than it does with her in it. I need her on my bed. Now. Making this place truly a home.

“Yes, Daddy,” she whispers as we reach the side of the bed. “Yes, it feels funny.”

The way we’ve fallen into our relationship roles is more than magic. It’s destiny.

“Hop up here.” I pat the edge of the bed and let her hands go. They instinctively smooth down the front of the nightgown, catching on her nipples, emphasizing the curve of her magnificent tits.

As she turns to settle on the bed, the light coming through the window falls softly on her shoulder, her hip, silhouetting her curves as they move beneath the light fabric. My mouth starts to water at the sight of it, as I watch her gently bite her lip, shifting to make herself comfortable, looking more perfect there than anything I could dream of.

I imagine the way her tits would feel in my mouth. The memory of her cunt on my tongue is still fresh from yesterday. How I’d wanted so badly to take her completely last night, to tie her to my bed for my own pleasure.

But this is better. I had things that needed to be done, business that needed to be taken care of. Now, with all that out of the way, I am free to enjoy her. Leaving her last night was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it was right.

Her hands clasp together in her lap, the little pastel accents on the tips of her hair making her look truly like a doll. And that’s exactly what she is. My doll. Like some imaginary laboratory created her just for me.

“Now.” I step forward, pushing my thighs between her knees, opening a gap exactly my width for me. A hand instinctively goes to her hair and gives it a rough tug, forcing her to look up into my face.

Without hesitation, I lean down and take her lips with mine, listen to the deep breath she takes when my tongue pushes inside her mouth. Her body shivers as I deepen our kiss, my beast raging inside as the momentum builds.

In my mind’s eye, I see my cum dripping from her. From her sweet, freckled nose. From her chin. From her cunt. I see it everywhere, and it’s beautiful.

I brush my hands over the thin fabric that covers her tits, feel the resistance of the nipples, taste the scent of her cunt as it comes up to mix with our kiss. I have to break our connection, have to give myself time to take her mind as well as her body. I shift back a step, leaving her legs open and her mouth agape.

“Who’s in charge here?” I ask, watching her swallow as my words harden.

“You are...” Her lips still shine with our kiss. Her eyelashes flicker, covering and uncovering her doe-brown eyes.

“Who is?” I grunt. If she’s read the rules I left for her last night, she will know she’s fucked up. The way she immediately swallows and shoves her hands under her ass, I can see she’s just realized the slipup.

“You are, Daddy.”

The beauty of my name on her lips is unlike any musical masterpiece my ears have ever heard.

“I’m going to let that one go. We are just starting out, after all. But in future, if you do not use my name when you reply to a direct question from me, there will be consequences. You understand me, Babygirl?” I center my forefinger under her chin and make sure she’s looking directly into my face.

A tiny yelp catches in her throat, and she nods, eyes focused on me, while her answer drips slowly from her lips like honey. “Yes, I understand, Daddy.”

I reach down and twist her nipple through her nightgown, enjoying the shudder that shakes her little shoulders. The scoop neck on the nightgown shows off the flush covering her body, her natural acknowledgment of the power I hold over her. I’m shocked to notice my own hand shaking ever so slightly. The amount of restraint I’m forced to use right now is having an effect on me.

She yelps and mewls, unable to contain her pleasure. I move my hand to find the other nipple and tweak it even harder than the first, watching as her legs jerk and try to come together. But I’m already ahead of her, shoving my knee between them and shaking my head as I shoot her a stern stare.

“I know you read my rules, sweet girl. I also know it will take you time to make them part of who you are. But trust me when I say, if you ever close your legs on me again, you will be sorry.”

Tears start to fill her eyes. The salty water threatens to spill over her lower lids. It does not deter me in the least. In fact, it only sends the animal inside me raging. I see my little girl, the one I’ve waited for my entire life, and no amount of restraint will stop me from taking what’s mine.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” she whispers, her voice almost cracking as she leans her head back and takes a glance at the ceiling. I see her trying to be strong. To fight off the quivering chin. And it only tells me more about what she needs.

I step back a few inches. “Take off your nightgown. Do it slowly.”

Her trembling fingers dance at the hem before raising it slowly up her creamy thighs. Her skin is like alabaster, in such stark contrast to her to her dark eyes and hair. I can’t wait to see if she followed my orders and made sure she is clean and bare for me.

Her hands gather the fabric into fists. My eyes sting with passion as I get my first glimpse of the pure white ruffled panties. I want to lean down and chew them off her sweet cunt. As she raises the gown up over her head, the pink fabric tousles her hair, throwing it into a mess of rainbow colors and dark, dark depths.

