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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One by Anna LaVerne (14)







                 I finish my food and stand up to leave. I have all three men at my back. They appear formidable. All of them are tall. All of them are trained to fight, all of them have swords and each of them has a form of higher magic, and they were all mine. Tomilson may not be mine in the same sense as the other two, but he is still mine. I realized then that I am going to be fiercely protective of them all. I also realized that I would never let Echo go. He made it through my protective barriers so no matter what happens I know he will be able to get to me and that makes me feel safe. I like feeling safe.

                  We decided that we would head to the war room first. Then one of the guys would go inform all that it matters that I was awake, fed, and out of bed. We couldn't go the back way because then I would have had to walk through the entire Palace, through the throne room, and solar. I would have had a much greater chance running into people that way. Instead when we were on the main floor Tomilson and Garrik walked in front of me and Echo followed behind. I worked my shadow magic to blend into them. Unless someone was looking for me all they would see is a random elf walking with three bigger elves.

                 I had never been to the war room from this direction, so I hadn't a clue where we were going. We were not far though. We only had to walk one of the main halls before we turned and I heard Garrik mutter “Open” to a hidden door. We entered a much smaller hallway where we followed in single line. I could have walked next to another one of me, but there was no way anyone could have fit next to one of my three Elf-men. We made another turn through a regular old ornate cherry wood door and we were in the War Room. It made sense that this place would be the source of planning attacks and protections.

                 I sat down underneath the green and gold stag. All of the chairs in the circular room looked the same, so I didn't think anyone would mind. I felt safer here. It was an insignia of my new home and I found both the colors and the stag comforting. If there is ever a day that I have a choice I wouldn't hide it away as the current royals did. I would proudly display it everywhere.

                 “It is the crest used when the Light and Dark Elves were ruled by one supreme elf. Interesting fact that all kingdoms who were loyal until the end will have a similar tapestry.” Garrik had to let me know he was listening to my thoughts again. I was so peeved at the intrusion I didn't give much thought to what he had said. I have lost the ability the block them well. I am going to be working on that as soon as possible. I am over all the mind reading.

                 “Echo, you go to Toby and Rose. Tomilson, my parents should be in the solar or library. I will stay with Vera.” Garrik is so good at taking command. It is kind of hot. If only I wasn't so tired with the weight of the world crashing onto my shoulders I would take advantage of him tonight. I don't want war, and I don't want people to go to war for me. I sent Garrik a reassuring smile. I hope this war can be avoided somehow. I didn't mean to connect to two different men, and for them both being Princes. It is like fate had dealt me a nasty hand by cheating death. I couldn't dwell on that time long I feared I would forget I had a body again. “I am Vera, I have lips.” I have not been awake long. I caught myself sending reminders through my head when my mind drifts to the time I was nothing.

                  The door opens and the Queen runs in. Her long sandy blond hair flowing behind her as she pulls me from the chair giving me the strongest of hugs.

                  “Daughter! I am so glad to have you returned to us!” My coloring doesn't phase her, though I imagine she has had time to get used to it. Her teal eyes are brimming with tears.

                  “I thought that in our pursuit to make you whole we had broken you. Garrik was inconsolable those first few weeks. We all were.” I returned her hug.

                  “I am here. I am Vera.” I said without emotion. She pulled away from me and stared.

                  “I am sorry my Queen, it is a habit I will have to break. I keep reminding myself I am Vera.” She gave me a gentle nod.

                 “Please call me Mother. I always wanted a strong beautiful daughter such as you. I knew you would survive this. I am guessing we are here because you are ready to tell us what happened and fill in the gaps?”

                  Garrik nodded and placed his warm hand on my shoulder, “I hope so as well. I want to know who Finley is.”

“Finley”, That name echoed through my soul. I looked at Garrik and the Queen with perplexed eyes.

                 “Finley saved me. He had blue eyes. We had no sparks.” The words flew from my mouth. It came to me that is all I remember of Finley.

