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Fake True Love (The Billionaire Parker Brothers Book 1) by Kayla C. Oliver (7)

Chapter Seven


Dana didn’t even recognize the woman staring back at her. Her hair was twisted up and pinned, and there wasn’t a single curl attempting to escape. A professional had been called in to do her makeup, and she looked older and a little more reserved. Of course, when she did her own makeup, her eyeliner was usually smudged, her mascara clumped, and her lipstick never the exact shade it needed to be.

The green dress was a perfect fit. Strapless, it hugged her curves, dipping into a sweetheart neckline and tightening around her abdomen before flowing in several layers down to her knees. It was perfect for a fancy outside event and ten times as expensive as anything else she’d ever worn.

She hated all of it.

Staring at her reflection, she reached out and touched the glass just to make sure it was her. Tentatively stroking the cold surface, she swallowed hard and tried not to cry. Here she was, looking expensive and classy, and yet she’d never felt more cheap in her life. The way that Cole Parker had talked to her yesterday, well, she’d never let anyone talk to her like that in her entire life. The more he spoke, the smaller she felt. It was all she could do not to hurl something at him, but she needed the money, and he knew it.

“You look lovely.”

At the sound of his voice, she whirled around. He leaned against the doorframe as though he’d been there for quite some time. “Do you like it?” Pushing away, he walked toward her and stood behind her. “There is something missing.”

Her breath caught when his fingers skimmed her bare throat. With a wicked smile, he hung a thin silver chain around her neck until the large emerald pendant rested at her cleavage. “If anyone asks, I gave that to you during our three-month anniversary.”

Right. “Because we’ve been together for four months.”

“Good. And we met?”

“At Shimmer, the pool-top bar in the Benigno Hotel.” She hesitated as she stared at him in the mirror. “Your associates might recognize me. I did work for your company long enough to do three events.”

“I doubt that anyone will remember the help,” he said with a smile. Anger exploded in her chest, and she had to extinguish it. She wasn’t the help. She had been an employee in his company, one of the little people who had helped make his own family the billions of dollars they sat on.

“Sounds like just the type of people that I want to impress,” she muttered under her breath.

He narrowed his eyes, and she smiled sweetly at him, certain that he’d heard every single word she’d just said. Part of her was starting to understand that Cole needed her, and it would take more than a few grumblings to get herself fired.


“Please tell me there’s going to be food at the party. I tried to have some dinner, but your makeup artist was horrified that I was about to eat in my dress, so now I’m starving,” she complained as she grabbed her clutch.

“Most women don’t eat before these events so they can look as slim as possible in their dresses,” he said with a frown.

Dana shrugged. “Not only do I not care what these people think of me, I happen to know that I look fabulous in this dress. Also, I’m not going to starve myself for you.”

“Skipping one meal is starving?”

“Yes.” She nodded solemnly. “I’m so hungry that I’m considering how you might taste in barbecue sauce.”


His voice dipped an octave, and she blushed. She’d felt a little more comfortable with him since he’d made it clear that he didn’t expect her to sleep with him, but she could still feel the shimmer of sexual tension between them. She’d meant to be funny, but the room seemed to heat up a couple of degrees as he lowered his gaze down her body.

Determined to take control of the situation again, she thrust her chin out. “If you think barbecue sauce is kinky, you aren’t nearly as experienced as you pretend to be.”

His eyebrows shot up, and she tried to look dignified as she walked out of the room. Luckily, her heels were just about the only thing about her outfit that she knew she could rock.

As she passed him, he casually rested his hand on the small of her back. Heat simmered at the contact, and she failed at suppressing the small shudder that ran up her spine. She was horrified to discover that he turned her on, but if he noticed, and she was sure that he did, he didn’t say anything.

Outside the front entrance, Lee waited next to a limousine. A few reporters were waiting outside as well, and Dana gasped and blinked when flashbulbs started to go off in her face.

“Easy,” Cole murmured in her ear. “You’re supposed to be used to the attention, remember?”

Right. Forcing a smile, she placed her hand on her hip and stood to the side like all those celebrities on the red carpet. Cole sighed in exasperation and subtly pushed her to the car. “This is not a fashion shoot,” he grumbled under his breath.

“Hey, Cole! How is it to work with your brothers again?”

“Are you and Blake agreeing on how to run the company together?”