“Throw it on the floor.”

I want a mess around us when we are done, and that idea surprises me. I’ve never thrown clothes on the floor before. I’m usually such a neat and tidy person. But right now, I want to ruin everything around us. I want to ruin her.

The sight of Lexi sitting on the edge of my bed, her legs dangling down, wearing nothing but the sweet little panties is something I will never forget. This moment is burned into my mind forever.

“I’m scared.” She mutters, lowering her chin. For a moment, I wonder if she’s playing, toying with me, pushing her luck and my buttons, but there is the ring of truth in the tone of her voice, and I can barely contain myself.

I brush the backs of my fingers up the milky white skin on her inner thigh, her eyes following as I move upward. Her skin trembles under my touch as I get closer to the heaven between her legs.

“What are you scared of?” I ask, wanting more than anything just to throw her back onto the bed and sink into her sweet cunt, to stay there for eternity.

A single errant tear falls from the tip of her nose, breaking against the back of my hand as she shakes her head. My fingers press just inside, where her inner thigh meets her outer pussy lips. The contact makes her jump, and her hands fly to cross over her belly as she holds herself.

She releases a soft whimper, and I tangle my other hand in the hair at the back of her head, gripping, taming her while my fingers pinch the ruffles between her legs and pull to reveal what’s mine.

"Shh, Babygirl. Daddy just needs to push your panties aside. Be still. I need to see how wet you are before I fuck you senseless." I seethe the words into her ear as my fingers push beneath the elastic, feeling the slickness of her wet folds.

Her scent is already filling my nose. My mouth waters for a taste, and my cock is ready to blow.

“That feels good, Daddy,” she whispers, her legs inching apart, and I nearly come undone at the sight of her.

“It’s going to feel so much better, Babygirl, when you give me what I need. And I will take good care of you, princess. Such good care.”

I knew last night when my tongue got its first taste of her sweet pussy that I was done for. It was like a bomb exploding inside me. She branded me, and I drowned in her taste. I’m ruined by her. There will never be another.

“But I have to know, you have to tell me if I hurt you, okay?”

I lodge my fingers at her soaking entrance, listening to her sweet breath catching in her throat. Her scent fills my nostrils, clouds my brain, and I draw it deep into my lungs, making her a part of me. Her cunt is on fire, wet and hot, as my fingers push barely inside her opening, ready to finger-fuck her just to the edge of orgasm then hold her there.

“Yes, Daddy. I will.” Her breathy words sound so vulnerable and trusting. It makes me fucking crazy.

With one hand, I reach up into her hair, tugging her head back so she is forced to lock eyes with me. Then with her immobile, I shove two fingers deep into her cunt. Her juices are already dripping down my hand as I stroke her front wall with my fingertips, making her mouth fall open in a wide “O.”

I grit my teeth and grunt my words. “Kiss Daddy.” I watch her wide eyes flick to mine, searching for comfort, and lower my voice to a hiss. “Kiss Daddy like a big girl.”

I bring my face down, leaving an inch between us, and loosen my hold on her head just enough to give her the freedom to move forward.

She gives me exactly what I want, bringing her tentative lips to mine in a soft, sweet kiss. I want to jam my tongue down her throat, but instead, I stay steady. I have to let the little girl in her please her Daddy with her sweet lips.

When she draws back, I see the need in her eyes. The desire and lust. Desire to be sure. To be safe. To know she’s pleased me.

“Good girl,” I whisper and see the relief in her eyes at those simple, powerful words. I let my fingers sink inside her until they tap at the hard tip of her cervix, making her shudder. “No one else will ever be here. You understand you belong to me now, don’t you? Daddy owns all of this pussy. All of this body. I’ll do what I want with it, when I want, and for how long I want.”

I bring her to the edge, fucking her fast and hard, pressing into that sweet spot and listening to her need grow with each shaky breath. Her pussy pulses and she’s ready to go off, but I want her beautiful, pleasured song to be part of me as well.

“I’m going to never put anything between us ever.  You want that don’t you?”

The thought of my seed finding home inside her sends rampant possessiveness through my brain.

“Yes.” Her breathy reply says more than the word.  She nods and her pussy nearly pulls at my dick until it breaks. “I want that.  I want us inside me. Growing.”

Knowing she wants the same thing nearly sets me off and it takes all of my power to keep it under control.  I slow down. Breathing and focusing until the tightening in my balls subsides a bit.  But in this moment, thinking of her carrying my baby I’mhappier than I’ve ever been.

