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Dragon's Hoard by M.A. Church (17)

Chapter Sixteen



WARWICK swore hard as Avery pulled him in. He was going to lose his mind. Avery was so hot and tight. He fit Warwick like a glove. Avery’s hands flew up and grabbed his arms.

Warwick kept the place slow, but when Avery growled at him, he picked up speed. Little pricks of pain at his arms caught his attention, and he glanced over. Avery’s claws had come out. He glanced back at Avery’s face. His eyes were closed, but his mouth was open, and he was panting. He could see Avery’s fangs had lengthened.

“So good, so good. Harder,” he whispered.

Still worried about hurting him since this was his first time, Warwick kept the pace easy. Then Avery opened his eyes. They were amber, and the look was more than a little annoyed.

Surprised to see Avery’s wolf that close to the surface, he hesitated. Then Avery’s words replayed in his head about being a werewolf and not easily hurt. Avery knew his body better than Warwick did. If Avery said he could handle more, who was Warwick to say he couldn’t? Taking Avery at his word, he pumped in and out of Avery harder. Avery gasped and tightened his legs, urging him on. Those tempting lips of Avery’s called to him, and he plunged his tongue into Avery’s mouth. Avery growled and wrapped his arms around Warwick’s neck.

Warwick pounded into him, going faster as Avery moved with him, but he needed to see Avery, needed to see his face. He ended the kiss and tossed his hair to the side, finally about to see the expressions crossing Avery’s face while he pleasured him. What he saw was good, but not good enough. He wanted Avery mad with pleasure. He changed the angle.

Avery yelled. “Holy shit!”

Warwick smirked. Bingo. He was hitting Avery’s prostate every time now. “Stroke that dick for me.”

Avery fisted his cock as Warwick glided in and out of his ass. One final hard push and Warwick, jerked back from Avery.

“Avery…,” Warwick swallowed hard. An ache spread through his balls, a tingling that signaled his release was close. “Going to come. Y-you ready…?”

Avery turned his head, exposing his neck. “Do it.”

Warwick allowed the scrollwork to appear around his eyes and his fangs to drop. With a loud roar, Warwick struck. His teeth pierced the skin where Avery’s shoulder and neck met. Avery yelped and stiffened beneath him. Warwick wished there was some way to stop the momentary flash of pain, but there wasn’t. He stilled, waiting, not wanting to add to the discomfort. A few seconds later, Avery moaned in pleasure this time, tightening up on his cock, and Warwick resumed thrusting. Warwick drank as he moved in Avery. Dimly, he heard the boom of thunder in the distance; then there was a flash of lightning with a loud simultaneous crack. For a brief moment, the room was awash in light and sound.

“Oh gods, oh gods… going to….” Avery snarled, then came in a rush.

Warwick trembled at the heat he felt between them, then gently slid his fangs out of Avery’s skin. He licked the few drops of blood there, gently cleaning Avery’s neck.

Warwick threw his head back and hissed. He was about to come. “Mate, my mate….”

He roared when Avery flipped them over and sank his fangs into Warwick’s neck in return. The abrupt pain from the bite and pleasure of Avery grinding on top of him scrambled his brain as Avery drank his blood. He lost control and came, hard. His vision wavered as desire exploded through him. Never had he felt anything like that.

His dragon stirred in his mind, then sighed softly, shocking Warwick. He hadn’t been sure exactly how his dragon would react, but apparently it wasn’t going to be a problem. He seemed… happy.

Avery removed his fangs and licked the skin so it would heal. “Mine,” Avery growled, staring at Warwick.

Warwick was amazed by the determination in Avery’s eyes. Avery was no pushover, regardless of being an Omega. Warwick was beginning to wonder if the whole class hadn’t been misidentified, because Avery was certainly no spoiled, weak man. “And you’re mine too.”

Avery nodded, then collapsed on Warwick’s chest, almost as if now that he’d made his point, he could rest. “We’re going to be doing this more often.”

“I’m thrilled to hear it.”

Avery chuckled, then slid off Warwick. Lying down next to him, Avery rested his hand on Warwick’s chest and yawned. “Suddenly I’m really tired, but I need to take a shower. Want to join me?”

“Why don’t you get started, and I’ll be in there shortly. I’m going to arrange to have dinner brought up in about thirty minutes. Is that okay?”

