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DEAL WITH THE DEVIL: Damned Angels MC by Heather West (49)


“Ah!” Adriana cried out, shoving her bare ass backward to collide with the front of Ryder’s pants, the fabric scratching her skin. But she couldn’t focus on that. All she could feel was the delicious sharpness of Ryder’s teeth digging into her flesh, marking her up. That’s going to be hard to cover tomorrow, Adriana thought vaguely, bending her neck to give Ryder more room to work with. But she didn’t care about tomorrow. She didn’t care about the next day or the day after or the day after that or the week after that or any time that wasn’t right now, in this wonderful moment, where her body was finally beating her thoughts back like a tsunami on the shore.


“Such a fucking, bad girl, coming in here all late, with your fucking tits looking like that?” Ryder said into her throat, dragging his teeth up to the sensitive skin right behind her ear. “Ugh, such a bad, fucking girl.”


“Do you like my tits, sir?” Adriana found herself asking, the question popping straight up from her heart without interference from her brain. She pressed her ass back harder, moving her hips in slow, wide circles right over his crotch. She could feel him harden next to her ass; she imagined she could feel the pulse of his heartbeat, right in the head of his cock, even through the fabric of his pants.


Ryder chuckled again, right before he licked a wet line from the bottom of her ear to the very top, causing her to groan throatily and clutch hard at the desk surface with her fingernails. “I think you know the answer to that,” he whispered into her ear, sliding his teeth along the shell of her earlobe while his hands snaked forward to grab her bare breasts, pulling at her nipples between his fingers.


Oh, God. Adriana felt herself get impossibly wetter between her legs. At this rate, she was going to start dripping on the floor or on the desk before Ryder even had a chance to do anything to her. But she just couldn’t help it. The sensations blazing across her body were bad enough, but the thoughts his touch was inspiring… they were the really overwhelming thing.


She felt so naughty, so fucking bad. She’d never done this before—let a guy grab her bare tits without even kissing her on the mouth first. But she wanted it. God, she fucking wanted it. She wanted him to spread her open and fuck her and come right inside her pussy, all without pressing their lips together. It just made it filthier and hotter, made her burn with shame and desire at the same exact moment. She was a fucking slut, and she loved it.


“I think it’s time you bad girl, you naughty little fucking bitch, get exactly what you deserve,” Ryder said into her ear before biting down hard on her shoulder, sucking roughly until she screamed in pleasure and pain.


“Ahh, ohhh, ahhh…” Adriana sighed. Once she stopped wailing, Ryder licked at the bite mark, soothing the ache with his tongue and turning it into a dull, sweet burn, while Adriana focused all of her energy into rubbing her ass against Ryder’s crotch. She wanted to tease him, too. She wanted to tempt him into screwing up his plan. She wanted to create a conflict for him, too, so that when they finally fucked, it was sweeter than he ever could have imagined.


“You’re so fucking bad,” Ryder whispered into her ear, pressing his body harder into hers, his chest level with her back so that she had to bend her spine and lean over the desk just to stay on her feet. “So bad. Such a dirty little whore.”


“Mm, yeah, I’m your dirty whore,” Adriana replied, giggling with joy and pleasure and just sheer disbelief that she was finally being treated the way she always used to fantasize about.


Crack. Without warning, Ryder’s hand slammed against the side of Adriana’s ass, causing her to grunt out in pain and surprise, her ass stinging slightly as Ryder’s hand pulled away. The next second, it returned, rubbing gently over the place where he’d spanked her. “Red, yellow, green?” Ryder whispered into her ear the next moment.


“Green, definitely green,” Adriana said, rolling her hips in circles to get more contact on her ass, brushing up against his hand as well as the front of his pants. “Please keep going. I like it.”


Ryder brushed some of the hair away from Adriana’s face, pausing to rub the top of her back, and then skimmed his hand down her spine until he hovered over her ass again. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured into her ear, his teeth coming out to slide against the oversensitive nerve endings along the top of her neck. “I’ll be merciful. This time.”


