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Dare To Love Series: Daring Return (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Jennifer Perkins (7)


Chapter Seven

The photographer was busy capturing the look of shock on Bruce’s face and tears pricked the back of Rose’s eyes. “Excuse me,” she said to the people at her table. Vaulting from her seat, she wove her way between the narrow path of tables and chairs until she was inside the door to the ladies’ room. It was at that moment that her tears freely flowed. Rose swallowed hard and pressed the palm of her hands to her eyes until she was able to get herself under control. Breathing hard, she wet a paper towel and wiped her face. She blew her nose into the towel and threw it away, and then grabbed another. After she ran it under cool water she placed it at the back of her neck and wiped away tears with her free hand.

“Are you okay?”

Rose swung around to see an older woman with pepper-gray hair, close to her mother’s age, who must have just come out of a stall. “Yes. Yes, I just . . . I didn’t know there was anyone else in here.”

“Just us two.”

At a loss for words, Rose shrugged. “You know what? I’m fine. I’m just overwhelmed by a few things. Thank you.”

“Okay. Well, I hope you work out whatever you’re dealing with,” the woman said. “You’re too young to be that stressed.”

Rose smiled and then turned away and willed the tears to stop as the woman washed and dried her hands. Rose didn’t know what to say. What could she? Paradise could become her downfall. She couldn’t let anyone know about her relationship with Bruce and where they met. It was a secret she would never share, and yet the betrayal felt in her heart was powerful.

That was the moment when Rose realized she was in love, and it scared her. It scared her because she wasn’t sure his feelings were mutual. She leaned against the cool, beige granite counter top and fingered the faux deep plum calla Lillis, reminiscent of the ones Bruce had brought her, and her eyes started to become moist again.

“Get a grip, Rose,” she told herself and she fisted her hands. “Stop fooling yourself. He’ll never love you.” She looked into the mirror at her reflection. Her face was flushed and her eyes had a red rim. Rose figured she’d wait a few minutes, then disappear out to her car, and tell her boss at work the next day that she’d gone home feeling sick, which wasn’t too far from the truth after hearing what Miranda declared.

“I’m sorry, Rose.”

She turned and her eyes narrowed to slits and then inhaled deeply until her lungs tightened. She hadn’t heard him enter. Did he hear what she said? “Bruce. What are you doing in here?” Rose played with the sleeve of her dress to try and hide her nerves. She swallowed hard and shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

“Listen. We need to talk.”

“No. I’m done with you, Bruce. You’re not my Dom any longer, not here. Not ever. We’re through.” She went to pass by him, but he held her arm.

“Hold on.”

She looked up at his eyes and narrowed her gaze. There was a flicker of something she hadn’t seen. Was it sadness? Regret? It was gone when he looked down at her feet and then to her eyes again. She shook her head and pulled her arm from his hand. “I hope you’re enjoying whatever sick twisted pleasure it gave you to hurt me.”

“You don’t understand, Rose. Miranda was—”

“Knock, knock.” Rick opened the door and looked at them before he quickly walked inside. He looked for feet under the stall doors. “Is it only the three of us here?”

“Dude. You do know we’re in the ladies room, right?” Bruce asked.

Ignoring the question, Rick smiled at Rose. “Hi. I’m Rick Batista, Hawkin’s agent. I’m guessing you’re Rose?”

“That’s me. So, you’re the guy who begged me to work with Bruce.” She glared at Rick. So were you in on his little joke, too?”

“What?” Rick looked confused, but that passed when the door to the ladies’ room opened and Randy walked in followed by Jake.

“Are you guys having a party in here or what?” Randy said.

“You should all leave. Randy, this isn’t any place you need to be,” Bruce told him. “We’re discussing something private. Actually, Rose and I were. No one else.” Bruce looked at Rick, who shrugged.

“You guys are in here,” Randy said. “So I just wanted to find out what the hell’s going on. I mean, it’s not like I even know anyone at the dinner or even have anything in common with them. Except for my new friend, Jake. He said he works with Rose.”

“He does,” Bruce replied.

“Let me ask you something,” Randy motioned toward Bruce and Rose, but addressed the question to Jake. “Do you go to that club these guys go to? What’s the name again?”

“Randy!” Bruce wasn’t sure how his brother connected Rose to Paradise, but he knew that was a secret she needed to keep hidden. Especially from Jake.

