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Fake True Love (The Billionaire Parker Brothers Book 1) by Kayla C. Oliver (11)

Chapter Eleven


Dana was so excited about dancing that she almost forgot who would be holding her. As soon as Cole’s arms circled her, the tempo to the music changed. Low and sultry tones surrounded them, and she inhaled sharply. “Too late to back out now,” he muttered in her ear as he pulled her close.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” She hated the way that her body responded to his. As his fingers brushed her bare back, the apex of her legs grew damp. How embarrassing was it that one man could turn her completely on with just one touch of his hand? “Did you know that Kathryn was going to be here?”

“Are you jealous?”

He moved them in a circle, and his hand inched along her back until his fingers slipped under the fabric of her dress on the right side. Desire throbbed inside her. “Why would I be jealous? I’m the one sleeping in your bed tonight.”

She could tell that her words had hit home. He grunted and pulled her against him. “Be careful, Dana. As you just said, you are going to be sleeping in my bed tonight.”

“You’re all about control,” she whispered in his ear. “You wouldn’t do anything that you don’t want to do, remember?”

He swung her around again, his hand guiding her with every step, and his gaze seared her. “And you don’t think that I want you?”

“I know you want me. I just don’t think you’re going to do anything about it.”

It was a dangerous game. She’d thrown down a challenge knowing full well where it might lead, but she was tired of this constant tug-of-war for control. He thought she was just going to be a doormat for him to walk all over, and maybe that’s because other women were more than willing to let it happen, but she wasn’t that kind of woman. She had power, and she wasn’t afraid to wield it.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you want me to fuck you,” he whispered in her ear. “There are a few dark corners in here. I could take you right here, against the wall, and no one would be the wiser.

Oh my, yes. “Does that mean you’re not good enough to make me scream?” she taunted.

Inhaling sharply, he maneuvered her through the dancers until they really did end up in a dark corner. She wasn’t afraid. He was far too concerned about his image to do anything too scandalous.

“I have no doubt that I could make you scream until you were hoarse,” he grunted before he pressed his lips to her throat. The thrill of his kiss raced up her body, and her legs parted as if they had a mind of their own. When his fingers brushed along her bare thigh, the first warning bell went off in her head.

What if she was wrong? What if she’d pushed him too far, and now he really was going to slide right inside her?

“Are you wearing anything underneath this?”

He wanted her to back down. Lifting her chin, she raised an eyebrow. “No.”

The confession made him groan, and his hands stilled. He seemed torn between finding out for himself and realizing that he might go too far. He leaned down again, but this time, his lips sought hers, and she gave them willingly. With one hot, open-mouthed kiss, the passion exploded between them. He let her go and pushed himself up against her. She could feel the outline of his erection and wrapped her arms around his neck. Suddenly, she didn’t care about control. All she wanted was to feel that cock slide inside her until he pushed her over the edge.

“Come on,” he growled suddenly as he pushed away from her. “The first time I fuck you is not going to be up against the wall in a fucking jazz club. Let’s go.”

They made it as far as the elevator before his hands and his lips were on hers again. He thumbed her nipples through the fabric until they were hard against her dress. “I saw you last weekend, braless in that thin white T-shirt, and all I could think about was licking your tits,” he said hotly in her ear.

Oh. She groaned and ground herself against him. Now that the image was in her head, she could not get it out. She wanted to reach back and unsnap the dress until he could fit his lips around her nipples and suck.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. A couple stood on the other side and gasped as Cole let Dana go. She was so embarrassed that she couldn’t even look at them. “I recommend the jazz club,” Cole said curtly as he tugged on her hand and pulled her behind him. “It’s got some great food, and it’s sure to put her in the mood.”

As soon as they were in the clear, she pulled her hand away. “Put me in the mood? I felt that erection. I know just how much you want me!”

He turned his head. “I do, and unless you want to get naked right here in the hall, I suggest that you not stop again.” He held out his hand, and Dana knew that this was her last chance to say no. If she went into their room like this, there would be no turning back.

Wordlessly, she interlocked her fingers with his and let him pull her down to the room. Holding her breath, she waited as he slipped the key card into the lock. It clicked. He pulled her in, and before the door could close behind them, he’d slid his hands along the back of her neck and undid the clasp of the dress. It pooled at her feet, and she stood, naked, in front of him.

“Christ,” he whispered. “If I had known that’s what you were hiding beneath those shapeless pantsuits, I would have gotten you naked much sooner.”

