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Dirty Talk by Opal Carew (2)

Tal felt Sonny’s fingers grow stiff in his hand.

When she’d first seen him after following Steve onto the balcony, her eyes had widened slightly and she’d hesitated, but he had flashed his warmest smile and her anxiety had seemed to seep away. Rather than fleeing like she had at the pool, she’d approached, tentatively, like a deer sensing danger, watching him with her big brown eyes.

She’d looked at him more with curiosity, and a little wonder. And when she’d taken the hand he offered, he thought he’d seen a spark of attraction.

But it had immediately turned to something else. Her rigid fingers in his were cold as ice. And she was trembling.

Now she plucked her hand from his, her doe eyes peering at him in alarm. Or maybe shock.

Or fear.

His heart pounded. He couldn’t read the emotion swirling in her brown eyes, but he could tell that all she wanted to do right now was get away from him. His chest constricted as anger simmered through him.

Maybe she’d caught a glint of moonlight on the stainless steel plug in his ear. Or she’d made out that one of the tattoos on his bicep was of a snake, entwined with the rose vine. It coiled down his arm, then back up, the head facing forward on his biceps, its mouth open wide, sharp fangs revealed, ready to strike.

Of course, she’s fucking afraid of me.

His tattoos had been designed to elicit fear in even the toughest shits. He’d picked the snake tattoo because his stepfather was deathly afraid of snakes. Tal had picked the tattoos to intimidate, so why the fuck was he surprised when they scared off a woman?

He was a fucking idiot. Of course she’d be afraid. He couldn’t blame her for that.

But he did. And it still hurt.

“Um… hello,” she uttered. She glanced nervously at Steve, who’d been watching her reaction with curiosity.

“Tal’s an old friend of mine,” Steve reassured. “He’s a great guy.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Tal.”

But she wouldn’t look right at him. Her gaze drifted to just over his shoulder, then off to the view of the bay beyond the balcony as she sipped her punch. He could see that her hand was still shaking.

“I told Tal you have a cat. He loves animals, too. What’s your cat’s name again?”

Her pretty brown eyes shifted to Steve.

“Her name’s Mia.” She sipped her punch again. The glass was pretty well empty now.

“That’s a nice name,” Tal jumped in, intent on getting past his annoyance at her reaction to him and breaking through her resistance. It wasn’t her fault he was a scary-looking guy.

But her gaze jumped to him and… fuck, it didn’t quite seem to be fear, but she was definitely excruciatingly uncomfortable around him.

“She’s a tortie.” Her voice almost vibrated with her nervousness. She glanced to Steve. “I’m sorry, it’s a little chilly out here. I’m going back inside.”

Her gaze drifted to Tal again and his breath almost caught at the depth of sadness he saw there.

“It was nice meeting you, Tal.” She turned and disappeared through the door.

At that last look in her eyes, he realized there was a lot more going on than her being afraid of a tough-assed tattooed man. She might be running away from him, just like so many women did, but there was something deeper going on.

Steve had told Tal that he thought she was struggling with something, and after seeing that haunting sadness in her eyes, he knew he was going to see it through.

He was going to break through her barriers and reach out to the frightened woman inside.

* * *

Sonny pet Mia, who was curled up in her lap on the couch, and let the feel of Mia’s soft fur and the sound of her gentle purring sooth her. She’d put a movie on, but it wasn’t keeping her attention.

Her cell vibrated. She picked it up off the coffee table and glanced at the display.

Why did you leave?

It was a text from Leandra.

Sonny frowned. She’d dashed out of Steve’s apartment as soon as she’d escaped the balcony. She’d texted Leandra after she’d gotten off the elevator on the eighteenth floor as she walked down the hallway to her door.

I’m sorry. I told you, I just wasn’t feeling up to staying.

She felt guilty leaving Leandra like that, but Leandra was a party girl and Sonny knew she’d have a good time without her. Maybe even better because she wouldn’t feel she had to look out for Sonny.

It’s okay. Tal, the guy Steve intro’d you to is awesome. Did you like him?

Aw, damn.

Sure. He’s okay.

Was Leandra joining forces with Steve to push her and Tal together?

He really seems to like you. Are you worried because he looks a bit scary?

Sonny sighed. She was not going to tell Leandra that she’d fled because Tal was the voice of the secret lover she’d been getting off to for months now. It would be way too embarrassing to even admit she’d gone on a site like Blissful Surrender, let alone that she regularly masturbated to the sexy voice of a complete stranger.

Telling her friend that she’d now actually met the man in person

Damn, no. She was never going to admit that. To anyone.

No. I’m just not interested.

A second later, another text from Leandra popped up.

Okay, at least come back to the party. There are lots of great guys here.

Sonny sighed.

Good-night. I’m going to bed now.

She turned off her phone and petted Mia some more. The mottled black and ginger furball rolled over, offering her belly. Sonny flattened her hand on the cat’s stomach and rubbed softly, to an ever increasing volume of purring. Then Mia flipped over and pushed up on her feet, stretched her legs stiffly, then bounded away.

A few seconds later, Sonny heard crunching sounds from the kitchen as Mia ate from her bowl of hard food.

Sonny slumped back on the couch and put her feet up on the ottoman. She wiggled her toes, watching them distractedly. She should get up and go to bed, but she was so comfy here. She pulled the soft fleece throw blanket over herself as she rested her head on the back of the couch.

Thoughts of sitting here just like this while she listened to her beloved audio made her stomach tighten. Images of the tattooed man—Tal—flooded through her.

He was sexy and masculine. Leandra had said he was scary-looking, but Sonny hadn’t felt that way at all. In fact, she felt quite the opposite about him.

She actually felt a strong attraction to him. Even before she’d heard his voice.

Whatever it was about his voice that drew her must be a part of him. Something she could sense. Something that reached out to her.

But getting to know him… butterflies fluttered through her stomach… How could she do that? What she’d shared with him… No, what she’d felt hearing his voice… She couldn’t imagine sitting and talking to him without her mind being drawn back to this couch. Without remembering gliding her hands over her body… touching herself in intimate places to his words.

She covered her face with her hands. God, she couldn’t even conceive of having an actual conversation with him. And certainly her face would be a rosy red the whole time if she even tried.

And how would she explain that to him? Hey, I get myself off to your voice on a regular basis.

Oh, God, no. She couldn’t do it. And if she even tried to explain to him—though she could never imagine doing that—well, he was bound to think she was a sure thing. And the fact was, it was never going to happen between them.

A warmth spread through her belly as some part of her insisted maybe it could, but then the old fear shuddered through her at the mere thought.

No, it didn’t matter that she was attracted to him. That he had the voice of a wonderful, caring man. She would never have sex with him.

She pulled the blanket tighter around her neck. Mia padded back into the room and leaped up onto Sonny’s lap with a mew. She flopped down on Sonny’s chest and began to purr loudly.

Sonny stroked her sleek coat, letting the feel of the soft fur soothe her. But riotous emotions quivered through her and she realized tears were pooling in her eyes.

* * *

“Hello, baby. I can’t believe I finally get to touch you.”

Sonny moaned softly at the feel of strong, warm arms encircling her and pulling her close to a big, solid body. Lips brushed her neck and she arched against him. Her hand glided down his muscular chest and she found his big cock… hard and throbbing.