I take my time, watching her every move. The way she takes a few shallow breaths through open lips. Then closes them, swallows with her eyelids dropping shut.

I feel the subtle changes in her inner walls pulsing and grabbing, the way her body responds to my every touch. I know that I am peeling each layer of her back while my fingers learn everything they can about her from the inside out.

Over and over, I bring her to the edge of release, time and again, forward and back like waves rocking against the shore, crashing over her serene face. I feel her approach delirium, and I know that she’s ready. I want to feel her go off and soak my hand.

“You going to come...” I grunt, “...come for Daddy?” I watch her eyes roll back, nodding rigorously.

Her hands flying up to dig into the tops of my arms, clinging to me for dear life. “Do it,” I bark. “Now.” I flick her clit with my thumb, and the scream that begins in her throat ends inside my kiss.

I take her mouth with mine, pulling more of her orgasm with my fingers, digging deep inside her, reveling in her body’s natural reaction as her hips roll and jump on the edge of the bed. Her cunt squirts into my palm, dripping down my wrist.

Her fingertips claw at me, and I know in this instant her pussy is going to rule me for the rest of my days. Her body releases another flood of cum, and I’ve never felt anything more beautiful in my life.

Drawing out my drenched digits, I bring them to her lips and paint the glistening evidence of her pleasure over her own face.

“Taste it,” I order as her breath begins to slow. Her eyes open and focus on my face. “That’s belongs to me, you understand? I’ll share it with you as I see fit. From this day on, all your orgasms belong to me, to do with as I please. You don’t come without me. Not ever. You don’t touch yourself without my express permission. All this is mine. You understand?”

She nods, as I bring my hand to my mouth and lick her essence off my fingers as my mouth waters for more.

“Yes, Daddy. I do.” The fingers that a second ago bit into the flesh of my arms even through my shirt now come to rest on the sides of my face, sweet and soft and needy. I realize how desperately I have wanted her to need me. How it fulfills a part of me that has long lain empty and forgotten.

How I suddenly feel complete as she looks to me for her everything.

Just when I think my dick can’t get any harder, it surprises me and pumps fuller, longer, thicker. Last night when I got her sweet lips on me, I thought that was the pinnacle, the fullest extent of how big and solid my boy could get. But from the way my dick is fighting its way up under my belt right now, I’m not so sure anymore.

“I want those hands on your nipples Babygirl. I want you to squeeze and pinch them for Daddy. I need to see you do that, do you understand?”

She pushes her chest out on her own accord as her flesh is exposed, and her hands drift down from my face. I miss them but she’s doing as she’s told, and that’s a pleasure that is hard to explain.

“Like this?” Her thumb and forefingers come to the top and bottom of her pink peaks, and her eyes twinkle as she teases me.

“No,” I growl. “Harder. Do it harder.”

She makes a little gasp as she follows instructions and pinches the delicate flesh, using her nails to add to the sensation.

I reach over to tug a couple pillows from the head of the bed and stuff them behind her back. I need her in position for what’s next, and I’ve played this out so many times in my head, I know how I want it to go. It needs to be perfect.

My need to fall to my knees and shoulder my way between her legs is starting to blind me. “Keep pinching until I tell you to stop.”

My hands come to her ankles and lift each squirming foot to the edge of the bed, resting them there, leaving them wide apart as I watch her hands toy with her breasts. Smelling the scent of her arousal in the air has me snorting like a beast. I want to see if she’s going to give me the same beautiful hip motions as she did last night.

“Now.” I bring a finger under her chin, my thumb resting on her lower lip, pulling her mouth open, watching her gulp back the need rising within her, a feral look on her face. Laughing, I grip her tight, pinching the skin, making sure her focus is on me. “You keep those legs spread wide for Daddy, Babygirl. I’m going to fuck you with my mouth now. Get you good and ready. Then you know what’s going to happen, don’t you, little girl?”

She squirms and shudders before answering. “You’re going to put it inside of me.” Her voice takes on an innocent, childlike quality. Her words are playing into our mutual dark fantasy and feeding the beast inside of me. “Aren’t you, Daddy?”

With that, she lifts her ass and I work her panties down and off her feet, nodding, maintaining eye contact. “Yes, baby. I am. All the way inside you.”

I’m on my knees in the next heartbeat. My mouth open and watering as I shoulder my way into position with one last look up at her beautiful brown eyes.

“Kiss me, Daddy.”

I explode at her words. They are all the encouragement I need. Driving forward with my tongue, entering her as deep as I can in one motion. Her noises raise the roof, and I love them all. I love how noisy she is.

