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Dragon's Hoard by M.A. Church (7)

Chapter Six



WARWICK opened the door and stepped into the office. After he shrugged off his coat, he folded it over his arm. He hadn’t been sure what to expect when he arrived, but the hazel-eyed Omega staring at him defiantly hadn’t been it.

What a lovely color those eyes were—more golden than green. Odd color for a werewolf, though, but what did he know? He didn’t know that much about the inner workings of a werewolf pack either, but he’d heard Omegas were… well, submissive wasn’t exactly the word he was looking for. Maybe passive was a better description, although the heated glance from his soon-to-be mate didn’t fall into that category. He also wasn’t expecting the scent of desire in the air that, if he wasn’t mistaken, came from Avery.

Alpha Montgomery rose from behind his desk. “Welcome. Please have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?”

“No, thank you.” Did Alpha Montgomery really think this was a social call?

Warwick walked farther into the office and seated himself next to Avery. Clarence stripped out of his coat, folded it over his arm too, and stood behind Warwick’s chair.

Alpha Montgomery resumed his seat. “Well, then, let’s—”

“A moment, Alpha Montgomery.” Warwick turned in his seat so he faced Avery, pleased by the arousal he smelled from him. “I’m sorry to be meeting you under such circumstances. As you’ve probably been told, my name is Warwick Ehecatl. If it’s acceptable, I’d like to spend some time with you… privately.”

Avery blinked. “Right now? I mean, I thought you were here to conduct business.”

“You are more important.” Warwick watched surprise flit across Avery’s face. Obviously he hadn’t been expecting that. “Except for signing the papers, your father and I have concluded our business. That can wait. At the moment I am more concerned with you.”

Avery opened his mouth, then shut it. He shook his head slightly, as if trying to clear it. “I… I, ah….” Avery looked to his father.

Oh, Warwick wanted to nip that in the bud quickly. “No. You no longer have to be concerned about pleasing him.”

Avery jerked his attention back to Warwick and raised an eyebrow. “Oh? So does that mean I now have to be concerned with pleasing you?”

Interesting. Maybe it was time to reevaluate those preconceived notions he had about Omegas. But then again, maybe it was Avery he needed to reassess. It was a fascinating dilemma, and there was nothing dragons loved more than solving a puzzle.

“As my mate, I would hope you’d want to please me, yes. But that does not mean I expect you to walk on eggshells, as, I’m sure, you have learned to do with your father.”

Alpha Montgomery huffed. “Now, wait a minute—”

“My father is an Alpha. He’s owed respect,” Avery reminded Warwick.

“There’s a difference between owing respect and earning it.” Warwick was pleased to see another quick flash of surprise in Avery’s eyes. How very expressive they were. “I sincerely hope you’ll give me the chance.”

Avery blinked. Then a slow smile spread across his face.

That was good enough for Warwick. He turned back to Alpha Montgomery. “All that’s needed is your signature and, no, nothing will be changed, so don’t bother asking.”


“Your son and I are going to spend some time together.” Warwick glanced at Avery. “Is there somewhere we can talk privately?”

Avery snorted. “I don’t know about dragon hearing, but werewolves can hear a pin drop half a mile away. Okay, I’m exaggerating, but if you want privacy, I suggest we walk down to a park not far from the pack house.”

“Sounds perfect.” Well, except for having to go outside, but sometimes sacrifices were required. Warwick stood and waited until Avery joined him. He motioned for Avery to precede him, then stopped. “Avery?”

Avery glanced over his shoulder at Warwick. “Yes?”

“I’m not comfortable leaving Clarence here in a house full of wolves. Would you mind if he comes with us? He doesn’t have paranormal hearing.”

Clarence smiled. “I hear about as well as any regular human. I’m sure I can find something to keep me occupied.”

Alpha Montgomery bristled. “Are you implying your clerk wouldn’t be safe with us?”

“Implying? No. I thought it was pretty clear. No way would I leave Clarence here unprotected until we’ve signed the papers,” Warwick said. “He’s been with me for a long time. I’d hate to have to wipe out a whole pack because something untoward happened to him.”

With a small amount of pressure to Avery’s back, Warwick ushered him out of Alpha Montgomery’s office once he was satisfied he’d made his point. Avery tensed but didn’t say anything, so Warwick left his hand where it was. Even through his shirt, Avery’s warmth was noticeable.