“That’s right, baby. I’ve wanted you to touch me for so long. All I’ve ever been able to do is watch you while you listen to my voice. While you touch your beautiful body, turning me on until I thought I’d burst.”

She stroked his pulsing shaft, longing for him inside her. She brushed her lips against his chest, kissing lightly over one of the rose blossoms on his vine tattoo. She could almost imagine she could smell the sweet scent of the flower.

“Please, make love to me. I’ve wanted you for so long,” she murmured against his skin.

“Anything you want, baby.”

He rolled her onto her back and prowled over her. Soon he would slide inside her. His thick flesh would fill her up. His heavy cock fell onto her stomach, hot and ready.

His fingers brushed against her desperately aching, intimate flesh, feeling the wetness there. Oh, she wanted him so badly.

But as soon as the tip of his cock brushed against her, seeking a way in, ice flushed through her veins. Her gaze darted to his face and horror jolted through her.

Those cruel, mocking brown eyes she’d never been able to forget. The sneering smile.

“No,” she cried. “No!”

But he just laughed.

“No!” She struggled against him, trying to jar him off her body.

He pressed his arm against her, holding her immobile and she felt his cock pressing against her. As he thrust into her, she screamed.

And screamed.

* * *

Sonny jolted up, the echo of her piercing screams filling the room.

Oh, God, it had been a nightmare.

She lay against the couch gasping. Mia stared at her from her cat tree by the window.

Sonny jumped when a loud knock sounded on the door. She stared at it. Who would be at her door at two in the morning?

The knocking turned to a pounding.

She pushed the covers aside and grabbed her cell from the coffee table in case she had to dial 911, then stalked to the door. She peered out to see Tal standing there, his expression fierce.

He pounded again.

“What is it?” she called through the door.

“Are you all right? I heard screaming.”

Oh, God, he’d heard her.

She opened the latch and peered out at him from behind the chain. Though with his muscular build, she was sure he could just slam against the door and break the chain if he wanted to.

“Yes, I’m fine, thank you.”

Mia rubbed against her leg and peered out the door, too. Then mewed.

“Are you sure? What happened?”

“I’m sorry I disturbed you. It was just a nightmare.”

* * *

Tal stared at her wide, brown eyes, filled with anguish, and he desperately wanted to step inside and take her in his arms. From the sounds of her screams, she’d been terrified.

“Why don’t you let me in?”

Fuck, bad idea. She’s already spooked.

“Or come back to my place. I’ll make some decaff coffee and you can talk about it.”

“No,” she said sharply, then sucked in a breath. “Thank you for the offer, but I’m fine.”

A small, dark-furred cat peered up at him from the floor, mewing softly. She was a cute little thing.

He leaned down and pet her.

“You must be Mia.”

Mia pushed through the opening in the door.

“Mia! Please don’t let her get away. She’ll have me chasing her up and down the hall all night.”

He scooped up the cat and held her against his chest. As he stroked behind her ear, she purred like crazy.

Sonny bit her lip, then unchained the door. When she tried to take the cat from him, Mia squirmed, trying to jump away, so he stepped inside and closed the door behind him so she wouldn’t escape.

Sonny stepped back, her face ashen.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.

“Yes, I told you. It was just a dream.”

He stroked under Mia’s chin. The cat pushed her face harder against his fingers, purring even louder.

“Hey, there, little one.”

Mia was a delightful little creature. And she acted as if she knew him.

She settled into his arms, purring loudly. Then she rolled onto her back and stretched out her legs. Tal laughed and petted the soft fur of her belly.

* * *

Having this big man standing in her apartment had Sonny’s stomach churning.

But at the same time, she was mesmerized by his big hand resting on Mia’s belly. Stroking her.

Sonny couldn’t help but imagine his large hand on her own stomach. Stoking up and down like it was on Mia’s. His fingers brushing lower and lower.

Her stomach clenched and heat wafted through her like rising steam, taking her breath away.

“Please go,” she said sharply.

His gaze darted to hers.

Oh, God, she hadn’t meant to be so rude. She softened her tone.

“I’m sorry, I’m just really tired. I want to go to sleep.”

“Of course.” But his expression was tight.

He placed Mia gently on the ground.

“If you need anything, I’m just next door.”

“Thank you.”

He stared at her a moment longer, as if assessing, then finally he turned to leave. She scooped up Mia, who seemed ready to follow him out, and held her firmly as he opened the door.

When he closed it, she leaned back against it and sighed. Mia meowed and Sonny gazed at the little cat. Mia stared at Sonny intently and leaned forward to sniff her mouth. Then she licked her.

Sonny loved it when Mia gave her kisses and she couldn’t help wondering if the cat was trying to tell her something. But kissing her sexy new neighbor, who had the voice of her secret fantasy lover, was not something that was ever going to happen.

“Well, you’re absolutely no help, are you?”

Mia mewed in satisfaction, then hopped from Sonny’s arms and trotted away.

* * *

Fuck, she made him feel like dirt. As if he was the kind of man who would attack her. Take her against her will.

Tal took a deep breath as he opened his door and went back into his apartment.

She’d had a nightmare. He’d pounded on her door in the middle of the night. Of course she’d be spooked. He couldn’t let his issues put a wedge between them. He wanted to get to know her. There was something about her that drew on his heart.

Maybe a gesture would help break the ice between them.

The next day after his morning run, he stopped at the florist and bought her a gift, then set it outside her door with a note.

* * *

Sonny opened the door, heading out to buy some groceries, and saw the plant sitting in the doorway. It was wrapped in lavender paper but the distinct shape made it clear what it was.

She picked it up and carried it back into the apartment, Mia following on her heels.

“Yeah, I know you’re all ready to eat this thing like a salad, Mia.”

That was the problem with having a cat—at least this cat for sure—she chewed up all the leaves. And if it was a lily, she’d have to get rid of it, since lilies were poisonous to cats.

She tore open the paper to find what looked like a pot of grass.

She pulled the small envelope from the paper it was taped to and opened it, then plucked the note from inside.

Sonny, I hope Mia will enjoy this cat grass. It’s supposed to be good for her.

Mia had already jumped up on the table and was munching on the grass happily.

We didn’t get a chance to talk at the party. Would you join me for dinner or a coffee so we can get to know each other better?

Sonny’s stomach clenched. Oh, God, she couldn’t imagine sitting across from him, casually talking. Every word he said reminding her of the X-rated sessions she had listening to his recorded voice.

She sucked in a breath and walked to the desk in the living room to grab a pen. She wrote on the back of the card, then walked to the door, leaving Mia happily eating the fine green strands of the plant.

* * *

Tal stepped into the kitchen, his hair still damp from his shower, and poured himself a cup of coffee, wondering if Sonny had found the plant yet.

As he walked into the living room to settle down and catch up on his email, he noticed the small white rectangle on the floor by the door. He picked it up and turned it over. He could tell by the picture of a daffodil in one corner that it was the envelope from the plant he’d given Sonny.

He opened it and pulled out the card with yellow roses on the side where he’d written his note to her. He turned it over.

Thank you for the plant. Mia is enjoying it, but no thank you for coffee. Sonny.

He frowned. Dammit.

After he finished his coffee, he went to the grocery store a couple of blocks from the building. As he was pushing his cart through the fresh produce section, he caught sight of Sonny. He examined the avocados as he wondered if he should go over and talk to her, but then he noticed her glance his way and freeze. Then she slipped away down another aisle, clearly trying to stay out of his way.