How reactive.

With a jerk of my head, I brush my nose back and forth across her swollen clit, making her yelp as I drive my tongue in and out, tasting, swirling it back and forth over her lips, into her slit, trying to scoop up as much of her sweet nectar as I can, drinking it down, quenching my thirst.  Knowing she is soaking into my beard and I will never want to wash her off.

She raises her hips, pushing her lips up so that she can ride my face until I feel like I’m going to shatter into a thousand pieces. My dick wants her, dripping inside my pants, salivating at the thought of what’s going to be his.  Her sex is primed and dripping.  Ready for me.

Knowing I’m pleasing her means everything to me.

And as much as I want to stay down here for the next three lifetimes, I need more. I need my cock inside her, driving home the single final point that she belongs to me, now and forevermore. I’ll bind her to me in such a way she can never leave. We will be one. I’ll be her leader, her lover, her best friend, her priest, her teacher, her fucking accountant. I will be everything to her and more. More than she even realizes she needs.

I dine on her perfection until she fills my mouth, coming on a high-pitched whimpering yelp that seems to shatter the air around us. Her thighs quake, slapping against my ears, making me punch-drunk, dizzy with it all, sounds echoing in my ears like being back in the womb.

I bite her swollen outer lips and listen as she squeals, wordlessly raising her voice to praise whatever God created her, then I dive down and lick her from ass to clit one last time, taking in as much of her juice as possible.

Panting, sweating with the heat, I talk in a hoarse whisper. “Whose sweet girl are you?”

“Yours...” Her voice is vague, distant.

I rise up to my full height between her open legs, my chest heaving as I lower my zipper. Her eyes focus, dropping lower at the noise, her hands still pinned on her tits.


“I’m yours, Daddy.” She shifts her body back a little, retreating onto the pillows, resting there as she waits for what’s next.

“Yes, you are. And you’re about to become even more mine. You’re about to become joined to me in a way you don’t even yet understand. Keep your legs open for Daddy, sweetheart. I’m going to take care of you like I said, but it’s going to hurt. If you need to cry, you can cry.”

She pushes out her bottom lip in a pout that has me on the edge of my own orgasm before I even get myself out of my pants.

I want to fuck her like this, with me in my suit. I don’t know why, but it’s how it needs to be this time. This first time.

“I don’t want anything between us. I’ve never felt anyone like this. Like we are doing, no condom, Babygirl. Daddy’s going to come inside you, princess. You know that, don’t you? I won’t pull out. I can’t. My cum belongs inside you.”

With a little bite of her lip and a slight nod, she’s with me, and it only drives me closer to the edge.

It’s a fight, but I manage to tug my thick erection from my pants, stroking my dick while she watches. Her eyes darken as she sees what’s about to go inside her. Even though she got a taste of my dick last night, right now, I see the fear in her eyes as she realizes all this is going inside her.

Even I know it’s not going to be easy. She’s tight. So tight, I’m pretty sure it’s going to hurt my fucking dick, not to mention her. But I don’t give a shit. I need my cum inside her. I need to own her from the inside out.

“Now.” I step forward, closing the heated space between us. “Daddy needs you to be still. Be quiet, okay, princess?”

Her cunt nearly scalds the head of my cock when I slide it up and down through her slick folds, teasing her for a moment before centering myself at her opening.

For us.

“Daddy, please,” she whimpers, and that’s all I need. I jut my hips forward, driving the first of many inches inside her.

I nearly go off right then. Nothing has ever felt like this. The sensations overwhelming me start in my toes and engulf my entire physical being. I’m so fucking happy I saved this for her. For us. Flesh-to-flesh for the first time.

But it’s more.

It’s not just my body that’s alive.

It’s my very soul. She’s reaching into me with those magic little hands and squeezing parts of me never touched.

“You ready? I won’t be able to stop, Babygirl. Daddy has to do this, you know that, right? You have to be his best little girl right now.” I guide another slow inch inside her and watch her mouth drop open in a silent scream, even as her eyes light with pleasure. “Take it for me, baby. Take it for Daddy.”

With that, I lose all ability to hold back. I drive forward, sending inches and thickness tearing into her, spreading her, taking her. Her hands fly to the bedding, and her knuckles turn white as she fists and holds on, her jaw straining, her mouth wide.

“It hurts! God!”

She shudders as I rock my dick in and out, in and out, sending more of me inside her slick opening with each stroke. The walls of her pussy lock on, nearly pinching the tip of my dick right off, I swear.