“Paradise?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

Jake flashed a smile at Rose and stood with his arms across his chest.

The door opened one more time and a little girl, about five years old with long golden brown hair, walked in followed by her mother. It suddenly became very quiet. And very congested.

“Shit.” Bruce ran a hand through his hair.

“You’re not supposed to be in here,” the little girl told them and then pointed to Bruce. “And you said shit.”

Without saying a word, and casting a glare toward Bruce, the little girls mother grabbed her hand and whisked her out the door. The little girls cries of still having to use the restroom echoed inside before the door closed.

Rose didn’t feel like the room had become any less crowded. She closed her eyes to stem the anger building inside her and when she opened them, she saw Bruce’s gaze transfixed on her. Yes, they needed some place else to talk, but she wasn’t sure she’d want to hear his explanation. Was that something that could be explained? What was the cliché her mother always told her? No news was good news. Rose knew what it was like to love and have her heart broken and she wasn’t sure she wanted to face it again.

“It’s like Grand Central Station,” Randy said as the ladies’ room door squeaked open yet again.

James Davis stepped inside. “Is everything okay in here?”

“Yes,” Rick answered. “As a matter of fact, we were just leaving. Bruce and Rose are heading to my office to talk about things.”

“Well, that’s good.” James took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. “It’s just that there was a woman with her little girl who needed to use the facilities. She’s quite upset with everyone and I told her I’d find out what’s going on. She’ll want some explanation.”

Just then Bruce’s cell phone chimed. He looked at the display before he answered. “Mr. Dare. Yes, of course, Ian. It’s a pleasure to speak with you.” He looked at Rick who held up his hands and mouthed that he didn’t know why Ian was calling.

James Davis turned to usher Jake and Randy out the door.

“Yes, Ian. Miranda did make that announcement, but,” Bruce looked over toward Rose.

“Please tell that woman we’re sorry, Mr. Davis,” Rose said. She pushed passed him and the others and heard Bruce call her name. She turned to him and held up her hand. “We’re done, Bruce. I can’t do this anymore. It’s over.” She turned back to the door and rushed out, leaving them in her wake.

“Rose? Is everything okay?” her boss called to her when she was half way to the coat room. “You suddenly left and we were concerned.”

Where did he come from? “Keith. I didn’t see you there.” She straightened her shoulders. “I was planning to leave because I wasn’t feeling well, but I believe I’m doing better. I think I’ll go back to our table.” She decided if Jake was going to say anything to her bosses, she’d at least stay for the duration of the evening and enjoy herself.

Eventually, the men came back to their respective tables and the event started winding down. James Davis stood at the podium thanked everyone for attending. Without discussing the bathroom situation, he thanked Bruce for his presence at the event and adding to an interesting evening.

Rose sipped her champagne and saw Jake and Keith in a deep discussion several tables away, only Keith didn’t look happy.  She did her best to ignore them and made small talk with others at their table.

It wasn’t too long before the evening ended. Keith hadn’t come back to the table, Jake was in a corner talking with Randy, Rick was on his cell planning with Ian Dare for more sponsor opportunities for Bruce, Miranda was talking with Joe Ritka, and Bruce hadn’t taken his eyes off of Rose since he sat down.

Rose started thinking that attending the event, even if Keith insisted, had been a mistake. She picked up her purse and wished those at her table good night.

“Leaving so soon?” Jake asked when she headed to the door. Rose noticed that Keith had joined him. “Are you headed somewhere else?”

“The event is over and there’s nothing else keeping me here. I’m tired and going to my apartment. Alone.”

“I’d like you to come in a little early tomorrow. If you’re not feeling sick, of course,” Keith said. “There are staffing changes I’d like to announce.”

“If there’s anything I can do for anyone . . .” Bruce let his remark trail off.

When did he get here? Did he hear the conversation?

“Nothing you can do,” Keith told him before turning to Rose again. “If you need anyone to escort you out, we can see to that. Otherwise, I’ll see you bright and early.”

“Of course. Now if everyone doesn’t mind, I’m going back to my place.” Rose started out the door when a hand brushed against hers. Bruce reached out to her without anyone noticing. It was a signal they’d used in the past that if someone was bothering her, he’d follow her outside to make sure that person wouldn’t follow her home. It also signaled he wanted to talk with her, alone. 

“I need my space,” she called back signaling that he was the one she didn’t want following her.