Several times that week, he saw her slip away when they would have bumped into each other. In the underground parking. Picking up the mail. Once he was sure she’d been about to leave her apartment but she went back in when she saw him in the hallway.

She’d even dodged out of the elevator when he’d stepped inside one time, mumbling something about forgetting a bag in her car.

Every incident dug a little deeper into his soul. How could she think he’d do her harm? Hadn’t he proven he wouldn’t throw her down and rape her when he’d come to her after her nightmare in the middle of the night, then left as soon as she’d asked him to?

He was insulted… and hurt… that she felt he might lay a hand on her.

* * *

Sonny saw the elevator doors closing and raced the last few steps through the lobby to dodge into it.

But as soon as she stepped inside, she saw Tal. Her stomach clenched. It was too late to escape. The doors had already closed behind her.

The elevator started moving.

She glanced at the buttons and he’d already pressed 18.

She locked her gaze on the cold, steel doors in front of her.

She could tell he was staring at her. The uncomfortable silence made her conscious of every breath she drew in.

After a moment, he let out a sigh and nervousness quivered through her.

“Sonny, look at me.”

At his taut voice, she slowly turned her head toward him.

“Listen to me. I’m not stalking you. I don’t intend to hurt you.” His voice had a hard edge.

Her eyes widened. Is that what he thought she believed?

“I find you attractive and I wanted to get to know you. That’s all. But I’m tired of you looking at me like I’m a rape about to happen.”

She wanted to shake her head. To protest. But she was frozen to the spot.

“So I give up,” he continued, his blue eyes flashing with annoyance. “So don’t worry. I won’t try to talk to you anymore and from now on, if you’re in the elevator, I’ll wait for the next one.”

The doors opened and he strode off the elevator and disappeared around the corner.

She stared after him, then realized the doors were closing. She reached out her hand to stop them, then skittered off the elevator.

Oh, God. She hadn’t realized how her actions might affect him. She’d been rude and inconsiderate.

She had to find a way to make it up to him.

* * *

Sonny stacked the still warm cookies onto a big plate and then strolled down the hall, her stomach fluttering. When she stood in front of Tal’s door, she drew in a deep calming breath, then knocked.

After a moment, she heard the door unlock. It opened and Tal stared at her expectantly.

“Hi. I just came by to apologize for the way I’ve been acting. I haven’t meant to be rude. I brought you these cookies to say I’m sorry.”

He stared at her, his deep blue eyes assessing.

“They’re homemade,” she stammered. “In my home.”

Damn, her nervousness was making her sound like an idiot.

“I mean, I made them, I didn’t buy them from a bakery or anything.”

A slow smile spread across his lips and it made his eyes light up.

God, the man was sinfully attractive.

“I love cookies.”

His deep, sexy voice stirred a need inside her.

“Would you like to come in and join me for coffee?” he asked warmly. “Or cookies and milk?”

Her breath caught. “No. Thank you. I just wanted to drop them off.”

She handed him the plate and started to turn away.

“Wait. Before you go, just tell me why you’ve been so nervous around me? Is it because of my appearance? I know a lot of people find how I look intimidating, but I’ve made every effort to show you I’m not a bad guy.”

Her eyes opened wide and she shook her head. “Oh, no. It’s not because of how you look. In fact, you’re very… um…”

* * *

Tal couldn’t help but be amused by Sonny’s increased nervousness. Did the ice queen actually find him attractive?

“Then what is it?”

She shook her head. “I’m just nervous around strangers.”

“I’m not buying. There’s something about me. What is it?”

She hesitated and he could tell she was extremely uncomfortable. But she wasn’t running away, which was a good thing.

“Just tell me,” he insisted.

“It’s... your voice.”

Confusion lurched through him. “You don’t like my voice?”

She stared at him uncertainly.

“No, I do… but…”

He raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

She shook her head. “It’s nothing. Just forget I said anything.” She started to turn away again.

“Sonny, I really want to know.”

She turned to him, biting her lower lip.

“Just blurt it out,” he suggested. “Like ripping off a bandage.”

She sucked in a breath, then said, “Blissful Surrender.”

His eyebrow rose in surprise, but he said nothing. His heart sank as he realized where this was going.

“I found your recording there,” she continued.

His chest tightened and he scowled.

“So you find it offensive, I take it.”

* * *

“No.” Sonny shook her head adamantly, shocked at his assumption. “That’s not it. It was…”

Her throat choked up and she stared at him wide-eyed. She sucked in a breath.

The way he looked at her. Anger still flashing in his eyes, but… she could see a glimmer there. Of pain. Of… vulnerability.

Could it be that he’d been hurt, too? That in that big, rough-looking, tougher-than-nails man there was a wound that scarred his soul?

The thought tore at her heart.

“It was what?” he asked, an edge to his voice.

She drew in a deep breath and released it.

“It was beautiful.”

Surprise flickered in his eyes.

“It helped me imagine what it would be like if a man cared about a woman. If he was tender and loving. If he wanted to make her happy.” She sucked in a breath and her voice lowered to a rough whisper. “If he wanted to touch her so that she would find pleasure.”

“Aw, baby.”

Her gaze snapped to his. She’d lost herself in her thoughts. The same thoughts she’d had a million times in the past when she asked herself why she listened. Why she seemed almost addicted to his words. His deep, silky, gut-wrenchingly masculine voice.

She took a step back. How could she have told him these things? She could never have imagined telling anyone these things, but… him?

Oh, God.

She felt herself trembling and she turned to flee.

“No, baby, don’t go. Please.”

She stood, frozen to the spot. She needed to run away. To pretend she’d never divulged so much of herself to him. But the power of his voice… that persuasive velvety tone.

She shivered.

No, it was the tenderness that held her in place. The caring she could feel insinuated in the words.

“Someone hurt you,” he said. “I’m so sorry about that.”

He took her hand and her gut reaction was to pull away. To run. But something inside held her immobile.

The feel of his hand around hers. So gentle. As if it was a tiny kitten he was handling with utmost care. She slowly turned back to him, drawing in slow, deep breaths.

“Did my recording help you?” he asked.

She stared into his deep blue eyes, noticing a wash of golden flecks that looked like stardust scattered across the midnight sky.

“Yes,” she whispered. “It saved my life.”

* * *

Tal’s heart swelled. He didn’t know how or why her statement could be true, but it was. He could see it plainly in her eyes.

“Please come in. Let’s talk about this.”

But her eyes widened and the fear was back. She snatched her hand from his grip and shook her head.

“No, I… can’t.”

The way her gaze flickered behind him, into his apartment. She was afraid to be alone with him. Behind a closed door.

And the fear was deep-seated. Settled into her soul.

“Okay, I understand. You don’t want to come inside. So let’s go out somewhere. Have a drink? Have you had dinner?”

She nodded.

“Just a drink then.”

He smiled encouragingly. He could tell she wanted to talk. To let someone know about her pain.

“I promise, I won’t push you to talk about anything you’re uncomfortable with.” He took her hand. “But after a statement like that, it’s not fair to leave me hanging.”

She bit her lip as she stared at him, considering.

“Okay,” she said finally. “There’s a new place just down the block. On the corner of Fifth and Bleaker, called Satan’s Brigg.”