Avery rolled over and stood by the edge of the bed. “Oh yeah, forgot about the wooden spoon threat. What are we having?”

“Something with meat. Got to keep your energy levels up.”

“Yours too.” Avery winked.

Warwick’s cock twitched in interest. “I will, believe me. Bathroom’s through there.” He pointed while all the while trying to convince his cock it wasn’t time to go again. “Towels are in the cabinet, and there’s shampoo and other necessities in the shower.”

“Thanks. Hurry, okay?”

“I will.” Warwick watched Avery stroll to the bathroom, admiring that ass. Soon he planned on spending an entire night worshiping that part of Avery’s anatomy.

Warwick heard the shower turn on, so he left the bed and picked up the phone on the end table. After he place his orders for a meal to be provided in about thirty minutes, he walked to the bathroom. As he passed the bathroom mirror, he noticed the scar where his shoulder and neck met. He paused. Well, now, that was a surprise. He healed so quickly, scars were almost impossible to leave. He trailed his fingers over the mark, and it tingled. Pleased, he turned to the shower, opened the glass door, and stepped inside the steam. Beads of water ran down Avery’s body. Warwick licked his lips. He’d be waking up to the sight of Avery for the rest of his life and couldn’t be happier.

Avery’s head was tilted back as he washed his hair, his fingers working the shampoo through his long locks. Warwick moved closer and rested his hand on Avery’s hip. Avery finished rinsing his hair, slicked it back, and opened his eyes. He looked at Warwick, a small smile on his face.

“I really like this shampoo and—Oh. Oh, Warwick.” Avery reached out and feathered his fingers across the scar on Warwick’s neck. “Look at that. I marked you.” Then sadness crossed Avery’s face.

Warwick struggled to swallow. He lifted his hand and touched where Avery’s scar should have been. “I’m so sorry.”

Avery shrugged, then dropped his eyes. “We knew it was a possibility your mark wouldn’t take.”

Warwick nudged Avery’s chin up. “It doesn’t matter. Yes, I wish there’d been something there, especially since that’s an important part of your rituals, but it changes nothing. I don’t need a mark upon you to prove to others you’re mine. But still, I am sorry. Know that I’ll wear yours proudly.” Warwick held his arms open.

“I know.” Avery moved into Warwick’s arms. “There’s no point in me getting upset over it.”

“If you want to get upset, get upset.”

Avery buried his head in Warwick’s shoulder. “No. I wanted it, true, but like you said… in the end, it doesn’t matter.” Avery lifted his head, then turned around and picked up the soap. He turned back around to Warwick and waggled his eyebrows. “Now, how about I clean you up?”

Warwick played along, even though he could see shadows of pain in Avery’s eyes. He ached to fix it. He’d finally run across a situation he was incapable of correcting to his satisfaction, and he hated how impotent he felt. Neither his money nor his power could get Avery what he wanted.

Desperately, he tried to find something to make the situation better, but came up empty. Tattoos were out since werewolves healed incredibly fast, and the human tradition of wearing wedding bands wouldn’t work either unless Avery was willing to take it off every time he shifted.

But Warwick refused to accept defeat. There must be something he could do; he only needed to put his mind to it. He shoved the thought away. He would deal with it later. For now, Avery needed all of his attention.

Avery bathed him tenderly, and Warwick made sure to return the favor. They laughed and joked, but there was still a note of disappointment in Avery’s actions and words. After they showered, Warwick slipped on red silken night pants. From his closet he pulled out a matching red robe with dragons on it.

Avery opened his overnight bag and pulled out a pair of boxers. He slipped them on, then glanced at Warwick. “Oh gods, would you look at you? Love the robe. Dragons, huh? Who would have thought?”

Warwick winked. “I like dragons, what can I say?”

“So do I.” But Avery frowned down at his boxers. “I didn’t bring anything like a robe or night pants. Maybe I should slip my jeans back on…. Okay, what are you doing?”

Warwick returned to his closet and flipped through the various hangers. “No need to get dressed again. Ah, yes, I think this will work.” He walked back to the bedroom with a black silken robe over his arm. “Here. You can borrow this. In fact, you’re welcome to anything in my closet.”

Avery eyed the robe. “I’ve never owned a silk robe before.”

“There’s a first time for everything. I think you’ll like it.” Warwick helped Avery slip it on.

