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Dark Edges: The Edge Series by Caldwell, Kane (17)



As the taxi pulled away in the early dawn and I walked up to the house, it had struck me then that the lock and handle on the front door had had no signs of distress after the break-in. This thought briefly played in my head before it switched to Chase’s blow-up the night before. I realized he was angry because he’s having feelings, which I could understand because I felt them too. And it scared me. But even with that fear running through my body, I was reaching for my cell inside my purse to call him as I unlocked and opened the front door. “Well, well….”

His voice had my head swinging up and a chill ran down my spine as coolness filled my blood. Braydon sat on the bottom of the stairs, staring at me with hateful red-rimmed eyes.

“Look who decided to come home,” Braydon said.

I did my best to move with unaffected grace, even if my hands began to shake as I shut the door behind me. “I could say the same.”

“You wanna explain this shit?” he grated out, throwing the papers that were in his hands up in the air toward me.

I scooted around them, making my way to the kitchen as I said, “They’re pretty much self-explanatory, aren’t they?”

“Really, honey.” Braydon’s tone had suddenly changed to a softer one. “We can work this out, Naomi. I know, I know, I’ve been gone a lot, but work—”

I tossed my purse on the counter the same time I heard my phone buzz in it, and cut him off. “Work? Ha!” I shouted. “Seems you’re doing more than just that, Braydon. Working so fucking much that you can’t even call your wife. Isn’t that correct?”

“What are you talking about?” he said defensively with his hands in the air, then he looked around. “And what the hell happened to the house?”

I took a second to get a really good look at him and his face was somewhat drawn and lacked color. The crimson edging around his eyes was almost scary when added to the black circles under them. But his hair was still the same perfect manicured style and his clothes pressed and neat.

He looked tired, yes, but doing drugs, I wasn’t too sure about.

My purse buzzed again, vibrating on the counter, and I ignored it. “Someone broke in the other night,” I told him, like it wasn’t anything major. Plus, I was kind of past it; I had more important things to worry about.

“What,” he breathed. He looked around again, began to shake his head and sighed.

I ignored his reaction and blurted out, “I know you’ve been shacked up with a girl in Dallas, Braydon.”

The perplexed look that crossed his face puzzled me. He narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Seriously, honey, I’ve been staying at a hotel and have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you have,” I huffed and rolled my eyes. “And not living with some young girl.” My voice rose and I leaned into the counter to shout at him, “Doing freaking drugs!”

He yelled back, “Where in the hell are you coming up with this shit? I’ve been working my ass off. Look at me, I’m a mess. I get only a few hours of sleep a night then I’m at it again.” He rubbed his forehead. “Fuck, Naomi, what in the hell is going on?”

The pure shock and perplexity that played on his face had me replaying what Chase had told me he’d found. Was Chase telling me the truth? I’d never seen any evidence to back up his story.

“Why are you lying to me?” I asked quietly.

“Honey,” Braydon started, and began to move around the island toward me.

“No.” I held my hand up. “Don’t come near me.”

“Why are you doing this?” he questioned with hurt in his voice.

I looked down to the granite counter and sighed.

“Because you’re a cheating, drug-using asshole is why,” Chase’s deep rough voice boomed through the kitchen.

I lifted my head while Braydon swiftly turned and Chase stood at the pillars that divided the kitchen and dining room, arms crossed over his muscular chest. His hard eyes focused on Braydon. But as Chase stood there taking him in, something crossed his face.

“Who the hell are you?” Braydon raised his voice and put his hands on his hips, trying to appear intimidating.

There was no way in hell that Braydon could seem menacing standing near Chase. I don’t think anyone could, for that matter.

Chase chuckled and it wasn’t his heart-melting snicker, it was cynical, arrogant, as he said, “You seem to clean up pretty good, Ross—or is it Braydon?”

I watched Braydon sway, step back and bump the counter. When he did, his body jolted in surprise and his head flung toward me. And when I saw the expression of pure and utter horror pale his face, I knew I had my answer right there.

Everything Chase had told me was correct.

“Naomi,” Braydon spoke lowly. “Honey, I can explain.”

“Don’t you think it’d be best to sign the fucking papers and walk away while you can?” Chase bit out.

Braydon turned and inquired, “Walk away while I can?”

I watched these two men stand off. Two men who wanted me. If I went right, I would go back to my simple boring life while trying to repair my fucked-up marriage that had been strained from the time we had said “I do.” But if I chose to veer to the left, I would experience the adventure and fun that I had loved before I got married that only now, Chase Black could give me.

Chase’s arms flexed over his chest. “Yeah, before I break your fucking legs.”

“Chase,” I started softly but he cut me off.

“Baby, you don’t have to sit here and listen to his shit,” Chase said with his eyes on me.

Baby,” Braydon muttered and turned to me. “Who the hell is he, Naomi?”

