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Dark - Seduced by the Mob Book Four by Ashley Rhodes (17)

Chapter 17

~ Margaret ~

Taking up temporary residence in the MC clubhouse, Margaret felt an odd sense of self-righteous satisfaction at seeing the evil bitch fucking with Dark’s world locked securely in their basement. They had a strangely old-fashioned set of prison cells, just like out of the movies.

Following Dark back upstairs, they went straight to his room. Dark wasted no time pulling off his clothing and started a bath for them in his Jacuzzi tub. The man looked good naked.

Settling back in his arms, she asked, “Have we gotten a lead on Donovan yet?”

“No. Johnny and Don Carlo are scouring the city for him. I’ve got my crew on it as well. We’re spread thin with so many of us out covering the international offices of Dragonfly. We’ll get him though.”

“I know, baby. Sarah has Johnny’s elite hackers using the bitch’s computer password to breach his financial firewalls. Once we have our hands on his money, we’ll simply starve him of the resources he needs to mount a proper fight.”

Drifting his lips over her bare shoulder, he kissed her tenderly.

“I’m glad to be home again,” Margaret whispered.

“You think of my place as home?”

“Truthfully? I think of the supply depot as our home. I know that’s crazy, but it’s the place where we first spent time together and the place I feel the safest with you.”

“Do you ever think about the future?” Dark continued.

“I never believed I had one until I met you. Now, it’s all I can think of.”

“What do you think about?”

“Us growing old together while we work a little action and adventure in here and there. I wonder what you’re going to look like when all your hair goes silver. I’m thinking you are going to a real fox. Sometimes, when I realize there’s a bit of an age difference, it makes me sad to think of being by myself if you die first. I know it’s selfish, but I kind of hope we go together.”

“You’re saying all the things that should drive home to me what a bad idea it is for me steal away your life, forcing you to be with an older man destined to leave you sad and alone.”

“I heard an implied but in there somewhere.”

“But it just makes me want you more. When I consider the future, I see us laughing, loving and being the better part of each other’s lives. We have so little time together, I don’t want to waste any of it feeling guilty about taking you to me, but I get the idea stuck in my head sometimes.”

“It’s not up to you.” Turning to face him, she cupped his face in her hands again. “I’ve been thinking about this since the plane ride. You let that bitch downstairs poison how you feel about us and I’m not having that. You know damn good and well that we’re perfect for each other. Your brain and your heart are on the same page, so stop letting her words interfere with what we have.”

“Not my choice? Is that what I heard you say?”

Grinning at him, she clarified, “I get to choose if we have a relationship or not. You get to choose everything else. I believe that’s more than fair.”

The look of pure male possessiveness that she likes so well jumped onto his face again. He immediately picked her up and carried her wet body towards his bed.

“Aren’t we going to dry off?”

“Yep. I’m drying you off alright and you are going to say still and take it.”

“We could dry each other off if you know what I mean?”

Looking down at her, he shook his head slightly. “Not tonight. I’m going to make love to you properly.”

Smiling at him, she responded enthusiastically, “I don’t know what that means, but I like the sound of it.”

Standing her beside his bed, he gently dried her off with a clean sheet. With him kneeling in front of her, she couldn’t help but sigh in appreciation. “You are one incredibly sexy man. I’m lucky to be the one sharing your bed tonight.”

Wrapping his arms around her, he laid his face against her stomach. “If I ever get stupid again, give me a thump on the head or something.”

Bringing her arms up around him, she smoothed his hair. “You got it handsome. I hereby accept your appointment as the official protector of our relationship. I promise to fight tooth and nail to protect what we have and I won’t ever let you down.”

“You’re funny and sweet. I think you deserve a reward.”

Staring into his beautiful eyes, she responded sincerely, “I love your rewards the best.”

Draping one long lithe leg over his shoulder, he buried his face between her legs. The man seemed intent on licking every drop of water from her soft skin. He had a very talented tongue and he had her shaking like a leaf within moments, and then her whole body contracted in a hard orgasm.

“Oh God, you’re so good, baby. I need to lie down before I fall down.”

Looking up, the look on his face was pure male pride.

“I want to taste you.”

“Get on the bed and lie on your back. I’m going to give you a little taste.”

Unsure what he meant, she quickly scrambled into position as he asked. Biting her lip in anticipation, she watched him climb onto the bed and crawl over her. He didn’t stop until his rod was in her face. Scooting up she found a comfortable position to take him into her mouth.

Dark’s hand landed on the headboard as he allowed her to have her sexy way with him. That lasted all of about three minutes. Then his other hand fisted in her hair and he stilled her sensual assault, electing instead to rub himself across her tongue as she sucked him.