“Breathe, baby. You have to breathe and relax. Let Daddy get off, baby. I need this.”

She nods, raising her ass, pressing into me even as I see tears start to fall from the corners of her eyes. Her eyes are open, locked on to mine, looking at me with such devotion that I have to bite my lip to keep from filling her sweet cunt right there.

There’s no way I am going to last long. I can’t. I’m barely hanging on by a thread right now, but I need to hold off until she comes. I want us to come together. That’s another first for me. Besides never being skin to skin with a woman before, I’ve never wished so hard for her pleasure to match mine. I want every part of this, of us, to be storybook perfect.

“It will get better, Babygirl, I promise. Just hold on to Daddy.”

I take a breath and reach down to pull her hands from the bedding and put them around my neck. Then I lean down, bringing us face-to-face. I need her to know that I am right here with her, every step of the way.

I grit my teeth to fight off my climax as her body shifts and tightens around me. I’m halfway in right now, and the next stroke will give her as much as I can give.

I pull out and tense, barely holding on to my sanity.

“Look at Daddy, princess. Look at me.”

When her eyes meet mine, I draw a quick breath, then slam forward, sending almost all of me into her tight, young body.

“Holy fuck,” I grunt as her juices start to flow, easing my work and leaving me free to pound in and out, unable to stop myself from taking her hard any longer. “You okay, Babygirl?”

Her half-lidded eyes strain to focus on mine as her fingers grip my neck, holding on for dear life as I pull back out before sliding forward fast and hard, slamming my cock inside her tight, wet hole.

“Yes.” The word comes out on a dark breath as I seat myself balls deep, feeling the sweet surrender of her soft body around my hard cock. Her body feels like it’s on fire, searing my most delicate skin as I pass the point of no return and take her as hard and fast as I need.

The slapping of our flesh and the whimpers and cries that stir from inside her wrap around my head and sing the song of ownership into my ears.

“Daddy...” She yelps the word as she goes off.

My hands tighten their grip on her ass, pulling her pelvis high and hard against my thrusts. Her opening is so fucking tight I’m not even sure the cum that is trying to work its way up to release can get past the choke hold she’s got on me.

Her eyes roll back in their sockets, losing any last focus on me, and I lean down to take her kiss as her voice cracks and her pleasured sounds become part of me, part of my very being as I become part of her. My cock jerks and the spasms rock my balls, then I’m lost in the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had.

We both come and kiss and cling tightly to each other. Her tiny body hangs onto me as I raise her up and off the bed, holding her gently cradled against me as I finish us off by stroking my cock slowly in and out of our combined fluids.

I let out a low chuckle before finally breaking from our kiss, inching my face back just enough to focus on hers.

My voice is ragged when I speak. “That little cunt of mine likes Daddy’s cock.”

Her hands are still gripped tight around my neck, rubbing softly as I set her ass back onto the bed and crawl over her. Rocking us slowly together, I realize happily that the front of my suit pants is soaked with our release.

“It does?” Her eyelids flutter, and I note a wince as I push myself deep inside her.

“It’s holding on like a little girl, clinging to her Daddy. You’re not about to let me go, are you, princess?”

Her inner muscles loosen for just a moment as a wry smile curls those plush, pink lips. Then just as quickly, her body clamps back down on my dick, nearly pulling me into her belly.

“Are you my Daddy?”

More beautiful words have never been spoken to me. “Oh, Babygirl. I am. I am your Daddy, now and forever. Never forget that. Even when I am fucking you like my dirty little whore, I’ll always be your Daddy.”




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Arden (Undercover Billionaire Book 2) by Melody Anne

Flash Bang by Meghan March

Rebel Heir by Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward

Bad Boy Alphas Starter Set: Shifter Romance Books 1-3 by Renee Rose, Lee Savino

Christmas at the Candied Apple Cafe by Katherine Garbera

Bear's Shadow (Vendetta Series Book 2) by Desiree L. Scott

Ace in the Hole (City Meets Country Book 4) by Mysti Parker, MJ Post

Reach for the Stars by Kathy Jay

The Oracle Queen by Kendare Blake

It Was Always You by S.L. Sterling

a Beautiful Christmas: A Pride and Honor Christmas by Ember-Raine Winters

Determining Possession (Connecticut Kings Book 3) by Christina C. Jones

by Zenia, Zara

ADAM: A Bad Boy Romance (The ALPHAbet Collection Book 1) by Abigail Stark

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Bearly Falling by Ally Summers

The Lost Fallen by L.C. Mortimer