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Desiree After Dark: Paranormal Dating Agency by Tina Donahue (3)




Wine scented Hunter’s breath, his taste pure male, a potent flavor Desiree couldn’t put into words, no better than she could have described love to the uninitiated or explained self-sacrifice to the terminally selfish. To her, true affection and respect were emotions so deep they defied all hate this world offered and healed the most damaged soul.

Burning for him, she pushed her fingers through his thick, silky hair and pulled him closer, unwilling to let go.

Panther and man growled.

An exciting yet comforting sound reaching the mortal she’d once been and the vampire she was now.

He cupped her neck, tempering his strength, and deepened his kiss, their tongues dancing.

The walls she’d built around herself crumbled easily, and she melted into him, wanting to remain this way forever. A futile hope when reality proved unchangeable. No matter her desire or his, she couldn’t give him the family he’d never had and needed. His future lay elsewhere with another mate compatible to his needs.

She only had now with him.

He scooted closer, and she did, too, nothing registering except their pleasure.

His touch, scent, and heat electrified, sparking something distinctly human within her, pushing away the bad Zander had left, leaving goodness in its wake.

If only it could cure the other ills she still had and make her whole again.

Wasn’t possible.

Remorse cut deep, constricting her throat. She battled it to enjoy these moments, lost in his embrace, protected by the man he’d always be.

Too quickly, her lungs burned for a full breath. She pulled her mouth free. Panting, she rested her forehead against his.

His labored breathing matched hers.

Gentle throat clearing sounded.

Ariel stood to the side next to a tray bearing their order, her pretty face reddened, smile stiff.

Laughter gurgled in Desiree’s throat. Fighting it, she lifted her finger, asking for a moment.

Hunter sought her mouth again. She wanted nothing more than his passion, but deftly bypassed his lips and pressed her cheek to his. “Do you mind if we continue this at my apartment, like right this minute?”

He shook his head and eased back. “Let’s go.” He was on his feet before he noticed Ariel and the food. “Box the meal and bring it back with the bill.” He handed her his credit card. “We’re leaving.”

“Yes, sir.” She hefted the tray and hurried past their table.

Once he sat, Desiree pressed close, her breast against his arm, nipple taut. “You didn’t have to do that for me.”

“Yeah, I did.” He rained kisses on her lips, cheeks, nose, and chin, leaving her breathless and wanting. “I’m not letting you get chocolate deprived. Plus, you’ll need the sugar rush to keep up with me.”

She cradled his face. “I like when you talk dirty.”

His eyes sparkled, gold flecks accentuating the deep brown. “Yeah?”


They were at it again, mouths joined, hands trying to remain chaste given the other patrons here. Being a good boy, he caressed her breast hidden from the crowd and thumbed her nipple.

Pleasure dashed everywhere, her entire being coming alive, making her wetter, her pussy drenched and ready for his cock.

She cupped his precious dick and balls, adoring their warmth and weight.

A strangled sound poured from him. He pressed closer.

She was no better, practically crawling on his lap, her skirt hiked up to her thigh, leg over his.

More timid throat clearing.

Ariel was back. Damn. Dutifully, Desiree broke free from him.

Scattered applause broke out from the customers, joined by a few wolf whistles and thumbs-up.

Desiree’s cheeks got hot. She lowered her face.

While signing the bill, Hunter regarded the crowd, his manner silencing any comments, his gaze back to protective, Brooke’s craziness dampening his lust.

Desiree hated the vampiress more for that than anything else.

Clutching the restaurant bag, he hustled her from the dining room to the car and performed the same sweep around it he had earlier.

“We’re good.” He let her inside, piled into his seat, then pulled her as close as he could given the center console.

Willingly defenseless, she yielded but didn’t submit fully, pushing his tongue aside and filling his mouth instead. She reeled, his wet heat and unique flavor proving what paradise truly was. She clutched him, needing to anchor herself.

His breathing heightened, and he held her tightly, proving he liked what she’d done. Suckling her tongue deep, he gave her no chance to escape.

She wanted none. If she could have belonged to him for eternity, that still wouldn’t have been enough to sate her pressing need. She would have begged for more time from any god who might have listened and granted her request.

Crazy thoughts, but she couldn’t help herself and fought to get closer.

Hunter tore his mouth from hers and gulped air. “We’re wasting time here.”

