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Deliverance (NYC Doms Book 1) by Jane Henry (11)

Chapter 12

I file the bills I paid, and update the spreadsheet I share with Seth. It’s been two days since I’ve seen Diana, and miss her, the need to see her again a distraction. Seth sits across from me, sipping his coffee, looking over the monthly bookkeeping. He wads up the paper from our late afternoon lunch, and tosses it into the barrel by my desk.

“Looks good,” Seth says. “Turning quite a profit already, much more so than the average start-up business.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “Things are lookin’ good, man.”

Seth puts the sheets onto the table and sits back in his chair, fixing me with a stare. “How are things looking with you and Diana?”

“Fine,” I answer noncommittally, not quite ready to get into it with Seth yet.

Seth takes another sip of coffee. “She familiar with the scene?”

“Not at all.”

“Even better.”

I think for a moment, eyeing Seth. “Yeah?”

He nods. “Could be helpful. Girls who are familiar with the scene don’t give you shit for basic expectations and don’t freak out as easily. Typically, won’t run if you go caveman on them, and is ready to stand some pain. But, that always comes with baggage from a previous dom’s training.”

I nod.

“Girl new to the scene, you get to break her in.”

I snort. “You talk about it like she’s a horse or something.”

He grins. “You know I treat Rochelle like a princess. Love the ground she fuckin’ walks on. So you can call my talk whatever the hell you want, doesn’t change who I am or how I behave. You know what I mean.”

Seth and I don’t have personal talks like this much, mostly minding our own business. I’m experienced enough to know Seth has a point. Still, I’m ready to change the subject.

“You hear anything from Zack?”

Seth frowns. “No. Seems our perp’s gone dark. Son of a bitch. Wish I could catch him myself.”


“Seems to me the quiet isn’t a good thing. Like the calm before the storm, you know?”

“Exactly.” I look to the right, where one lone window stands in the otherwise dark office. Outside my window, pedestrians walk by, bundled in scarves and winter coats. The biting winter wind hasn’t lessened with impending snow in the forecast. Is one of the people who walks by my window the man who hurt those women? Is one of those women a future target? Zack’s team made it clear. The perpetrator has a motive, and he has a pattern.

“Maybe time to get an undercover agent here?” I ask. “Have Zack find someone on the force willing to play a dom for a while?”

Seth shakes his head. “I don’t like that idea. Doesn’t seem right to take advantage of subs who think they’re here to scene.”

“No, you don’t understand,” I explain. “Not my point. Find an officer who is a dom to play in scenes. Get a good read on the others here playing.”

Seth shrugs a shoulder. “The integrity of this club is at stake if we fuck around with memberships and shit like that.”

“Lives of the members are at stake if we don’t,” I counter. We battle silently with stares for a moment.

“Zack’s already a member here. He hasn’t scened in a while, but we can invite him to. Get him right here in on the action,” Seth says.

“Yeah. I like that.”

Seth nods. “You’d suggested anyone else, not sure I’d agree. Trust Zack with my life.”

“Let’s see how this plays out. Instinct could be wrong, but I wouldn’t bet on it.”


My phone buzzes and I pick it up without thinking.

I’ve got really, really great boobs. Tits. Breasts. Whatever you wanna call them.

My dick hardens and I shift on my seat, biting back a grin before I respond.

Good girl and yes, you do.

I’ve kept up making her text me something nice about herself.

A low whistle gets my attention. Seth’s grinning at me.

“Known you for ten years,” Seth says. “And that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you lose your concentration over a text. You’re just not that guy.” His shoulders shake. “Diana?”

“Shut it.”

“Nope. You razzed the shit outta me with Rochelle, and, you know, karma and all that. You just totally went AWOL on me and grinned like a guy who won the lottery, looking at your phone.” He shakes his head. “Gonna tell Rochelle to start writing up the wedding invitation list.”

I wanna deck the grin right off his face, but I know the code of the brotherhood: you love a guy like a brother, you give him shit about a serious girl. If Seth didn’t like Diana, or thought it was no more than a one-night stand, he wouldn’t bother.

“For real, man, you want to come to our place for dinner? Bring Diana?”

“Not sure. She’s got a kid, and he’s got special needs.”