Normally she felt embarrassed, exposed when someone looked at her naked form, but there was no judgment in Cole’s eyes. Just pure, white-hot desire. “Your turn,” she whispered.

“No.” His voice was rough as he stalked toward her. “Not yet.”

His touch was scorching, but she willed herself not to be swept away by the pulsing need inside her. Even as his hands skimmed down her arms, she reached for his shirt. “I want you naked,” she insisted as she pulled his shirt out from his pants.

His anger was quick on his face, but when she reached for his pants, she knew that she had won the battle. Unbuttoning and unzipping him, she pulled him out and squeezed his length. His cock jumped in her hands, and his own fingers moved up until they could pinch her nipples. Shocks raced through her, and she gasped.

“Sensitive there?” he growled as he did it again.

“Yes.” She couldn’t help but moan again. She wanted nothing more than to let go and let him do whatever he wanted with her, but she needed to wield a little power of her own. Gripping his pants, she slowly lowered them as she fell to her knees.

“Dana,” he hissed, but she was already licking the head of his cock, teasing him ever so gently. He gripped her head and moaned, but he didn’t push or force her. “God, baby. Come on.”

Baby. Hearing him call her that, hearing him moan for her, broke her need for control. Now all she wanted was pleasure. Opening her mouth, she took him in, loving and sucking until she could feel his knees shaking.

“No more,” he said harshly as he pulled her head away. She tried to protest that she wasn’t nearly done with him, but he fell to his knees and pushed her back onto the floor. Covering her body with his, he kissed her deeply, his tongue thrusting inside her. She writhed beneath him, rubbing herself against him like a cat. Never before in her entire life did she need someone as much as she needed him.

“Now. Please,” she moaned. “Please, Cole.”

“Not so fast. We’re doing things my way.” With a wicked grin, he flipped her over until she was on her belly. The hard wood was cold under her skin, but when she felt his lips at the top of her spine, she warmed considerably. His tongue traced the length of her spine lower, lower, lower, until he glided down and under her. Lifting her hips, he slid up under her until he could fasten his mouth on her wet heat and suckle. Gasping, she pushed herself up until she was practically riding his face. Her nails scratched along the floor, and she practically wept when his tongue flicked along her clit.

“Cole,” she gasped. “Please, don’t stop. I won’t be able to take it, if you stop. Please.”

She was so close to the edge. Her whole body trembled, but right before she reached the point of pure bliss, he pushed her hips away and blew gently on her pussy.

“No, what are you doing?”

Chuckling, he moved away from her. “Do you really think I’m going to give you your first orgasm with me on the floor?”

“Honestly, I really don’t care. I’m fine with the floor.”

He pulled her across until she wrapped her legs around his waist, and in one fluid motion, he stood and pulled her up with him. She could feel his muscles rippling along his back, and she wiggled just a little, hoping she could nudge his erection inside her.

Inhaling sharply, he stopped moving. “So, you’re okay with the floor? Where else might you be okay?”

“Chair. Couch. The entertainment center. I’m perfectly happy right here if you can hold me up.” She kept moving, but she couldn’t quite guide him in. Frustration built.

“Entertainment center it is,” he grunted as he sat her down on the cool surface. “Fuck, Dana, do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”

“Is it driving you crazy? Because you’re driving me crazy!” She reached down to grip his cock, but rather than driving inside her, he simply dipped his head and licked at her nipples.

“I’ve been fantasizing about these. They’re just so damn perfect,” he whispered as his tongue jutted out, and he licked them again. Over and over again, he played with her until she wanted to scream. Her body was coiled up so tight she thought she might burst, and finally, when he slid inside her with one long thrust, she bowed her back and cried out as the orgasm took over.

“Dana,” he muttered hoarsely as he rode her through the orgasm. “Ah, fuck, baby, it’s too soon. Too soon!” He grunted but didn’t stop, and she’d barely come down from her orgasm before he was crying out and coming inside her. Anchoring her arms around his neck, she held him tightly.

“It’s okay, baby,” he whispered soothingly. “We’ve got all night, and if I recall correctly, you named a number of surfaces that you wanted to try out.”

Oh God. She was limp in his arms as he lifted her and carried her to the couch. Sitting down, he pulled her back down onto his lap and kissed the side of her neck. He was still hard inside her, and she whimpered a little and moved. Just a few inches. Back and forth. They were making a huge mess, but she didn’t care. There was something amazing about having him inside her, and it didn’t take long before those tiny movements became nice long strokes, and soon, she was riding him to the edge of chaos with no thoughts about what would happen tomorrow.