There was no better sound in the entire world than hearing her big sexy biker enjoying her body. Giving him pleasure filled an empty spot that had always made itself known, especially when she was with a man. It was intimate and validated her as a woman. This man, who’d risked the lives of the people he cared about to get her free of the greedy corporate machine, deserved every ounce of pleasure she could give him. He’d had a long, hard, and relatively loveless life when it came to women. Knowing they filled that void for each other felt like coming home.

Palming Dark’s beautiful balls as he slid over her tongue made him lose his rhythm. Pulling out, he backed off as he pulled her down into a more comfortable position. Moving the hair out of her face with both hands, he caressed her face. “That felt really good, sweetness. I love your mouth.”

“I love sucking you off. You know that, right?”

“I do get that feeling from you. You’re generous that way.”

Nuzzling the side of her face, he found his way to her lips. This time when he kissed her, she could feel both the love and the passion. It was enough to make her tear up. Wrapping her arms around him, she gently clawed at his back as they tangled tongues. God, the man was perfect. Without even thinking about it, she spread her legs more fully and wrapped them around his waist. Dragging him closer, she felt him smile through their kisses.

“In a hurry for something, sweetness?” he teased her.

“Aren’t you?”

“I’m so hard that I could break bricks with my cock about now.”

“Well, I know just what to do with something that brutal and primitive.”

Grinning at her strange turn of phrase, he positioned himself at her entrance. “It’s been days since I was inside you. I’m gonna take it nice and slow.”

“As long as I finally get you, I don’t care.”

He murmured, “Fuck. You’re killing me with sweet talk these days.”

“Shut up and fuck me, gorgeous.”

“God, I love everything about you.” Sinking slowly into her welcoming body, he sighed in her ear, “You feel so damned good after everything we’ve been through.”

“So do you. You’re everything I need to be happy,” Margaret assured him.

Staring down at her, he pulled out, he surged forward again. Watching his expression turn ever more heated as he picked up the pace, added an element of sweetness to the erotic encounter for her. Even though Dark grew ever more enthusiastic with his thrusting, he made sure to hit the perfect spot with each and every stroke.

If there was one thing that she could always rely upon with Dark, it was a nice hard fuck when she needed it the most. The man was a wonder. Slowing getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes and the pleasure he dealt was all too easy.

Feeling the bliss begin to coil tightly again, she had to admit that him watching her so intently was making the moment even more wrought with sexual tension and intimacy. She’d never felt closer to the man. Leaning forward, she kissed him.

His hand slid up to press her back down, clamping around her neck. It wasn’t enough to hurt her or interfere with her breathing, but it was enough to let her know who was in control. For some reason, it tripped all the right switches for her, making her vibrate with need and anticipation. Everything was converging to create the perfect moment to seal her to this man forever.

She could tell by looking in his eye, he could feel it too. “You’re mine, now and forever. Swear yourself to me, sweetness.”

“I’m more yours than you’ll ever know.”

“Don’t ever imagine for one minute that I’m going to stray. I got all that out of my system years ago. It’s only ever going to be you for me,” Dark promised her fervently.

Feeling herself cresting, she fought it, unwilling to let go of the perfect moment flowing between them.

A look of pride and pleasure spread across his face. “You like riding my cock?”

Margaret responded, “I fucking love it, baby.”

“Our life is going to be filled with perfect moments. Like this one, sweetness. Come for me again,” he coaxed.

Something about his deep masculine voice fractured her resolve and she felt the strongest orgasm of her life, go stampeding through her core. Every single time with Dark was amazing but this time it was perfection. Feeling him come to a stuttering stop as he filled her with his seed, she realized she loved everything about being with him, right down to the smell of his sweat.

“You’re all mine, Eagle Eye. And I promise I’m all yours.”

Trying to catch her breath, she stammered almost incoherently, “You had better be because I don’t think I can live without you.”

Curling around her, he pulled her back against his chest. “Rest baby. You’re going to need it.”

She thought he might have been referring to their pending hunt for Donovan, but learned differently when he woke her three hours later for more sex. It was sex that she was all willing to give him, grateful that he’d shook off whatever had thrown a damper over his libido on the plane. He rolled over, putting her on top. Not needing further incentive, she rode him for all she was worth. Looking up at her with adoration, he played with her tender bud and breasts. It was the perfect combination to send her spiraling into another orgasm. For an older man, Dark had it going on in the sex department. Margaret was certain the man had a higher sex drive than most men half his age.

Snuggling up again after he spent himself inside her, she couldn’t even imagine any place she’d rather be. Exhausted and sated in his bed was her personal idea of heaven on Earth.