“Are you planning on taking the company out from under him?”

“Who’s your date for tonight? A supermodel?”

As soon as she was safely in the car with the doors closed, Dana’s eyes got big. “Do I really look like a supermodel?”

“Straight to Garret’s place,” Cole instructed Lee before raising the partition between them. As soon as the car started to move, he reached into the compartment next to the seat and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He handed one to Dana, but she shook her head.

“I don’t drink.”

Staring at her like he couldn’t comprehend, he cocked his head. “What did you just say?”

“I don’t drink anymore,” she explained. “I have a tendency to make bad decisions when I drink, so I just don’t now. But thank you for the offer.”

“You don’t drink. You don’t swear. Pity considering you have a mouth made for sin.”

A small smile played on his lips, and she narrowed her eyes. “What is wrong with you? You can’t say stuff like that to me. It’s rude, and frankly, it’s not something a boyfriend says to a girlfriend.”

“Are you sure about that?” Shrugging, he poured himself a drink and drained it quickly. “I suppose it’s been a while.”

Dana looked at him expectantly. “Are you going to apologize?”

“Why? What I said was the truth. You’ve got a mouth made for sucking…”

“Do not finish that sentence,” she interrupted loudly. “Ten minutes ago you were teasing me, and now you’re being crude. Did the reporter’s questions get to you? Do you and Mr. Parker not get along?”

“Mr. Parker is dead,” Cole growled angrily. “Blake will never fill my father’s shoes.”

The hiss in his voice made her shrink into the seat. “I guess that answers that question,” she said as she swallowed hard. “I won’t ask again.” Clearly, whatever competition was happening between him and his brothers was enough to set him off. He glared out the window during the rest of the drive, and she looked down at her hands in her lap. It was going to be a long couple of weeks if he continued to be so hot and cold.

Finally, the limo came to a stop. Dana reached for her clutch but met Cole’s hand instead. Raising her gaze, she saw him studying her intently. “Smile.”

She had a feeling her smile was almost feral because he chuckled as the door opened. Pulling her hand away, she grabbed her purse and let Lee help her out.

Garret and Lisa’s new house was stunning. She could already see people milling around outside, and she was relieved to see that none of the press were here. Private. Glamorous. Despite the man with his arm wrapped around her waist, her heart fluttered with excitement. She’d always lived such a simple and boring life. She’d never dreamed that she’d attend something so fun and glitzy.

The change in him was disconcerting. He was warm and gentle as he led her through the crowd. As he stopped to speak to people and introduce her, he occasionally leaned down and kissed the top of her head. His touch rarely left her, and she grew almost comfortable with it.

Few people were interested in her, and that was fine. Although she tried to smile and be attentive, her gaze wandered around as she took everything and everyone in. Anytime a tray of food passed, she’d snag something and pop it in her mouth. Caviar. Shrimp. Stuffed mushrooms. Everything was delicious, but it was all such small portions. She wanted to snag a tray and devour the whole contents.

When Cole placed a glass of champagne in her hands, she looked up to remind him that she didn’t drink, but he shook his head with a warning in his eyes.

Great. Now it was doubly hard to steal food with a drink in one hand, especially since she had to remind herself not to drink it.

“Kathryn,” Cole said suddenly. He tugged on Dana’s elbow until she stood in front of him. Gazing up, she saw a stunning blonde in a gorgeous low-cut, red dress with a cool expression on her face. Something tugged at Dana’s memory, and she realized this was the same woman who’d turned Cole down at the coffee cart.

“I wanted to apologize for the other day. I think you mistook my actions. This is my girlfriend, Dana. Dana, this is Kathryn Wellington. She’s the daughter of a business competitor.”

The beautiful woman studied him for a minute before resting her gaze on Dana. For a moment, Dana felt like the nerd that bullies used to shove into lockers. The queen of the mean girls was no doubt about to put her down, but Kathryn smiled and held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dana. I must admit that I thought Cole was hitting on me the other day.”

“Hitting on you?” Dana reached out and pinched Cole hard. “He better not be!”

Cole grunted. “Not at all. I’d just met with your father a few days ago and wanted to say hello and catch up. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

“Yes, well I have been busy. I apologize for being rude. Dana, what do you do?”

