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Dare To Love Series: Daring Return (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Jennifer Perkins (6)

Chapter Six


The sun peeked through enough of the window slats that it allowed Rose to see that she was the only one in bed. Getting up, she covered her naked body with her robe and then walked throughout her apartment to see if Bruce was still there. The note by the freshly brewed coffee said otherwise. She’d read that Rick texted him about a last minute meeting with a possible sponsor. In his line of work, knowing he wouldn’t be playing football into his forties, Bruce needed to make connections for a steady income stream later in life.

Rose understood the importance of sponsorship. After all, her parents offered to sponsor her new business once she obtained the appropriate qualifications. It just felt strange not having him around this morning. She inhaled the coffee aroma and drank from the cup he had left for her, and that’s when she noticed that Bruce thoughtfully folded her clothing from the previous night.

And her heart skipped a beat.

She wasn’t sure where they stood with their relationship, or if this really was a relationship, but she was determined not to have it crash and burn like many of her previous ones. Even though they’d said they didn’t do relationships, Rose knew she was falling hard for Bruce and it scared her.

Longing filled her and she stopped to glance in the mirror after her shower. Her lips already lost their plump kissed look but her cheeks flushed when remembering how Bruce took his time to make sure she was completely satisfied. Just thinking about last night had her tingling in all the right places. Determined, she quickly dressed in a T-shirt and kakis to go out and find a dress for the charity event. If Bruce was going to be there, she wanted to look perfect.

Normally, buying an outfit didn’t take much time, especially since she wasn’t the type to go shopping, but it was well into the afternoon when Rose finally found her perfect form-fitting dress and diamond studded pumps to match. At her office, having been shown pictures of the event from previous years, she knew what to expect. She looked at her watch and had barely enough time to get to the stylist.

“So, are we doing a cut? Some color? What would you like done with your hair?” the stylist asked, running her hands through Rose’s hair.

The stylist was a young, twentyish, skinny woman with purple, magenta, and turquoise colored hair, multiple tattoos, and a diamond through her nose. Rose figured the neon shades were the rage these days, the nose diamond, not so much. She knew she didn’t want to scare Bruce away by being extreme and thought she’d go with something simple. She wondered if the stylist would agree. “Being the expert on hair, what would you suggest?” Please don’t say a mix of neon colors.

“Well, let’s see. This is for a special occasion, you said?” The stylist pulled Rose’s hair to the side. Then she pulled it back and looked at the roots. “How about if we go with a shorter, fun style and add a few lowlights?”

“That sounds great.” Glancing at another customer who received a lemon yellow color with blonde tipped ends, Rose quietly breathed a sigh of relief having her stylist suggest lowlights.

Two hours later, Rose looked into the mirror. She was ecstatic. “Wow. I mean, wow!”

“So, you like what I’ve done?”

“Like it? I love it!” Rose pulled out her credit card to pay the bill and then gave a twenty percent cash tip to the stylist. “It’s perfect.”

“Rose?” asked the familiar voice. “Is that you?”

“Jake?” Rose had turned toward him. “What are you doing here? Are you following me?”

“What? I’m getting a haircut. Last time I checked, there’s no law against that.”

“No. Of course not. I’m surprised because I’ve never seen you here before. Not that I’m here a lot, but I’ve never known you to shop at this mall.” She knew he lived across town and wondered if he had followed her. “I’ve always assumed that people go to their nearest salons when they want a cut or style or something.”

“I got bored of the same old place and thought I’d try somewhere new. So, you look very nice. Did you get your hair done for tonight’s charity event?”

“Yes.” Obviously “New dress, new shoes. The works. I wanted to make a good impression.”

“I’m sure you will.”

I’m really hoping to impress Bruce. Rose smiled and gathered her new purchases, after putting on the sweater she’d brought to wear for the breezy day.

“Oh, by the way, the managers had a meeting yesterday. I thought you’d want to know before you asked about it at the event tonight. They’ve decided not to cut a position. Mr. Lawson, the middle manager, left for another job. So, they’re going to make a new manager assistant position instead.”

“How will that save the company money?”

“Cindy in accounting told us that Mr. Lawson had a healthy six-figure salary. So instead of replacing him directly, they’re going to promote from within and pay that person half of what he was getting. This way they get the manager’s position filled for a lot less and then they don’t need to cut one of us.”

“Sounds reasonable. Did anyone say who’d get that spot?” Rose asked.

“No. Although, they’re still going to re-evaluate all of us like they were going to and then probably choose based on our evaluations.”

“Oh. I guess that’s good news. Of course, they still might have a reason to get rid of someone. Isn’t that right?” She watched him check his watch.

“Of course. I mean, we can’t tell what they’ll do. Wow! Look at the time. If I’m going to get a haircut and if you want to be ready for tonight, we should get going. I’ll see you at the event.”

She didn’t respond and instead watched him walk toward the stylist. Then Rose turned and walked away with the surreal sense that their meeting wasn’t by chance.


“You finally got here.” Rick shook Bruce’s hand as they watched the others getting settled at various tables after the cocktail hour. “I wasn’t sure you’d show.”

