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Damaged by Luke Prescott (14)



Stepping into my black heels, I stand in front of the mirror. It’s Asher and Payton’s wedding day, so my hair is up in a riot of curls, my makeup is heavily applied making my eyes and lips pop and this black dress hugs my body, showing off all my curves. I feel good, I feel sexy. Which is what I was going for because tonight I’m Brett’s plus one. And that hot ass man is going to be in a damn tux.

Turning away from the mirror, I put my phone and some cash in my purse. Brett got this hotel room for us and while he’s been with Asher all day, I’ve relaxed here. I watched TV, took a hot bath and took my time getting ready. It’s been a good day so far and I have no doubt tonight will be even better. The reception they have planned sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Plus, I love to dance. Drinking, dancing and being with a fucking tux, did I mention that...doesn’t get any better.

The ceremony starts in about a half hour, so I figure I should head down out of this beautiful room. The ceremony and reception are in the hotel which is a good thing because I intend to be very drunk by the end of the night. That’s why when Brett suggested staying, I was all for it. Plus, who doesn’t want to have drunk sex after a wedding.

Leaving the room, I feel a little lightheaded, so I lean against the wall for a second. I shouldn’t have skipped on breakfast. I’ll just have to grab something to eat before I start drinking. Pushing off the wall, I run my hands down my side. Okay, let’s do this.

“Bride or Groom?” one of the ushers asks as I approach the chapel.

“Groom,” I say, smiling. 

After ushering me to a seat, I look around. I’m honestly surprised at the amount of people here. Who knew they had so many friends and family. Makes me think back to what Brett said about not having any family. It breaks my heart for him. It’s so clear now why he has such a hard time getting close to anyone. I told him I’m still here and I am. I’m not going anywhere.

The aisle of the church is lined with beautiful stargazers and lilies. Payton had asked me to arrange the flowers for her wedding, but my little shop could never have taken on that sizeable of an order.

The music starts, breaking through my thoughts and I glance up. Asher and Brett walk out standing at the front. Holy shit. My heart starts pounding and I need to cross my legs, because the idea of Brett in a tux was nothing compared to the actual visual of it. His hair is combed back neatly, the scruff on his face is neatly trimmed and the smile on his face as he slaps Asher on the back is breathtaking. But knowing that under that tux is a mixture of colorful tattoos, muscles that flex with every move and yeah I’m going to go there, a cock that doesn’t compare to any man I’ve ever been with. Damn, I want to run up there and drop to my knees in front of him. Probably not what I should be thinking at church, but it would be hot.

The rest of the wedding party walks down the aisle and we stand as the Wedding March begins to play for the bride. While everyone is looking for her, I glance over at Brett. His eyes lock with mine and he mouths ‘wow’ causing us both to lightly laugh. I nod to him and shake my head in approval, to which he gives me wink. Christ, oops sorry, damn that man does things to me with just a wink and a nod.

Payton looks beautiful with a tight bodiced dress that flares out at the bottom. Pearls and diamonds cling to the dress and catch the light of the afternoon sun streaming in through the stained glass window. The look on Asher’s face says it all. He loves her. They both look so happy and in love. I’d love to have that one day or I would have. Now, I’ll just take my happiness as I can get it.

The ceremony is pretty quick and we stand again as the bride and groom come down the aisle. As I stand, I once again stumble, but catch myself. Unfortunately, that is the moment Brett decides to look at me. His eyes widen and I shake my head assuring him I’m fine. Walking past me with the maid of honor, he whispers, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

Great. Now I’ve made him worry for no reason. I should have eaten. Picking up my purse, I wait until it’s my turn to exist the pew and follow the line of people out. I step foot out the door and someone grabs my arm pulling me aside. Just as I’m about to yell, Brett puts his hands on my shoulders.

“What the hell was that? Are you okay?” he asks, concern lacing his face as he studies mine. It’s so sweet and melts my heart that he cares for me like that. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time a guy did.

Putting my hands on the lapels of his jacket, I grin. “You’re sweet, you should let other people see that sometimes. I’m fine, just a little lightheaded from not eating breakfast today.”

“Well, you’re not leaving my side so let’s go get you some food,” he says, wrapping his arm around me.

“Wait,” I say, laughing. “I need to congratulate Asher and Payton.”

“They can wait,” he says, trying to steer me away.

“Brett,” I say, letting him know I’m serious.

“Christ, fine,” he says and pushes in front of everyone who is waiting in line. “Hey, Eva wants to congratulate you guys.”

