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Desiree After Dark: Paranormal Dating Agency by Tina Donahue (6)



A year later…

Hunter parked the minivan at the courthouse, his Harley and single ways in the past. As a married man now, nothing meant more to him than his family.

Desiree’s death grip on his hand brought a smile. He bumped her arm. “No need to be nervous.”

“Tell me that when we’re on the way home.” She stared at the brick building as if monsters lurked inside, rather than their future. “What if something went wrong, and they tell us no? What if they separate us from Trinity and Usiah and place those poor kids with someone else? What if—”

“Shh.” He pressed his finger to her lips. “We did everything that needed doing days ago. This is just a formality. Nothing godawful is going to happen. Except when the kids get mouthy, break rules, push our buttons, drive us batty, and other stuff that makes parents question their sanity. But, hey, look at the bright side. They’re not teens yet. When they are…”

Laughing, she smacked his arm. “Please, you’re sugarcoating this too much for me.”

“That’s my job.”

Her humor faded, worry returned. “I adore those kids. I can’t imagine a day without them. They seem to like us, but what if that’s changed and they don’t want us as their parents?”

A question he’d never considered though he couldn’t avoid it now. The judge waited for them in her chambers, Usiah and Trinity already there. Since they were older children, their opinions on who they preferred for a forever family came into play.

Although there had been rocky moments in the beginning when neither child had fully trusted him and Desiree to keep their promises, or love them when they acted out, that time had passed months ago. The initial sleepovers turned into weekend visits, and longer, as everyone got to know each other and grew comfortable. Still, both kids had known hard pasts: parents abandoning them, adults lying or conning at every juncture. Little wonder they were gun-shy when it came to hope and commitment. Not that he could voice his thoughts. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

Desiree nodded but still looked slightly ill. “What if—”

“Nope. None of that. We’ve already worried about my bodyguard business not being acceptable, Brooke breaking out of the mental health clinic, which she hasn’t, our house not being big enough, this vehicle not being the right color, and everything else under the sun, moon, and stars. We’re imperfect but good people. Precisely what the kids need. Let’s go.”

Despite his pretty speech, his legs still shook. He grasped her hand as tightly as she did his and entered the building.

Mrs. Sterling, the social worker handling their case, waited for them by the judge’s door. “Mr. and Mrs. Klein.” Smiling, she shook their hands. “Ready for this?”

They nodded. Hunter figured Desiree’s throat was as tight as his, not allowing speech.

In his past, he’d battled stalkers, local celebrities’ crazed fans, no end of nasty shifters, and psychotic paras who would have liked to see him dead. They hadn’t been badass enough for him to break a sweat. This scared him shitless.

It had to go right.

Steeling himself for anything and everything that could go wrong, he followed Mrs. Sterling and Desiree into the chamber.

Trinity glanced over first, her pale little face lighting up. “Desiree, Hunter!” She jumped from her chair and threw her arms around Desiree.

Tears filled his eyes.

At ten, Trinity was a vampire, having been turned by an SOB bloodsucker who’d denied her a future. Her chalk-white skin and blonde hair made her seem too fragile to be real.

Hunter was certain he’d never seen a skinnier child.

Like Desiree, Trinity adored chocolate, her craving for blood eliminated by Stella and Francisco’s potions.

Now, if only the witch and warlock’s magic allowed Trinity to grow and age as a normal child would. They promised to work on a solution until they succeeded.

Shyer than Trinity by a mile, Usiah finally joined them and put out his hand like an adult. Sort of. At twelve, he offered Hunter an intricate handshake ending with them bumping fists.

A pleased smile spread across Usiah’s face, his teeth blindingly white against his ebony skin. As a black dragon shifter, he was an anomaly among his kind. No different than Hunter had been growing up with hyena shifters. Wanting an easier road for Usiah, he’d used patience and respect to prove he accepted and celebrated the boy whatever way he came.

They hugged. Then Hunter got his chance with Trinity, Desiree with Usiah, everyone sniffing and clearing their throats from too much emotion.

Judge Faustaff beamed at them from her desk. “Do I need to ask the youngest people here what they want to do about going home with Mr. and Mrs. Klein?”

No,” the kids shouted as one.

Trinity raced to the judge’s desk, her form a blur, her vamp powers taking over. She bounced in place. “They’re my family. I love them.”

Faustaff smiled then glanced at Usiah. “And you, young man?”

“They’re kinda cool.”

Hunter rubbed Usiah’s tight curls. “Think you might keep us, huh?”

“Yeah.” He spoke to the judge. “Can we go now? I want a burger.”

“I need a brownie.” Trinity pressed her hands to her thin chest. “If I don’t get one, I’ll die.”

Happy tears ran down Desiree’s face.

Hunter barely held his in check.

At last, they had the family they’d always wanted and each other, too.

As one, they left the chambers, Trinity and Usiah bolting ahead.

Desiree slipped her arm through Hunter’s. “Thanks for being such a good guy.”

“Around you, I have no choice.” He stopped to kiss and hug her then pulled her toward their kids. “Let’s go home.”

And begin their real future.