His lips turned up in a grin. “You’re kidding.”

She tipped her head and actually laughed. “I’ve heard it’s upscale. Nice atmosphere.”

“Okay. Satan’s Brigg it is. I’ll just grab my jacket and be right with you.”

“No, I’ll meet you there.”

“Why don’t we just walk there together?”

“I want to go change and… I don’t want you to have to wait around for me.”

“I don’t mind.”

She frowned. “I just… want to walk there on my own. To clear my head. Twenty minutes. Okay?”

“Of course. Whatever you want.”

He just hoped this wasn’t her excuse to disappear on him.

* * *

Sonny stepped into the bar. Leandra had been right, it had that upscale feel. Dark wood walls and furniture. Dark burgundy cushioned benches in the quiet booths along the walls. Nice comfortable chairs at the tables.

She walked to one of the tall tables near the bar and sat on the high stool. The bartender, a dark haired man with a friendly smile, came by and she ordered a drink.

It wasn’t very busy at this time of day so he seemed to be the only one serving the bar and the tables in the bar area.

She glanced around. There weren’t many customers in the place. All she could see was a couple in one of the booths against the wall and a group of five people—two women, three men—in business suits at a table on the other side of the bar.

The bartender returned with her drink.

“Would you like an appetizer or a menu?” He slid the little stand with a list of bar fare in front of her. “The pickle poppers are great. Deep fried with a tangy sauce.”

She smiled. “No thanks. Just the drink for now. There’ll be someone joining me, though.”

“Okay. I’ll be back.” He hurried away and she heard him taking orders from a table somewhere behind her.

She sipped her drink, staring at the ice cubes floating in the glass.

She was here early. She preferred that. Not having to search around to find the person she was meeting. She could settle in and get comfortable. And relax.

And she certainly needed to relax before this conversation with Tal.

Her fingers tightened around the cold glass. She didn’t want to have this conversation with him. To tell him anything about her past.

Not that she’d tell him much.

Or anything at all.

She didn’t know yet.

“Hey, pretty lady? Waiting for me?”

She froze. That wasn’t Tal’s voice.

Ice water shot through her veins as she glanced up to see a man staring at her, a chilling smile on his face. Chilling to her, anyway. Anyone else would probably think of it as charming, sitting as it was on the face of an impeccably groomed man in an expensive suit.

“No, I’m meeting a friend,” she answered in an even voice.

He chuckled and settled on the stool across from her.

“I could be your friend.”

He had a handsome face. Dark eyes. A short, neatly trimmed beard framing his jaw. Dark hair that swept back from his forehead.

And a predatory gleam in his eyes that filled her with terror.

But she simply stared at him with a cool demeanor.

“I don’t need another friend, thanks.”

An insincere smile stretched across his face.

“We could all use another friend. Come on. We’d love a beautiful woman to keep us company.”

A prickle raced down her spine as she glanced up to see another man, also in a suit, now standing beside her. He was bigger than the first man. More authoritative. His cold-grey eyes hard and assessing.

“Come on, honey,” the new man said impatiently. “You’re obviously playing coy. We’ve got a room at the Savoy Inn a few doors down. Let’s go.”

He wrapped his hand around her arm and panic surged through her. She froze, unable to speak, or even tear her arm away. He jerked her to her feet.

* * *

Tal pulled open the door to Satan’s Brigg and stepped inside. It took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting after the bright sunshine outside, but when he did, he noticed the sparkling glasses hanging over the bar, the decorative liqueur bottles displayed on the top shelf behind it, regular liquor bottles below.

The place wasn’t busy, but the clients he saw wore dressy clothes. Not like his jeans and casual button-down shirt.

Like the two men at one of the bar tables talking to a woman.

What the fuck?

That was Sonny and one of the guys had his hand firmly around her arm.

* * *

“Get your hand off her.”

Sonny started at the dangerous tone of the male voice behind her.

“What the fuck, man? Mind your own business,” said the man tightly grasping her arm.

But as his gaze turned to the voice, his eyes widened and his hold on her loosened.

“I said let her go.”

She sucked in a breath. It was Tal. She hadn’t recognized his voice at first, because of the gruff anger, but this time, the soft tone, even laced with a dangerous masculine authority, gave him away.

She glanced around and was taken aback at the threatening gleam in his eyes.

The man holding her arm released it and took a step back.

“Fuck, we didn’t know she was with you,” he said.

“Just get the hell out of here,” Tal said with a dangerous edge to his voice.

“Yeah, whatever. We were just leaving.”

* * *

Tal watched the two men turn and walk away. He would love to take them out back and show them the pavement face first, but he resisted the urge.

As they left, he heard one of them grumbling that he’d have the hotel concierge’s job and Tal realized they’d been told this was a place to pick up a prostitute.

He turned to Sonny. “Sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

She wrapped her hand around his wrist.

“Can we please get out of here?” she asked tightly.

“Yeah, of course.” He let her lead him across the room, but instead of heading to the front door, she pulled him to a side entrance.

They stepped outside onto a quiet side street, but she led him around a corner, to a narrow alleyway.

Then to his total surprise, she surged against him, her arms wrapping around him.

He embraced her, drawing her close. The feel of her soft body against him, her face pressed tight to his chest, knocked him off kilter. All his protective urges, which were already triggered by seeing that jerk manhandling her, kicked in.

Then he felt wetness on his shirt and he glanced down. He could feel her trembling in his arms.

He pressed his lips to the top of her head and kissed her soft, blonde hair.

“Sweetheart, it’s okay.” He tightened his embrace. “You’re okay.”

She drew in a deep breath and nodded her head. Then she drew back, just a little, and gazed up at him.

The pain and fear still swirling through her brown eyes made his chest clench.

Then she surged upward as she pushed herself on her tiptoes and their lips met.

Ah, fuck, it was heaven. He glided his fingers through her hair, cupping her face gently, and deepened the kiss.

She melted into him, allowing his tongue to nudge her lips, then gently press inside. She welcomed him, swirling her tongue over his, then followed his lead as they curled together and undulated.

Then he felt her stiffen again and she slowly drew back.

She didn’t apologize for the kiss, like he was afraid she would. But she bit her lip, her teeth pulling on the soft flesh that had just been pressed against his.

“Can we go somewhere else?” she asked.

“Of course. Anywhere you want.”

“We could have a drink at my place.”

His heart stuttered.

She took his hand and turned toward the street. He walked beside her, then slid his arm around her, feeling very protective. She glanced up, but didn’t pull away.

“I just mean a drink,” she said. “And we can talk. That’s all.”

He nodded. “Of course.”

* * *

Tal followed Sonny into her apartment. It was decorated in soft neutral tones, with dashes of color here and there. An area carpet on the floor with a pattern in rich burgundy and purple tones. Matching purple cushions on the couch. A burgundy blanket, soft and fleecy looking, draped over the arm of a chair.

“Nice place,” he said.

“Thanks.” When she noticed him gazing at the blanket, she seemed to get more nervous.

A thump drew his attention to the window, then he saw Mia walking toward him from a carpeted cat tree.

“Well, hello there, Mia.” He picked her up and stroked behind her ear. The little creature’s rumbling purr filled the room.

“She really likes you,” Sonny said.

He smiled. “The feeling is mutual.”

“Is wine okay?” Sonny asked. “Or a hard lemonade?”

