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Dirt Track Dogs (Complete Series): Plus Bonus Spin-off Books by P. Jameson (40)


It was dark enough to still be night, but close enough to daylight to be called morning. Surge fell asleep on the couch, holding the kitten, but Tana had taken it to bed with her for her watch. Now she needed feeding again.

Her tiny mews would wake the dogs with their delicate ears, but what could Tana do? Carefully, she opened the door of the bedroom she stayed in, and tiptoed through the living room.

Right on cue Surge sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Baby need feeding?” he asked groggily.

“Shh. Go back to sleep,” she whispered. “I’ve got this.”

“I’ll help.” He stumbled to his feet, and she started to protest, but he was already halfway to the kitchen.

She rocked the crying baby while Surge started warming milk. He ran a hand through his buzzed hair, the muscles of his arms flexing around his t-shirt. The drowsy look was good on him. Sexy really. His skin was flushed. He looked warm and snuggly. She wouldn’t mind waking up to that.

The kitten mewed, growing louder with each second she had to wait.

Surge chuckled softly. His voice husky from sleep, made her shiver until it seemed like each tone stroked her skin.

“Be patient, little one,” he murmured before reaching out to scratch under the kitten’s chin. His blue eyes found Tana. “How’d you sleep?”

She smiled at his question. He’d asked her that very thing every morning since she’d arrived at DTD. It surprised her at first, that one of these tough wolves would bother with niceties. But now she wondered if he asked because he actually cared.

“Not so great,” she admitted. “I was worried about the kitten.”

“You know, we should probably call her something other than ‘the kitten’.”

But they wouldn’t know her name until the other female woke. And that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

The bobcat Diz found in the woods was hurt so bad, Ella had decided to sedate her in hopes that her animal could heal faster. She’d be bedbound for a while. Diz and the others would take turns watching over her until she was in the clear.

“Let’s give our girl a name,” Surge suggested past a yawn.

“But she probably already has a name.”

“True. But we don’t know what it is.”

Tana observed the baby, who was close to panicking now.

Surge grinned and deepened his voice to a formal tone. “She’s the picture of elegance and class. She’s not losing her shit in a pinch. No, sir.”

A laugh burst from Tana’s throat as the kitten cried louder.

“We should call her Grace,” Surge said with a nod, as he checked the milk. “It suits her.”

“Grace. What a beautiful name.” She stared down at the kitten. It really did suit her. Even losing her shit—as Surge put it—she was beautiful with her multicolored fur and the delicate tips on her ears. “I like it.”

Surge expertly filled the syringe Ella had given them with warm milk and brought it over, placing the tip against Grace’s lips. Her cries quieted as she began rooting for her meal. Patiently, he pressed the plunger in tiny increments while Tana held her head. It would be rough until the vet opened so they could get a small enough bottle. But Grace was one tough kitty already, and she’d taken the syringe without much of a problem earlier.

“You’re good at this,” Tana murmured as Grace calmed even more, her small body relaxing.

Surge smirked. “I’m patient when I need to be.”

“That right?”

“Mm Hm.”

When the syringe was empty, he pulled away to refill it while Grace let them know she was in no way finished yet.

Diz stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. “She okay?” he asked.

Tana nodded. “Yeah, just hungry.”

“Well, shouldn’t you feed her,” he snapped.

Surge jerked his head around. “What do you think we’re doing?”

“Maybe you’re not going fast enough then. She’s crying.” He flung his arm at Grace.

Surge frowned. “Hey, asshole, get a cup of coffee and chill the fuck out, will ya?” He brought the milk back to Grace’s eager mouth. “She’s had a full syringe already. She just wanted seconds is all.”

Diz followed Surge’s advice, popping a K-cup into the coffee maker while he grumbled under his breath.

“How’s the female?” Tana asked him.

He shook his head. “Still critical. Ella says this first week will be hard. Beast and Punk are with her now.”


“Yeah. If she doesn’t…” he hesitated, grinding his molars together, “make it, we won’t know where to return the kitten. She’ll have no one.”

“Grace,” Surge interrupted. “We’ve named her Grace. And she won’t have no one. She’ll have us.”

“Us?” Diz scoffed. “What, a bunch of wolves are supposed to raise a bobcat?”

Surge frowned but didn’t answer.

Tana chewed her cheek, thinking of Grace’s future. So much hung in the balance, but the idea that the little girl could end up without a clan to support her left Tana feeling conflicted. On one hand, she’d be better off not subjected to the cats’ sordid mating rituals. Yeah, really she’d do better with the wolves, learning their ways. But then… what would become of her when her intended sought her out?

Grace pulled away from the syringe looking milk drowsy.

