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Darkness Binds (Others of Seattle Book 8) by Brandy L Rivers (14)

Chapter 14



Early in the morning, Christian stood in the kitchen, making a pot of coffee while his mate attempted to comfort Tyrone, who was upset over losing someone. It wasn’t his ex he missed.

No, it was Delilah’s sister who broke his heart. The dumbass had been half in love with her since he’d met the guy. He just wouldn’t admit it. And he didn’t blame Amelia for falling into Tyrone’s arms while trying to figure out her new situation, but man, Tyrone didn’t deserve to be sitting there a sobbing mess and not even know why.

Delilah joined Christian. “Can’t you give his memories back?”

Christian snorted. “I tried. I can’t. She didn’t know what she was doing and totally destroyed everything to do with her. He doesn’t even remember her face, even though he dreams of her constantly. The only one who can fix him is her.”

“Damn it, why couldn’t she listen, just once. And of course, she’s not answering her damned phone. What the hell has she gotten herself into?”

“A mess.” Christian reached for the sugar bowl he knew was empty. “Think you could get more? Seems to calm him.”

Delilah frowned. “Why are you trying to get rid of me? Guy talk hasn’t worked.”

Christian placed a soft kiss to her lips. “Pretty please.”

“With me on top?” she teased.

“Mmm, of course. Now go.”

Sighing, she grabbed her purse and headed to the store.

Pushing his fingers through his hair, Christian thought out his choices. Tyrone was a mess, and as much as he hated the next step, he didn’t see another option. Several people in Edenton were going to be taken, and he was about the only person who could keep them safe in the vampire’s hands without giving away too much. And, maybe seeing Amelia in full-fledged monster mode would scare Tyrone away from her for good. That or bring his memories back in a natural way. Maybe that was the key. Seeing how terrible her power could be, and he had a feeling the only one she wouldn’t shock was Brent. And Christian had seen enough pieces of what was coming to know Amelia could be downright scary.

Shit, he didn’t know all she was capable of, but he knew that Amelia and Brent were finally bonded, which was how it should have been long ago. Now he hoped they could survive the story they were chasing and actually get rid of this deity that wanted to darken the world.

At least a good one watched over her. Funny how a goddess of war was the one who wanted to protect her and the planet. Christian shook off the visions and thoughts and focused on how he’d get word to those who mattered at the right time. If he acted too soon, Amelia would fail and Brent would die, sending Amelia into a tailspin she may not recover from. Too late, and Amelia would never forgive herself when Tyrone died with all of the captives, including himself. And if he allowed Delilah to be captured, she would get them all killed to protect her mate. He couldn’t have that.

Wait, he knew what to do. He wasn’t great at it yet, but hopefully it would work. He knelt beside the fridge and used his finger and a spell to cast runes on the side. Hopefully Preston or Robert would sense the magic and know how to call it forward. Most likely Robert. It was mystic magic, and they had learned the spell at the same time a few days ago because their mentor told them they’d need it.

He moved to the couch in time for the door to be kicked open. Christian whispered, “Tyrone, we’ll get out of this. Try to stay calm.”

Wasn’t going to happen, but he needed to say something to ease his conscience.

Pain exploded in his head a second before everything went dark.


* * * *


An hour to spare before dawn and Inuala grinned as the mystic was loaded into the van. They brought a human male with them. Strong, dark, gorgeous. One corner of her mouth lifted as his eyes locked on hers and tears flowed down his face. Not tears of fear, tears of loss. She’d seen the same before when a vampire ripped apart the memory of themselves in a mortal’s mind.

Who was the vampire who fucked with his head? Could it be Amelia? He was in her sister’s home. Though where was the werewolf? She would have loved to get her hands on a few of the powerful shifters.

But then she caught the scent of one nearby and she focused in on the direction before disappearing to chase her new prey.

A pretty woman with short golden blond hair and blue eyes walked down the street as if nothing was wrong. There was an emptiness within her, something missing. A perfect vessel for Crom Cruach to reside.

Inuala reformed beside the woman and sank her fangs. Her blood was pure power, though she had no magic of her own.

What was she? Definitely more than a werewolf.

Inuala drank until the woman slipped into a deep sleep, then put the compulsion to stay asleep for days and brought her back to the van where the man still sobbed.

She moved before him and leaned in, sniffing him. There was no smell of vampire. The broken heart was recent. Inuala struck and sipped at his blood, searching his memories of a vampire. There was nothing, but the last few months had giant holes.

Definitely a vampire. Most likely young, powerful. Could she use this man against Amelia? She’d been reincarnated so many times, but Inuala usually found her before Eamon and put an end to her.

However, maybe Amelia was the key to summoning Crom Cruach. She had more power in life than the rest of them. She’d been able to lock their god away, deep within.

And the magic was there, buried under some kind of barricade.

A new plan formed. Eamon needed to unlock Amelia’s magic. And if she didn’t fulfill her destiny, Inuala could use the man whose memories were torn from him. And if that failed, Brendan, who Inuala suspected may be Trenton, only he was better at hiding his nature than he had been in the past.

Either way, Amelia would do what Inuala needed her to do. Force Crom Cruach into the pretty blond werewolf. She’d be strong enough to hold onto the god and was missing enough of her soul that he could remold her into his own form.

It was time to appeal to Eamon and ensure he unlocked Amelia’s magic. And maybe now that she was a vampire, the girl would finally choose the right side.

Inuala settled the blond werewolf next to the sobbing man.

“Who is she?” one of the vampires asked.

Smiling, Inuala looked him in the eye. “Crom Cruach’s new vessel.”