Crack. His hand slapped against the meaty flesh of her ass right before rubbing over the sore spot, kneading her skin with his knuckles. The next second, he suddenly bent her over the desk, shoving her face down onto the hard surface while her ass protruded further into the space between their bodies.


“Jesus, you look so fucking delicious,” he muttered before smacking his hand against her ass again, harder this time, making Adriana moan a little under her breath. She thought she had been quiet about it, but he must have heard her, for the next second, he said, “Yeah, let me hear you. Let me hear you, you bad little girl.”


“I like this. I like this a lot, sir,” she whispered, rotating her hips slightly in the air, trying to entice him to touch her more.


Ryder’s hand landed, much more softly than before, on the bottom of her back, rubbing firmly until the last little bit of tension in Adriana’s body evaporated before he dipped lower, grabbing onto her ass again. “You’ve got such a nice ass,” he whispered, leaning over her body again to whisper directly into her ear. “So fucking thick.”


Crack. He slapped her again, harder than ever, making her ass sting hotly before he raked his nails down her oversensitive flesh.


“Mm, oh,” Adriana whimpered, biting down into the skin of her own arm, just to have something to hold onto as Ryder pulled away from her. She heard some vague shuffling noises, and her spine went stiff with anticipation and nervousness as she awaited Ryder’s next move. Maybe he was getting his cock out to press into her… Adriana shivered on the desk, gripping the sides of it harder for leverage as she waited for Ryder to fuck her.


But his cock didn’t arrive. Instead, there was a long, protracted moment where nothing happened, where only the chilly air around her hit her naked body, causing her to whimper lowly and press her body harder against the desk.


“Red, yellow, green?” Ryder asked from somewhere behind her.


“Green,” Adriana answered automatically. She didn’t realize she felt that way, confident in whatever Ryder was doing, until the word left her mouth. All the same, her body began trembling, her fingers shaking even as they clutched onto the desk for dear life.


Then, Ryder draped himself over her, shoving his hand underneath her body to pull her closer to him. “Come here.” Ryder grunted into her ear, wrapping his arms tightly around her torso to pull her up until her head leaned against Ryder’s shoulder. He turned his head to bite into the side of her neck, making her hiss and bite her lip to keep herself from crying out. “Get on your knees,” he ordered with another grunt, pressing his hand on her back to push her back down on the desk.


Adriana did as she was instructed, bracing her hands and knees on the hard surface of the desk, her feet hanging off the side and her head draped down between her shoulders, breathing raggedly as she waited for Ryder to return. She heard some more shuffling on the other side of the room, but somehow, she knew that she shouldn’t turn around to see what he was doing.


It was better this way, waiting with bated breath, her pulse pounding in her ears harder and harder with each passing second. Adriana’s hands collected sweat as they pressed onto the desk, her breathing getting shallower as Ryder’s footsteps traveled back around to the area directly behind her. Her skin prickled with anticipation, goosebumps standing up on her arms and legs and ass as she heard Ryder’s breathing begin to match hers. He’s excited, Adriana thought, biting down on her bottom lip to keep herself from grinning. He’s just as excited as me.




“Oh!” Adriana cried out, her knees sliding a little against the wood of the desk as her body jolted forward in response to the sensation of something smacking against her ass. It wasn’t Ryder’s hand, she could tell that much. Somehow, it felt harder and softer, firmer and gentler all at once.


Ryder’s hand reappeared the next moment, rubbing the inflamed skin of her ass cheek before skimming its way up her back and then snaking around her body until it wrapped firmly around her neck.


“You like this?” Ryder whispered, squeezing her neck, just enough so that she had to work a little harder to pant as forcefully as she was before.


“Yes,” Adriana whispered desperately, drawing out the word like a moan, letting her neck relax into Ryder’s grasp. “Yes, I really like it. Thank you, sir. Thank you for showing this to me.”


“You’re welcome,” Ryder said, laughing a little, sounding younger than Adriana had ever heard him before. “Thank you for sharing it with me.”