Seth’s brows shoot up. “No shit.”

“No shit.”

He nods silently, then says, “Open invitation, man. Mi casa es su casa and all that shit.” He stands. “Let me know if you hear from Zack again, and I’ll see you tonight?”


I ignore my phone until Seth leaves.

I can be a very good listener. I’m patient and attentive, and don’t interrupt or try to solve things. I just… listen when I need to. Which, when your best friend is Beatrice, is often.

I grin.

I like that. Good girl. You’ve given me your five. Tomorrow, you’ll be required to do six.

A beat passes before she responds, then, Yes, sir. But soon, I’ll run out of things, you know.

I smile, my chest warming and tightening with something inexplicable. At that point, I’ll help you.

Thank you.

Of course. Hey, they have the skating in the park this week. Supposed to be chilly but bearable tonight. Can I take you?

Her response is quick and disappointing. Chad won’t skate. :(

Ah. Life is complicated dating a woman with a kid, but this is what I’m getting into.

My mind goes back to the morning I woke up next to her, when I pushed myself with reluctance out of her bed. Seeing her lying curled up next to me, her wild mane of crazy curls askew on the pillow, her creamy skin soft and relaxed, something primal in me stirred to life.


I’d tucked the blanket back in around her, scrawled her a note, and peeked in on the sleeping boy. Before I left, I made her a cup of coffee and found a thermos that would keep it hot, then left it for her to find on her nightstand. I want this. All of it. Not just the sex or the kink but the companionship. The warmth of family, comfort of home, and a woman who can take on a man like me.

As we text, building an easy camaraderie, I realize I have decisions to make. I don’t act on impulse, or make rash decisions, but think things through with precision, and one thing’s clear: my relationship with Diana will always be impacted by the fact that she has a child. If we’re a thing, I accept that.

I send her a response. Maybe some other time. I suck at skating anyway, just thought it’d be romantic and shit. Next week they’re having the NYC kids’ movie festival?

Just me and you?

Could Chad handle it? I ask.

I think so. Depends on what they’re showing and how much I can bribe him with popcorn and gummy bears.

I grin to myself. Want me to ask him?

I’d like that. You’re amazing, you know that? <3

I shake my head. Her simple appreciation makes me smile. It’s amazing that I want to take a woman and her son to a movie festival? Hardly. Doctors who perform open heart surgery, that’s amazing. People who adopt sick kids from third world countries? Also, amazing. That guy I’d seen in Central Park painting murals of the Seven Wonders of the World with his bare hands, then donating the proceeds of his sales to charity? Also amazing.

Seems Diana hasn’t had much “normal nice guy” in her life.

Not sure about that, but thanks, babe. Opening our doors shortly to the evening crowd, and I’m on for Dungeon Monitor tonight.

Okay so that sounds ridiculously sexy.

I smile. Need to get you here and see for yourself.

Her response heats my blood. Yes, please!

You free tonight?

Unfortunately, not. :(

Ok well be a good girl, and we’ll make plans soon.

Yes, sir. Have fun.

I put my phone back on my desk, my mind a swirl of questions with few answers, but one thing I know for sure: the next time she comes here, I’ll make sure she enjoys the hell out of it.

A knock sounds on the doorframe to my office, and I look up. I rarely shut my door, but still prefer people knock before entering. Travis enters,

“Hey, you hear anything from the boys next door lately? Brax went out for a smoke break, came back, says there was a scuffle out back.”

“Nothin’. Like to think they mind their business, we mind ours. They seem like a few hotheads, if you ask me, but I stay out of it.”

“Alright,” Travis pushes to his feet. “Just wonderin’. How’s Diana?”

I feel my jaw tighten. Do I live in a fucking fish bowl?

“She’s good. Can’t come tonight, no babysitter on Sunday nights.”

“My girlfriend’s kid sister babysits,” he says. “High school senior, always looking for more hours. Want me to give you her number?”

I shake my head. “Nah. I’ll ask her when I see her, but I think she’s picky about who watches Chad.” Travis nods. “Her son has special needs. That doesn’t leave this office, though, okay? Not sure she wants everyone knowin’ her shit.”

“Course. What kinda special needs?”

“Looks like spectrum, but high functioning. Maybe OCD.”