They had too little. She drew in her shoulders, needing to ward off the bad, unable to do so.

He squeezed her thigh. “Put on your belt. Don’t want anything happening to you.”

It already had. Once they were over, she’d be fucked to a point she might not recover from and would have to face an endless, barren existence without him.

Crap, why am I thinking that?

Getting brave—or ignoring the inevitable—she pushed worry aside, determined to enjoy herself.

Once she fastened her belt, he sped from the lot.

They reached her apartment complex faster than she believed possible, the thinning traffic allowing him to speed. It still wasn’t quick enough for her.

In the lot, he pushed desire away and returned to bodyguard mode, scanning the area while rushing her into the building.

She fumbled her apartment lock, her hands trembling too much to insert the key.

“I’ll get it.” With his gaze sweeping the hall, he easily opened the door, entered first then pulled her inside.

Their harsh breathing filled the quiet.

After tossing the restaurant bag on the sofa, he sniffed then regarded the room, eyes narrowed, jaw tightened, his manner on full alert.

Frightened, she pressed close and kept her voice low. “Has she been in here—holy hell, is she in here now?”

“No.” He threw the deadbolt. “Fuck her, she never will be.”

Using his big body, he pushed Desiree into the door, ground his cock against her pussy, and captured her mouth.

Gawd. She dropped her purse and wilted against him, her surrender complete. Whatever he wanted, she’d eagerly provide and then some.

His kiss turned savage, the noises he made more animal than human.

She returned his passion, her lips bruised from his, the hurt feeling good. The closest thing to being alive that she’d felt in months. This night couldn’t end quickly, she wouldn’t allow it.

He calmed.

She didn’t, wanting him every which way, diving in for more, her impassioned kiss still not enough. He was an addiction she might never get over.

Curbing his lust further, he grew gentle, his tongue playing with hers and sweeping over her teeth.

She liked that, too, and followed his lead, their sweet kiss oddly thrilling. Once they enjoyed this for hours, she’d be ready for wild monkey sex then back to quiet affection, as long as it lasted past dawn.

On an indistinct sound, he broke free.

No. She reached for him. “Why did you stop?”

“I didn’t.” He swept her into his arms, holding her as if she weighed nothing, and met her gaze.

His color deepened, his halting breaths pressing his chest into her. He held her tightly, his need to burrow his cock deep inside her pussy not something he tried to hide.

Yet, he simply looked at her, awe on his handsome face.

Her heart knelt to him even though it would never know another beat. Wasn’t important. Her undead state couldn’t diminish this moment, the most sacred she’d experienced that no wealth or power could match.

Tears clouded her vision, her emotions unruly. She didn’t try to fight them, wasn’t certain she could.

Brushing her mouth over his, she used tenderness to coax his lips apart.

He kissed her lazily yet deep. They enjoyed each other and the time they had.

For her, it would never be enough but had to do, and she was grateful for now.

Finished, he sucked in several breaths and pressed his forehead to hers. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Down the hall, only door on the left.”

His long strides shortened their journey. Once inside, he used his elbow to flick the wall switch.

Meek light glowed from her vintage lamps, the beaded shades producing colored dots on the ceiling and walls in red, blue, green, purple, and yellow. A merry kaleidoscope.

But barely enough illumination for them to see details. Crud. She wanted more and wished she’d thought to buy a spotlight.

Too late now.

Gazes locked, they undressed, clothes flying. Her sheath landed near the bath. His biker boots, socks, jeans, and T-shirt in the hall.

He was more beautiful than she’d imagined, his broad chest smooth and deeply tanned, nipples small, their color resembling coffee. Dark hair dusted his muscular thighs and calves, his feet large, toes long.

Her mouth watered. Unable to wait a second longer, she toed off her right heel.

“Uh-uh.” He pointed at her discarded shoe, his eyes fixed on her lacy black bra and matching thong. “The heels stay.”

She slipped her pump back on and ditched her underwear. Naked, she faced Hunter, restless for him to lose his stretchy boxer briefs, his balls and cock straining against the black cotton.

He yanked the comforter down instead. One pillow dropped to the floor.

She bypassed it and touched his back, a black panther covering him from shoulder to shoulder, clear to his waist. Never had she seen anything as amazing. “When did you get this tat?”

“I didn’t.” He pressed into her, her breasts snuggled against his pecs, her struggle for air as bad as his. “It’s a birthmark.”