“Sure. Wine would be great.”

Sonny disappeared into the kitchen and returned a few moments later with an open bottle of wine and two glasses. She sat down on the chair. He sat on the couch as she poured the glasses.

Mia jumped from his arms and leaped onto the cat tree again, then curled up.

Sonny handed him a full glass, then sipped her own. He watched her as she stared at her glass, clearly uncomfortable.

He knew she’d need coaxing to start talking.

“Sonny, I’d really like to know your story. Just whatever you’re comfortable sharing.”

Her gaze darted to his, then she frowned and nodded. She set her glass on the coffee table and rested her hands on her knees. She sat stiffly on the chair, her denim-clad legs tightly pressed together.

“So I told you I recognized your voice from your recording,” she began. “That’s why I avoided you. I was afraid whenever I talked to you that… I don’t know, maybe you’d read it in my face. Somehow know that I was thinking about the recording… and what you say in it.”

Which meant that the recording turned her on. Maybe she even got off listening to it. The thought excited him intensely. So much that his cock started to swell.

“Well, you’ve told me now,” he said, ignoring his lustful stirrings, “and I don’t want you to be embarrassed about any of that.”

Her gaze was fixed on her hands.

“That boat has sailed,” she said. “But at least it’s out in the open between us now.”

He leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs.

“So it’s clear that you’ve been through something. It might help to talk about it.” He smiled warmly. “I’m a good listener.”

Her eyes clouded and he could feel her withdrawing. Everything about her seemed to tighten up.

“I…” She drew in a deep breath and then sipped her wine. Then she shook her head.

“I meant it when I said I wouldn’t pressure you,” he said. “But I really do think it could help you to open up. You said you liked my voice. That it helped you imagine what it would be like if a man cared about a woman. Well, I do care about what happened to you.”

She turned her gaze to him and the vulnerability gleaming in her brown eyes tore at his heart.

“I was raped,” she said baldly. “Not just once, but over and over again.”

His chest clenched so tightly he could barely breathe.

She dropped her gaze to her glass and swirled the white wine around and around.

“It was this rich guy who was used to getting what he wanted. I don’t know why he picked me. All I know is that I was snatched from the street as I was walking home from the bus stop after staying at campus to work on a project. It was back when I was in college. I was drugged and taken to his house in the country. Not that I knew that at the time. For the first few weeks, all I saw was a dark room. He called it a dungeon. There was a metal collar locked around my neck and he kept me chained up like a dog.”

Horror gnawed through him. Not only at what she was describing, but also because of the dead look in her eyes as she talked about it.

“You said weeks? How long were your there?”

“It was about three months in all. After about two months, he tired of me, so he started sharing me with friends. He’d drag me up from the dungeon and watch them as they…”

But her voice broke. A tear glittered in her eye, but she wiped it away.

Anger and disgust at her captor tore through him.

“How did you finally get away?” he asked softly

She shook her head. “I didn’t. One day, he blindfolded me then injected me with some kind of drug. I woke up later, lying in a field on the side of the road.”

The adrenaline rushing through him made him want to do something. Help her somehow.

“They never caught him. I wasn’t able to tell the police where he’d taken me. And with his money, I doubt he’d ever be convicted even if they did find him.”

He rested his hand on hers, at the same time wondering if he was an idiot to touch her.

Instead of pulling away, she curled her fingers around his. They felt so small and delicate.

She gazed at him, her eyes filled with pain.

“I’m so sorry, Sonny,” he said softly.

She just stared at him, and he realized her whole body was trembling.

“Is there anything I can do?”

She drew in a deep breath, then tears streamed from her eyes.

“I want…”

Her voice broke and she bit her lip.

The need in her eyes was heartbreaking. For closeness. For comfort.

He squeezed her hand and she pulled on it.

He pushed himself forward and knelt on the floor in front of her.

“I’m here for you. Whatever you need,” he said.

She hesitated for an instant, her eyes shimmering with her tears.

Then she surged into his embrace. He tightened his arms around her and held her close.

“Baby, I wish I could have been there to protect you. To beat his fucking brains in.”

She sobbed against his chest and he held her closer. He pressed his lips to the top of her head. The floral scent of her soft, silky hair coiled through him.

He couldn’t believe the horror she’d endured. He’d do anything to be able to take her pain away.

“I’m sorry that happened to you. No wonder you’ve been so afraid.”

She lifted her head and gazed at him. The intensity of her eyes burrowed through him.

“I don’t want to be afraid anymore,” she whispered, her voice coarse with emotion.

He cupped her cheek. “That’s good, sweetheart. I want to help you. What can I do?”

“I want to get past this debilitating fear of being with a man. But I can’t just…” She bit her lip.

He kissed her forehead. “I know, sweetheart. You have to move slowly.”

She took his hand and squeezed, her brown eyes wide as she stared into his.

We have to move slowly,” she said softly.

His heartbeat increased. He stroked his fingers through her soft, blonde hair.


She nodded. “I’m usually afraid of men. But with you, it’s different.”

His chest tightened. “I’m glad.”

She rested her hand on his jaw. “I’m actually very attracted to you.” Her wide brown eyes gazed deeply into his. “I’m hoping you feel the same.”

“Oh, sweetheart. You have no idea.”

He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. At the first delicate touch, his breath caught, then he drew her closer. Holding himself in tight control so he didn’t move too fast. But she leaned into the kiss, her soft, feminine lips caressing his.

His hand slid behind her head and, keeping their mouths merged, he shifted onto the couch beside her, then pulled her deeper into the kiss.

* * *

Sonny’s chest compressed as his big, masculine hand closed around her head and drew her forward.

She pushed back the panic reaction, knowing she wanted this. She needed this.

The kiss turned more passionate and her body quaked with need.

She trusted him. And she wanted to be with him. To be touched by him.

He eased her back until she was lying on the couch, her head resting on the pillow. His body hovered over her as his mouth moved on hers. His big, masculine body. His chest broad and hard. His muscles rippling.

She found it hard to breathe, her chest constricting.

He was so much bigger than her. He could so easily overpower her. Anxiety swelled through her and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. She pressed her hand to his chest and pushed, even though she knew she’d never be able to budge him.

But at the slightest pressure, he eased back. His lips parted from hers and his blue eyes fixed on her, concern glowing warmly.

“It’s all right, baby. Whatever you need.” He drew her up with him as he sat up. “We can stop right now.”

“I… don’t know. I don’t want to stop, but…” She shook her head, helpless against the dread burrowing deep into her stomach.

She ran her hand along his cheek, the rough, dense whiskers coarse against her fingertips.

He covered her hand with his and brought it to his lips. The feel of his mouth against her palm as he kissed it sent tingles through her.

“Why did you decide you want to try this with me?” he asked gently.

She nibbled her lip. “I find you attractive and…I’ve listened to your voice so many times. I’ve learned to trust that voice.” Her cheeks heated. “In my mind, I’ve let the owner of that voice watch me do intimate things.” Her gaze turned downward. “When I met you… when I realized you were him… I didn’t know what to do. I was embarrassed and…” She drew in a breath. “Afraid of my reactions to you.”

She forced her gaze back to his.

“And now I realize I reacted that way,” she pressed on, “because I know deep inside that I can trust you. That the quality in your voice that drew me in the first place… that called me back again and again… is a part of who you are as a man. A tender, caring man.”