Travis nods. “Kid sister’s the same,” he says. “Takes a lotta patience and time to parent one of those kids. Swear to God my mama was gray at thirty.”

“That’s your doin’, not your sister’s.”

Travis grins. “Likely.”

“Alright, gonna prep stuff at the bar.”

“Good luck. I’ll come in with you in a few and give you a hand.”

Another knock sounds on the doorframe, and we both look. Brax stands with a large box in hand. “UPS delivery. Who ordered the My Little Pony Dreamhouse?”

“It’s the Barbie Dreamhouse, dumbass,” Travis says, shaking his head with an eye roll. “My Little Pony has the Crystal Castle.”

“And you know this how, princess?” Brax jabs good-naturedly.

“He’s got sisters, Brax, lay off. Give me the box, man.”

Brax hands it to me, and I pull a blade out of my back pocket, slipping it through the packing tape. I smile, the scent of leather filling my nostrils. “Oh, yeah. Took some time, but they’re finally here.”

I pull four thick leather bags out of the box and lay them on my desk, then pull the drawstring to one. I lay out a dozen soft black floggers with hand-cut handles, a variety of different fraternity paddles of all shapes and sizes, and half a dozen solid-looking leather straps, among other things.

“Fuck me,” Brax mutters, picking up one of the straps. “This is high quality shit. You’ve got enough to start a small school for BDSM 101.” He picks up one of the heavier paddles and swings it against his palm, then flinches. “Ok so maybe intermediate school. Who’s on Dungeon duty tonight?”

“That’d be me,” I say, snatching the paddle away from Brax. “Some of these don’t go on the floor unless they’re tested,” he said, “but some will be for re-sale on a party night.”

“When’s the next party?”

“Not for a while. Seth and I aren’t down with inviting party guests until this assault shit has been put behind us.”

“Fair enough,” Brax says.

They sit in reverent silence as I stand, testing each implement out on my hand. “Yeah, these are good quality. Zack’s friend on the West Coast supplies him and hooked me up, gave me a bulk rate.”

“Only you’d get a bulk rate on frat paddles,” Travis says, shaking his head with a grin. “See y’all later.”

I leave one bag out and put the rest away.

“Tough job, checking quality control,” Brax says with mock seriousness. “You got one or two you don’t wanna do, let me know. I’d be willing to help a brother out.”

“Might take you up on that. Not sure I want to test these out on a sub yet. You wanna bottom for me and let me know what you think? Got a hidden switch in there?”

Brax punches my shoulder. “Fuck you.”

I grin at him. “Thanks, man.” Deep down, I know there’s only one submissive whose ass I want to paint with my new toys, and she isn’t here tonight.

I walk past the lobby to the bar area. Guests have begun to arrive, many greeting me but keeping their distance, several eyeing the trademark leather bag in my hand. I walk past the bar and dungeon and head to the party room. When things settle down, we’ll schedule another high protocol party, one of the most profitable options we offer at Verge. We host babygirls and their daddies, masters and slaves, some 24/7 couples, and others who just hook up for the night. It’s fun and sexy, and the parties are renowned up and down the East Coast.

Brax follows me as I inspect the tables, chairs, and accoutrements we use for our parties. “Gotta book some more parties. They earned over sixty percent of our profit last year. Seth says he wants more, but he’s so busy these days.” He still travels on weekends to Boston to work with his friend and former employer at Limits, the club where he’d gotten his start. The owner of Limits and his wife just welcomed another child, and Seth needs to oversee things there as well.

“Need a damn secretary,” I mutter.

“Don’t disagree,” Brax replies. “This has gotten bigger than either of you ever planned, huh?”

“Fuck yeah.”

We leave the party room and head back to the dungeon. I want to find someone willing to test out implements and I know as the night wears on, it’ll get more crowded in here. As I turn the corner, Axle walks by, his short graying hair spiky, blue eyes keenly eyeing the bag in my hand. Marla, regular member and the owner of a local bookstore, follows. She’s a petite woman with short black hair and a cute pair of glasses perched on her nose.

“Mmm. Got some new toys there, boss?” Axle asks. Marla’s eyes grow curious.