“She’s done,” Surge murmured, petting Grace’s head as her eyes drifted closed. His hands were worn and calloused—just like Tana’s were—but they weren’t clumsy. He knew exactly where to pet Grace to make her relax.

His actions came off as nurturing, and it must be a trait that came natural to him since he liked to take care of his pack. Come to think of it, he was always looking out for someone. Tana, every morning to see how she’d slept. His packmates, to make sure they were fed before racing. Beast and Punk, urging them to build a house they could have a family in. Blister, encouraging him to make his home with his mate. Even Diz when he’d snapped at them earlier, who looked a little better off since having coffee.

Surge would make a damn good father.

Protective, yet gentle. Funny, yet stern. Patient, kind, and understanding.

Grace could do worse. And if it turned out her clan couldn’t be found, she’d be just fine here with this badass group of dogs and their mates.

Hell, Tana was beginning to wish they’d just go ahead and adopt her too. Would they take a grown female panther?

Or was that too much to ask?


“What about this?” Surge asked, holding up a toy rattle that had ten different animal sounds and flashing lights. “This thing is badass.”

They’d needed supplies, and the closest Walmart was in the next town over. Surge hardly ever shopped the big store. He preferred to stay local, and Cedar Valley had plenty of small mom and pop stores to choose from. But then again, he’d never shopped for a baby.

“No.” Tana shook her head, leaving no room for argument.

“Why not? It makes animal noises. There’s a dog and a cat. And the lights. She’d love it.”

Tana grabbed it from his hands and hit the button on the side. An ear-piercing meow, meow, meow blasted from the toy. She raised an eyebrow as if her point was proven.

A flutter in his chest had him feeling automatically lighter. She was damn cute when she thought she’d won an argument, but how did she do that to him? Make his chest feel warm and mushy?

Surge shrugged. “So? It’s loud. I’m loud and everyone seems okay with me.”

She laughed, shaking her head, and returned the toy to the shelf. “That’s irrelevant.”

“What? My logic is sound, woman.”

She walked ahead of him, bending to look at the diapers. They’d need them as soon as little Gracie decided to be human again. “In my world, we don’t call that logic.”

“Listen, as much as I want to live in your world, I have to disagree.” He tossed the toy into the cart when she wasn’t looking.

“What size diapers should we get?”

“Hell if I know. Just buy a pack of each.”

“Good idea.”

As they walked the aisles of the baby department, Surge watched Tana closely. Every decision she made was carefully thought out. Which baby wash would be best for the little one. Which clothing would be more comfortable. What would make Grace feel most secure. It made Surge damn proud of her. And it also told him that she’d given some thought to being a mother.

She tossed a small blanket into the cart and then stood with her hands on her hips to face him. “Okay. I think we’ve got everything we need.”

Surge sighed. Her, in those cutoff jean shorts… she was the stuff dreams were made of.

“You sure?”

He wouldn’t mind following her down a few more aisles. He was not even a little ashamed that he’d been blatantly checking out her ass the entire morning. He’d wanted her to catch him but she was too absorbed in her task. Which really just made him fall for her more.

“Well, no. Not really. This is my first time ever taking care of a young.”

Surge examined the cart. It was almost full. Surely they’d covered all their bases.

“Diapers, wipes, clothes, blankets, a bassinet, sheets, portable changing pad, formula, Pedia-whatever-the-hell-it-is, two kinds of pacifiers, pacifier clips, pacifier holders… fuck, I’m surprised they don’t make pacifiers for the pacifiers.” Surge shook his head. “I’m gonna go ahead and say I think we’re good here, yeah?”

Tana wrung her hands, her brow furrowed in worry. “I don’t know. You think?”

“Hmm, maybe we should check out the pet department?”

Her eyes grew wide and she grabbed his forearm squeezing. Um, yes. Surge likey.

“You’re right. Surge, you’re brilliant.”

He followed her as she hurried off. “I don’t think anyone’s accused me of being brilliant before. That’s a new one.”

After finding a few extra “necessities”, they were finally on their way out of the store.

He wasn’t paying attention to where he was going, too busy watching Tana’s long brown legs as they kept stride beside him. When they turned the corner for the exit doors, he pulled up short, barely managing not to run right over a small woman.

“Sorry, ma’am—”

She looked up at him with a friendly smile that faded to shock as soon as their eyes met.

Surge froze, his chest constricting as the past clashed with the present, completely throwing the future out of balance. Holy hell, this couldn’t be happening. Not now, with Tana right there to witness it.

“Brandon?” the woman whispered in disbelief. “Is it really you?”

He stared at his mother, and not even his wolf could respond. His voice, his mind, even his laugh was stolen from him in that moment.

She’d aged. But of course she had. It had been nearly twenty years. He’d aged too, but at a much, much slower rate thanks to his shifter side.