Adriana didn’t know what to say or do at this moment. Things had become weirdly serious, strangely genuine. It didn’t feel like Ryder was teasing her anymore or that he was playing a role. It felt like he was the same person as he was earlier in the day, in the office at his family compound.


It was honestly a little terrifying—thinking that they were the same people as they were before they stepped into the playroom, that there wasn’t a clean separation between the two worlds they inhabited. Adriana blinked several times, breathing more slowly to get herself to calm down. She was tempted to say “yellow” or even “red” or “tangerine” to get Ryder to put the brakes on their play, but she stopped herself before she could get a word out. She needed to see this through. She needed to prove to herself that she could do this, even just once, without surrendering, without giving up and admitting that she really was incapable of letting go.


I can do this, she said to herself silently, arching her back to stick her ass further up in the air. I can fucking do this.


“You’re so nasty, you know that?” Ryder said, suddenly leaning over and licking the back of Adriana’s neck, dragging his teeth along the top of her back until she physically squirmed beneath him. “You’re such a fucking slut.”


“Good slut or bad slut?” Adriana asked without thinking, the question leaving her mouth like an unstoppable train that had to be released. At the same time, her tone was teasing, joking, if only to cover up how badly she actually wanted to know the answer to that question.


Ryder laughed, freely, like she’d said something hilarious, and she felt her whole body flush, probably going visibly red against the otherwise total blackness of the room around them. But her fears were assuaged when he pressed his lips gently against the skin behind her ear, licking lightly for a second before he whispered, “Good slut. Such a good slut. I’m so lucky to have found you.”


“Thank you.” Adriana breathed in response, pushing her head back to nuzzle against Ryder’s head, her arms trembling with the effort of keeping herself up and in place. But she didn’t let up, pressing down harder on the desk to balance herself while Ryder pulled back away from her body.


Snap. Snap snap snap. Whatever tool Ryder was using smacked against her ass four times in quick succession, making her skin sing out with pleasure and pain.


“Jesus Christ!” Adriana cried out, screwing her eyes shut and exhaling sharply just to keep herself calm. Even though her mind was scrambling for something to hold onto, her body was perfectly content, her ass perking up higher in the air of its own accord, wordlessly asking for more contact.


“Yeah, you take it really well. Such a fucking nasty bitch,” Ryder said before smacking his tool against her ass three more times, pausing in between his motions to let her recover.


Snap. Snap. Snap.


“What are you… what are you using?” Adriana asked, turning her head to bite down onto her own arm, using the pain to anchor herself down into this moment, not letting her mind drift away into anything to distract herself from the pain and pleasure. She was a little nervous that she was breaking some unspoken rule by asking him what he was using, but she needed to know. The uncertainty was driving her crazy; she needed to be able to picture what was happening, to know what he was using to make her come apart underneath him.


Ryder’s hand returned to her neck, his teeth sinking down hard on top of her shoulder.


“Ahh! Ahh, shit!” Adriana cried out, flinching under the sharp pain that was digging into her skin. Oh, God. Oh, God, I can’t fucking take it. I can’t fucking handle this. I’m not strong enough, she thought for a moment, but then the other, stronger voice inside her mind took over, inwardly berating her for her weakness. Yes, you can. You can do this. You can fucking take it. You can take whatever he gives you. What, are you going to let this man beat you? You’re going to let him prove that you can’t do something? Are you really that weak?


No. She wasn’t weak. If Adriana knew anything about herself at all, it was that she was strong. She was tough. She was going to do this—if only to prove to herself that she could. But deep down, she knew it was more than that. She wanted this, for its own sake rather than as a test of her strength. She wanted to be taken apart, piece by piece by stubborn piece, until she was a pile of jelly on the desk, totally overwhelmed by the force of the sensations that Ryder was wrapping around her.


Ryder began sucking on her shoulder, pulling at her flesh with his teeth and lips until she was whining like a pathetic animal.