                   I realized then that they didn't know why my back had split open. They don't know how I became a mixed elf. I am going to have to tell them. I had to fight the sudden urge to run back to my room. I realize I am traumatized. My hands began to shake and I felt the tears welling up into my eyes again. My breath picked up. I couldn't breathe. Garrik lifted me into his arms cradling me like a child. His warm lips pressed into my forehead.

                  “Breathe my little Vera, remember you are Vera, you are okay, you are safe. I have you now. I am holding you now. Breathe.” He bent his head kissing me on my head. The melody of Garrik's words washed over me bringing little goosebumps to my flesh. His song of words entered my head and echoed through my body.                                           “Breathe, my little Vera. You are Vera and you are loved. You are safe. I have you.” His gift of persuasion will be my saving grace in moments like these. I will always need him.

                  I looked up to see that the King, Rose, and Tomilson had entered the room. I didn't even try to climb out of Garriks arms yet. We were still waiting for Toby and Echo to return. The Queen said, “We can do this later. It is still winter, we have time for you to recover.”

                 I shook my head. It doesn't matter when I tell the story I knew that it would effect me the same way. I also felt that if we had some plan in place things may feel more secure and real to me. Right now in this moment I didn't even feel like I was in my body. I looked like an exotic alien more than the other elves. I felt the sadness creep back into my bones. This will be a constant battle. Lost in my thoughts I didn't immediately notice that everyone was staring at me again.    

                  Rose was the first to speak up. Today her hair was a deep chestnut brown. Not that different from mine although it was a little lighter than my dark locks. I always loved seeing what look Rose was going to wear each day.

                 “Princess, would you feel better talking to just Garrik. Then he may be able to repeat the message to us?” It was a pleasant thought, but no. I want it out at once so I am never forced to speak of it again. I pulled myself out of Garrik's arms and sat back down in my chair.

                  I can be brave. They are only words, just a story. My body may be thirty, barely making me an adult elf, but my soul is centuries old. Centuries. I know I am older than Garrik, Echo, and Tomilson combined. I know I am even older than Rose. I am not sure about the King and Queen because I didn't have a clue on their ages. I vaguely remember the King mentioning the same wars I know Rose was a part of. That puts him at five hundred at least. “You are Vera”

                  Echo and Toby had entered the room. Toby worked his way over to me giving me a brief hug letting me know he is happy to have me back. Everyone settled into a chair and waited for me to begin.    

“I know you all want answers, and I want to give them to you. I know why I am both Dark and Light Elf. My original parents were not Dark and Light Elf. I do not remember them. I remember nothing prior to my torture in the Human Realm.”

                 I had no emotion in the words that followed. Everyone was on the edge of their seat. I think they had to know about the whipping.

                  “I was a Dark Elf. I remember seeing my arm being bound to a board where they tore into me. The whip went deeper than skin. It shredded my soul. Every time I tried to pass out they poured water in my face to wake me up. The last thing they did was rip my head backwards and cut off my ears. I do not know who I was other than I was also called Vera. I do not know who my captors were other than they hated me. Deeply.”

                  “I awoke in a mud pit. I was dying. I was still in the Human Realm. An Elf-man, Finley saved me. He couldn't save me from death. When I died my tattered soul exited my body and it began dissipating. There wasn't enough of my soul left to find another body to be reborn in. I called out to Finley and he saw me. He must have had soul magic. He pulled some of his blue soul and pushed it into me. Finley wasn't my spark. I know this, but we were lovers. He hadn't met his flame in that life yet either. His blue soul entered mine. Did you know that Dark Elves have colored flames as well? It's not reflected in their eyes. Mine was and is still primarily green. Like my eyes. His blue swirled through my green. Light Elves are white and whatever other color they possess. So, I became white, blue, gold, and green.

                  My soul was lost. I drifted for centuries looking for my Finley. Repeating 'I am Vera', over and over. It wasn't until I saw a pregnant woman crying in immense sadness that I came to. It was then that I remembered what I had to do. I connected to her because I was also very sad. I thought we could be sad together and we were. I spent most of my life living with that bit of sadness and never understanding why.”