“Mmm, I love the feel of silk against my skin. I wonder why I never thought about this before.” Avery belted the robe.

A knock came at the bedroom door, and Avery jumped.

“Come in,” Warwick called, wondering if Avery was nervous. Or was he shy? Maybe he was overthinking it. Maybe the knock had startled Avery and that was all. Good gods, look at him fluttering around. Dragons did not flutter.

LeMoyne opened the bedroom door. “Good evening, Master Warwick, Master Avery. Dinner is served,” LeMoyne said as he pushed the cart inside. “Shall I set up by the fireplace, sir?”

“Yes, that would be fine.”

LeMoyne nodded, pushed the cart over to the seating area, and started uncovering trays. After he was done, he turned back around. He sniffed, then grinned. “I congratulate you upon your mating.”

Avery blushed.

“Thank you,” Warwick said, enjoying the light tint of color on Avery’s skin. “Oh, in case you haven’t already, warn the staff that a silvery white wolf will be seen on the grounds soon and is no danger to them. Make sure they understand it’s Avery.”

“Already taken care of it, sir,” LeMoyne said, then glanced at Avery. “Master Avery?”


“After breakfast tomorrow, do you have time to meet with me? I’m assuming you have things you’re bringing from your pack house. We can get together, pick out a room in the castle you want to call yours, and then decide if anything needs to be done to it—like paint or flooring.”

“I hadn’t thought about that, but thank you. I’d love to. I do have some things coming. I’ll call my father tomorrow and make arrangements for it to be delivered,” Avery said, nervously playing with the belt on his robe.

“Excellent. I look forward to it. Master Warwick, Clarence cleared your schedule for tomorrow and the next couple of days. Short of an emergency, there’s nothing pressing,” LeMoyne said.

“Thank you,” Warwick said. “I appreciate that.”

“My pleasure. Have a good rest of the night, and congratulations once again. We’re so happy to have you here, Master Avery. Please leave the cart outside of the bedroom, and somebody will pick it up later.” Smiling, LeMoyne left.

“Ready to eat?” Warwick asked, holding Avery’s chair out.

“Absolutely.” Avery sniffed, then sat down. “Something smells wonderful. Oh good, I love steak.”

“It’s one of my favorites too.” Warwick joined him. Champagne sat in a bucket, chilling, along with wineglasses next to it. Deciding a toast was called for, he popped the champagne open and poured it. Warwick handed one glass to Avery and then lifted his own. “To us.”

Avery tapped his glass against Warwick’s. “To us, and to a wonderfully long life together.”

Warmth settled in Warwick’s heart as they sipped the champagne. Avery had taken his blood earlier, so yes, a long life was in the cards for them both. “Speaking of long life, you’ll need to take my blood regularly. Not much is required—about two tablespoons. Once a month is sufficient.”

“Does it have to be taken that way? By a spoon?”

Warwick raised an eyebrow. “Of course not. What did you have in mind?”

“Oh, you know—my teeth, your neck, while you screw my brains out.”

Was this the man who claimed he didn’t know how to talk dirty? Seemed like he was learning fast the art of provocative speech. Warwick shifted uncomfortably. Avery’s words certainly had affected him. He was trying to get hard. Of course, all Avery had to do was breathe and Warwick wanted him. The little imp knew it too, if the teasing glint in Avery’s eyes was any indication.

“Th-that can most definitely be arranged.” Warwick caught himself squirming and immediately put an end to that. Dragons did not squirm either. “While we’re on this topic, there’s something else I wanted to tell you. LeMoyne, Clarence, and Louise all three take my blood.”

“I wondered. Guess that’s why they smell different. You trust the three of them, don’t you?”

“With my life. And now you too.” Warwick sipped his champagne. The bubbles tickled his nose, and he grinned. It was one of the reasons he was so fond of it.

“Thank you. I feel the same.”

Neither of them spoke much more as they ate. Warwick was hungry, and he was sure Avery was too, especially since he’d fully shifted during the Chase.

Once they’d taken the hardest edge off their hunger, Warwick decided it was time to discuss a few things he had in mind with Avery. “So, I’ve been thinking.”

“Oh dear.”

Warwick huffed in amusement. “I do love a smartass. Now, as I was saying, those three businesses I demanded as payment from your father? I want to discuss those.”