“Yep. New shipment that needs to be tested. I need someone who’s willing to give these a shot and rate them for quality.”

Axle grins. “I’d be game.” He pauses, seeing the wicked gleam in Brax’s eye and quickly amends, “as top, asshole, so don’t get any ideas.”

Marla eyes them with interest. “You need a sub for a demo?”

“Not really a demo, more like a test run.”

“Totally game here.” She stands with her hands on her hips, wearing a tight-fitting black tank top and black leggings that are practically painted on. “I’ve had one helluva week. So stressful, you have no idea. Would give anything for a really, really good spanking. Just sayin’.”

I hand the bag to Axle. “You know the routine. Get

“Yeah, yeah, c’mon, boss, I look like a newbie?” Axle grits out. “I’ve spanked Marla’s ass more times than I’ve kissed my own mother. We know each other well, don’t we, kiddo?”

Marla’s eyes flash at him. Apparently, not well enough to know that “kiddo” grates on her. “Yep,” she says. “And Master Axle can take me to where I need to go. He knows my hard limits, knows what I like and what I don’t.”

“Good deal. Have fun.”

Brax stays behind as I take my leave, nearly crashing into a petite woman who’s on her way in. “Oh. Hello, Master Tobias.” Her voice is high and breathy when she speaks. She casts her eyes down, her voice demure. She knows me, but do I know her? As owner of the club, people often recognize me before I do them. She has chin-length blonde hair, a small, rounded face with a pointed nose. She’s wearing bright red lipstick and stark black eye make-up. She has bright, vivid silver and red earrings with a matching choker. I do a double take. No, she isn’t wearing a choker. It’s tattooed on.

“Hi,” I say. “Excuse me.”

“Sir?” Her question stops me as I make my way to the exit. Though it’s common, even expected, for a submissive to refer to me as sir, it grates on me now. I only want to hear Diana say it.

“Yes?” I turn back to the woman, trying hard to stay patient. It’s not her fault I’m on edge and want Diana here instead of her.

“Are you…” her voice trails off and she bites her lip. “Are you on for Dungeon Monitor tonight, sir?”

“I am.”

“Will you be… needing anyone for a demonstration? Or… perhaps in need of, um…” it seems her bravado fails her as she doesn’t complete her sentence.

“I’m sorry,” I respond. “I’m not going to scene with anyone tonight, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Oh,” she says, her face falling. Normally, I’d leap at the chance of a demonstration, especially on a night when I really need some good stress relief. I love topping, crave the control and power like a drug. But no. Even though I’ve only just met Diana, it feels like cheating to scene with another woman. Scening can be detached but there’s a certain intimacy to it, I can’t bring myself to share that with anyone else.

“But there’s no shortage of doms here. I’m happy to help you find one?”

She nods, her eyes now eager. “Please, sir. I’ve been watching for weeks now, and I’m finally ready to try it. I wanted to ask an experienced dom who knows how to take it easy on me.”

Right, then. Too bad Travis is occupied. The man has a gentle touch unlike many other doms who grace the doors of Verge. Brax, however, can easily adjust his approach.

“I’ll ask Master Braxton.” She nods, so I approach Brax, introduce them, and I leave, satisfied, watching as Brax leads her to the lobby to set ground rules before they scene. He can be a wiseass but he’s a good guy.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Diana. Feeling a little risqué, sir.

And just that quickly, the demands of the club, the noises and sounds around me fade.

Yeah? Why is that?

Had some tequila.

Last time you had tequila, you keyed my car. Just thinking about punishing her sweet ass for that transgression makes my cock twitch.

I’m home, no danger of that now. Is it okay if I give you good thing number six? It’s naughty.

Hmmm, let me think about that

hahaha I can almost see her rolling her eyes.

All ears.

I… am very… very

Yes? I chuckle to myself, as it appears she’s either chickening out or is leading me on, but the teasing makes my dick grow hard. Jesus.


I burst out laughing.


Yep. Pilates. Yoga. You know.

I don’t, but I believe you. Thank you for that, Diana. I’ll have to put that to the test. ;)

Please do! Haha

A warmth floods my chest.

Ok, I’ve put Chad to bed and now I’m calling it a night myself.

I sigh, wishing I could go to her.

Sleep well, honey. xx




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