Small wonder he couldn’t hide his true nature from his foster family. She cupped his face. “It’s beautiful. Nearly as gorgeous as you.”

His quiet laughter nuzzled his abs and stomach to hers, delivering his intense heat. “Thanks, but as guys go, I’m just okay.”

“Fuck that. You’re amazing but too damn shy.” She stepped back and yanked his underwear to his knees.

His cock sprang out, the long, rigid column defying gravity, pointing upward instead, his plump balls heavy.

Her legs gave out, knees tapping the floor. Enthralled, she buried her face in his hairy groin, the curls thick and dark, musk perfuming them.

God, God, God. Heaven couldn’t have matched this. Repeatedly, she pulled in his fragrance, needing it to fill her.

“Enough.” His breathing rasped. “On the bed.”

“No.” She eased his dick aside and tongued his ball into her mouth.

“Fuck!” He shot to his toes, his legs wavering.

She followed, straining to keep his nut inside, tonguing the lightly furred gland, enjoying its faint saltiness.

“Shit.” He shuddered then growled, grunted, and groaned. “I can’t take it. I’m going to fucking come.”

Not until she had her due. Releasing his ball, she next slipped his cock into her mouth, taking it to the root.

He bellowed an oath and panted.

No way would she stop licking and sucking him unless he demanded she do so.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Desiree, you’re killing me.”

Those weren’t the words to get her to back off. She’d barely showed him what a woman falling hopelessly in love could do. With his sac cupped in one hand and his dick in her mouth, she stroked the furrow between his butt cheeks, then probed his anus.

A wild cry burst from him, but he cupped her head, keeping her close, and pumped his narrow hips, trying to control the act.

Wasn’t going to happen. This was her chance to give him every joy she could and he deserved. Slavishly, she tended him, her tongue adoring his thickness and length, hand fondling his balls, finger slipping past his tightest opening to explore the narrow passage.

Trembling, he gripped her scalp and guzzled air but allowed her to do as she willed.

She teased the bumpy skin behind his crown.

He gasped and shuddered. “More. Please.”

Her power over him humbled Desiree. Needing to use it well, she stopped licking his most sensitive area and suckled his crown lightly, allowing him to relax.

His loud swallows came first before his breathing calmed somewhat.

Eager to resume, she worked his cock in and out of her mouth as her pussy would, then pursed her lips around him to increase resistance and heighten his pleasure.

He muttered oaths, followed by noises no man had ever made for her, proving his satisfaction.

Doubling down, she caressed his balls, nudged her finger farther into his anus, then took his cock in as deep and fast as she could.

A thunderous growl erupted from him, his fingers digging into her skull, his cum spurting into her mouth.

Thrilled, she drank the thick, creamy fluid, adoring its heavenly flavor, part man, part beast, both bearing a faint salty taste along with something indescribable, belonging to him alone.

Gasping, he tottered then dropped to his knees and sagged against her. “Jesus mother holy shit.”

She didn’t have to ask, but couldn’t help but do so. “It was good?”

“Good?” He huffed out a breath then took more in. “Are you kidding? It…you…this… Thanks. I mean seriously. You outdid anything I could have hoped for.”

High praise from such a bad boy who could have any woman he wanted, mortal or otherwise.

She’d given him so little when she longed to deliver the impossible: bringing his parents and childhood back. For him, nothing was too much to promise or offer. “Welcome.” She eased his damp hair off his forehead and worked her fingers through his tangled locks. “Want to lie down?”

Still heaving air, he shook his head, his bristly cheek scraping her shoulder.

It endeared him to her further. “Sure?” His arms still trembled, chest pumped. “A rest could be good.”

He made a dismissive sound.

Men. If they were on their last breath, they’d deny it. “Tell you what, we’ll lie down together.”

“That we will.” He pushed her back until she lay beneath him, his stiffened cock nestled between her legs, eyes alert, grin wide and smug.

She should have known one puny orgasm wouldn’t do him in. Playing along, she feigned indignance. “And here I thought you were a nice guy.”

“I am.” He wiggled his eyebrows and pressed his dick against her inner thigh. “But I never said I was a saint.”

Her smile matched his. “Show me.”

“Oh baby, you don’t know what you’re in for.”

“Because you’re part beast?”

“Something more important.” He touched his nose to hers. “Because you’re who you are. The only woman I’ll ever want.”

