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Daring Wes: Cade Brothers Series by Jules Barnard (4)

Chapter 4

After Kaylee walked away with her fiancé, Wes returned to his brothers’ table, jerked out a chair, and slumped into it.

“How was the chat with your ex?” Levi said sarcastically.

Jackass. Levi’s new girlfriend was Levi’s ex’s little sister. He probably found Wes’s situation amusing, since Wes was in the hot seat now.

“Fine.” Wes flagged the waitress. He needed another beer. Make that a shot and a beer.

“So, what’s the deal?”

“No deal. Just trying to figure out why she showed up at my resort.”

Hunt flipped a bottle cap on the table, then flipped it again. “Our resort. And this wouldn’t be the girl you dated in college, would it?”

Wes cut him a look. “How do you even know that?”

Hunt shrugged. “She was your last serious girlfriend. And she was hot. Kind of hard to forget. Though she chopped off her hair.” Hunt scanned beyond Wes, as though searching her out.

“She’s still hot,” Wes said, not helping to dissuade his idiot brothers from asking more questions.

“You gonna try and hit that?” Hunt asked.

“Hell no. And don’t talk about her that way.” Wes ordered from the waitress and returned his attention to Hunt. “Kaylee and I have unfinished business, is all. She’s going to explain some shit and be on her way. She’s messing with my golf chi.”

Bran groaned and peeled the label off his beer. “Quit blaming that poor girl for why your game is in the can. It’s not her fault.”

“The fuck it isn’t.” The waitress set a shot in front of Wes, and he threw it back.

Emily, Levi’s girlfriend, snuck up behind Levi and pressed her finger to her lips. She covered Levi’s eyes with her hands.

Levi grinned and reached around, grabbing the backs of Emily’s legs, encased in a dark slim skirt. She was a bit of a workaholic and likely just getting off.

“Emily…” Levi drew out her name in a low tone.

She laughed and dropped her hands. “How did you know it was me?”

Levi hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. “I smelled you.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Wes snarled. Really? This? Now?

He shot Hunt a look, and his youngest brother rolled his eyes.

Adam stared unnervingly at Wes. “What if Kaylee still loves you?”

Wes choked on a gulp of beer. “What?”

Adam sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, his dress shirt rolled just below his elbows. “It’s possible. Maybe that’s why she’s here.”

“With her fiancé in tow? I don’t think so. And if you’re right, who cares? It wouldn’t mean anything.” But that was a lie.

It would mean something.

All these years, Wes had thought Kaylee had fallen out of love with him. One moment they were talking about the future, and the next his ass was hitting the pavement after being dumped. If she still cared about him, it wouldn’t change things…but it might ease some of his anger over the past.

“Who’s Kaylee?” Emily asked, then stole a sip of Levi’s beer.

“Wes’s ex-girlfriend,” Levi said.

Emily’s forehead scrunched. “Wes had a girlfriend?”

“Yes, I had a girlfriend. Is that so hard to believe?”

“Well…yeah,” she said. “I’ve seen you go home with dozens of women since I started working here. I can’t picture you as a one-woman guy. Did you cheat on her?”

Wes set his beer on the table with a thunk. “No, I didn’t cheat on her. What is this? Bash Wes Night? Can we drop it, please?”

Adam looked to Bran, who looked to Levi.

“Nope,” Hunt said, grinning. “This shit is good entertainment.” He nodded at a beautiful groupie staring their way. “That woman’s been eyeing you since you returned from your little chat with Kaylee. Why don’t you go over there?”

“Not in the mood.”

Hunt smacked his hand on the table. “I knew it!” He raised his arms triumphantly. “Wes wants his ex. Who wants to place bets?”

Bran shook his head. “Leave him alone.”

“Just because I don’t feel like a woman’s company tonight,” Wes said, “that doesn’t mean I want my ex back.”

“Really?” Hunt looked past him. “Then you don’t mind that her fiancé is about to hook up with that blonde over there?”

The fuck? Wes whipped his head around.

Sure enough, McDouche was hanging out with his friends with his hand on a woman’s ass. He whispered something in the woman’s ear then looked around.

To see who was watching?

Wes would bet anything that Kaylee hadn’t informed her fiancé about the extent of her and Wes’s past. Ex-boyfriends were competition, and Eddy would be more careful with this chick if he knew. Instead, the guy was openly hitting on her.

But Eddy wasn’t stupid. He’d made sure to touch Kaylee in Wes’s presence and mark his territory. And to make sure her new golf instructor wasn’t looking while he hit on another woman.

Maybe the baseball hats were more discreet than Wes thought? Because Eddy missed Wes staring at him from the corner of the room.

Wes and his brothers were in the back, somewhat hidden, thanks to Bran’s insistence on keeping a low profile, but Wes stared down at the table anyway when Eddy peered in their direction. When Wes looked up, Eddy was slipping out the side door with the woman.

“Son of a bitch.” Wes’s jaw clenched. “That fucker.”

“Bets, anyone?” Hunt said. “Fifty bucks says Wes and Kaylee are back together by the end of the week.”

Wes ignored his brothers, even though a couple of them were placing bets. Dumbasses.

He waited and glanced at the door every few seconds for Kaylee’s fiancé to return. The hum of chatter in the lounge was just that—a steady stream of white noise. Wes couldn’t focus on any conversation. Not while this shit with Kaylee’s fiancé was going down.

It took McDouche twenty-two minutes to walk back inside, and when he did, part of his button-down shirt was untucked and he wiped lipstick off his mouth. The woman he’d been with walked in behind him, her hair ruffled. She said something to the others and headed toward the women’s restroom.

One of Eddy’s cronies pointed at his fly. Eddy laughed, turned around, and slyly pulled up his zipper.


“Yeah,” Hunt said, eyeing Wes. “That’s what I thought.”

Wes gripped his beer bottle. “Not my problem.”

Emily was sitting in her own seat now, sipping a gin and tonic, but Levi had pulled her chair close, his leg parked behind it. “Wait.” She stared at McDouche. “I know that guy. He and his fiancée came to see me about their wedding. She’s your ex-girlfriend?”

Wes shrugged noncommittally.

Emily curled her dainty lip and leaned forward. “I think that woman gave him a blowjob. There are lipstick marks on his pants.”

Hunt chuckled. “That’s a foregone conclusion.”

“That is so messed up.” Emily stared at Wes. “You have to say something to your ex-girlfriend.”

Wes sighed. He wanted to punch Eddy in the fucking face for his dick maneuver. But to tell Kaylee?

No. Not a good idea.

Things were better between them. At least while they were on the course with Bella. But their conversation earlier proved tension still existed.

Okay, mostly on Wes’s part. He was pissed. And she knew it. If Wes said something about her fiancé, she might not believe him.

Still, this was fucked up.

Maybe Emily was right. And Bran too. The past was the past. Kaylee wanted to talk, but he’d been an ass to her and now she didn’t feel comfortable opening up.

He dug his fingers into his hair. She’d been a great girlfriend…until the end. And he’d loved her.

He still couldn’t see himself telling her that her fiancé had cheated, but he could try to be more civil.

She deserved that much.