Her mind went blank. What did she do? What did that information sheet say? “I’m a writer,” she suddenly blurted out.

“Oh!” Kathryn’s eyes lit up. “I love to read. Do you write fiction?”

“I do. At least I’m trying to. Still working on that first novel.”

“What’s it about?”

Oh God. “What’s it about? That’s an excellent question. It’s sort of a mystery, romance, and science fiction kind of story. Robots and stolen diamonds and love.”

“You’ll have to excuse her,” Cole broke in with a chuckle. “She’s very secretive when it comes to her novel, but she doesn’t like to be rude. Kathryn, if you don’t mind, I see Blake over there, and Dana hasn’t met my family yet.”

“By all means. Dana, it was lovely to meet you. Maybe you’ll let me read this book of yours when it’s ready. It sounds intriguing.”

Cole pulled Dana away just as a server walked by. “Novelist? You’re supposed to be an interior decorator.”

Snagging a mushroom, she shoved it in her mouth. “Sorry,” she mumbled. “I just froze and forgot. I don’t know anything about designing furniture or fue shei.”

“Feng Shui,” he snapped. “And quit talking with your mouth full. This is a disaster.”

Dana swallowed and put the glass of champagne to her lips. To her surprise, Cole stopped her. “You don’t drink, remember?” With a sigh, he took the glass from her and turned her around. “You’re nervous. I get it, but you have nothing to be nervous about. Few people are going to ask you questions. You look stunning, so they’re just going to be content to look. Next time you can’t remember a question, just grab my hand, and I’ll answer for you. Okay?”

Wonderful. He’d managed to compliment and demean her all in one paragraph. She had a feeling that was something he did often. Most people were probably so hung up on the compliment that they hadn’t even realized how backhanded it was.

“Cole. I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it,” a low voice murmured. Dana and Cole turned to find Blake and Hawk both staring at her. She swallowed hard. She had seen their pictures in newspapers and magazines, but seeing them together, in person, was an experience she wouldn’t soon forget. Three gorgeous men standing so close to her. She was afraid she might melt into a puddle.

“Why wouldn’t I make it?” Cole asked, irritated. “Garret used to be my friend too.”

Used to? “Yes, but you two haven’t been on the friendliest of terms,” Blake said with a frown. “I assume you’re here to show your support rather than to actually give your support.”

“I’m here to support Lisa. She’s a hell of a woman. It’s rare to meet a woman who deserves such respect,” Cole said offhandedly. Dana sucked in her breath, and Cole immediately put his arm around her as if he’d just forgotten about her. “Except for you, darling.”

“Darling?” Hawk raised an eyebrow. “Oh, this I have to see.”

“Hawk,” Cole said through clenched teeth. “Blake. This is my girlfriend, Dana. Dana, these two are the bane of my existence.”

“I’m sorry. Did you say girlfriend?” Blake turned his head and stared at her. “Since when?”

“Four months.” Cole stepped in when Dana didn’t say anything. She still felt frozen under the oldest brother’s gaze. “I haven’t been bringing her to any functions because I was afraid all this nonsense about the business might scare her away. I don’t want the press all over her, but she said she just wanted to show some support.”

“I assume she can speak for herself? Dana, is it? I apologize for my surprise. I’ve never known Cole to have a girlfriend. What do you do?”

Dana took a deep breath. “I’m an interior decorator.”

At the same time, Cole spoke up. “She’s a novelist.”

Oh no. Blake’s gaze turned dark. “Are you kidding me? This is something I’d expect from Hawk, but not from you. You’re trying to pawn an escort off as your girlfriend? Christ, Cole. On second thought, please tell me she’s an escort and not some hooker that you picked up on the street.

“Excuse me?” Dana narrowed her eyes. “Did you just call me an escort and a hooker?”

She kept her voice low, but her anger still carried, and Blake looked a little shocked as he stepped back. “I am not a whore, and if that’s where your mind went, then I feel sorry for you. I went to school for interior design, but it hasn’t been making me happy of late. I keep trying to write a novel, and Cole keeps telling me that I need to stop saying that I want to write and start acting like I am a writer. He’s just showing his support.”

The lie rolled easily off her tongue as she defended Cole, and even her pretend-boyfriend looked shocked. Blake cocked his head and stared at her. “My apologies. I didn’t want to offend you.”