Her eyes filled with tears, and that’s what broke him from his stupor. He laughed a crazy sounding chuckle.

“Sorry,” he said. “You must have me mistaken for someone else. My name isn’t Brandon.”

His mother frowned. “I’d recognized those dimples anywhere.”

He shook his head. “Sorry.”

She glanced into the cart, seeing the baby supplies and her eyes went wide. They flew to Tana, or more specifically to her stomach.

“Let’s go,” Surge said, ushering her away. “Nice day, ma’am.”

He didn’t look back, didn’t even look at Tana as they made their way to the truck and loaded their bags. He opened the passenger door and helped her climb in before getting behind the wheel.

“So…” she mused as he backed out of the parking space and pointed the truck for home. “What was that?”

He shook his head, gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles locked up like fucking Tin Man’s. “My past.”

Tana’s eyes were on him, and they were brutal, scouring him for any hint to explain what had just gone down. But she didn’t push further until they were out of town and on their way back to Cedar Valley.

“You wanna talk about it?”

“Not really.”

He wanted to forget it. Sex was how he’d always dealt with his problems until the pack made a deal. And ever since Drake broke it, Surge had been fighting his particular vice. He wanted to find a soft place for his cock, and just let it all go. All the shit that haunted him. The past and the present.

His gaze left the blacktop and slid up Tana’s smooth legs, landing briefly on the juncture of her thighs before returning to the road.

His breath came faster, the cab of the truck heating up. His jeans felt tighter, and he shifted in his seat for an ounce of relief.

But there was none. Not when he was envisioning spreading those god-sent legs and sampling her sweetness. He could pull off on one of these side roads and have her knees over his shoulders in minutes. He’d lick and lick until she screamed. And then he’d lick some more. He’d ruin her with his tongue before he—

Surge.” Her urgent voice cut through his fantasy.

He met her wide-eyed gaze. “What?”

“What are you doing?” Her words were breathless as she squirmed in her seat.

Aw, yesss. She’d picked up what he was throwing down. Scented his arousal. And he scented hers, the sweetest most seductive scent he’d ever encountered.

“Oh, I think you know, baby girl.” Lust rode his throat making his words rough.

“Well… you might want to stop.”

“Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.” He jerked the wheel just in time to make the turn onto a tiny dirt road, curving around until they were hidden in the trees far enough not to be seen from the highway.

Pressing the brakes, he slammed to a stop.

“Not… not what I meant,” she stuttered, clutching the handle above the door.

Hands gripping his thighs, he inhaled slow and deep, drawing her scent into his body with the intention of keeping it there forever.

His lips curved into a satisfied grin. “You want me to show you what I was doing?”

Tana panted, a kinky curl falling over one eye, making her look even more like a little sex kitten. “I can guess.”

“Maybe. But don’t you want to know?”

She stared at him, licking her lips slowly.

Surge reached out, brushing his finger over her the spot where her t-shirt had slid off her shoulder. Her skin was warm and smooth, beckoning him to lick, but he wouldn’t go farther unless she said yes. No matter how badly his mouth watered for her.

“Don’t you?” he breathed. He was tensed, ready for her answer. All he needed was a goddamn yes, and he’d show her Heaven, Surge style.

“Yes,” she mouthed, her gorgeous lips curving around the words so deliciously he growled.

Swiftly, he unbuckled her and pulled her legs up on the bench seat. He’d never been more thankful to have an old truck than now.

Thank you redneck gods, for demanding that I spend all my hard earned cash on my racecar.

Her breath heaved, pushing her breasts higher with each inhale. As much as he wanted to see those beauties, he had one destination in mind. One purpose. To lick his kitty until she purred.

Starting at her ankles, he smoothed a path upward with his palms, his mouth following, until he reached her muscular thighs. Gently, he bit the inside of one leg close to her shorts, earning a whimper.

“Hm, what’s under these tiny shorts, Tana?” He hooked a finger through the leg, tugging at the crotch that hugged her body. Moving his finger up and back down, he felt soft material beyond the outer barrier. “Cotton,” he whispered, his tongue darting out to give her quivering thigh a quick lick. “Just as I suspected.”

And there was something else. The panties beneath the denim were saturated. In a quick move, he slid his finger past the next layer until he could feel her wetness directly.

That was all it took to make him crazed for her. Blinding lust slammed him, and his wolf chuckled a sexy promise.

Surge pulled back, his gaze on hers as he sucked her wetness from his finger. Her eyes grew wide.

“Yeah, baby,” he said, as he unbuttoned her jeans and peeled them down her legs, followed by her white cotton panties, stopping at her calves. “You taste…” He closed his eyes, fighting a whole body shiver. “… damn fucking good. Hell if I’d waste a bit of that.”

Lifting her legs by the confining shorts, he ducked underneath so they were draped over each of his shoulders with the denim behind his neck.