                  Silence. The women had tears in their eyes. The men have stone expressions. No one said anything. Garrik came back around and pulled me into his arms and held me like he could never let go again. I breathed in the smell of fresh rain and rich dirt. The silence went on for a few minutes. I can feel it getting more and more awkward. No one wanted to be the first to speak. No one could say something like it will be alright. It is already more alright than it was, but at the same time I am going to carry that experience with me forever.

                  Rose spoke first. “Princess Vera, I may know who Finley is.” She could have said five hundred different things but at that moment she decided to get straight to the point. I loved that about Rose. I wanted to know. The old me wanted to know. The Vera before this Vera. My current Vera didn't need another man in my life. I don't know what his soul sharing meant, but if it meant I was to have another spark then nope. I don't want any part of it.

                   I shook my head, “I don't know if I want to know. Part of me does, but part of me is terrified it might mean I will have another spark. How did a man live without a piece of his soul for so long.”

                  “If Finley is who I think he is then he has lived quite well. In fact he is one of the oldest of our kind alive today.” Rose countered and wide eyes swept around the table.    

                  “No, can't be. High Councilman Fin is bonded. There could have been multiple elves named Finley over the years, we don't even have a full account of all who died in the Fae wars.” King Rew ran his fingers through his gray hair which he had worn loose except for a single braid on the side. I felt relief from his words. If this High Councilman is bonded then maybe we wouldn't spark. I am intrigued.

                 “If it is him I owe him my existence, but wouldn't he have known I am the Vera he saved all those centuries ago?"

                 “That is why I think it is him.” Rose countered. “He ordered me to stay and watch over you even through the coma. I was told to send a pigeon as soon as you showed signs of waking. I sent the first one yesterday when you opened your eyes. I have yet to receive a response, but by now he will know.”

                 “So, we wait? Where is he right now?” I wondered out loud. Does the High Council have a super secret base where they conduct all of their business? Is there even a place that is neutral enough to have as a headquarters. All are legitimate questions. I really know nothing about the Elven High Council. I know he couldn't be too far if a bird would have already been able to reach him.

                 “He is in one of his personal homes he keeps in the area you would be familiar with as the Ozarks. He moved there shortly after your accident.” Rose finished.

                  “If he suspected who Princess Vera was then why didn't he bring the High Council to Tindril?” Sir Tomilson asked the room. Valid point I wondered the same thing

                 “Because we are on the verge of a possible war. The High Council can not be seen picking sides. Rose is the insider here, and Langly has gone south to King Talon.” Echo didn't even bother to call his father Father. I smelt some animosity there. It all made sense. Perfect sense. I guess there is a chance that this High Councilman Fin might be able to give me some more answers to my past.    

                  “Should I travel to him so there are no direct signs of favor?”

                 “I think that is a pretty good idea.”

                 “Absolutely not!” Garrik slammed his hand down on the table. This is turning into Garrik's angry tick.

                  He continued, “If there was a chance to stop this war before it began, what would King Talon do?” He looked around the room when no one answered Echo spoke up.

                  “He would kidnap and kill the problem, Vera.”

                  “Spot on Prince Echo. You know as well as I taking her out of these walls is not safe.” Garrik always makes me smile when he uses human sayings. I secretly hope he will use them in the wrong context. Like a ringoism.

                 “I agree with Garrik. You will not leave these halls any time soon. You may go to training with Toby daily as long as you have an escort. If Fin had anything to do with you in your past life you were important. I am forced to wonder if you still are more important than we all know.” King Rew said with cryptic undertones.

                  “Now that everything is out on the table I would like to spend time with my Daughter. She needs to take it easy her first few days. She may tire easily. Sir Tomilson, I know you will want to come along as you are sworn to protect so you may. Garrik and Echo may not. It is girl time.” The Queen said pointing her finger at two of my Elf-men.

                 “Ooooo Tom Tom gets to spend girl time with us.” I sent him a teasing wink and watched him squirm. I love my Tomilson. He is my best friend here. I have no fear of saying anything in front of him. He would take any secret of mine to the grave. Not that I have any secrets. I keep having to bare my soul in front of my new family, it is exhausting. Everything about my life now is exhausting, but I love every single elf within it immensely.