Avery stilled. “Okay, what about them?”

“The businesses I took are all in the food industry. The three restaurants are quite well-known throughout the area. I’m placing them in your care.”

Avery’s mouth fell open, shock running across his face. “You what? But I…. Are you sure you want to…? Okay, wait. What exactly would I be doing?”

“What did you do before?”

“Well, I didn’t have a title, but I worked in Father’s corporate office. My job was keeping an eye on our profit margin. I mean, we had accountants for all of our businesses, but… I guess you could say I kept an eye on the accountants.”

“I have something a little different in mind. First, I want you to go over the numbers and make sure nothing has been missed.”

“I can do that.”

“While you’re doing that, I’m going to reinterview the staff at the restaurants, but unless I find a problem, I’ll probably keep them.”

“That’s good to know since most of them are werewolves.”

“But here’s where we’re going to do something a little different. I’m putting you in charge of them.”


“I want you to take the restaurants in hand and go over them with a fine-tooth comb. Make a list of ideas on how to improve them, and based on what you decide, I want to redecorate and possibly even change some of the themes.”

“But, but, but… I’ve never done anything like that! I don’t know that I can. I mean, it’s not like I went to school to be an interior designer, or… or… holy crap, Warwick. What if I mess this up? Why do you think I could do this?”

“I have every faith you won’t fail in any endeavor you take on.”


“Don’t doubt yourself. I don’t. For the short time I’ve known you, I have yet to see you not accomplish anything you set out to do.”

Avery goggled.

“If you need help or suggestions, then get them. If you have ideas, talk to somebody who can see them through. I can make suggestions if you need them. Correct me if I’m mistaken, but isn’t the patronage at these places mainly made up of werewolves?”

“Well, yes.”

“And you are a werewolf. Who else would know better how to serve them, make them feel comfortable, and see to what they need?”

“But my father—”

“Is an older man set in his ways. You’re younger, hip, and will bring new and innovative ideas to the business. Plus, I want you to take this and make it into something of yours.”

“I… I… I….” Avery stuttered. “I don’t know what to say. I’ve never honestly thought about… I never dreamed I could….” He leaped from his seat and rushed around the table.

Warwick barely had time to scoot back and open his arms before Avery launched himself at him.

“Oh shit!” Avery yelled as the chair and both of them tipped backward.

Warwick wrapped his arms around Avery as they fell, laughing wholeheartedly as they landed on the floor. It seemed appropriate. From the moment he laid eyes on Avery, he’d been knocked off stride.

“I’m sorry!” Avery grinned as he stared down at Warwick. “I didn’t mean to knock you over.”

“No damage done, trust me.” Warwick helped Avery get back to his feet and righted his chair.

Avery wrapped his arms around Warwick’s waist and hugged him hard. “Thank you,” he whispered. “I don’t know what to say or do. No one has ever done something like this for me. You have no idea how much it means. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened in my life.”

Warwick started to speak, then had to stop and clear his throat. What was wrong with him? His emotion seemed to be all over the place. That was completely non-dragon-like. “You…. If I had to choose between you and my hoard, I would choose you.”

Startled, Avery blinked, joy on his face. He hugged Warwick hard again, breathing heavily. “Guess that’s like a declaration of love for a dragon, huh? That means a lot to me.”

Warwick stopped breathing. Surprise, shock, and something he’d never felt before filled him.

“Okay, these restaurants.” Avery rubbed his hands together excitedly as he sat. “Can I change their names too?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes. Whatever you want to do.” Warwick dragged his thoughts back to the conversation, but they were as tenacious as his nature. Dragons didn’t love. Or did they? He searched his memories but couldn’t remember ever feeling whatever this was he felt for Avery.

“You sure you’re okay with that?”

“Yes. I trust you.” And that…. He could count on one hand those he trusted, and that only happened after several years spent in their company. But Avery was different.

“I can’t wait!” Eagerly, Avery cut into his steak. “This is going to be fantastic. I’m scared—oh, who am I kidding? I’m terrified!—but if I don’t mess up, it’s going to be great.”

“Again, I have faith you won’t mess this up. Keep in mind, if you ever have questions, you can always come to me. I have a little experience running businesses.”

“Just a little, huh?” Avery snickered.

“A bit, yes.”

“I will, and thanks for that,” Avery said.





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