“Like you don’t remember me,” Chase snapped.

Braydon looked to him. “No, I don’t.”

Chase chuckled and started to talk but I shook my head at him. “Let me, please.”

He nodded. “Remember, No, I’m right here, baby.”

My eyes on him, I got lost in his words and everything his beautiful blues eyes relayed as they gazed softly at me. “I’m right here, baby.” It was in that moment I made my decision.

I was going to run full steam to the left. Just a little over a week and I knew this was the guy I was supposed to be with and not some high-ranking banker. Where we spent our free time kissing ass at company functions or feasting on caviar at charity events, living the life in huge gaudy homes, dining at the finest restaurants and driving luxury cars. No spontaneity or excitement. Everything planned, systematic, and precise.

No, this wasn’t who I was. This wasn’t how we started out. This wasn’t what I’d thought I was marrying into.

“Just sign the papers, Braydon, please,” I pleaded quietly, wanting to end this before it got ugly. “I know about you in Dallas with another girl and using the alias Ross Smith.”

Braydon let out a huge sigh and rubbed the back of the neck, muttering, “You don’t know, do you?”

“Know what?” I questioned with scrunched brows.

“Naomi, we need to talk about—”

Chase spoke up and when he did it was loud and firm. “Do what she said and sign the fucking papers.”

Braydon turned. “Who the fuck are you?”

“He’s a private investigator that I hired,” I replied.

He looked back to me. “Why did you hire a PI?”

“Bray,” I started, then paused to take a deep breath. I didn’t really want Chase to hear what I had to say but it needed to be said. “Before we got married things were great… fun. We just went with the flow. Then… after we got married things changed, you changed. Everything was business, work, and climbing the corporate ladder while I sat back and watched. And you changed, Braydon. I—”

“I’m trying to give you all the things you never had, Naomi,” Braydon interrupted me. “All the things you deserve.”

“Braydon… I was happy with living in the run-down apartment, me working at that little coffee shop and you working odd jobs here and there.” I paused and smiled at the memory. “And trying to figure out how to vamp up mac and cheese because most times it was all we could afford to eat.” The smile quickly faded as he stared at me with a blank expression, like he was trying to pull up the memory. I frowned.

“Honey, I thought moving out here—”

“Braydon,” I interjected. “I did what a wife is supposed to do and supported my husband. I never wanted to move—”

He jumped in, “Then we’ll move back. Please, Naomi, you don’t understand—”

“Sign the fucking papers, asshole,” Chase rumbled.

Braydon shot Chase a look and Chase uncrossed his arms and glared at Braydon.

“Please,” I butted into their stare down. Both sets of eyes came to me.

“I wanna talk, Naomi,” Braydon said. “We need to talk.” He firmly expressed the last.

I looked to the clock hanging on the wall that was shaped like an old pocket watch. I loved that stupid clock. I’d bought it while browsing an antique store when we’d first moved here… by myself.

“I have to get to work.” I picked up my purse, moved around the island, and slipped through the huge gap between Braydon and Chase and ran up the stairs.

If they wanted to beat the shit out of each other, then let them. I needed to get to work. I had to keep the one stable thing in my life before I lost it and went off the deep end. That wouldn’t solve anything.

I robotically went through the motions of changing my clothes, applying my makeup, and putting my hair into a high ponytail. Last night after I locked myself in Chase’s guest room, I had taken full advantage of the steam shower. When I’d finally fallen asleep my hair was still damp, and I’d woken up to a mess of waves. Therefore, the ponytail had body to it and actually looked great.

When I came downstairs forty minutes later, both men were still there. Chase had a shoulder to the pillar with his eyes piercing Braydon.  Braydon leaned against the counter and his eyes were focused on his phone, as usual. 

With my hand on the front doorknob, I told them, “If you two are enjoying each other’s company that much, please, help yourself to the muffins in the freezer.” I retrieved my keys from my purse and opened the front door. “Oven on three fifty, muffins in for twenty minutes should do the trick.” I stepped out onto the concrete, yelling, “And the honey butter goes great on the banana nut.”

“Baby!” Chase called.

“Naomi!” Braydon shouted.

I heard Chase’s footsteps behind me and when I twisted, his large frame was blocking my view. I looked around him back inside the house and to Braydon and yelled, “I’ll be back in the morning to talk to you,”

Then I brought my eyes to Chase and my heart skipped a beat while all breath was sucked from my lungs. He was gorgeous, perfection, and I’d fucked him. No… he’d fucked me. And, it was the best sex I’d ever had. Even better than the sex that Braydon and I had had before we were married, but then that all changed.  With the same heated penetrating stare he’d had yesterday before he fucked me, he held me in place. Warmth ran through my body and filled my cheeks.

“I…” I stumbled, he grinned, and my panties dampened. “I’ll see you after work,” I breathed.