“I’m not convinced I should be here.”

“Ian Dare enjoys when his players attend charity events off season. He’s said it places the team in a favorable light with the public. Besides, you’re rebuilding your image, remember? I see you brought your brother.” Rick pointed to Randy who had gone to get a drink.

“I figured I can keep an eye on him if he’s here with me.”

Rick motioned to the buxom blonde standing next to Bruce. “Is she with you?”

“This is Miranda Winters,” Bruce said. He placed his hand on the small of her back and made introductions. “Miranda, this is my agent, Rick. Rick, say hello to Miranda.”

“Hello, Miranda.” Rick said. “So, how do you know Bruce?”

“Someone named Julie Fleming, set us up. She said she works for Bruce.”

Rick made a show of tasting the wine that a waiter handed them from his tray. Bruce grinned knowing Rick preferred a local brew. After giving his approval, Rick turned back to Miranda. “And how exactly do you know Julie?”

“Geez, Rick. Can’t you just leave it alone?” Bruce asked.

“No. Not if this is some kinda stunt that will have you lose not only your contract, but your endorsements, too. I didn’t work my ass off to get you to this point in your life so you can throw everything away.”

“Fine,” Bruce lowered his voice and leaned in toward Rick. “Julie told me she hired Miranda through an escort company.”

Rick almost choked on his glass of wine. He put the glass on a nearby table and slapped Bruce on the back while bursting into a laugh, catching the attention of people walking past. “You’re kidding me, right?” Rick quietly asked once he got himself under control.

“Wish I were. I already had someone else in mind, but Julie set this up without telling me until the last minute. She said it wouldn’t hurt if I were with someone who’s not only a knock out, but very intelligent, too.”

“Really,” Rick said. He raised an eyebrow when he looked at Miranda.

“Don’t be so sexist, Rick,” she said. “My parents tried to get me into the Mensa society when I was a child. I’m intelligent, but not Mensa. So, as you can see, Bruce is in good hands.”

Rick blew a low whistle and shook his head. “If you don’t mind me asking, why escort?”

“Its easy money,” Miranda answered. “I’m an electrical engineer. Unemployed now for almost seven months after the company I worked for was acquired in hostile takeover. Some of my friends found jobs with much lower pay. If I want to earn the kind of money I was making, or more, I’d need to move. I like this area. But without any job prospects, for now, I’m escorting. Between my investments and doing the escorting thing, I’m almost making what I had been. So, until I decide what I want to do, I’m having fun. I get to see new places and meet new people.”

“Sounds like a profitable gig. I assume your real name isn’t Miranda?”

“You’re perceptive. But you’re still probably wondering why I would lower myself to being an escort?” she asked.

“It has crossed my mind.”

“Like I said, I’m having fun. You’d be surprised how many regular ladies don’t see anything wrong with it. Although I do have to be discreet. You see, I’ve inquired about going back to school,” Miranda said. “Law school at a top university.”

“Ah. So you don’t want them to find out about your activities. Law is a good field. That’s actually a service Bruce’s brother might be able to use some day.”

“It looks like we should find our table,” Bruce said glaring at Rick. Having caught Randy’s eye, Bruce waved him over.

“Smile, Bruce. You’re supposed to be having fun.” Miranda draped her arm around his when he led them to their table.

“Bruce Hawkins! As I live and breathe. How the hell have you been? I haven’t seen you in the papers lately for any injuries.” Everyone at the table turned to see, Joe Ritka, the former Miami Thunder guard, recently traded to the Detroit Wheels. The husky, dark haired football player patted Bruce on the shoulders and then took a seat next to him before Rick was able to sit down.

“Hey, Joe. I’m surprised to see you here,” Rick said sitting next to him. “I thought you’d be drinking with the Wheels in Chicago. What are you doing here in the big city? Did you take a wrong turn?”

“Haha. Always the comedian, Rick. I have some pretty big ideas I’m working on.” Joe rubbed the stubble on his chin when he looked at Bruce. Turning his back and facing Rick, Joe continued. “Maybe we should talk about a deal.”

Bruce rolled his eyes, grateful for Rick’s diversion, and he didn’t bother to listen in on their conversation. Rick had recently informed him that Joe was looking to come back with the Miami Thunder where he felt he had a better chance at some lucrative sponsorships. However, everyone on the team knew that Joe burned too many bridges on the way out. There had been talk in the locker room that Joe had a major attitude problem and neither coach wanted him to return. Unbeknownst to Joe, he had the nickname of ‘Joe I,’ meaning Joe Instigator.

Waiters were busy setting out the food at everyone’s tables and making sure the wine or water glasses weren’t left empty. “Chicken? I’m not really a chicken fan,” Randy said looking at his plate. Everyone’s dish was the same. Chicken cordon bleu covered in a wine sauce, asparagus, and mashed potatoes. He poked at it with his fork. “Is this all we get?”