“But you wanted to offend your brother by insinuating that he’d stoop so low as to hire a hooker off the streets?”

“Don’t get upset, sweetheart,” Cole murmured as he took her elbow. “You’re likely to draw attention to us, and I don’t want word getting back that there are some issues between my brothers and I, remember?”

Dana sucked in her breath. It surprised her at how upset she’d gotten when Blake had accused Cole. Even if the truth wasn’t that far off, he hadn’t hired a hooker. She may be for sale, but only her acting skills and never her body.

What was wrong with this family?

“She’s right,” Blake said softly. “I was out of line, and I apologize.”

Hawk and Cole both looked stunned at Blake’s confession. Dana nodded. “I appreciate the apology, and I’m sure that Cole does as well.”

Cole finally recovered enough to turn the subject back to business. As he and his brothers quietly discussed business, she backed away long enough to snag another shrimp dish off a passing tray. Her stomach growled even as she popped it in her mouth, and she winced.

It wasn’t that she was a glutton, but she had a tendency to eat more when she was nervous, and being around all these people made her nervous. Unable to help herself, she continued to touch the necklace that Cole had hung on her. What if someone tried to steal it? What if someone did steal it? She’d never be able to pay him back for it!

“You’re wandering,” Cole said suddenly as he wrapped an arm around her.

“Sorry. I got distracted. Oh, that’s her!” Her eyes widened as her new idol came walking towards them. Lisa Moore, soon to be Lisa Mason. Gorgeous, smart, a real ball-buster. What was not to love?

She stopped in front of them and smiled. “Cole. Who is this lovely creature on your arm?”

Dana was tongue-tied, so Cole stepped in. “Lisa, this is Dana Coulson, my girlfriend.”

“I didn’t realize that anyone had caught Cole’s eye. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The surprise was evident in her eyes as she held out her hand. Dana took it and tried to remember everything that was on the piece of paper.

“We started dating a few weeks ago,” Cole explained.

No, that wasn’t right. They’d been dating for months. Glancing up, she could see that Cole had realized his mistake, but he only tightened his grip around her. Dana quickly stepped in to distract the woman before she asked any more questions. “Is this your ring? It’s absolutely stunning!”

“Thanks. Garret does have good taste.”

“Congratulations. When is the big day?”

Lisa immediately lifted her gaze to Cole. Her lips pressed into a thin line. “We’re not sure yet. There’s so much going on, and I don’t want to have to stress about the company and my wedding.”

Obviously, there was something else going on here, but Cole had averted his eyes. Dana frowned. Did Lisa and Cole have some sort of relationship? Weren’t Cole and Garret supposed to be friends?

Lisa nodded slowly. “Maybe we can have lunch next week and get to know each other,” Lisa offered.

“I’d love that!” Dana said with a small smile. She’d really be able to pick Lisa’s brain about what had made her so successful.

“Actually, we’re going on a cruise next week. Maybe when we get back. Excuse me, I see someone who I want to introduce Dana to. I love the house by the way. Garret chose well.” Before Dana could properly tell the woman goodbye, Cole dragged her off.

“What was that?” Dana muttered.

“I don’t want you trying to start a relationship with Lisa. This thing of ours is only temporary, remember?”

“I admire the woman, and I’d like to get to know her better,” Dana said with a shrug. “Besides, when we’re no longer together, then we can form an ex’s club.”

“Ex?” Cole frowned. “Lisa and I never dated.”

“Oh. I thought I sensed some tension between you guys.”

“The tension has nothing to do with me. Garret and I aren’t on the best of terms lately. You know what, it’s nothing. Don’t even worry about it.”

“I’m not…” Dana started to say, but Cole cut her off.

“We made an appearance. I think it’s time that we left,” he said coldly.

“But you barely spoke to your brothers…”

“I’ve done what I came here to do. I don’t need you to try and cozy up to anyone else.”

His words hurt her, and she clamped her mouth shut. He guided her out of the party, and she wistfully looked back. She hadn’t been looking forward to it, but now that she was here, she would have liked to stay and enjoy herself a bit more.

Cole didn’t even speak to her on the way back except to remind her to look like a woman in love in case the reporters were still there. They weren’t, and he didn’t even bother thanking her before he stormed into his own bedroom and closed the door.

It was going to be a long couple of weeks.




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