He smiled gently and the glow in his eyes warmed her.

“Okay, so you don’t want to stop. But you’re afraid to move forward.”

She nodded.

He released her hand and eased away. She felt her heart thump loudly when he stood up.

“Are you leaving?” she asked.

He turned and sat down in the chair across from her.

“No. Not by a long shot. Why don’t we just talk?”


He smiled. “More to the point, why don’t I just talk?”

Her eyes widened. “You mean like… in the recording?”

He shrugged. “We can turn the lights down and I’ll just talk to you. Try to relax you. And we’ll see where things go. We don’t have to touch at all.”

“But how does that help me move ahead?”

“One step at a time. You said you trust my voice. You like listening to it. You can just close your eyes and imagine you’re hearing a recording of my voice. At any time, if you want to stop, just say so. Okay?”

She bit her lip as she stared at him. He was such a big man. A good head taller than her. His body so massive that when she stood near him, it was like standing near a brick wall. Yet she had never felt fear around him. Just a disturbing craving.

He oozed masculine sex-appeal and she longed to be in his arms again. To feel his hands glide over her body.

But he was right. She had to go slowly.


He stood up and grabbed the blanket from the easy chair and draped it over her. He had to know she probably burrowed under this blanket when she listened to him. Just like he instructed in his recording.

She wrapped her fingers around the soft fabric and drew it close around her, feeling protected, like in a cocoon.

He dimmed the lights and sat down in the chair across from her. It was so dark she could barely make out his shape across the short distance. But his presence was unmistakable.

“I want you to just relax and listen to my voice,” he began.

She drew in a deep breath and stretched her legs out on the ottoman.

“Know that you’re safe. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

In the darkness, his words burrowed through her. Her jaw relaxed and slowly the tightness in the muscles throughout her body eased, a little at a time.

“I think we should start where we left off last time. So draw in a deep breath and close your eyes. Then I’ll start.”

Last time? Then she realized he meant in the recording.

She closed her eyes. It was pitch black.

It was so quiet, she could hear her heartbeat. The only other sound in the room seemed to be her breathing. She waited for him to start, but the silence hung between them… until finally she wondered if he’d left.

Hello, baby. I’m glad to see you’re here waiting for me again. Curled up under that blanket. So cozy.

She shivered at the sound of his voice. It was like she was listening to a recording, but she knew he was across the room from her.

I’ve been longing to be here with you again. To bring you pleasure.

Was he going to instruct her to take off her clothes? If he did… would she do it?

Let me look at you. Mmm. You’re so sexy. So beautiful.

I’ve been imagining you here. Wanting me. Longing for me as much as I long for you. I’ve been dreaming of touching you. Of running my fingers through your beautiful, silky hair. Nuzzling it as I breathe in the floral scent. Mmm.

She remembered him doing that moments ago. His fingers gliding through her hair. His lips on hers. Coaxing. Drawing out her passion.

The feel of his touch still burned through her. God, she wanted him to touch her again.

Imagine me sitting down beside you now. I lean in close and lift your hair… glide my lips along your soft neck. Can you feel my breath against your skin?

Oh, God, yes, she did. She knew he was still in the chair, but his words brought the image to life. Made it so real, she could believe he was sitting beside her. Touching her.

And she wasn’t afraid.

She nodded in the darkness, not sure he couldn’t actually see her. But she couldn’t help herself. She just naturally responded to his words.

He laughed softly.

I can see you trembling. I love that. The thought that my words excite you turns me on.

I’m going to kiss you now, baby. Press my lips to yours and glide my tongue into your mouth. Imagine how it feels to share that sweet intimacy with me.

Her lips parted, wanting to feel his mouth on hers again. Wanting his tongue to dip inside. The tip of her tongue ran along the bottom of her lip, which had gone dry… then she nibbled it.

Mmm, the thought of that’s turning you on, isn’t it, baby?

I ease you back on the couch, your sweet lips still joined with mine. I love the taste of you. The feel of your soft body beneath me.

She imagined lying back on the couch, his big body over hers. Just like earlier. But this time without the fear.

The feel of your tongue exploring my mouth is driving me wild.

She licked her lips again, imagining her tongue gliding inside his warm mouth.

God, I want you so bad. I can hear your heart pounding. I draw back and gaze into your beautiful eyes and see the need there. I capture your lips again, driving my tongue deep this time. Reveling in your heat.

The sound of her breathing seemed deafening as she tried to draw in enough air.

I sit back up, taking you with me and pull you onto my lap facing me.

Unbutton your shirt for me, baby. I want to see you.

She quivered at the thought. She wanted to.

That’s right. All the way. Mmm, yeah. I love that. My cock is getting harder as I watch you.

She couldn’t help herself. She unbuttoned her top under the blanket, heat dancing through her, making her ache for him.

Now pull it open.

She finished releasing the bottom button and did as he said.

Oh, fuck, the sight of your breasts takes my breath away.

I kneel in front of you. Brush my lips against your temple, then down your neck. I can feel the goose bumps dance across your skin.

Now I want you to take off your bra for me.

She quivered and nodded her head. As she reached behind her back and unfastened the hooks, she couldn’t believe she was doing this.

She slid the straps from her shoulders and eased the garment away from her body, then tucked it beside her.

Oh, yeah, baby. That’s perfect. Your naked breasts are so beautiful.

Even though she was still covered by the blanket, she felt exposed.

I want to touch them. To suck them.

He paused, the silence hanging between them.

She fidgeted. Why didn’t he continue?

Then she realized he was waiting for her permission. He didn’t want to move too fast. Even though he wasn’t actually touching her, he didn’t want to spook her.

She nodded.

I glide my hands over your soft breasts. Oh, they feel so good, baby. My fingers find your hard, aching nipples. Fuck, they’re so tight.

She quivered at the thought of him touching her like that. Her nipples hardened and swelled in need. A soft moan escaped her throat.

He chuckled softly.

Ah, that’s right, baby. I love your sweet little murmurs as I stroke those hard buds.

Oh, God, she couldn’t help herself. She ran a hand over her breast and squeezed lightly, then her fingers toyed with her swollen nipple through the lace of her bra.

She quivered at his soft laugh.

You like that, don’t you?

“Yes,” she whispered.

That’s good, baby.

When I cup them in my hands like this… feel your hard nipples against my palm… Ah, fuck, baby, you are so hot.

Mmm. So beautiful.

My cock is hard and aching. I need you so bad, baby. Mmm. I want to taste you. Take your throbbing nipple in my mouth.

I’m leaning down now and… imagine my lips around you. Softly suckling on your tight bud. Oh, yeah, so sweet.

The thought of him taking her nipple in his hot mouth sent need rushing through her. She whimpered softly as she tweaked her hard bud.

And those whimpers. Fuck, my cock is throbbing.

Part of her wanted to stifle her sounds. Not to let him know how turned on she was. But a greater need swept away the embarrassment and urged her to just let go. To enjoy the feelings he elicited in her.

Oh, God, to just feel the pure, sexual pleasure.

I’m unzipping my jeans now and taking out my aching cock. It’s so hard and stiff. I’m stroking it while I admire your breasts. Goddamn, you turn me on.

She moaned softly at the thought of him releasing his long, hard cock. She wanted to open her eyes. To see what would probably be a massive, thick cock.