“Oooh, uhh, God,” she moaned out, beginning to roll her hips again in slow, wide circles that brushed up against the front of Ryder’s pants.


But after a few moments, Ryder pulled back the lower half of his body, keeping his hand wrapped around her neck and his mouth attached at her shoulder this time, before smacking the still-unnamed object against her ass three more times, harder than before.


“Shit!” Adriana’s voice came out hoarse and rough, her breathing becoming harsher and harder as Ryder squeezed her neck with more force.


“It’s a whip,” Ryder said, raking his teeth down her spine, sucking along her bones before stopping right above her ass. “You like it?”


“Yes,” Adriana replied, the answer leaving her mouth of its own volition. “Yes, I fucking like it. Thank you, sir. Fucking thank you. Oh, shit!” He slapped the whip against her ass another few times.


“Have you had enough?” Ryder grunted, sliding his wonderfully sharp teeth back up her spine before nibbling at the back of her neck.


Adriana was at a loss for words, licking her lips as she struggled to find an answer.


“Hmm, sounds like you haven’t,” Ryder said with a wry chuckle, rubbing his way up and down her back soothingly, his nails dancing along her skin until all of her cells relaxed, all of the tension from before dissipating like his hands had vacuumed up every last bit of worry from her body.


Before Adriana could come up with a reply, Ryder slapped his hand against her ass four or five times. She honestly lost count, totally consumed by the warm sensations radiating out from her ass, sending waves of pleasure deep down into her legs. She groaned and rocked her head back on Ryder’s shoulder, letting her body relax into his, trusting that he would catch her.


The next moment, the whip came back into play, but this time, it didn’t slap her ass. Instead, Ryder slid it against her ass, letting her feel the slick leathery feeling of the handle. Her body got to know the whip, the simultaneous firmness and softness of it. It was practically a feather tickling her, making her body relax under its touch. Adriana moaned lightly, sticking her ass further out until the whip slid in between her cheeks, making her gasp out in surprise.


“You like that?” Ryder whispered, kissing the back of her ear.


“Mm, I think so,” Adriana whispered back, lifting one of her hands up temporarily to brush some of the hair out of her eyes.


Ryder let the soft end of the whip brush up in between her ass cheeks for several long moments, making Adriana aware of nerve endings that she’d never felt before. She felt herself grow warmer and wetter between her legs. She spread her knees apart a little wider, giving Ryder more space to play around. Adriana felt a little bit like she was being experimented with, like Ryder was a scientist conducting a test to see how he could make her fall apart in the most efficient or effective ways.


Just when she thought she got a handle on the new sensations between her legs, Ryder’s mouth began sliding back down her body, pausing to lick at her shoulder-blades for a few seconds before sinking down her back. He finally reached her ass, but instead of sliding back up like he did before, Adriana felt his mouth gently slide down her ass, his teeth skimming along her sensitive, untouched flesh until she whimpered and groaned under her breath.


“Jesus, fuck me.” Adriana breathed out, cutting into the silence of the room with a loud whine as Ryder’s tongue slipped between her ass cheeks, dancing around her hole without ever actually touching it. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God!” Adriana cried out, practically shrieking as Ryder applied more pressure with his tongue, licking harder until her legs shook as if they were caught in a tornado. “Oh, my God, Ryder, fuck!”


Without warning, Ryder reached his hand between her legs, finding her pussy and slipping the tips of two fingers inside.


“Jesus, shit, oh, fuck!” Adriana moaned, letting her head flop down in between her shoulders, even as she dug her nails into the edge of the desk under her body, sweating so hard her hair was already getting wet. She felt like she was a running a marathon or doing a hardcore workout in the gym, every muscle in her body tensing, but she didn’t feel uncomfortable. She felt like this was what her body was meant to do, what it had been designed to do.