Warwick’s chilled fingers quickly warmed. He and Clarence trailed behind Avery to the front entrance—where Avery made a quick stop to grab his jacket—then followed him outside. An icy breeze teased Warwick’s hair, and he quickly bundled up. Damn cold weather.

Warwick stopped outside of the pack house by the limousine he’d taken there. In a smooth move, if he did say so himself, Warwick removed his hand from Avery’s back and grasped his hand. So what if his fingers brushed across the top of Avery’s ass? And from the quick feel he had, it appeared to be a spectacular ass too.

The look Avery flashed in his direction let Warwick know Avery was fully aware of what he’d done. At least Avery hadn’t tried to punch him. It was a promising start.

“Avery? I would like to introduce my clerk, Clarence Wiltshire,” Warwick said. “Clarence? This is the Omega Avery Montgomery, my mate.”

Clarence held out his hand. “Nice to finally meet you.”

Slowly Avery shook Clarence’s hand. “Nice to meet you too.”

“Which way?” Warwick asked, wrapping his scarf around his throat.

Avery pointed to the right, and the three of them started down the sidewalk. Several minutes passed in silence. Once they were a nice distance from the pack house, Clarence loosened up enough to shake his head. “So, are we far enough away yet?”

Avery glanced at Clarence, then back at the pack house. “Yeah, we should be.”

Clarence finally rolled his eyes. “I swear, Warwick, do you purposely stir up trouble or is it just second nature?”

“What do you mean?” Warwick asked, caught off guard since he’d been busy staring at Avery’s ass.

Clarence smirked. “You basically threatened to wipe out his entire pack if someone so much as upset me.”

Warwick was pretty sure the smirk was because Clarence caught him ogling. “I wasn’t serious. Besides, it would upset Avery.”

“You could say that,” Avery said.

“Also didn’t figure you would be comfortable there alone,” Warwick said Clarence.

Avery shook his head. “Couldn’t you have just invited him without the threat?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Warwick shrugged. “Well, to be fair, I wouldn’t kill anyone just because they upset my clerk, but they don’t have to know that. Now you? That’s a different matter.”

“Good to know. Anyway, the park is right over there,” Avery said, pointing. “There’s a bench not far from the entrance. It’s a lovely place I like to go when I need a few minutes alone.”

“Excellent,” Warwick said, pulling his coat tighter as the three of them entered the park. He followed Avery to the bench, and with a quick nod, Clarence wandered off. For once, Warwick found himself at a loss for words. There were so many things he wanted to say, and he didn’t know where to begin.

Avery sat, then tugged up the collar of his coat. “Okay, I’m going to throw this out there. Who is Clarence to you?”

Well, of all the things Warwick had expected, that question hadn’t crossed his mind. “Clarence? He’s my clerk.”


Ah, now he saw. Could Avery be jealous? That was even more promising. “That’s all. If you’re asking me if there’s anything other than friendship between us, the answer is no. Never has been, never will be. Clarence is straight.”

“Oh. Okay, then.” Avery crossed his legs, then uncrossed them. His gave bounced around the park before coming back to rest on Warwick. “It’s just… the two of you seem to be very friendly.”

“He works for me, and has for a long time, but he’s also a good friend. I trust him, and there’s not many I can say that about.”

Avery fiddled with the crease on his perfectly ironed khaki pants. “Maybe I was out of line—”

“No.” Warwick laid his hand on top of Avery’s. “You’re not out of line. You may ask me anything you want, but there are some things I’d prefer to discuss in a less open environment, if you don’t mind.”

Avery pursed his lips. “I’ve heard dragons were really secretive.”

“If we are, it’s because we have reason to be.” Warwick threaded his fingers through Avery’s and was pleased when Avery didn’t pull away. “Now, about this mating between us. Are there any questions you wish to ask me?”

Avery jerked, as if he was shocked. Or maybe surprised. “I… I don’t know what to ask. I…. How much freedom am I going to have? Can I come and go as I want? Can I have a job? Can I see my family and friends? Do you mind if I bring some personal things? Do you really live in a castle? I—”

“Well, it seems like you found a few things, after all.” Warwick chuckled as Avery blushed. “Okay, first things first. You’re not a prisoner, nor am I going to lock you in a tower. You can come and go as you as you wish, but please do me the courtesy of letting me know so I don’t worry.”