But she knew if she allowed herself that, she might balk and ruin everything.

So she kept her eyes tightly closed and just imaged the ghost him kneeling in front of her, staring at her breasts, his big cock in his hand.

Now I’m cupping your breasts again. Do you like the feel of my hands on you?

“Yes,” she breathed. Oh, God, she wanted him to come over here right now. To touch her for real.

A little fear bubbled up at the thought, but she breathed through it. He wouldn’t come over here unless she asked him to.

I’m grabbing my T-shirt… my gaze never leaving your rose-colored nipples, so tight and hard… and pulling it over my head. I toss it aside, then pull you tight to me.

Fuck, your soft breasts against me, those hard nipples teasing me… Baby. I’m so hard for you.

Can you feel how hot my skin is against your tight buds?

She nodded, emitting a small moan. Her hands cupped her needy breasts, wishing it were his hands.

I capture your lips, gliding my tongue inside your sweet mouth. Kiss me back, sweetheart. Stroke my tongue.

She licked her lips, wishing she could taste his mouth.

Mmm. Nice. Now lean back and let me see you again.

Yeah, so beautiful. I stroke my finger over your hard nipple. I roll it between my fingertips.

Weak with need, she squeezed her nipples, and tweaked them, sending pulses of pleasure straight through her pussy. She whimpered softly.

Fuck, baby, I love your sweet whimpers when I do that.

I lean in and take one in my mouth. Swirl my tongue over the hard bud.

His warm chuckle rumbled through her.

That’s right, baby. Arch forward. Fill my mouth with your swollen nipple.

She wanted to fling off the blanket. To expose herself to him for real and beg him to come to her.

Feel the heat of my mouth around you. Mmm. Yeah. So nice.

I press my hand to the small of your back and pull you forward. Fuck, you’re pressing against my aching cock. Oh, yeah. Rock your body against me.

He groaned softly.

God, that feels so good.

She ran one hand down her stomach and pressed on her groin. Thinking of his hard shaft pressing against her there, even through the denim of his jeans, sent her hormones pulsing.

Ahhh, you keep doing that and you’ll make me come. I’m so fucking turned on.

The neediness in his voice thrilled her.

Your hand slides between us, and glides down my stomach. Oh, yeah, you’re stroking my throbbing cock.

God, she wanted to do that. She wanted to wrap her fingers around his hot, hard erection and stroke it. Feel it pulse in her hand.

Fuck, baby, I need you. Let me feel you, too.

I watch as you pull down the zipper of your jeans. You take my hand and press it to your belly, then guide it downward. Into your panties.

Heat surged through her blood at the thought of him touching her there. She unzipped her jeans and slid her fingers inside her panties. God, they were soaking wet. When she touched her slick folds, it almost hurt she ached so much.

My fingers find your slick flesh.

Ah, fuck, baby. You’re so wet.


His desire-ridden, masculine sigh shuddered through her.

I dip inside your velvety warmth. Mmm. Heaven.

I push inside you. Stroking. My cock pulsing with need at your soft murmurs.

She pushed into her slickness. Her fingers stroked her passage as she caressed her nipple with her other hand. Heat crackled along her nerve endings.

I love knowing you’re so turned on because of me.

I pull my fingers from your wet folds.

She whimpered, her internal muscles tightening around her fingers. Squeezing.

His murmured laugh sent quivers through her.

Your little whimper thrills me. Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going anywhere.

I pull you against me again and cup your ass. I lift, then turn you around and sit you on the couch.

Take off your jeans and panties for me, sweetheart. Yeah, that’s right. Slide them down and drop them to the floor.

Could she do that? She shivered, then gathered the courage to push down her jeans, letting them fall to the floor. Not her panties, though. She couldn’t

Ah, fuck. Now open your legs. Mmm. I love the sight of your naked pussy. Glistening it’s so wet.

She was still covered by the blanket, but she imagined she was open to him. Exposing her most intimate self.

I kneel in front of you and dip my head down. You feel my raspy cheek against your inner thigh as I stare at your delicate folds.

She trembled. She was so turned on. She wanted him to touch her for real. She wanted it so badly. If only she could find the courage.

I stroke them, to your sweet murmurs.

She stroked her slick petals of flesh.

“Ohhh, yes,” she sighed, imagining his big hand gliding over her.

I’m going to taste you now, baby. Burrow my tongue inside you. But first I’ll just lick.

Mmm. Do you like that? My tongue gliding over you?

I can hear your breathing quicken.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Ohhh.”

I lick again… then press my tongue into your opening. Your soft moans are making my cock harder. Fuck, I want to drive inside you so badly.

She arched against her hand, moaning softly.

I open your folds and stare at your clit. Red and swollen. I press my tongue to it and tease with soft flicks. Fuck, I love your moans. Mmm. Now I suck it lightly.

She flicked her finger over her clit. Delightful sensations swelled through her.

She trembled at the sound of his warm masculine chuckle.

What’s that, baby? You want me inside you? You want me to fuck you?

Oh, God. Yes, she did. So badly.

Goddamn, that’s exactly what I want to do right now. Sink my aching cock deep into you.

She stroked her clit faster. Imagining his big fingers stroking it.

I straighten up and move close between your open thighs. Damn, I need to be inside you. I wrap my hand around my cock and stroke it as I watch you, naked and trembling in front of me.

Do you want me to fuck you, sweetheart?

His words were a soft murmur that curled through her.

“Oh, yes,” she whispered

Yeah, baby. I’m going to give you what you want. I’m going to fuck you now.

I press my cock against your slick opening. Fuck, I want to be inside you so bad.

He sucked in a deep breath.

I slowly glide forward… Slowly

She arched her hips forward. She stroked her clit faster.

Fuck, I love the feel of your hot, warm flesh closing around me. Gripping me tight.

I slide deeper and deeper. Filling you with my cock.

She pushed her fingers deep inside her canal, pleasure swelling through her.

You like that, don’t you, baby. Me pushing inside. Stretching you.

She nodded, her breathing labored.

Ohh, now I’m all the way in. I can hear your heart pounding right next to mine. I tighten my arms around you. Holding you close. Breathing in the floral scent of your long, silky hair. Oh, yeah.

Mmm. Oh, baby.

She could hear him draw in a shallow breath.

She sucked in a breath, too, imagining his big body pressed tight to hers. Imagining breathing in his musky male scent.

Mmm. I’m so close, sweetheart. With your soft body snug against me. Your hard nipples pressing into me. Your pussy hugging me tightly.

Her internal muscles tightened. God, she wanted to feel his big, hard cock inside her.

I’m starting to move now. Ohhh.

His needy moan took her breath away.

My cock sliding into you.

Mmm. Slow. Deep. Penetrating thrusts.

“Ohhh, yes.”

Oh, fuck, baby. It’s hard to hold on.

His voice was growing thicker. More filled with need.

My cock is throbbing to release inside you. I glide my hand down your stomach and find your clit. I stroke it as I move in and out.

She stroked faster on her clit. Pleasure pulsed through her.

Do you like that, baby?

“Yeah. Yeah,” she said in clipped, needy sounds.

Now I slide my hands down and cup your beautiful round ass. I pull you in closer, my cock driving even deeper into you.

She moaned at the thought of his thick shaft deep inside her.

I rock my hips and you can feel my cock stroking deep inside.