“Yeah, open up for me, baby,” Ryder grunted out into her ass before he began sucking in earnest, pulling her cheeks between his teeth, making her groan out loudly before shrieking as he spanked the flesh of her ass with his free hand. Meanwhile, his fingertips moved in slow circles inside of her, as if he was just getting to know the feel of her, pressing up against her hot pink walls. “Yeah, you’re so fucking tight. I knew it. I knew it from the first moment I saw you.”


Adriana’s whole body flushed again, all of her arm and leg hairs standing up at attention while Ryder dug his fingernails into her ass, spreading her wider open as his tongue finally brushed up against her hole, moving around in circles. Jesus Christ, Adriana thought as she felt herself unclench, her body giving way to every motion of Ryder’s fingers and mouth. Jesus Christ, this is so fucking dirty. This is so nasty. I’ve never done this before.


But whatever shame she felt was lost in the lust that was overcoming every single cell in her body; heat radiated out of her spine and into every bone inside of her. She couldn’t feel embarrassed. She couldn’t feel ashamed. Maybe that would come later, but for now, she was totally swept up in this moment, which stretched on and on and on, seconds blending together, each swipe of Ryder’s fingers and tongue making her feel like she was born to do this.


Ryder shoved his fingers in deeper, up to the first knuckle, continuing to move around in circles, pressing up against her inner walls and pushing them open gently yet firmly. “So fucking hot. So fucking ready for me, aren’t you? You’re desperate for it,” Ryder said as he pulled back a little from her ass, right before he sunk back in between her cheeks, biting at her flesh and sending sparks of hot sensation spiraling out to the other side of her body, embedding deep into her pussy.


“Feels so good, so fucking good,” Adriana said back. She felt a little pinprick of anxiety appear in her brain, worrying that she was too loud in her exclamations of pleasure. “Can anyone hear me?” she asked in a rushed whisper, letting her fear spill out into her voice.


“No, baby,” Ryder replied, dragging his tongue along her hole for a moment before he pulled back again to speak. “This room is soundproof. I had it designed that way so you can scream as loud as you fucking want. In fact, I command you to be loud. Tell me what you want.”


“I want you to fuck me!” Adriana screamed in response, the words ripping out of her like bombs whistling through the air. She had to scream. It was like her body was physically bound to Ryder’s demands, her cells desperate to do exactly what he wanted. His desires became her needs; directives that she had to follow to survive.


Ryder laughed joyously, slapping the side of her body firmly but not enough to cause pain. Adriana sighed deeply and stretched her muscles out, spreading her legs apart wider and moving her hips in circles as Ryder fucked his fingers deeper inside of her. Adriana felt her own tightness, the way her body squeezed around him, urging him in deeper, her muscles quivering around him.


“I’m going to fuck you, baby,” Ryder whispered, licking a line along her ass before biting the lower part of her back, making her squeal a little and squirm under his touch. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk in the morning.”


Adriana groaned gutturally and arched her back, forcing her hips back and forth to drag Ryder deeper inside of her. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, goddammit,” she grunted out, shoving her hips forward and back, over and over again, forcing Ryder’s fingers in and out of her body. She felt her hole ache for him whenever his finger fell out of her, her wetness growing more and more, her hole getting hotter and hotter with every stroke of his fingers.


“Are you ready?” Ryder whispered, dragging his tongue from her ass, following her spine up to the base of her neck before biting the side of her throat. “Are you ready for me?”


A shiver ran down Adriana’s spine, her arms and legs shaking as Ryder licked the area behind her ear. She knew that things had been relatively tame so far. Ryder probably held back, not dominating her as thoroughly as he ordinarily would just because it was the first time. She felt a little warm in her chest just thinking about it.


He seemed to care about her pleasure, only doing things that made her squirm and squeal and shake. But maybe if she consented to the actual fucking, things would change. Would he be rough? Gentle? And which did she want, really? She honestly didn’t know.


Adriana swallowed heavily, clearing her throat as best as she could despite the circumstances. Was she really willing to do this, to let this man inside of her body, to let him come inside of her, to claim her, finally and fully, as his own?


“I’m ready,” she whispered.




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