Rolling my eyes, I hug them both. “You both look amazing. Congratulations.”

“Thanks Eva, we’re so glad you could be here today,” Payton starts.

“Yeah, it’s all great and a day of love. You guys can talk all about it after Eva gets something to eat,” Brett says, grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

“Brett, you better get back before they announce the wedding party,” Asher yells as we walk away.

Entering the cocktail hour, Brett doesn’t even give me a second to take it in before he has a plate in his hand. “What do you want?”

I laugh and take the plate from him. “I know how to get my own food. Go be the best man, I’m fine.”

“We have an hour before I need to be back with him. I’m good here with you,” he says, getting a plate for himself. “Come on there is so much food all over the place.”

He wasn’t kidding. There’s a carving station, a seafood station, mashed potato station, I mean I could just keep going. It’s amazing. Once we have full plates Brett finds a table for us and even pulls out my chair for me.

“Thank you,” I say, turning my head to see him.

He smiles and once I’m seated he sits across from me. “Oh shit, do you want something to drink?” he says as soon as his ass hits the seat.

“Brett, relax I’m really fine. I’ll get something in a minute.”

“What do you want?” he asks, standing up.

Laughing, I tell him just a water for now. I watch him walk toward the bar. He shakes a few hands, laughs with a few people and gives a few quick hugs. These people know the side of him I do, well maybe not exactly like I do, but they know the good guy I do. I can tell just by the way they smile when they see him. I’m not sure he even realizes how well liked he is. He only ever sees the negative side of himself. I need to try and fix that.

Coming back, he places a glass of water in front of me and a drink in front of him. I’m sure it’s a Jack and Coke. “Sorry that took so long,” he says, sitting down.

“It wasn’t long at all. I did notice something while you were gone though,” I say, before biting in my mashed potatoes in the martini glass.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“You’re a well liked guy. Everyone smiles when they see you coming and they all want to talk to you.”

“Hey, those are people I used to work with and Asher’s family. Don’t get the wrong idea,” he says, completely serious.

Reaching my hand over, I place it on top of his. “Brett, I didn’t mean it like that. What’s wrong?”

He studies me for a second and links his fingers with mine. “You look beautiful Eva. I’m sorry it took me so long to say it, but I was too worried.”

My pulse picks up and I’m sure he can feel it. “Thank you. You look pretty damn good yourself in that tux.”

He laughs and wiggles his eyebrows. “You think so, huh?”

“Hell yeah. You look really hot,” I say, smiling.

“You look sexy as fuck. It’s not fair to the bride to look that good, you know,” he says.

“Shut up,” I say, laughing.

He doesn’t laugh though, he just stares at me. “I’m serious, but eat will you. I don’t need you passing out on me.”

Once I eat I feel much better and decide to grab a drink when Brett rushes off to be with the bridal party. He kept apologizing for having to leave, which just made me laugh. I’m starting to think he considers this maybe like a date or something. He’s never like this when we go out and I find it a turn on. The way he’s so worried about me, making sure I have everything I need. It was only the cocktail hour, but for a minute I even felt like it was a date.

Grabbing my Cosmo, I head into the reception and find my seat. Making small talk with the others at the table, who I find out work for Asher. Looking around the place, I take in all the flowers, the music and laughing people. It’s like something out of a movie, it all seems so perfect.

The DJ starts talking and begins introducing the wedding party. One by one they come in and when Brett and the maid of honor come in everyone goes wild. I can’t help but laugh and join in on the fun. I also can’t take my eyes off of him. I watch as he shouts when Asher and Payton come walking in. I watch the happiness on his face as he watches them dancing. I watch as the rest of the bridal party join them and his arms go around the skank of honor. She’s enjoying it too much and damn it, I’m standing here alone and jealous. Funny for a girl who never knew what that even felt like until Brett.

When the song is over, I try to bury the jealousy when the skank of honor kisses his cheek. I decide it’s probably a good time to visit the bathroom to check my makeup. Weaving my way through the crowd, arms wrap around me from behind and I know it’s Brett. The jealousy I was feeling vanishes when he nips on my ear.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, tightening his hold on me.

“I was going to check my makeup,” I say, turning my head back.

He smiles and kisses my nose. “You look amazing. Come dance with me.”

Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I swear my heart beats out of my chest. “Okay,” I whisper. Because who in their right mind would refuse this fucking man.