“Why would you worry?”

Warwick blinked. “Why would I not?”


“I protect what’s mine, and you’re soon to be mine. As you may know, a dragon’s hoard is of the upmost importance to them.”

“I’m not an object—you do realize that, right?”

“Indeed I do, but that doesn’t change the fact you are mine.” What could he say? There was some truth to the stories about dragons defending their hoards. “Anyway, if you don’t have a cell phone, I’ll provide one for you.”

Avery quietly released a deep breath. “I have a cell phone.”

Warwick couldn’t tell if that was a good deep breath or a bad deep breath. He decided to go with good. “Okay. As far as a job, of course you may work, if that’s what you wish. You don’t have to, though. I’m not going to insist upon it, nor am I going to tell you that you can’t work.”

Avery cringed. “I think I’d lose my mind if I had to sit around on my ass all day.”

“As would I.” Although he had no problem shifting into his dragon form and curling up around his mounds of gold. “Now, let’s see. What else was there? Oh yes, family and friends. I have no problem with you visiting with either. In fact, I encourage you to. I’m not sure why you thought I wouldn’t.”

“I just… I just…. The legends of old say dragons are insanely possessive.”

“Those same legends say werewolves were bloodthirsty monsters. I’d highly suggest not basing assumptions on such.” No point in letting Avery know just how much truth there could be in those stories. “As far as personal belongings, of course you may bring them. Anything you have that you want to take from your father’s house will be incorporated in my home. And yes, I really do live in a castle.”

“That’s cool.”

“Thank you. I’m fond of it, especially since it has all of the modern conveniences one could want. I hope you like it.”

Avery smirked. “Like hot water, do you?”

“Most definitely. I especially like not having to heat it over an open fire.” Warwick squeezed Avery’s hand. Time to tackle what he smelled in Alpha Montgomery’s office. “By the way, dragons happen to have enhanced senses like werewolves do.”

Avery frowned. “What does that mean?”

“It means I smelled your desire when I walked into the office.” After Warwick dropped that bomb, he watched Avery’s face flame. His intention wasn’t to embarrass Avery, but he wasn’t going to allow Avery to deny what he felt either.

Blushing furiously, Avery jumped up and paced in front of Warwick. “I…. You…. By the gods, I can’t believe you said that.”

Warwick watched Avery walking in circles in front of him. How cute! He was tempted to pull Avery down into his lap and kiss him senseless. “Odd, I didn’t know werewolves were such prudes.”

Avery stumbled to a halt and gaped at Warwick. “Prudes? Prudes? Where the hell did you get that idea from?”

“From you.”

Me?” Avery damn near shrieked.

Warwick made a point of looking around. “You’re the one I’m conversing with, so yes. I concluded such, mainly by the way you’re acting.”

Avery massaged his temples, and a painful look flashed across his face. “We are not prudes. For crying out loud, we undress in front of one another all the time when we’re shifting. No one thinks anything of it. Nudity is normal and natural.”

“Ah, but we’re not talk about nudity—although I can’t wait to see you in that state—we’re talking about your desire… for me.” Warwick watched as Avery’s face turned a more interesting shade of red. “Are you embarrassed because I know you find me attractive?”

Avery ran his hands through his hair and tugged, rather violently. “Yes. No. I don’t know! Dammit, it never crossed my mind you could smell something like that. You’re not the same species as me.”

A thought crossed Warwick’s mind. “Did you smell anything from me? I mean, do I have a scent?” Fascinated, he watched Avery blush even harder. Apparently that was a yes. He leaned back against the bench and crossed his legs. “What kind of scent do I have?”

“I never said you smell like anything.”

“Going by your reaction, I’m going to guess I do.”

“I’m investing in a mask,” Avery whined, throwing his hands up.

“Oh, I don’t think so. You have the most expressive face I’ve ever seen. Tell me, what do you smell?”

Avery dropped back down on the bench next to Warwick and buried his face in his hands. “This is mortifying.”


“Oh gods, if you have to ask, there’s no point explaining.” Avery dropped his hands and shook his hair back out of his face.