Her breath caught. “What?”

He kissed her deep yet longingly, his actions saying he not only desired but cherished her.

Again, tears threatened, so did reality that they could never be, at least for the long run. Their moments together were measured in days, perhaps hours, not a lifetime.

She needed to accept her non-future, but God help her, yearning for him pushed aside other considerations, passion winning out. Fevered, she returned his kiss, allowing herself hope if only for a second.

His hunger for her deepened, his kiss rough and hard, precisely as she liked.

Encouraging him, she ground her pussy against his rod.

A low growl vibrated in his chest. He pulled his mouth free, tore off his underwear, and tossed it aside. On a roguish wink, he hauled her legs over his shoulders.

Spread wide, she had no modesty or protection and needed none, embracing her wanton pose.

Affection softened his masculine features then unbridled lust hardened them. He fitted his mouth to her cleft, his thumb on her clit and gave it a stroke.

Shocking delight bolted through her. She bucked, her pussy clenching.

Unfazed at her response, he licked her slit, suckled her swollen folds, and stroked her anus.

Holy crap. Inhaling sharply, she gagged on her breath and coughed repeatedly.

“Careful.” He wasn’t, easing his little finger into her tight ring, holding her clit between his teeth, then licking it quick and hard.

Wave after wave delivered unwieldy heat and pleasure that threatened to overwhelm her. Trying to resist, she ground her teeth, not wanting to come so soon.

Another swell crashed and pulled her in deeper, leaving her greedy for completion, desperate to ease the intolerable ache in her pussy. It thrummed then pulsed and all hell broke loose, relief lashing through her. She soared, whirled, then floated down.

Perspiration coated her skin. Breathing wasn’t likely for a least another minute or two. Her eyes refused to open, her lids too weighted to lift. Fighting her blessed lethargy, she parted them a slit.

Hunter’s smile lit up his face and brightened his eyes, pride and contentment in them. “Welcome back.”

“From the outer limits and then some?”

Laughter shook his shoulders. “That good, huh?”

“You drained me dry.” She lifted her hand, or tried. It flopped back to the floor, her knuckles cracking against the wood.

“Hey, careful.” He lowered her legs and kissed her hand. “Don’t hurt yourself just because I’m amazing.”

She liked him playful. “You are you know.”

“Yeah?” He settled between her legs, their mouths close. “You want to brag on me?”

“And give you another swelled head?” His stiffened dick pressed against her upper thigh. Ignoring it, she stroked his dark eyebrows. “Think that’s wise?”

“You can always take me down a notch or two with your lovely mouth and cunt.”

She really loved when he talked dirty. Already winded, she could barely get out her words. “Show me.”


If he lived to a thousand, Hunter figured he’d never meet another woman like Desiree. She not only enjoyed him as a man, but required his caress, his mouth on hers, his dick burrowed deep within her depths as much as he did.

Even if he became an inseparable part of her flesh, he’d still crave further closeness. A sentimental and corny feeling he’d never experienced with anyone else. Should have scared him shitless. Instead, he welcomed her acceptance and warmth.

Helpless to hold off any longer, he spread her wide and entered her fully on one hard thrust, their curls touching.

She arched her back, her chin pointing at the ceiling.

His head drooped, too fucking heavy to keep up. Her mouth had been hot but her pussy… Motherfuck. There were no words to describe her exquisite inner heat and velvety cunt. Her narrow walls held him snugly, a faint pulse still constricting them, her moisture drenching his cock. Proof he’d aroused her.

He’d had no doubt, but as he’d said, her bragging on him wasn’t something he’d resist. Around her, he had no shame. If she demanded he beg for a kiss, he would have gladly done so then thanked her for the opportunity.

His colleagues and Army buddies wouldn’t have believed the man he was now, easily pussy-whipped between her legs.

A condition he prized. Their opinions didn’t matter. Nothing did, except being inside her.

Recovered from his initial penetration, she looked at him, her eyes the most startling color he’d ever seen, belonging to an angel, not the mortal she’d been or the vampire she was now. Her current state didn’t seem possible. She had too much goodness inside.

She tightened her cunt.

Okay, she was mischievous, too, but so was he and flexed his cock.

Laughter spilled from her. “I think your dick and my pussy have just introduced themselves to each other.”