And then he stared. The sight of her spread for him was nothing he’d ever get enough of. She was beautiful. Dark and glistening. At this very moment in time, she wanted him as much as he wanted her, and that was the only damn thing that mattered.

“Th-this is what you were thinking of?” she sputtered.

Surge blew gently on her exposed flesh, somehow able to resist immediately devouring her. “My head is a very naughty place, Tana.” He pressed his tongue flat against her hot core, giving her one long lick. “Very naughty indeed,” he growled.

She bucked her hips, squealing, and he flattened his hand across her stomach to hold her down for his attention. His female was sensitive, but he wouldn’t go easy on her.

“Surge. Wait.”

He frowned. Wait? No, he would not wait. Not when the very female that had driven him crazy for weeks now was wet and ready for him.

“You don’t want this?” he asked, staring up at her.

“Yes, god, of course I want this. I’m not insane. Just…” She bit her lip, vulnerability showing in her eyes. His woman was a badass. He’d never seen her show weakness. Not even with all the shit that had happened in the past day. The fact that she let her guard down now, with him, made everything inside him turn to fucking mush.

And made his cock harder than he’d thought possible.

That’a boy.

“It’s just, I’ve never done this,” she said on a moan as he traced the lips of her sex with the tip of his middle finger.

He grinned. “I know.”

She tensed. “You know? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You’re very sensitive.” He kissed her thigh, running his tongue along the crease between her leg and her center, and she gasped. “I fucking love it.”

Oh.” Her breath came harder as he dragged his nose along her leg, over the top of her mound, and down her other thigh, nipping as he went.

“Now, are you going to let me lick this little pussy until you come? Or do I need to hold you down?”

She went utterly still beneath him.

Surge had an oh shit moment when he remembered what she’d told him about her mate. But he’d never hurt her. Surely she knew he wasn’t like that bastard. If she would just trust him, he’d prove it.

He didn’t move a muscle, waiting for her answer. He couldn’t breathe. What if he’d fucked this up with a few thoughtless words?

Hold me down,” she breathed. The scent of her arousal flooded the cab of the truck, giving his wolf the all-clear.

He was going to do just that. Make her pussy sing for him. Show her how good his tongue was at worshipping.

But first…

Pushing her shirt up, and exposing her scars, he gently kissed each claw mark, reminding her that he hadn’t forgotten what had happened to her. That he didn’t take her submission lightly.

Then without warning, he braced his forearm across her hips, his thumb digging into the crease of her thigh to spread her farther. With his other hand, he popped the button on his jeans to make room for his aching erection. This wasn’t going to get him home, but it was going to be the best fucking sex he’d had in a long-ass time. Making her come felt infinitely more important than his own fulfillment at the moment. He felt like he’d keel over if he didn’t pleasure her.

And soon… soon, he’d take her all the way, show her how a real mate treated his female.

This was just one sexy stop on the journey.

Lowering his head, he kissed her glistening lips, sucking them into his mouth gently. She tried to buck at the sensation, but his arm held firm. Instead, she let out a moan that wasn’t nearly loud enough to please him.

He wanted screaming. Preferably attached to the word Surge.

His tongue delved between her folds, swirling around her clit.

“Surge!” she gasped.

Yes, yes, yes. Remember this always. Remember who made you moan like that, baby girl.

He repeated the action over and over, sucking and flicking until she was delirious with pleasure, squirming beneath him for relief.

When she was adequately worked up, he pushed his tongue inside, rubbing the tip against that special spot that makes the females swoon in rapture.

“Surge… Surge!”

Aw, yes. If she kept holding onto his name like that, like it was the thing that could save her in a wave-tossed ocean, he was going to blow after all. He ground his cock against the seat, matching his rhythm to the one his tongue was keeping.

His wolf was getting wild. His animal lived loose and free anyway, but add emotion and the thing became a fucking epic mess.

Nothing was funny but that didn’t keep him from laughing against her slick, hot flesh, and when he did, she gasped, digging her heels into his back.

Choking out a scream, he felt her convulse around his tongue.

Wild and ravenous, Surge continued to lave her, showing no mercy even as her claws dug into his scalp and her shorts chafed his shoulders.

Her release was beautiful. It was late summer sunsets and mountain views in the morning and the goddamn blue water of a tropical beach. And he’d made her do it. Him.

Satisfaction like he’d never felt filled him. He was lost to her, lost to his mission to make her feel good.

“Surge,” she said, but her tone had changed. She yanked at his hair but something about it didn’t feel passionate.

He stared up at her, dazed. “What is it, baby?”

Her eyes were wide with shock, and that’s when he heard the rapping on the window.

Hello, Officer Cockblocker.

Holy fucking shitballs.




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