Bruce lowered his voice and nudged his brother’s foot under the table. “This is for charity, Randy. You didn’t have to pay for any of it, so don’t complain. You should feel lucky to be here.” He saw that his brother wanted to reply, but then decided he’d be better off staying quiet.

Unfortunately, Joe caught wind of their conversation. “I hear what you’re saying, Randy. I’d like a good size piece of steak, myself. Something big, hot, and tasty. Something satisfying.” As he said those words, Joe licked his lips and directed his attention at Miranda seated on the other side of Bruce. “So, sweetheart, what’s your name? Don’t tell me you came with Hawkins.”

She draped her arm around Bruce’s and kissed his shoulder. Then she looked at Joe. “Of course I’m with Bruce. He seems to be the only gentleman here, so there’s no reason I’d be with anyone else. I guess if you’re so inclined to know my name, you might want to ask Bruce.”

Rick choked back a laugh and caught a glare from Joe. Bruce turned to Miranda and smiled before whispering in her ear. “I’ll have to thank Julie for setting us up. You’re not only beautiful and intelligent, you’re quick on your feet, too.”

“My pleasure,” she whispered back and stroked the back of his hand. “This is getting more enjoyable every minute.”

Bruce looked around at the sea of people before he spotted Rose. He realized how truly beautiful she was, with the slightest touch of makeup and her hair swept up at the back of her head. She looked every bit like the classy, sophisticated woman he knew. From her form fitting battleship grey dress, topped with silver sequins, to her diamond studded shoes, she looked like a woman in charge. Someone who could be an executive during the day and then walk the red carpet at a movie gala that same evening. He wanted to catch her attention, but the speaker for the event was already at the podium and everyone’s attention was diverted.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m happy to have you with us tonight and I hope you’re enjoying your meal,” James Davis, the speaker said. He droned on about the good work the charity did and how thankful they were to have so many people with them.

Bruce had heard similar speeches many times before and doubted this one would be his last. He glanced toward his brother, Randy, who had caught the attention of a slim redhead several tables away. Bruce decided that since Randy wasn’t making a total fool of himself, there wasn’t any harm in the smiles thrown her way.

“Hey!” Joe elbowed him in the rib pulling his attention back.

“They’re calling your name.” Joe pointed toward the podium. “It’s show time. Unless you’d rather I go in your place.”

Like hell.

Bruce knew Joe would jump at the chance to be back in the Thunder spotlight, and there was no way Bruce was willing to give him that opportunity. Even if he slipped up and Ian Dare found out about his injury, Bruce was going to get through this event. He’d have Rick deal with any fall out.

“Bruce Hawkins! I can’t believe you’re turning shy on us,” James Davis called out. “Come on up here and let people get to know the person who helped make today’s event happen.”

Bruce abruptly stood and a shooting pain went down his leg and his foot felt like it was on fire. Wincing, he almost fell back into his chair.

Miranda sprung from her chair and caught him under his arm. “Oops. Maybe a little too much to drink,” Miranda said loud enough for people to hear. She smiled and wrapped her arm around Bruce’s waist and led him to the front. “I’ve got ya, baby.”

Grateful for the cover she provided, Bruce looked around silently hoping no one would realize his knee was injured. He caught a view of Rose out of the corner of his eye. He turned to face her when she briefly stood and, with a shocked look and her hand by her throat, she settled back in her seat. Did Rose have the wrong idea about Miranda? Questions consumed him as he let Miranda lead him to the podium.

“Go ahead, sweetie.” Miranda rubbed his back and then draped her arm over his and stood next to him. She did a good job pretending to be his date. Too bad his concentration was on the one person he’d rather have by his side.

A photographer’s camera clicked and the flash momentarily blinded Bruce before he regained his focus. Blinking a few times, and without going into detail, Bruce entertained the audience with a few highlights from his football career. His speeches were always modified on the fly to fit his audience before being thrown onto the front section of the sports page by the local reporter. He’d known his mother would be proud to read that the family had been displayed in a positive tone. Unlike how he grew up. Once finished, Bruce answered a few questions when he noticed Rose’s hand went up.

“Um, yes. Ms. Perez? What would you like to know?” He saw Rose hesitate and then she cleared her throat. Did I really call her Ms. Perez? Everyone’s eyes went from Rose to Bruce and back to Rose. “Did you have a question?”

“Yes. Yes I do,” she answered. “Who’s the woman you’re with? Is she anyone special?”

Shit. What kind of question was that? It was a question he’d been asked in recent interviews and rumors had floated that, toward the end of his career, he’d settle down. But, is that what he wanted? Bruce felt his throat knot and he let out a nervous chuckle. Then he wiped the sweat that started to form on his forehead. He didn’t do relationships and he knew Rose didn’t either. Or did they?

This was uncharted territory and he stood, unresponsive and frozen in time, until he heard James Davis laugh from the sideline which brought his attention back.

“Did the cat get your tongue, Bruce?” James asked. “She must be one special lady because you look like you’re breaking out in a sweat and you normally reserve that for your games.” The audience laughed at the banter.

Miranda rubbed Bruce’s back and stepped up to the microphone. “We’re engaged,” she said.




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