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Don't Come Around Here: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance by Eva Luxe, Juliana Conners (170)

The Next Day



As we climb the creaky stairs up to Isaac’s dad’s bedroom, he takes my hand in his.

“If he’s feeling particularly ill today, don’t worry about it,” he says. “We can talk to him another time.”

“We’re going to talk to him now,” I tell him. “This is important. And there’s no time like the present.”

When we enter the room, Cora’s sitting beside Mr. Morris’ bed, and I nod to both of them.

“Veronica, how lovely to see you again,” she says, getting up to give me a hug. “And you too, Isaac.”

“Oh, I’m an afterthought as usual,” Isaac says, with a grin.

She squeezes his arm and says, “You know I always like to see you. But I’ll get out of your way so you guys can talk.”

She leaves the room and Isaac shuts the door behind her.

“So, what is this ever so pressing thing you’ve been wanting to talk to me about?” Mr. Morris asks, his tone as grump as it was over dinner the other night.

“Dad, I’ve been trying to tell you about some issues with the financial statements,” Isaac begins, standing up straight and clearing his voice. I’m very proud of him.

“Yeah, yeah, what is it?” his dad asks, and then he looks at me. “And what is she doing here? You’ve never brought her any of the other times.”

“Well, Dad, as you know, we’re getting married now, and Veronica has helped me look over the books.”

“Is that so?” his dad asks, raising an eyebrow at me. He looks intrigued.

“Yes,” Isaac tells him. “She’s a mathematics major.”

“I’m glad you have a bright young girl to help keep this company on the right track,” he says.

I can almost sense that he wants to add something along the lines of, “Because God knows you’ve always been useless.”

So, I quickly jump in.

“Mr. Morris,” I interrupt. “Isaac’s the one who found the issues we’re here to talk about today. I just helped put some pieces of the puzzle together.”

“Well what are these issues you wish to discuss?” he snarls. “Get on with it. I’m an old, dying man and I’ve already asked you several times.”

Isaac sighs, as if to remind his father that he’d been trying to tell him countless times before now. But as if thinking better of it, he proceeds.

“Dad, there’s a leak in the books,” he says. “Over a million dollars missing. And the funds have gone to this account.”

He hands his dad the slip of paper on which he had written down the account number.

“What?” his dad asks, propping himself up on the pillow and squinting at the account. “This is Charles’ bank account.”

“Are you sure?” Isaac asks. “Absolutely sure?”

“Charles and I have been in business together for thirty-five years and he’s had this bank account number the entire time,” his dad replies. “So, yes, I am absolutely sure.”

“Well, then I hate to break this to you, Dad,” Isaac says, “But Charles has been stealing money from the company.”

“There’s no way,” Mr. Morris says. “And for what reason? He’s a partner.”

“Well, he isn’t going to be soon…” Isaac proffers, and his dad slowly nods his head.

“I see what you mean there. This may have been his insurance. His way to take some of the money with him, after I croak.”

“Dad, don’t talk like that,” Isaac says, but his dad just shrugs, as if stating a fact.

“How can you be sure?” He demands.

Isaac hands him the paperwork I’d printed, with the numbers all laid out for him in black and white.

“Well I’ll be damned,” his dad says.

He reads the papers.

Then he coughs, and looks at me before turning his gaze back to Isaac.

“Son, I’m impressed,” he says.

Isaac looks shocked to hear this, and I have to admit that I am too. The change that has come over his father is like night and day.

“I was wrong to trust Charles over my own flesh and blood,” he says. “And I didn’t know you’d have it in you to find such an intelligent, responsible girl.”

He nods at me and I can’t help but smile. Stacy and I were right about me fitting the “intelligent” description of the classified ad I made fun of but am so glad I called.

“You two are a good pair,” he says. “And I’m sorry if I rushed the engagement. I just wanted to make sure you were in good hands, Son. You clearly are. And so is the company. With the two of you working together, I believe it will be just fine. I’m going to have to call Charles and let him go. I might have to press criminal charges. But I can’t think about that just now.”

He coughs again, and Isaac gets closer to him and gives him a hug. Amazingly, his dad hugs him back, or tries to— putting his arm up on Isaac’s arm. It’s great to see that they’re patching things up.

“Don’t worry, Dad,” Isaac says. “Veronica and I will handle everything.”

“Okay then,” his dad says. “Go call Cora back in here so I can notarize some papers. I had her become a notary for times like these, so we might as well use her.”

“Times like what?” Isaac asks.

“I’m going to revert back to the old partnership agreement,” his dad says. “It leaves everything to you.”

“But… I’m not married yet,” Isaac says, his eyes darting back and forth between his dad and me.

It almost seems as if he wants his dad to force him to marry me.

“It’s all right, Son,” Mr. Morris says. “I never should have given you such a silly ultimatum. I know you’re getting married this weekend, and I’ll be there with bells on, provided I’m not too sick to get out of this bed, of course.”

He chuckles. This is a side of him that I certainly hadn’t seen before, and Isaac looks just as shocked.

“But even if for whatever reason, you decide not to get married, I trust your judgment. I mean, you chose Veronica after all.”

I laugh, and so does he. Isaac laughs too, although his face reveals that he doesn’t know how to feel.

“I’ll go get Cora,” I say, knowing that she’ll be happy to hear the good news.

It’s all good, except for the fact that I don’t get that wedding at the Ritz Carlton to Isaac. Fake or not, I have to admit I was looking forward to it.