“Ohhh, yes.” Her insides quivered with need.

Are you close, baby?

Are you going to come for me?

She stroked faster, lost in the fantasy and

“Oh, God.”

Pleasure swelled through her. Powerful. Rippling through her whole body.

Oh, fuck, yeah. Come for me.

“Yes.” She sucked in air, the swirling sensations pushing her closer to the edge. “Oh, Tal, you’re making me…”

She gasped, then plummeted over.

“Come…” Her body shuddered against her hand as her hips rocked, her fingers stroking her clit mercilessly.

Fuck, you’re so beautiful, baby. Ohhh, yeah. I love watching you come.

Mmm. I’m coming, too. Yeah. Oh, fuck.

Oh, God, the sounds he was making—deep breathing, husky masculine murmurs—drove her orgasm higher and higher.

Was he really coming? Or just acting for her benefit?

It didn’t matter. He was here. Sharing this with her.

Oh, baby. I can’t believe what you do to me.

The sound of his voice, catching on the words, rippled through her. Her moans filled the room.

That’s right.

Keep coming for me. So beautiful.

The last shudders of bliss rocked through her and she collapsed on the couch, sucking in deep breaths of air.

Oh, baby, I wish I was with you right now, holding you close, my arms around you.

She trembled at his now tender, breathless tone.

Oh, God, she wanted that, too.

But he was here. Sitting only a few feet away.

Her cheeks burned as she realized she’d just brought herself to orgasm right in front of him. She shivered. What must he think of her?

But she was sure he’d enjoyed it. And had come, too.


She wasn’t sure.

She sucked in a deep breath, keeping her eyes closed. Would he come and sit by her now? Try to convince her to go for real this time?

Now keep your eyes closed. I’m going to come over there. I’ll lean in and kiss you. That’s all. Just one kiss.

She ached at his gentle words.

Then I’ll go. Nod if that’s okay.

She could hear his voice moving closer and she froze. But without conscious thought, her head nodded.

She could sense him nearby now. Then felt his breath on her neck.

Mmm. I’m glad you trust me.

Ohhhh, God, she wanted him. Wanted him to sweep her up and carry her to bed. To insist that they make love. Help her past her fears.

His lips brushed her neck… right at the jawline near her ear… and she let out a soft, breathy gasp.

His soft sigh against her skin, sent liquid heat seeping through her whole body.

Then his lips brushed hers. So briefly she didn’t have a chance to respond.

I loved our time together, baby.

I’ll be back, whenever you need me.

His words were murmured right against her ear, his breath sending tendrils of hair fluttering across her temple.

When she felt him move away, panic rushed through her.

She didn’t want him to leave. She didn’t want to be left here alone like she was when she listened to his recording.

* * *

As Tal moved away from her, Sonny’s eyelids opened and she gazed at him in alarm. Then she grasped his arm.

“Please, don’t go.”

Fuck, it had been so beautiful, knowing he’d been able to make her come. His words painting a fantasy of the two of them together. Their bodies joined.

He was thrilled to give her that.

But it had left him aching for release. He couldn’t bring himself to come when she was so vulnerable.

This had been for her.

So he’d wanted to slip away quietly. Give her time to collect herself. Be alone with her thoughts, without his presence making her uncomfortable.

And to go to his own apartment and relieve his aching cock.

But now, she didn’t want him to leave.

“Of course, baby. If you want me to stay, I will.”

She tugged on him until he sat down beside her. She leaned in close and he wrapped his arm around her.

Her body was so soft and warm.

She snuggled against him, as if she wanted to be even closer.

“Come here, baby.”

He guided her onto his lap, helping her keep the blanket wrapped around her. Both of them knowing she was nearly naked under the soft cloth. The thought did nothing to alleviate the aching in his groin.

But he cradled her in his arms. Her sitting across his lap, her head resting against his shoulder.

“Thank you,” she murmured softly. “For helping me.”

He brushed his lips against her forehead in a soft kiss.

“My pleasure,” he said softly. “I told you, anything I can do, I’ll do.”

She rested her hand on his chest as she nodded, her fingers stroking absently.

He loved this. Having her in his arms. Keeping her warm and protected.

After a few moments, her soft breathing told him she was asleep. He sat there, just holding her, wishing this would never end.

* * *

Sonny opened her eyes, then blinked at the bright rays of sun shining in her window.

She was lying in her bed and… there was an arm around her. As her chest clenched, she gazed down at the thick, muscular arm, covered in tattoos.

Then it all came flooding back to her. Tal and her kissing on the couch, him easing her back… her panic. Then how he’d pretended to be her own private audio recording. Her face flushed hotly as she remembered acting out what he said. Opening her top. Shedding her clothes. Touching herself.

Oh, God, I came with him right in the room.

She sucked in a slow, ragged breath,

“You’re awake.” Tal’s smooth-as-silk voice curled through her.

She nodded.

“You fell asleep on my lap. As nice as that was, I didn’t think it would be good for our backs to sleep all night like that, so I moved you in here. Don’t worry. I slid you under the covers with the blanket still wrapped around you. And I slept on top of the covers.”

She could feel the plush coverlet from her couch still cocooning her body.

He stroked his hand along her neck, drawing her long hair back.

“You asked me to stay, so I didn’t want to just disappear in the middle of the night.”

She had asked him to stay. After what they’d shared, she hadn’t wanted him to go, leaving her alone like she always was after listening to his recording. She’d wanted the closeness to continue.

She rolled onto her back and found herself gazing up at his deep blue eyes. He was propped on his elbow, watching her. Her heart swelled and she reached up and stroked his cheek, the dark shadow of thick, coarse whiskers rasping against her hand.

“Thank you,” she said.

He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. Then he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers.

Her heart stuttered and she slid her arms around his neck and drew him in for a deeper kiss.

Oh, God, he was just so big and masculine. His mouth moved on hers as he pulled her tighter to him, his big chest pressed to hers. Their lips parted briefly and she sucked in a breath, feeling a little overwhelmed, Her heart pounding.

Then he drew away.

“I know, sweetheart. You’re not ready.” He rolled back and rested on the bed, staring at the ceiling. “But I’m a patient man.” He turned his head to face her. “And you’re worth waiting for.”

* * *

Tal had insisted on taking her out for breakfast, then he’d walked her back to her apartment and given her a tender kiss goodbye.

She stared at her computer, the list of emails in front of her a vague blur as she remembered last night. Tal had been so patient and considerate. With his help, maybe she could get past her fear of actually making love with a man.

Making love with him.

Oh, God, the thought excited her.

Her phone rang and she glanced at the display. It was Leandra.

“Hi,” Sonny said.

“Hey, there. I wanted to let you know that it looks like you were right to avoid that guy your friend introduced you to at the party.”

“You mean Tal? Why?”

“I’ve just sent you an email. Check it out.”

Sonny glanced at her screen and saw Leandra’s message appear. She opened it. All that was inside was a link.

“What is this?” Sonny asked.

“Just click on it.”

Sonny moved the cursor over the link and clicked. A new tab opened with an image of a man with extensive tattoos on his arms. Not as dense as Tal’s were, but her gaze jerked to his face and it was definitely Tal.

Her stomach clenched.

Tal was in handcuffs, escorted by a uniformed police officer. It was the front page of a newspaper.

Her gaze lurched to the headline.

Man Murders Father.