“Stop dodging the subject and answer me, please. What kind of scent do I have?” Warwick scooted closer.

“It… aw, gods.”

Warwick rested his arm on the back of the bench, which caused Avery to jump again. Were all wolves this jumpy? Or was it Avery? He turned, leaning closer. “Tell me.” He could see the frantically beating pulse in Avery’s neck. His body tightened, and he licked his lips, the temptation to taste that succulent golden skin nearly overwhelming.

Avery shivered. He cleared his throat, opened his mouth, then shut it again. Another tremor racked him. “I… it’s, ah, dark and delicious—kind of like melted chocolate. I… I like chocolate. It’s really, um, yummy.”

Warwick had never been called yummy before, but he could work with that.

Another cool breeze washed over them. Warwick sniffed delicately. It was the dead of winter, and everything had gone into hibernation. The grass was an ugly brown, and the leaves lay decaying on the ground, stripped from their branches. Even when the sun was out, the warmth he often craved was nothing more than an illusion. But as he sat there, the wonderful scent of sunlight on grass, warm, fresh breezes, and summer rain wrapped around him.

Warwick inhaled deeply, and his cock hardened, pressing against the fabric of his trousers. Unable to resist any longer, he buried his nose in the crook of Avery’s neck. Something squeaked close by, but he ignored it as he sniffed hard. Fuck, he’d never smelled anything as decadent as that scent.

He encased Avery in his arms, pulling him closer, and nuzzled the tantalizing skin under his lips, then licked a stripe up Avery’s throat. Summer. Avery smelled like summer—the one season Warwick favored above all others. He groaned as Avery’s soft, dirty-blond hair brushed against his cheek. “So good.” With the blood pounding in his head, Warwick captured Avery’s lips, demanding entrance.

Groaning, Avery yielded, and Warwick’s tongue swept inside. His heart rate spiked and his head spun as an all-consuming fire raced through his veins. Desire uncurled and sank its talons into him. He wanted his hands on Avery, and the damn clothes were in the way. Yet another reason to hate winter.

The need for air broke them apart, and Warwick growled. “You smell like summer—my favorite season. I could eat you up.”

Avery moaned and bared his throat. The move made Warwick throb with excitement. Avery’s eyes drifted shut. Unable to resist such an invitation, Warwick nibbled up Avery’s throat, his fangs lengthening as he left sharp little bites until he reached Avery’s lips.

Warwick slanted his mouth across Avery’s, his tongue sweeping inside to once again explore. The kiss was demanding and strong, and Avery responded beautifully.

Warwick’s dragon stirred, wanting more. Images danced through his mind of stripping Avery and plunging into his hot, tight depths. Avery plastered himself against him, and it snapped the thin strand of control he had. He buried his hand in Avery’s hair, gently jerking his head back as he ended the kiss. Avery clutched at him as Warwick licked the shell of Avery’s ear. Those sweet moans were driving him crazy. Chill bumps rose on his arms as Avery’s breath fanned across his cheek.


Distantly Warwick heard someone clear their throat. His dragon grumbled, wanting to strike whoever was bothering them with a bolt of lightning.

“Sir? As much as I hate to interrupt, there are kids in the park.”

Kids? Park? And who in the hells was that bothering him?

“Warwick? Look, don’t zap me, but the two of you need to tone it down a bit. There are a couple of mothers giving you both the evil eye.”

Ye gods, suddenly where they were and what they were doing came crashing back. He didn’t bother to restrict the moan that slipped out as he slowly pulled away from Avery. His eyelids itched momentarily, a sure sign the scrollwork around his eyes that showed what he was had appeared.

The sight that greeted him almost had Warwick throwing caution to the wind and going back for more. Avery blinked lazily, his eyes heavy with passion and lips swollen and red. Warwick had mussed Avery’s hair too. Avery was simply gorgeous, and his dragon demanded Warwick hide such an alluring sight from all those around him.

Warwick considered removing his coat and throwing it overtop Avery, but the human side of his nature pointed out he probably would get punched if he attempted that. Warwick discreetly rearranged his cock, which threatened to burst from his trousers. He tried to speak, but all he managed was a croak. It was not even a dragon-like croak.

Horrified at such a sound, he swallowed and tried again. “It appears chemistry is not a problem for us.”