“Agreed.” He hoisted her legs back to his shoulders for the best view and greatest access. “Time for them to get to know each other.”

“I can’t wait.”

Neither could he. Unwilling to allow further delay, he pumped, an easy, slow slide in and out of her. To rush this wasn’t possible. Her moisture glistening on his rod was too epic to dismiss. Her jiggling breasts also captivated him. There was no end to how she affected his breathing, thoughts, heart, and soul.

If only he was a superhero who could take anything, even flying bullets or nuclear warfare, and most certainly holding off during sex. Since he wasn’t special by any means, thrusting faster became a necessity he couldn’t withstand, relishing his balls smacking into her sweet ass, the gentle taps stirring him further.

He plunged deep and hard then eased back.

She squeezed her cunt around him, amplifying the friction.

Fuck, shit, hell. If she kept doing what she was, he’d be toast within seconds, disappointing her before she was close to coming. To hell with that. He’d slice off his goddamn balls first.

Steeled against pleasure, he pumped stoically, divorcing his emotions from what was happening as he’d learned during his years in foster care and the military.

When they touched again, she cupped his balls.

Air hissed through his teeth, the hairs on his nuts rising. He jerked away.

She fondled his inner thigh then slid her hand over his ass to his anus.

No, no, no. Another session there and he’d be a goner. Next time they did this, he’d have to tie her to the bed to keep her from playing too much. For now, he wriggled as best he could to keep his butt from her, then stroked her clit and pumped like a fiend.

Fucking bad choice.

His scalp nearly blew off, his mouth hanging open. He was coming, coming—

Screw that shit. He stopped and held what breath he had to calm down. When that didn’t help, he suckled her nipple.

She moaned appreciatively.

Tonguing the tip, he concentrated on it rather than what was happening between his legs.

A whimper poured from her and then a groan. She squeezed her pussy around his cock, urging him to lose control as she was.

With her, he had no choice. Damn.

Defeated, he rubbed her clit, thrust deep and fast, and rode her as he hadn’t any other woman.

She gasped, then beat her fists against the floor, her mouth curled in a shameless smile, cunt pulsing wildly around his dick.

Success. Thank you God. With her taken care of, he strove to last for minutes, pumping, thrusting, loving…

Seconds later, he came, the result explosive, stealing his breath and reducing his brain to goo. Close to losing consciousness, he settled her legs on either side then collapsed, his elbows barely supporting him so he wouldn’t crush her.

She pressed his face between her boobs and traced his earlobe.

Too bad he couldn’t appreciate her gentle stroking, all feeling trapped in his balls and cock that were too pooped to boogie. He stifled a yawn, unwilling to admit fatigue, content to let her touch and play with him as much as she wanted. From here on out, she owned every part of him, including his soul and heart.

She ran her fingers over his cheek, stilled, then squirmed.

Didn’t get him to budge. He was too spent.

She writhed.

That got his attention. “What’s wrong?” Using his remaining strength, he barely lifted himself. “Am I too heavy?”

She avoided his gaze. “You might be more comfortable with your head on my shoulder.”

“I’m fine.” Or had been. He didn’t get her odd mood, embarrassment and dread flitting across her face, crappy emotions he thought they were well past. “What’s the matter?”

Her cheeks colored as they had at the restaurant. “Surely, you noticed.”

She couldn’t be talking about her unexpected blush or anything else currently happening. Her cunt harbored his cock, giving it a warm, tight home he never wanted to leave. Her skin couldn’t have been silkier. She smelled better than a fucking flower shop or fabric softener. And her curves cushioned his hard planes from discomfort. “Nope. Care to tell me what this is about?”

“My heartbeat, all right?” She turned her face away. “I don’t have one. I didn’t want you to notice, and you probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t opened my big mouth.”

“Hey, hey, hey.” Her turmoil pushed away his pleasant exhaustion, dragging him back to being too awake and hating it. “It doesn’t matter, all right? I’m not lying to you. I don’t expect you to be mortal. You’re perfect as is. That makes you who you are.”

“Yeah, right.” She pushed against him, trying to lift her legs.

His weight, size, and reluctance to let go kept her trapped. “Don’t run away. Talk to me. Please.”

Her eyes filled.

Crap. He hadn’t intended to make her cry and couldn’t face her tears. They’d be more awful than the carnage he’d witnessed during his service and the sorrow in his bleak early years, especially if he caused her unhappiness. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push. Don’t cry.”