“Right choice, baby,” Chase muttered quietly.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Wha—”

He leaned in, causing me to halt my words and firmly whispered, “I’m sorry for last night, No. And if you roll those beautiful brown eyes at me again, baby, your sweet ass is gonna pay for it later.”

“It’s okay, Chase,” I told him then, “Promise?” came rolling out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop it, and the warmth in my cheeks turned to a burning heat.

Chase growled and in a deep husky voice whispered, “Get to work, No. Before I show him”—he jerked his head back at the house— “how to really fuck my girl. And as much as I love an audience, your body is for my eyes only.”

I didn’t reply because by the look in his eyes, I had no doubt that he’d fuck me right there and have Braydon watch. Part of my brain really liked that thought and my pussy convulsed, my breathing became heavy, and Chase’s eyes dipped down my body and back up.

Fuck,” he grumbled and warned firmly, “Get in the fucking car, No.”

Without hesitation, I opened the door and slipped into the driver’s seat and he shut my door then stood there. I started the car, backed down the driveway and into the street. Putting the car in drive, I looked to the house that I knew as my home but was now unsure about, and saw Chase still standing in the driveway and Braydon on the porch right outside the front door,  both watching me.

Day against night.

Polished against rough.

Dull against adventure.

Yeah, I was definitely hauling my ass left, right into the arms of Chase Black.




“Really, Grace, just trust me,” I whispered as she stood in front of me with hard glaring eyes.

She huffed, turned, and threw a hand in the air. “I trust you, Mimi. There’s no question about that. What I don’t understand is the secrecy.”

“Two more days; give me two more and I promise I’ll tell you everything,” I begged.

“Everything?” She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes.

“Everything,” I repeated.

Grace pressed her lips together and nodded. She turned and started toward the breakroom door, then twisted. “Everything.”

“Yes.” I smiled at her. “Everything.”

She nodded and walked out of the room and I sighed heavily because I knew she was a caring friend and I hated that I was keeping stuff from her.







I’d just pulled into the mall parking lot when my cell rang through the speakers of my truck, cutting off the blaring of “Down With The Sickness”. Looking to the cell in the console, I huffed. At least she’d given me twelve hours.

“Yes, Glinda,” I drawled after I tapped Answer.

“Oh, fuck you, Chase.”

I chuckled. “Startin’ off mushy are we?”

“Always.” Jessica laughed and I soaked that up with a smile then she stopped and asked, “So, who is she?”

“What are you talking about?” I played dumb as I looked for an open parking spot in front of Nordstrom.

“Really?” She huffed. “Naomi, asshole, who is she?”

“A woman,” I deadpanned as I found a spot and backed in.

“Chase, I have twenty fucking minutes before I have to get Bryce. And unless you want me to be late picking up your nephew, you better talk.”

She always played dirty and played my boy against me.

“Why? Do you not like her?” I questioned.

“No, I love her—”

“Good,” I said cutting her off.

Jessica took a deep breath. “Please, can we stop playing this closed-off game you like to play?”

“Okay,” I gave in. “She’s a girl I met through… a case I was working on. I guess you can say we got close.” My head swam to my cock sinking into her silk-encased pussy. I shook away the thought. “And…” I braced for the scream. “She’s staying with me.”

“What!” she yelled and her voice echoed through my truck. “That’s umm… Chase, you have a girl living with you!” she said with astonishment, as if she were telling me something I didn’t know.

I chuckled. “I know, Jess.”

“That’s like… fucking huge,” she breathed in shock. “I mean, it’s great, Chase, and I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” I said quietly and gazed out at the crowded parking lot with thoughts of Naomi filling my mind.

“Chase,” she said softly. “This Saturday….” Jessica paused for a beat. “You know Dad’s—”

“I’ll be there,” I told her, interrupting her.

“What?” she whispered.

“I’ll be there,” I repeated. “That house, end of your block, huge yard out back, you get me the info on that, yeah?”

The line went silent and then I heard a sniff.

“Jess,” I called.

Her voice was croaky as she spoke. “I will, Chase, I’ll get the info on the house.”

“You e-mail it to me.”

“Yeah,” she whispered and sniffed again.

“All good by you, sweetheart?” I asked softly.

After a deep shaky breath, she said, “Perfect, absolutely perfect.”

“Good, now you go get my boy, take him for ice cream because I have something to do and I won’t be home for another forty-five minutes and I don’t want him home waiting on me to get on the Xbox, yeah?”

“Yeah, honey, I’ll do that,” Jessica said quietly.

“Later, sweetheart.”

“Later, Chase.”

I tapped the End button, shut the truck off, and hopped out. 

You’re moving to the next level, settling down.

Frankie’s words played in my head.

I see it in your eyes, kid.

So when I walked into Nordstrom’s to buy my girl a gift, I did it with a smile on my face.




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