Stepping on the dance floor, Brett pulls me close to him, resting his strong hands on my lower back. Mine automatically go to his shoulders and we begin to move to the slow beat. Neither of us say anything, but the way he’s looking at me says it all. I know that because I’m looking at him the same way. It says, I have feelings for you. It’s scary as hell, but fuck it feels good.

When the song is over, the bubble we were just in pops as Asher comes over with shots for both of us. The rest of the night is a blur of crazy fun. Dirty, sexy dancing with Brett, lots of alcohol and a ton of laughs. It’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Brett even did a ridiculous dance throwing his jacket and pulling off his tie, which he used to pull me closer to him. I’ve never been as turned on as I am right now riding this elevator up to our room. Especially with Brett’s arm around me, rubbing small circles on my stomach.

We get off on our floor and get to our room. Pushing inside he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. He kisses me, but it’s different. It’s not hard and fast, it’s soft and slow. He’s taking his time, kissing me with all the feelings we’ve both been shoving down and I’m giving it right back. My fingers run through his hair as he squeezes my ass.

Moving to the bed, he breaks the kiss and lets me slide down his body. Reaching behind me, he unzips my dress letting it pool at my feet. He unbuckles my bra, sliding it down my arms. He hasn’t done that since the first night we were together all those months ago and it makes me nervous.

“Hey Eva, look at me,” he says, softly. I do and he searches my eyes. “I haven’t pushed, I haven’t even asked, but you need to be honest with me. Why don’t you want me to touch your tits?”

Panic. Panic and fear suddenly replace everything else I’m feeling. Why now? Why when I finally admit to myself I have feelings for him? I can’t, not now. “Please Brett, not now. Please I’m begging you to just let it go for tonight. I swear to you I’ll tell you, but not now. Can you do that? Can you please do that for me?” I can feel the tears starting to build and I hate myself for it. I hate that I could ruin what this is or could be.

He rubs his thumbs under my eyes, wiping the tears away and kisses me. “I’ll do anything for you Eva, anything you want...tonight. But tomorrow we talk.” I nod my head agreeing and push up on my toes to kiss him again. “Now, undress me,” he says.

I slowly unbutton each button, pushing the shirt off his shoulders. He removes the white shirt underneath as I work on getting his pants off. Fuck, as hot as he looked in that tux is nothing compared to how he looks in his boxer briefs.

Once again he kisses me, slow and deep. Slowly he lowers me to the bed, our lips still connected. He breaks the kiss and his bright blue eyes lock onto mine. Just like on the dance floor, nothing is said but I can feel it. This is different.

He brushes his thumb over my cheek before kissing down my neck. There’s not biting, no sucking, it’s soft kisses and it’s fucking amazing. His strong hands slowly move down my body as he follows kissing a path. He hovers over my breasts for a second before placing a lightest of kisses on the top of each one. It makes me blink back tears because he’s never been this gentle.

Removing my panties, his fingers run through my wetness. “You’re so wet. Do you know how hot it is that I have that effect on you?”

“I do know,” I whisper.

He pulls off his boxers and reaches besides us to grab a condom. I watch him roll it down his hard cock and my body is burning with a need for him. Lowering his heavy body onto me, his hot skin on mine, I wrap my arms around his neck. He pushes my hair off of my face and kisses my lips quickly, before pushing inside me.

Our eyes are locked, neither of us trying to look away. He starts moving and it’s unhurried and gentle. Grabbing my hands off his shoulders, he links our fingers together, holding them slightly above my head. Keeping up his slow, steady pace he leans forward and kisses me.

In that moment everything I’ve ever felt, good, bad or otherwise crashes over me. A tear drips down the side of my face hitting the pillow and I tighten my hold on his hands. He’s making love to me.

When he breaks the kiss he sees the emotion in my eyes and he closes his briefly. “Don’t run,” he whispers.

“Never,” I whisper back.

Picking up his pace just a bit, I start to feel my release and I let out a soft moan. I’ve never felt this kind of emotion before and it’s making my head spin.

“Brett,” I moan.

He must feel I’m close and picks up his pace. Locking his eyes with mine once more. My orgasm washes over me so fast I didn’t expect it. My eyes close as I ride it out.

“Eva, open your eyes,” he gently asks.

I do and within minutes he’s moaning my name. It’s intense keeping eye contact, making me feel a connection to him I’ve never felt with anyone before. He kisses me again, so deep but so gently. I know he feels it too. He might not be able to say it, but he just showed me, I felt it.




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