A tear slipped down her cheek.

“Or do if you want.” Nothing he said was right. Once he pulled in his knees, he bent over and held her face. “Whatever makes you comfortable, I’m good with.”

“I know.” She patted his hand listlessly. “Let’s not talk about me. I’ll brag on you, okay?”

He managed an unsteady smile. “If you want.”

“I do. But let’s go to bed. The floor’s fucking uncomfortable.”

His knees agreed. He helped her up then settled next to her on the mattress, them facing each other like an old married couple. Except her eyes were still wet and he was hard again, her fragrance and heat turning him inside out.

She fingered tears from her eyes. “How do you do that?”

He wasn’t sure what she meant. “What? I’m simply breathing and listening to whatever you want to say.”

“That…this.” She cradled his cock. “Doesn’t it ever deflate?”

Not around her. “Sure, when my battery runs down.”

Nodding, she swirled his ejaculate around the head.

He tensed, jaw clenched, fighting his natural urges to tunnel inside her cunt or mouth.

“Is this because you’re part panther?”

Again, she’d lost him. “What?” He choked out the word. “My cum being so thick?”

“No. Your constant erection.”

“You turn me on.”

She gave him a disbelieving look, as if she weren’t important enough to arouse any man, or he was yanking her chain.

Time to get serious. “This is about what I said before, isn’t it?”

Her cheeks darkened.

He wondered if she’d flushed like this before tonight, despite her vampire state, and intended to ask, though not now. They had more important things to discuss. “It is. Before you say anything or tell me I’m wrong, I meant what I said. You’re the only woman I’ll ever want. You’re my damn mate.”

“No.” She rolled away.

He pulled her right back, a douche move, but he couldn’t stop. “Again, please don’t run and keep me in the dark or guessing. I’d prefer the truth. Hell, I deserve it. Unless you don’t think I do.”

“Are you kidding? You’re entitled to more than I can ever give.”

Sounded like an “it’s not you, it’s me” comment, which he hated. “How about letting me be the judge, all right? It’s my life, my choice.” He touched his lips to hers, tasting tears, and eased back. “Why can’t we be mates? You don’t like me?” He feigned sadness. “I repulse you? The thought of spending another day, much less a lifetime with me is too disgusting to imag—”

“No.” She slapped his chest. “Don’t be stupid.”

“Now, I’m not only revolting, but also dumb?”

She gave him a pissy look. “You know damn well what I meant and why you and I can’t hook up for more than a fun night.”

“Really? Okay, I’ll bite. You have your eye on some other guy?”

“Get real.” She turned her head from his.

Intimate conversations had never been his thing. Ordinarily, he’d run as fast as he could and would beat her out the door. This time, he guided her face back to him. What they needed to discuss was too damn important to evade. “Tell me exactly why you and I can’t make a life together. I can see you feel the same about me as I do for you. Since our physical and emotional attraction isn’t the problem, you can’t be worried I’d live off you. I own a successful business. Even if I didn’t, I’d flip burgers at a fast food joint before expecting anyone, especially you, to give me a dime. Given that I’d never ask to see your fangs or you turned into a bat, that surely isn’t it. If you’re afraid I’ll morph into a panther, I will, though never in front of you if you don’t want me—”

“I can’t have kids, remember?” Her voice shook, and her mouth turned down. “I can never give you a family.” She covered her eyes.

It killed him to see her agony when it wasn’t necessary. Particularly for him. “That’s not true. We can be each other’s family.”

Her chin trembled, new tears dampening her cheeks. “It’s not enough.”

“Says who? Not me.”

“You say so now.” She dropped her hand. “But in the future, when you see kids and it finally hits that I can’t give you—”

“Shh.” He touched her lips. “We’ll work something out. Any problem is solvable as long as we do so together.”

She tucked in her chin, avoiding him again.

“Okay, maybe I was wrong.” He took a deep breath. “If you don’t feel as deeply about me as I do about you, then—”

“I do.” She pulled him close and hugged him hard. “Even if it is crazy.”

“Because we just met? This is the way shifters are. You’re either a man’s mate or you’re not. Thank God, we’re not as fucked up as those who are fully human.”

“Or vamps?”

He kissed her temple. “I love you exactly as you are, because you’re a—”

Something crashed in the living room, glass shattering.

An intruder breaking in.





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